LN MANAGEMENT, LLC SERIES 5664 V. JPMORGAN CHASE BANK, 18-15402 (9th Cir. Apr. 24, 2020) (2024)

` No. 18-15402
`D.C. No.
` No. 18-15510
`D.C. No.


`Appeal from the United States District Court
`for the District of Nevada
`Robert Clive Jones, District Judge, Presiding
`Submitted February 7, 2020*
`Pasadena, California
`Filed April 24, 2020
`Before: Danny J. Boggs,** Sandra S. Ikuta,
`and Kenneth K. Lee, Circuit Judges.
`Opinion by Judge Boggs
`Joinder / Diversity Jurisdiction
`The panel vacated the district court’s judgment in a case
`raising claims after a Nevada homeowners’ association
`(“HOA”) commenced foreclosure proceedings; held that
`diversity jurisdiction existed and the Federal Foreclosure
`Bar applied; and remanded for further proceedings.
`* The panel unanimously concludes this case is suitable for decision
`without oral argument. See Fed. R. App. P. 34(a)(2).
`** The Honorable Danny J. Boggs, United States Circuit Judge for
`the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit, sitting by designation.
`*** This summary constitutes no part of the opinion of the court. It
`has been prepared by court staff for the convenience of the reader.


`In March 2003, Kit Dansker obtained a home loan to
`purchase real property in Las Vegas, Nevada. On October
`3, 2009, Dansker died. In 2011, the neighborhood HOA
`began foreclosure proceedings, and sold the property to LN
`Management, LLC. The priority lienholder was Fannie
`Mae, and the Federal Housing Finance Agency (FHFA).
`The district court held that LN Management had not
`identified any legal representative of Dansker’s estate, and
`since no such person was identified and joined, complete
`diversity existed. The district court then turned to the merits,
`and granted Fannie Mae’s loan servicer, JPMorgan Chase
`Bank, N.A.’s motion to dismiss on the grounds of then-
`prevailing precedent, Bourne Valley Court Tr. V. Wells
`Fargo Bank, N.A., 832 F.3d 1154 (9th Cir. 2016). The
`Nevada Supreme Court subsequently declined to endorse the
`holding in Bourne Valley.
`The panel held as an issue of first impression in this court
`that Dansker, as a dead person, was not a proper person to
`be sued. The panel held that the dead lack the capacities that
`litigants must have to allow for a true Article III case or
`controversy. The panel further held that when a dead person
`is named as a party, the dead person’s prior citizenship is
`irrelevant for diversity citizenship purposes when a
`controversy is between citizens of different states.
`The panel held that diversity did in fact exist at the time
`of removal where the lawsuit was against JPMorgan Chase
`and Kit Dansker, and Dansker, being dead, had no legal
`existence, and, therefore, was not a citizen of any state. The
`panel further held that the district court did not abuse its
`discretion by denying LN Management’s motion
`substitute, for Dansker, the “Estate of Kit Dansker” where
`there was no indication in the record that probate
`proceedings were ever initiated by the Nevada courts in


`Dansker’s regard, nor who the correct legal representative of
`Dansker’s estate was or is. The panel concluded that
`diversity jurisdiction continued to exist.
` Because the theory on which the district court found in
`favor of JPMorgan and FHFA and Fannie Mae on summary
`judgment was flawed, the panel vacated the district court’s
`decision, and remanded.
`Kerry P. Faughnan, North Las Vegas, Nevada, for Plaintiff-
`Howard N. Cayne, Asim Varma, Michael A.F. Johnson,
`Dirk C. Phillips, Lindsey D. Carson, and Omomah I. Abebe,
`Arnold & Porter Kaye Scholer LLP, Washington, D.C.;
`Abran Vigil, Bllard Spahr LLP, Las Vegas, Nevada; Leslie
`Bryan Hart and John Tennert, Fennemore Craig P.C., Reno,
`Nevada; for Defendants-Appellees/Cross-Appellants.
`BOGGS, Circuit Judge:
`There are a number of ways to accomplish litigation
`regarding interests once held by a dead person. One can
`institute or join probate proceedings, for instance, or sue the
`executor of an estate in courts of general jurisdiction, or in
`some circ*mstances proceed directly against the successors
`of the deceased. Rarely do we see efforts to actually engage
`the dead in litigation. This case turns on such a question,


