The Nomad co*cktail Book: [A co*cktail Recipe Book]Hardcover (2024)

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It’s three o’clock in the morning and I’m sitting in New York City at our local bar with a few members of my team, reflecting over a few pints on that night’s service. My day began seventeen hours earlier, at ten o’clock the previous morning—which alternately feels like it was moments ago and weeks in the past. When I walked through the door of The NoMad yesterday morning, the prep team had already been at it for hours, producing more than one hundred quarts of juice and the four hundred hand-cut citrus twists we would need for service that day. Bartenders and barbacks arrived next to ready the Elephant Bar and its sibling next door; there were infusions and syrups to prepare and inventory, tools to gather and work stations to set, cases and cases of liquor to receive and catalog.

It’s a mad dash to prepare for service; over the course of a day, hundreds of guests will come through our doors. Some will dine in the restaurant, some will lounge in the library, some will pull up a stool to sit with us at the bars. Nearly all of them will have a co*cktail. Our team consists of fifteen people per night, and everyone works their asses off during their ten-hour shifts—stirring, mixing, and serving nonstop. Now that it’s 3 a.m. we should, admittedly, call it a night—because tomorrow, we do it all over again.


I began bartending at Eleven Madison Park (EMP) in the spring of 2005. At that time, the restaurant was a busy brasserie known for its warm service and accessible fare. The bar was a meeting place for local businesspeople and a holding area for guests waiting for a table. The co*cktail menu comprised eight proprietary drinks unchanged since the restaurant’s opening in 1998. The bartenders were all friendly and efficient; they were as thrilled to pouryou a glass of wine or fashion you a gin and tonic as to mix one of the drinks from the menu. But, as with most dining destinations in New York in 2005, the restaurant had no real co*cktail culture.

In 2006, EMP began to evolve. A rising chef, Daniel Humm, took the helm of the kitchen, and a young dining room guy, Will Guidara, joined the team as our general manager. They were determined to make radical changes to the restaurant—to elevate the experience to a level worthy of the luxurious grandeur of its dining room.

As always, with change came resistance. Many of the staff had worked there for years. There were some who embraced this new direction—but for those who did not, well, their tenure at the restaurant was drawing to a close. So I was scared sh*tless when Will and Daniel called me into their office for a talk. I was anxiously expecting the boot, but I was wrong. They had very high aspirations for the bar at EMP, and they felt that I, acting as head bartender, was the person to take it there. They made their goal explicit: They wanted our bar—in spite of the fact that it was a “restaurant bar”—to be one of the best in the world.

In 2006, good co*cktails were not associated with restaurants, let alone fine dining restaurants. There were a few pioneering co*cktail bars, like Pegu Club and Milk and Honey, that were bringing back the craft of the co*cktail and devoting themselves to techniques and ingredients just as chefs did. But for the most part, you would be hard-pressed to find innovative and well-made co*cktails at many other bars, let alone restaurant bars.

Essentially, Will and Chef were asking me to do something that had never been done before: create a co*cktail program that maintained the rigorous standards of a top-tier fine dining restaurant—drinks that weren’t just an afterthought, but expressed the spirit and philosophy of the restaurant in which they were served. It might have been my lack of confidence, or maybe my shock that I was still gainfully employed, but my first reaction was to laugh out loud. This was not the response they’d wanted to hear. That’s when I received the first of many “Will Guidara” looks. (Years later, Will admitted that he thought about letting me go, right there and then.)

I not only survived the rest of the meeting, but I also started to become very, very excited by the ideas Will and Chef were sharing. Over the course of the next two hours, we ironed out our goals. We wanted to create a four-star restaurant for our generation, one that didn’t focus solely on food and wine, but rather approached everything we served—beer, coffee, tea, and what was to become the focus of my life, co*cktails—with the same intensity of purpose.

