The Daily Oklahoman from Oklahoma City, Oklahoma (2024)

SIXTEEN THE DAILY OKLAHOMAN SATURDAY, DECEMBER 4, 1948. Seal Estate Wanted 118 Farms for Sale 124, Stage Is Set FAMILY wants GI or FKA horns, any oc- ttiat 1,339 Till hanult. 4-2S11. Deer Creek 80 A. West is! Ednond on csvlas.

Ail boiicM plow Theat. coin, altallalsnd. no 110 rlty. Fun price only tS.OOO. Sam E.

Flood 2-5339 4-2S79; 4-0643 For Tideland Fourth Big Pay Zone Is Proved For Eik City Superior Tests Gas-Distillate In Kingfisher equipped for 22 head of cows, 2 large Poultry i houses. turkey barn and yard, hog lots "anil granary, close In on paving JOS COMPLETE SEAL ESTATE See tor action, fli Teioma lake, Lespedeia. I CASH for GI, FHA Eqty. Deaths SARTv Seven orodueins- fipMe haw Superior Oil of California has tested discovered in the tideland areas of the Gulf of Mexico, while 36 salt domes have been manned a-rifl Ipbspa! of I Charles S. Long, 75.

HOLDENVILLE, Mrs. Mary E. Hunt. WEWOKA, Mrs. Jane amine JnckMn.

59. OKEMAH. nrnty a second rone in the No. 1 Long, la SE SE SE of 16-17n-7w, Klnsttshw wildcat southwest of Dovef. and proved the dolomite aa a source LongtHn NE 8W ot 15l0ti'2lw.

Tim Harry Franklin Schlotz. 65. WILSON, Oil the Louisiana coast, Dean. A. Mc- Gee.

executive Km. mne west or tne company'? well, and now has proved NW. MUST BE muuree un Here, told the regional meeting of AAPG at mes two gas-condensate gas ana distillate, i Testing perforations at 8,565 to 640 feet Vn. the dotomttc wVth pacVter at 8.M1 feet 6h tublne. the well CITY.

John- H. Smyth. CUSHING, Isaac Morrush, 74. SHAWNEE, James Pavne Smith, fid: Mrs. Martha Har.

i- a need listings all Sizes nuuaton xnuay aiternoon. About areas the Louisi illation; On drill-slam at a iuo a riett Powers, 75. TEc*msEH, John; flowed 56 barrels ot 60.6-Rravity dis ana coastal area have bppn ipn.cjri ranches- gram' Coast I Uslhe -l'i-inch ton anri hnttm Lafayette Sander, 77. tillate in seven and a halt hour since 1945, bringing total bonuses of! through chokes varvlne in size from chokes, the well flowed at-the rate of' 396barrels of condensate a day, with' apout 18 millions to that stat 2064-inch to 964-lnch. Wea His paper described various tvnes mm ma ncaa the annual Boy Scout barrels of condensate per- million feetj me nun was accompanied with gfes Volume ranging from about 000 cubic feet dally on 6maU choke, to 8,000.000 feet on the largest opening; good pressure was shown on the gas.

crews were to core ahead. Shell's No. 1 Kellv. in NE SW jof drilling and exploration and development methods on the IPirst oil produced in open waters of 23-10n-21w, was drilling at 8,727 feet. kickoiz set tor Monday morning.

Named to help Eaton and Cunningham in the drive are Clyde Hume, Jake Wricht. Dave Hamilton. E. tne was in tne Creole field of Quick Cash for GI Equities. 7-7197, 9-1323.

i wo miles south of the Held proper, I le Union Co. has shut in Cameron pansn in 1938 by tne Superior Oil and Pure Oil companies. ine Humon has been tested throufih I Tujon, 7-nn, house, barn granary, Cecil, Lynn Good, Everett Garttellj Aermac KDarRs Piav perforations at 8,05080 feet and flowed 92, barrels of 6gravlty dlstlllat waiter uroucn, am Janzen, Rex Har-ris, Isadore Schiff. Clarence ho*r. Heal Estate Loans Present development was srrartmt at the No.