`which is of first impression in this circuit: can you sue a dead
`The answer may seem obvious. Yet strangely, in the 129-
`year history of this court, we have never been called upon to
`rule on this issue. We do so today, and we resolve the
`question in the negative.
`I. Facts
`This case is an appeal from yet another Homeowner’s
`Association (HOA) foreclosure in Nevada that is being
`challenged by the mortgagor, the Federal Housing Finance
`Agency (FHFA), and Fannie Mae. Nevada law allows a
`homeowners’ association to foreclose on a property that is
`more than a certain number of months
`in arrears,
`notwithstanding the interest of the holder of any lien that
`might otherwise have priority, such as a mortgage. See Nev.
`Rev. Stat. § 116.3116(2); Berezovsky v. Moniz, 869 F.3d
`923, 925 (9th Cir. 2017). Unsurprisingly, such procedures
`1 There is ample extrajudicial literature bearing on this question.
`Dead men, we know from multiple authorities, would not make good
`litigants. They “tell no tales,” so they would be bad witnesses and
`(Walt Disney Pictures 2017). Since “you can’t take it with you,” they are
`judgment-proof defendants. See GEORGE S. KAUFMAN & MOSS HART,
`YOU CAN’T TAKE IT WITH YOU 75 (Dramatists Play Svc., Inc. 1937).
`And there is persuasive authority that, in whichever of the two traditional
`locations the deceased is now to be found, obtaining personal jurisdiction
`and serving of process would be difficult. See U. S. ex rel. Mayo v. Satan
`& his Staff, 54 F.R.D. 282, 283 (W.D. Pa. 1971) (finding no personal
`jurisdiction over defendant notwithstanding the “unofficial account” of
`The Devil and Daniel Webster); State Senator Ernie Chambers v. God,
`No. 1075-462, (Neb. Douglas Cty. Dist. Ct. Oct. 8, 2008) (dismissing
`case due to impossibility of service on Defendant), appeal dismissed;
`order vacated (Neb. Ct. App., No. 08-1180, Feb. 25, 2009).

`have led to much litigation, particularly when the priority
`lienholder is Fannie Mae or the FHFA, which currently holds
`Fannie Mae in conservatorship. In such cases, the Housing
`and Economic Recovery Act (HERA) imposes a bar (the
`Federal Foreclosure Bar) to a foreclosure that would
`extinguish the interest of Fannie Mae or the FHFA without
`the FHFA’s consent. See 12 U.S.C. § 4617(j)(3); Fed. Home
`Loan Mortg. Corp. v. SFR Invs. Pool 1, LLC, 893 F.3d 1136,
`1140–41 (9th Cir. 2018); Berezovsky, 869 F.3d at 926–27.
`The case before us had its origins in March 2003, when
`Kit Dansker obtained an $83,000 home
`loan from
`Washington Mutual Bank, F.A. to purchase a home at
`5664 Divot Place in Las Vegas, Nevada. In April of that
`year, Fannie Mae purchased the loan and took ownership of
`the note and Deed of Trust. Five years later, in July 2008, in
`response to the global financial crisis, Congress passed the
`Housing and Economic Recovery Act of 2008 (HERA),
`establishing the Federal Housing Finance Agency (FHFA).
`HERA contains a provision, the Federal Foreclosure bar,
`which mandates that “[n]o property of the agency shall be
`subject to . . . foreclosure . . . without the consent of the
`Agency.” 12 U.S.C. § 4617(j)(3). As authorized by HERA,
`the FHFA took Fannie Mae into conservatorship that
`September, where it remains to this day.
`Meanwhile, on October 3, 2009, Dansker died. In 2011,
`the neighborhood HOA began foreclosure proceedings
`against 5664 Divot Place, and in March 2013 it sold the
`property at foreclosure sale to LN Management for $8,030.
`Neither the FHFA nor Fannie Mae ever consented to this
`HOA sale extinguishing the federal financial bodies’ interest
`in the property.
`In May 2013, LN Management filed a quiet-title action
`in Nevada state court against Kit Dansker and JPMorgan