When I left their office and stepped back behind the bar at EMP, I looked at it in a way that I never had before. I couldn’t help but think about where I was four years earlier: sitting behind a desk at an investment bank. It was a good job, I was making decent money, and above all else, my mom was proud. But I hated it. After a year of trying to convince myself that this was what I wanted to do, I finally quit, officially beginning my quarter-life crisis. A friend of mine was an investor at the very popular restaurant Sushi Samba, and suggested I work there. So a few weeks later, I traded in my suit for a brightly colored shirt and tight black pants, and got to work behind the bar. Sushi Samba was one of the hippest places in town—it even made multiple appearances on Sex and the City. (The show filmed at EMP a few years later—remember the scene when Carrie found out Big was engaged and knocked over a tray while tripping down the stairs? To this day I question why they were so enamored with me and the restaurants where I was working. But I digress. . . . ) The training at Sushi Samba was intense. They required mandatory wine, sake, beer, and spirit classes, which were led by Paul Tanguay and his staff. The classes opened my eyes to the vast world of beverage, and I slowly began to appreciate in ways I never had before the things I had been serving. But my appreciation for well-crafted co*cktails didn’t come until a few months later when a coworker took me to the new hot spot, Pegu Club.

It was a Wednesday at 11 p.m. when we walked into the bar. I opened the menu to see a list of unfamiliar co*cktails, all of which included ingredients I had never seen. I wanted a vodka co*cktail and the only one they had contained a smoky Scotch that sounded absolutely disgusting to me at the time. Maybe the bartender overheard my desire for vodka, or perhaps he saw my look of confusion, but he suggested I order a Gin-Gin Mule. I did, hesitantly. Unsure of what to expect, I glanced over at the bar while he was making my drink, and I was captivated. The process was beautiful, almost like a dance—it was clear he took his craft seriously. The way he measured every ingredient precisely using this thing that I would later learn to call a jigger; the way he hit the mint, bunched it together, and placed it perfectly in the drink, effortlessly but with absolute intention. I was fascinated. And then the first sip. It was so flavorful—spice from the ginger, a minty freshness, a citrus bang, and gin, combined in the most pleasant way imaginable. Had I really just enjoyed gin?

Back in the real world of my day job, I still wasn’t even sure that being a bartender was my true calling. I’d always wanted to be a doctor, but years earlier had given up on the idea because I never thought I’d be able to afford medical school. But working in restaurants in New York City, I came to realize that there was no limit to how much debt one person could be in, so I took out some more student loans in order to pursue my dream. I enrolled in the pre-med post-baccalaureate program at Hunter College and began my studies while continuing to bartend at night. Trying to juggle school, work, and life was almost unmanageable at first—homework, so much f*cking homework!—until I applied for a job at one of Danny Meyer’s properties, EMP. Many of my friends had gone to work for Danny, and said he was running restaurants in a different, more respectful way. They were happy and had balanced lives; mine was full of stress and chaos. When I was offered a position tending bar at EMP, I accepted without hesitation.

The Nomad co*cktail Book: [A co*cktail Recipe Book]Hardcover (2024)


What is the best mixology book of all time? ›

1. The Bartenders' Guide: How To Mix Drinks Or The Bon Vivant's Companion. Many co*cktail experts regard this book as the best classic co*cktail recipe book. Jerry Thomas, the "father of mixology," wrote this book and published it in 1862.

What is the oldest co*cktail book? ›

Pre-Prohibition books: The first known co*cktail manual of any regard is Jerry Thomas's book of 1862. It's known variously as The Bar-Tender's Guide, How to Mix Drinks, and The Bon-Vivant's Companion. Dozens, if not hundreds, of other books appeared in the decades between Thomas's and the enactment of Prohibition.

What to read to make better co*cktails? ›

The five essential guides to improved mixology
  1. The Joy of Mixology. By Gary Regan. ...
  2. The Bar Book. By Jeffrey Morgenthaler. ...
  3. Liquid Intelligence. By Dave Arnold. ...
  4. Imbibe! By David Wondrich. ...
  5. The Oxford Companion to Spirits and co*cktails. Edited by David Wondrich and Noah Rothbaum. ...
  6. Also in the mix.
Oct 25, 2022

How to prepare a co*cktail? ›

To make your own version, you can muddle fruit or herbs in the bottom of co*cktail shaker, then add your preferred liquor and mixer. Shake the mixture with ice and pour it through a strainer into a co*cktail glass. Or, try a classic like a martini, mojito, mint julep, or margarita.