Music, extension well in SE NW of 25-10n-21w, after1 a series of production tests through' perforations in casing at 160 Acres Bottom man, Henry Horst, Joe Hettel, Oscar LOANS 6 feiger Investment Co. in 15 hours; with better than 4,000,000 cubic feet of gas daily. Whether Superior will try for a dual completion at the wildcat has not been indicated by the company, Maenolla Petroleum by Kerr-McGee and associates when! it discovered shallow production. orJ Block 32 of the Ship Shoals off Terrebonne parish last autumn The discovery well did 897 barrels of. Renz, James Craddock, A.rtlur Doiph shuJI.5, Paul DeFehr, Royi Goodin, Lee Hatcliffe, George B.

Bak-I 3-5S6. 5-7180. 7-8073. Of 24-10tt-21W, recovered 45 feet mud on drill-stem test at feet and was coring below 9,240 feet. Same er, raui aiewara, ixu Jboitiss and LOANS ON HOMES and Gulf Oil have an interest, in th discovery, and hold offset acreage, a.d-aegree gravity oil a day through no.

l-v W. T. Music, in SE NW t. Wilson. Wynnewood.

Olda. nau-incn cnoKe, irom pay zone 35-l0n-21w, set conductor pipe at 65 feet and was drilline at 1.425 ieet: and Trust fin IipIIpvp thai 'have been completed from the same teimerich Payne, hft5 rtlllng! KJfffl. Tmi. Pa. Jan.

I platform, OAS flpenlng a deeper hori- cusi oi uvmg is sun going up. This week it nald its 303 offlrs Clark me. Oklahoma Citv in dependent, has started a Burbank BOTTOM FARM GI LOANS SOI 4f FHA LOANS AV2 "Conventional Loans 414 AND 5 IOMPT KSPECriOS CLOEEiC Mager Mortgage Go. and employes two weeks extra salary for those with the bank over a year test south of Ralson in Pawnea county on a block assent Principal With Disinterest igr Charles H. Price of irebaugh, isn't a bit excited that a rare operation, performed when ne was a day old, saved his life.

Nurse Georgianna Reymann hold? the baby, as yet unnamed, at Children's hospital in Los Angeles. Stanolind to Drill On Katie Flank Stanolind Oil Gas will try lyear, Otis mQUntockTlmident ed oy w. Reese Diilard of Tulsa, Contract for the oneratlon. No. 1 Porter Investment Co.

with total depth of the well being i 9,245 feet: it flowed 205 barrels of oil Craddock in SW SW SW of 14-23n- the extreme north side of the Katie day through a 516th-mch choke. Superior Oil discovered gas-distil-1 te on Block 71. Vermilion narish in i pool of Garvin county, staking oca oe, nas Deen lei wniiams-copeland, of Tulsa. Pay sand is expected to be lound at about 3,100 feet, the Craddock is about Pfluk VhIIav Howard Powell of raUlS Valley Maysvllle has been1 31-2n-Iw. Bids anfl Proposals Wanted 125 namea oarvm county tag agent ceeding Elmer T.

Manning. Carter Oil has asked the corporation July. In August the Magnolia found gas-distillate at block 72 of Ship! Shoals area, and later the Magnolia; got gas-distillate on Block 54, the Eugene Island area of Iberia parish. i east and south of the Porter Oil te Gas No. 1 Eva Vaughn, in SW-SE NW Sealed bids lor the lurnlsiilnr of all I Powell has opened an office in Pauls! commission ior an exception to ami Sinclair Tests Antioch Oiler NewPayZone Hit at Perry well in the same section, in the S' censes would go on sale Decembei oi i-zon-e, an jmlsi watcnorn pool outpost, which is drUUng below feet fpr a moo-foot test, ew Field Showing Barnsdall Oil got a 2.560.600-foot of the 40 acres.