`Chase Bank, N.A., which in May 2013 had become the
`record beneficiary of the deed of trust as Fannie Mae’s loan
`servicer. Because of the sheer number of Nevada HOA
`foreclosure cases over the past decade, as well as the
`interplay between state and federal courts, the law in this
`area has evolved repeatedly and rapidly. As a result, this
`case, like many others, had a convoluted path through the
`courts. First, JP Morgan Chase removed the case to federal
`court on the basis of diversity, arguing that Dansker was
`joined. On September 5, 2013, LN
`Management made a formal Suggestion of Death, through
`which it entered Dansker’s death certificate into the record,
`evidencing her death four years earlier. On October 30, LN
`Management moved to substitute “the Estate of Kit
`Dansker” as a defendant instead of Kit Dansker. LN
`Management stated that it “has also discovered that no one
`has effectuated any probate action, therefore this action
`should continue, but with the estate of Kit Dansker named as
`the property real party in interest.” As the close-eyed reader
`can see, the very fact that no probate action had been
`initiated (through the correct state procedures) created an
`anomaly when it came to the proposed joinder of the estate:
`how was it to be joined? Through whom? The motion did
`not say, exactly. The attached memorandum of law stated
`that, “Plaintiff has not found … [a probate] proceeding, but
`has located at least one person, a Lori Weber, who claims to
`be the daughter of the decedent, which [sic] would be a
`proper person to serve on behalf of the estate of Kit Dansker,
`if the estate is substituted in as the real party in interest in
`place of Kit Dansker. FRCP 17(a)(1).”
`In November, the United States District Court for the
`District of Nevada ruled that Dansker was fraudulently
`joined, denied LN Management’s motion to remand, and
`granted JPMorgan Chase’s motion to dismiss. The court,


`while noting Dansker’s death, did not base its fraudulent-
`joinder ruling on these grounds; rather, it held that the
`joinder was fraudulent because
`the foreclosure had
`extinguished any possible right Dansker might have to the
`property. In a one-line comment, it also denied a motion to
`substitute the Estate of Kit Dansker, for the same reason. The
`district court then dismissed the action for failure to state a
`claim, holding under a then-current district court precedent
`that an HOA foreclosure under Nevada’s law did not
`extinguish the rights of the holder of a first mortgage. See
`Bayview Loan Servicing, LLC v. Alessi & Koenig, LLC,
`962 F. Supp. 2d 1222 (D. Nev. 2013). LN Management
`While that appeal was pending, the Nevada Supreme
`Court ruled in SFR Investments Pool 1, LLC v. U.S. Bank,
`334 P.3d 408 (Nev. 2014), that a HOA foreclosure did
`indeed extinguish the rights of the holder of a preexisting
`mortgage. Id. at 419. LN Management and JPMorgan Chase
`therefore jointly requested that the appeal be dismissed,
`following which the district court, at the agreement of both
`parties, vacated the dismissal that it had been previously
`entered. Now the case was back before the district court. At
`this point, Fannie Mae and the FHFA moved successfully to
`intervene. The federal parties then moved for summary
`judgment on the basis of the Federal Foreclosure Bar. The
`district court denied this motion in September 2015, ruling
`that the fact that Fannie Mae did not appear as the record
`beneficiary of the deed of trust “create[d] a genuine issue of
`material fact as to whether the FHFA or Fannie Mae owned
`the note and deed of trust at the time of [the HOA] sale.”2
`2 This common situation, in which a bank rather than Fannie Mae
`appeared as the record beneficiary on the original mortgage, created two


`In April 2017, the district court granted “several months”
`for jurisdictional discovery because, as it later noted,
`“diversity depended on the citizenships of any successor(s)-
`in-interest of the deceased homeowner (Kit Dansker) . . . .”
`Then, on December 7, 2017, LN Management renewed its
`motion to substitute the estate of Kit Dansker as the real
`party in interest in place of Kit Dansker. Despite the
`jurisdictional discovery period, the renewed motion was not
`materially different than the previous one, because it still did
`not identify a representative of the estate. It stated (in slightly
`more definitive language than the first time around) that
`“Plaintiff had located a daughter of the decedent, who lives
`in Nevada, which [sic] would be a proper person to serve on
`behalf of the estate of Kit Dansker, if the estate is substituted
`in . . . .” LN Management further requested time to “serve
`Lori Weber, a beneficiary of the estate of the deceased, Kit
`distinct questions for courts in the Nevada HOA cases. The first was
`whether Fannie Mae and the FHFA retained a property right in the
`mortgages, so as to invoke the Federal Foreclosure Bar. Cf. Berezovsky,
`869 F.3d at 932. The second was whether the type of evidence typically
`presented—the records of the federal financial bodies and the
`declarations of their representatives—was admissible and sufficient to
`support summary judgment. Cf. id. at 932–33 & n.8.
`At the time the district court in this case ruled, it relied on a 2012
`Nevada Supreme Court case, Edelstein v. Bank of N.Y. Mellon, 286 P.3d
`249, 254 (Nev. 2012), to hold that there was a triable issue of fact on the
`first inquiry and doubts as to the sufficiency of the evidence on the
`second. As will be seen, we have since clarified that the controlling
`Nevada precedent is In re Montierth, 354 P.3d 648, 650–51 (Nev. 2015),
`and that under it, the property right that Fannie Mae and the FHFA had
`in the mortgage here was sufficient to invoke the Federal Foreclosure
`Bar and the type of evidence involved was admissible and sufficient. See
`Berezovsky, 869 F.3d at 932–33 & n.8.