What co*cktails do most bartenders know? ›

  • Aperol Spritz. This wine-based Italian co*cktail is a big trend here in the United States. ...
  • Bloody Mary. A longtime brunch menu staple, the Bloody Mary is a favorite for those that like a more savory drink than sweet. ...
  • Cosmopolitan. ...
  • Daiquiri. ...
  • Dark 'n' Stormy. ...
  • Dirty Martini. ...
  • Long Island Iced Tea. ...
  • Mai Tai.
Mar 24, 2023

What book do bartenders use? ›

The Bar Book: Elements of co*cktail Technique

Our top pick for beginners comes from renowned bartender and co*cktail blogger Jeffrey Morgenthaler. This technique-driven co*cktail and bartender book breaks the complicated world of mixology down into an easy-to-understand guide.

What is America's oldest co*cktail? ›

The famed Sazerac Coffee House was founded in New Orleans in 1850 and soon became known as the home of “America's First co*cktail,” the Sazerac. Using rye whiskey (in place of French brandy), a dash of Peychaud's Bitters, and Herbsaint, what eventually became the official co*cktail of New Orleans was created.

Who is considered the father of mixology? ›

Jeremiah P. Thomas (October 30, 1830 – December 15, 1885) was an American bartender who owned and operated saloons in New York City. Because of his pioneering work in popularizing co*cktails across the United States as well, he is considered "the father of American mixology".

What was the first mocktail in the world? ›

The Shirley Temple is probably the most famous mocktail ever. This classic mix of ginger ale and grenadine with a squeeze of lemon or lime topped with maraschino cherries is believed to be the world's first mocktail. And it's still alive and well today.

What alcohol makes the best co*cktails? ›

Gin is often considered one of the best alcohols for co*cktails due to its versatility and ability to complement a wide range of flavors. Its botanical profile, which includes juniper and various herbs, adds complexity to co*cktails, making it a favorite for classics like the Martini and the Negroni.

What alcohol is best to drink while reading? ›

Book & wine pairings
  • Drink pairing: Pinot noir. Book: Drunk on Love by Jasmine Guillory.
  • Drink pairing: Chardonnay. Book: This Time Next Year by Sophie Cousens.
  • Drink pairing: Champagne. ...
  • Drink pairing: Cabernet Sauvignon. ...
  • Drink pairing: Moscato. ...
  • Drink pairing: Belgian. ...
  • Drink pairing: IPA. ...
  • Drink pairing: Stout.
Feb 13, 2023

What is the best alcohol for multiple co*cktails? ›

The list of 7 types of spirits to perk up your party scenes and make you the champion of co*cktail making is right here and right now!
  • VODKA. Vodka is transparent distilled liquor with an array of its types originating from Poland and Russia. ...
  • GIN. ...
  • TEQUILA. ...
  • RUM. ...
  • WHISKEY. ...
  • MEZCAL. ...

What is the golden rule of bartending? ›

Direct contact with the customer, serving them well and making eye contact. This is perhaps just as relevant as knowing how to make a co*cktail. As a Bartender you have to always practice cordiality, courtesy, respect and above all, make them feel special.

What is the golden rule of mixology? ›

Almost all the classic drinks you know and love, from the Daiquiri to the Gimlet or the Margarita come down to the same basic ratio: 2:1:1. That's two parts spirit, one part sweet, and one part sour, commonly known as the Golden Ratio.

What are the 7 basic co*cktails? ›

The 7 essential co*cktails every drinker should know how to make
  • Martini.
  • Manhattan.
  • Negroni.
  • Old-Fashioned.
  • Gin and Tonic.
  • Daiquiri.
  • Margarita.
Sep 29, 2022

What is the king of all co*cktails? ›

Martini. The gin martini is the king of co*cktails. A clear, classic, very strong co*cktail. For such a simple co*cktail (gin, vermouth), the martini isn't afraid to court a little controversy.

Who is the father of mixology? ›

Jeremiah P. Thomas (October 30, 1830 – December 15, 1885) was an American bartender who owned and operated saloons in New York City. Because of his pioneering work in popularizing co*cktails across the United States as well, he is considered "the father of American mixology".

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Name: Trent Wehner

Birthday: 1993-03-14

Address: 872 Kevin Squares, New Codyville, AK 01785-0416

Phone: +18698800304764

Job: Senior Farming Developer

Hobby: Paintball, Calligraphy, Hunting, Flying disc, Lapidary, Rafting, Inline skating

Introduction: My name is Trent Wehner, I am a talented, brainy, zealous, light, funny, gleaming, attractive person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.