Spot is a diagonal i American First Trust Co. srlooflfif se lintrretroaatioma RlSt BlUOIlSl Blfll. 7-1531 ordurattonothlitoryofcfatoS onset to a ary noie. carter recently dry gasser at its block 36 well in the1 abandoned the No. 1 Acree, in NE i Kansas Oil Reports Pnwnoo Christmas holidays for i uwiiCC Pawnee schools will start December 23, and classes will be re Breton Sound area of Plaquemines' NW of 5-1 n-1 parish.

sumed January 3, according to Homer The northwest flank of the South- me northwest flank of the i Raliton-Roblmon. Carter Oil apparently is opening a aw zone lor the northwest Ferry "ailcl apprentiy is opening a new ne lor the Northwest Another field is indicated at the! err-McGee et al well on block 32. Oklahoma Reports LoaBS on Real Estate KrTmSi'; Another field is indicated at the South- ftfc mn Portrtc Shaw wteii that. be opened 'and pnwiciy id Kerr-McGee et al well on block 32, Ferryh'est-Antioch pool has come through) 'JKlahoma Reports isnaw. superintendent ot schools.

Un ws mk is-. i Ptmmtit, With g60d Producer at the Sinclair-! Ship Shqal area, which pool of Noble county, testing in aw HW ol 31. McAlester ISM Misener at the No. 2 Short, in SE SW Misener at the No. 2 Short, in SE SW Prairie No.

1 McWhirter, in NW SW NE of 12-3n-3w, which averaged bet-: ter than 46 barrels of oil per hour on of 451 feet, stillin the Miocene, where the hole was lost, after indicating gas-condensate at 13,970 to 14,045 feet. com! IJJTO toH45 ftet HW or 17-21n-lw. In a nearbv nnr.1. Sinclair-Prairie has found production completion test. Alester business section.

can or.wnt, sinclair-Prairie has ISoTS lUtote buVne section vt 212 pnriiine meters, somp arp No. 2 Tappe, in SE SE NE ol "a 7,100 feet. Interested with Kerr-McGee in the the BMlesrllle smd. -s tor older machines, while previously metered. The meters1 purchased from a mmmn oaaaxrr invi-jiaiDBi w.

der's bond, in the ajnount cf nat las 17,100 feet. 36 latJ'8et on the BarllesrUle und. Ulam.n(, i fflamit tJS pUSS1 Interested with Kerr-McGee in the cTrterNo 2 short iv, mA irlTO. ofeesJedro nS vLZ metered The ml MtSVU-S Tfm? AM! ,1 STAK4- tP swlb'bed1 Krre5, of tTo? cDav a aJ 1 Vl Ship Shoals area are Phillips Petroleum, with a half -interest and the Stanolind Oil Gas Co. Ship Shoals area are Phillips 'Petrofe- tn interest and the The Garvin county ailoi; perforated at e.eee-ep and 6.680-99 and fi.yos-M feet, flowed a total of 1,113 barrels of 42-gravity oil in 24 hours through a -inch choke, accompanied by cubic feet of gas per day.

Casing pressure was 925 pounds, with -200 pounds on the tubinir. Total tenth was The Garvin countv oiler, perforated at MBB-srua 6.680-99 and W-H "dkt. flowed a total of 1,113 barrels of oil ln 24 hours throuh 3nTe SinvrS'S! drllllnc below S.eoa i onKawa 2nan WU1 be ln the 0f. 6.787 feet, with hole plugged back to jl- Weather w'ith pSSfdSSTisS-r1, ZP-oyTin 'I Acreage for Sale 121 HlKlIl OKL AHOM A CITY lucre asing VrtHrn nowara Harold of! Northern Oklahoma Junior colleee all tt 3,88 'to i.SXli IttU kcldlud day Tuesday to interview sophom*ores concerning the navy's new aviation uauei, program, ur, Loren N. Brown, president, has announced.

He win see men who are complet- spring. I Jessie Earles has Wn SLtaiS nS oiDouias1 31rd. I 12 ald" swdIiSloSUimtapay10U)e i5 wlth caslnR set at 6.822 Jeet. neat' total "epth! OtTIQ SS la. drive out alt.