`In 2018, the district court entered a second summary-
`judgment ruling, which is the one that is on appeal today.
`First, the court noted that, notwithstanding the jurisdictional-
`discovery process, “the parties had not identified any [of
`Dansker’s] successors.” “The dispositive fact was therefore
`that no non-diverse party had been joined.” In the absence of
`identifiable successors, the court noted, “LN now argues that
`the Court should consider Dansker’s estate to be a defendant
`(and to substitute the estate for Dansker, if necessary), and
`that under § 1332 the citizenship of the estate is the same as
`Dansker’s citizenship at the time of her death, i.e., Nevada,
`which would destroy diversity.” But LN had “neither
`identified any legal representative of Dansker’s estate nor, to
`the Court’s knowledge, made any effort to have one
`appointed” under state law in the five years (at the least)
`since learning of Dansker’s death. And “Dansker’s estate,
`like Dansker’s memory, is an abstract concept that cannot be
`sued except through a legal representative who can appear to
`defend the interests of the heirs (whether yet determined or
`not) in any remaining estate property.” Since such a person
`had not been identified and joined, the court found, complete
`diversity existed. Moreover, the court also ruled that:
`The Court denies the separate motion to
`substitute “the Estate of Kit Dansker” for Kit
`Dansker. First, Kit Dansker is not even a
`proper party who can be substituted for. She
`died before the action was filed, and no legal
`representative has ever appeared. Second, her
`estate is not a juridical entity that can sue or
`be sued except through a representative, and
`LN identifies none.
`Having so ruled, and having found that there was complete
`diversity, the district court then turned to the merits. It


`granted JPMorgan Chase’s motion to dismiss on the grounds
`of our then-prevailing precedent, Bourne Valley Court Tr. v.
`Wells Fargo Bank, N.A., 832 F.3d 1154 (9th Cir. 2016),
`which held that Nevada’s HOA foreclosure statute was
`unconstitutional for lack of due process. Id. at 1160. This
`appeal followed.
`The FHFA and Fannie Mae, meanwhile, cross-appealed
`the district court’s denial of their motion for summary
`judgment on the basis of the Federal Foreclosure Bar and its
`denial as moot of their quiet-title and declaratory-judgment
`counterclaims. The cross-appeal is also before us in this
`II. Standards of Review
`We review a district court’s grant or denial of summary
`judgment de novo. Oswalt v. Resolute Indus., Inc., 642 F.3d
`856, 859 (9th Cir. 2011); Aceves v. Allstate Ins. Co., 68 F.3d
`1160, 1163 (9th Cir. 1995).
`“Removal presents a question of subject matter
`jurisdiction, which is reviewed de novo.” Schnabel v. Lui,
`302 F.3d 1023, 1029 (9th Cir. 2002). We review the decision
`to allow substitution under Fed. R. Civ. P. 25 for an abuse of
`discretion. See In re Bernal, 207 F.3d 595, 598 (9th Cir.
`2000); Charles v. Burton, 169 F.3d 1322, 1327 n.6 (11th Cir.
`1999). Similarly, we review the denial of a Fed. R. Civ. P.
`15 motion to amend for abuse of discretion. Allen v. City of
`Beverly Hills, 911 F.2d 367, 373 (9th Cir. 1990).
`III. Legal Analysis
`Since the filing of this appeal, changes in or clarifications
`of the law have caused each party to abandon positions taken
`at the district court. The Nevada Supreme Court, in response


`to a certified question from the federal District Court for the
`District of Nevada, clarified in 2018 that the HOA statute
`was subject to certain procedural protections of Nevada law
`(which the Bourne Valley court had held did not apply in
`such cases) and thus complied with constitutional due-
`process requirements. SFR Invs. Pool 1, LLC v. Bank of New
`York Mellon, 422 P.3d 1248, 1251–53 (Nev. 2018); see
`Bourne Valley, 832 F.3d at 1159. Therefore, the Nevada
`Supreme Court declined to endorse the holding of Bourne
`Valley. SFR Invs., 422 P.3d at 1253. JPMorgan and the
`federal financial bodies concede, for the purposes of this
`case only, that the theory on which the district court found
`in their favor at summary judgment was flawed. For that
`reason, though the defendants below ultimately do prevail
`today, we must vacate the decision below.
`On appeal, the federal financial bodies and JPMorgan
`Chase rely, however, on another theory. They argue that the
`Federal Foreclosure Bar should apply to this case and that
`the district court erred in not granting summary judgment on
`this point. Here it is LN Management that gives way. Since
`the district court issued its 2015 ruling denying the federal
`defendants’ motion for summary judgment on the grounds
`of the Federal Foreclosure Bar, we have clarified that the
`Federal Foreclosure Bar does indeed apply in situations,
`such as the one in this case, where the federal entity is not
`the record beneficiary on the deed of trust but can prove its
`through admissible evidence. See
`Berezovsky, 869 F.3d at 932; Fed. Home Loan Mortg. Corp.
`v. SFR, 893 F.3d at 1149–50.3 In its Third Brief on Cross-
`Appeal, LN Management concedes that the FHFA’s
`“arguments [regarding the applicability of the] Federal
`Foreclosure Bar “are persuasive.” Failure to respond
`3 See also supra note 2.


`meaningfully in an answering brief to an appellee’s
`argument waives any point to the contrary. See Clem v.
`Lomeli, 566 F.3d 1177, 1182 (9th Cir. 2009). We are,
`moreover, satisfied that, as we have ruled over and over
`again recently, the Federal Foreclosure Bar does indeed
`apply to such situations.4
`Such a conclusion (or admission) is fatal to LN’s case on
`the merits. That would be that, therefore, except that LN
`Management raises two separate arguments as to why we
`lack subject-matter jurisdiction and thus that this case must
`be remanded to state court. First, LN Management argues
`that “original diversity jurisdiction never existed in the
`case,” because LN Management had originally tried to join
`Ms. Dansker (the deceased former resident of the foreclosed
`house) and the district court’s 2013 order finding this to be
`fraudulent joinder rested on an erroneous, since-discarded
`precedent. Secondly, LN Management points out that it had
`sought in 2013 and 2017 to have Ms. Dansker’s estate
`joined, which the district court denied each time. It now
`argues that these denials were error.
`As to the first argument, we held in another HOA-
`foreclosure case that attempts to join the former homeowner
`do not constitute fraudulent joinder. See Weeping Hollow
`Ave. Tr. v. Spencer, 831 F.3d 1110, 1113–14 (9th Cir. 2016).
`But Weeping Hollow concerned the joinder of a living
`owner. Dansker was dead at the time the joinder was
`4 In addition to Berezovsky and Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corp.
`v. SFR, see, e.g., Williston Inv. Grp., LLC v. JPMorgan Chase Bank, NA,
`736 F. App’x 168, 169 (9th Cir. 2018); JP Morgan Chase Bank v. Las
`Vegas Dev. Grp., LLC, 740 F. App’x 153, 154 (9th Cir. 2018); Elmer v.
`JPMorgan Chase & Co., 707 F. App’x 426, 427–28 (9th Cir. 2017);
`Saticoy Bay, LLC, Series 2714 Snapdragon v. Flagstar Bank, FSB,
`699 F. App’x 658, 659 (9th Cir. 2017).