4 p. p. Hash 3-5517 1 eaewnEeprimins. none ol -whicH erjA cloudy.scaltered show- dS" I11 NE ffi- SW ot S-SlnJw ihe 011 Wo- 2 PKin- NW LoJ'? U3v 5 North Texas Reports JCllimoie elected noble grand ofi uju oenuiioie uaa reiiows lodge. Oth Archer; City, i)n pS.SSvSS The Golden Trend flsM first niGStlng ia January, are 5 Love, vice-grand: E.

H. Harbison spp retary: Merrill Morton, treasurpr- Cori E. Brown, trustee, and Lloyd Lee, staff industrial service at Oklahoma college, will meet with the board of directors of the Choctaw countv ber of commerce here on December! 13 to discuss the possibility of mak- survey toward development of in the area. According to I. D.

Hartwell. chair-1 mt) J. R. 6dU nd I i wile tut of (h on bo 'i AUltfij Oil Investments 126 by light rain nortlurest; Wghs Saturday 62 ne0i cmP pic0ntinenui 011 No pieich tud 60 leet at dlttlUile: running eltclrle log, laree B-na. Si.

2-ear fruit Wbdys over-ridtag tor iStksAO-Foir and warmer Saturday- In Ve- 1 Hiakle- ln SW SE oi i3-Sa-3V. Mc- UCCpeT Oy rOUnO co*k. ill SW SW SE Of county. Ullrir. Dr.

Rflttdall T. Klemme dl- taughUnCTHESwtsrv-A-Jl33Mli trees, easj teras. a-2169. 160 A. cn an Arbuckle tesL Weil is creasing" cloudiness Saturday night.

lolioed 'SiLf0 1 nd (n I Dl ZT MeiSchokenh 840 0001 rector Of tile agricultural" and 'for a e.MO-foot tell, on MUthM.t D5 S. HOYTil-inataha co "StSSS 00" nW In Louisiana POO! SyrugM5i-SU industrial service at Oklahoma 8h mi town 01 Tteftntifiil Tffipnma Park SSnonTamT jt jrihA iWta' 1 lleW. will meet with the board r. nd Ata seit. iSeautllUl JNieoma.

jrarii. jones. 215 sw s. 79-3577. mrSJwT? 70- mv'sw oi Aa-iAe dnutni o69'it Deeper production has been Eason.

tn 3W ne nw ot surikce pipe directors ot the Choctaw countv cham- at the No. 1 1,. Parker, te 6--J hdZJS? Sinbact mu Perpetual royalty near Velma fiuSttXwSt oSionTi 11X rK ln ln tlie Atnem nel Ol Claiborne par- JrLPhlfiill Petroleum 1 bsr commerce here on December a-sm twa wiimmK" ythe wffln flS porch, H3tiMes. or. sthh.

shoppifig toUndate5 ow spreadlntr to the west and north yorUons Sae 7, 'M cirw nw of northern iLoulSlana, at the M. A. In NW SW of 18-ln-4w. Stephens 13 to discuss the possibility of mak- i tt-toe reati I1100 MS 4V gSS sXjlmS I and Sunrfty 011 No- mg a survey developmerTt of JSviiK WABa r'slaLCO S3s2S "US rkif 4" 26101 an over the sUte Sunday. High Saturday 1S3.

the Midden field. la dry and abandoned sXl-W l3yjwnol SESSJ-pft, cioudy goiVSffll. ft i pi-MruJ No. i ne nw According to I. D.

Hartwell. chair- no .3 biwV WSt dustrial gommittee, interested cltl. mag. ihgg. jrat oguS.

mnferSS: d5? I it I SS'T'SSj-4 sW Uon5 "J.2100 feet, the well gauged c'Mfo lntere5led m'LJl Tounr Conty-3ltli Benlot Ho. I Robin drilling below teeU zens are also urged to attend the meeting to take part in the discussion of such a project toward promotion of oured meeting to take part ln the discussion ch Prject toward promotion of Texas OH Reports 4" ston. 58-8352. c.Swretuw'fpfidM? i. v.n Lfmtv'J! of 23-6 barrels of distillate per mil- veima rnoi-cuif on no.

i Thomssson. rtthieT 4-wSetare dSf l. 7" to 37 tet ot' green shale and sand with light Hon. Prom the Vaughn sand (Cotton wfrkf ftwaameNoen8 Domain stocicrf ltu liii. Trade for OMa.

a sack. Call 4-3973. inWnlght Highest Iday 63 at 3 p. low- ttaln ana for. sinclalr-Pralrle No.

Valley) with pipe perforated at 8 500 sw ol n'Sw it 1 mm" tuttte development of the COmmu- IZWl TTnb lor Itn'' 61 loBer it Same toe tot SS mu. wltot ftNE SE WE tech the well did 10,500.000 feet of TZfb nltjr' -v" room, double attached, outbldgs. 1 ln l916' lwe" 6 189'- 1 SE Sas, With 33.6 barrels Of distillate per land, in SW SE NE of 24-ls-5w, drilling OkhhomaWildcats Perry Slatitttut CaanlfT. lluattr tad Rut jrtnclsco acobar survey-A' nicoma park BSSgsniM Northern owofcoma Dr(imw 4c((v((y (h; wm snftSiSsTfflEtSSt soiL sWctte mot Priced S5.000. No I se-Roe.

in SE SE NE 0.J-2n-3a- P. a. J4 Tribal, drilled to S.93R leet. county was drllUnB beloV 3.6TO County Ths Texas nr Wo, i Jfsrrinrinii Vntu in tectton 2J0 3 M7roetBnowwTr tarrel'o fde5flenf TO "cao; ouinoBi v. hours from pcrforarfons at feel.

umV te inotw aav i.ii son- SE NE SE of perforated "HO, presmca, me program was ar I- 5IDN. ACREAGE SE TzBr SR" I Jack and Rus" 163 of" dry ani roT'coTTrdern 1' tartlw to Mtte Southwest Oklahoma LtndSaY DiStriCt XT ATbuUe.TO Ko Pool-Magnolia IL.VS2rtoS metilOd Of Conducting meetings. Ceenl Area-Skelly Oli is to fa, Statu, imp acreags tracts S. SihSLra fflj SSlS 2 JJJ rt nda.M.noa 3 tc nw 00 and WM on WVlSSd tk8ifi Those present were: Orville Em- 'gA0' orf. 6U mi East- Han SEOT SW" ni-j'f aryl to this date (mld-'' of6 ip'nE SEWNWo? "lNE MSB or'n'swloweo-4b m0nS'cLl0yd erry.

Dvid GiI 'oilnCe il'rt flT llll ol Dan alTI 1 01 5018 ffl5 aiui'sA-p" m.1" Aftwnhm Sner.a'rfl SW 1 3W" oWcutmud and mudaT'deUU Yliaatvilght. tce thr- W'CoafyL6 WB WnMrUMfQf Otttu 'iiTJ. 'atrSUn'oUnd oil Gas No. 1 5anmJar' MU 8:55 m- btowvI'b1' 'ta'c'sl ofisn- McClatn fee? arfww drtflli'ahead'to the'wIlcoF' SW 3i'il)'BW' WU 6min ottSOr iwer, is TOCJrj tfteMa. 2 mr Jftt, SSi.

fa rW 10 4 Nc piicEjIrIij5 yiif ty tiTjll yT1 Ny Farms for Sate 124 pneo't to Florida. Low clouds, fog and occasional light rain prevailed lltl JMr- CMiM NJtj la mSa tMMtSK' I mi. ss uiZm got 4ffi2 ruuS2d0er oj southeiuNew England and New York. Ohio valley, Great IgfpB- BBBBB XVjlB sarrijrcg oSIII EeSr4wa4rif25uH onal temperatures. The west coast fromentral CaUfornia 6 Blndiim, in aw NW.

The Daily Oklahoman from Oklahoma City, Oklahoma (2024)
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Name: Nathanael Baumbach

Birthday: 1998-12-02

Address: Apt. 829 751 Glover View, West Orlando, IN 22436

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Job: Internal IT Coordinator

Hobby: Gunsmithing, Motor sports, Flying, Skiing, Hooping, Lego building, Ice skating

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