`attempted. Thus, we turn squarely to the question: can you
`sue a dead person?
`A. Can “I Sue Dead People?”
`Dansker, as a dead person, was not a proper person to be
`joined, regardless of Weeping Hollow. As it turns out, we
`have never had to explicitly rule before that a dead person,
`qua a dead person (as opposed to the dead person’s estate, of
`which, more later) cannot sue, be sued, or be joined to a
`lawsuit. We surmise that that is because such a rule is (and
`has been) self-evident. Nevertheless, it turns out at least
`three of our sister circuits and several district courts, in this
`circuit and elsewhere, have had to address this issue. Since a
`litigant’s citizenship for diversity purposes is a question of
`federal common law, rather than state law, see Kantor v.
`Wellesley Galleries, Ltd., 704 F.2d 1088, 1090 (9th Cir.
`1983), we look now to those cases to inform our judgment.
`These cases have tended to arise out of a few common
`factual scenarios: an attorney simply does not know an
`opposing party is dead when he files a lawsuit; or the
`attorney (racing against a deadline) makes a mistake when
`filing a claim on behalf of a recently-deceased client; or, in
`the mass-harm-litigation context, there are simply too many
`parties to have ascertained whether a particular one of them
`is living or dead. In all events, the consensus of our sister
`courts is unanimous: you cannot sue a dead person. Indeed,
`most of these cases take that point nearly for granted,
`focusing instead on the issue of whether and under what
`circ*mstances substitution ought to be allowed.
`In 1969, the Fifth Circuit confronted a lawsuit filed by
`the Mizukamis, who were citizens of Japan, against Peter
`Buras, a Texan, who had hit and killed their relative Shasaku
`Mizukami with his pickup truck, and against Connecticut
`Fire Insurance Company, Buras’s insurer. Mizukami v.


`Buras, 419 F.2d 1319, 1320 (5th Cir. 1969). Buras, however,
`had died between the time when he hit Shasaku and when
`the Mizukamis filed suit. Ibid. When the Mizukamis
`discovered this, they moved to substitute Buras’s heirs under
`Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 25(a)(1). In a short per
`curiam opinion, the Fifth Circuit concluded that “the rule
`contemplates substitution for someone who had been made
`a party before his death. It is not available to the appellants
`in the present case since Buras predeceased the filing of the
`action.” Ibid. The Fifth Circuit did not provide its reasons
`explicitly as to why the action could not be sustained as
`against Buras, but provided a citation to a district court
`decision, Chorney v. Callahan, 135 F. Supp. 35 (D. Mass.
`1955), that made it plain enough. See Mizukami, 419 F.2d
`at 1320. Chorney was another lawsuit arising out of a car
`crash in which the driver-defendant turned out to have died
`before suit was filed. 135 F. Supp. at 36. As in Mizukami,
`the plaintiff attempted to substitute the administrator of the
`decedent’s estate. Ibid. A suit against someone who is
`“already dead[,]” the Chorney court held, is “a nullity[.]”
`Ibid. Therefore, no substitution was available because
`“[t]here was no action really existent in which he could be
`substituted.” Ibid. In any event, it was “obvious[]” that a
`“dead man . . . cannot be named party defendant in an
`action.” Ibid.5
`5 We took note of Mizukami in Gilmore v. Lockard, 936 F.3d 857,
`864 n.4 (9th Cir. 2019). That case involved a § 1983 suit brought by
`Gilmore against several prison guards, one of whom died after being
`sued but before service of process. Id. at 859, 862–63. In overturning the
`denial of Gilmore’s motion to substitute the prison guard’s “successor or
`representative,” Fed. R. Civ. P. 25(a), we noted in passing that Mizukami
`was “inapposite since that suit was filed after the defendant’s death, and
`Rule 25(a) presupposes that the deceased was already a party in the
`action prior to death.” Id at 864 n.4.


`In 2004 the Tenth Circuit confronted the question of the
`substitution of a dead plaintiff, rather than a dead defendant.
`Esposito v. United States, 368 F.3d 1271 (10th Cir. 2004),
`concerned a Federal Tort Claims Act lawsuit filed on behalf
`of a prisoner, alleging that his death had been “the result of
`a negligent failure to provide him with adequate medical
`attention” while incarcerated. Id. at 1272. His attorney filed
`suit the day before a deadline, and, whether from the rush or
`due to admitted inexperience, named Esposito, rather than
`his surviving spouse, as the plaintiff. Id. at 1272–73. The
`district court held, and the government argued on appeal,
`that substitution could not be allowed because the action
`was, ab initio, a nullity and therefore the district court lacked
`subject-matter jurisdiction. Id. at 1272. The circuit court
`considered explicitly “whether substitution is in fact
`necessary or whether the action can be pursued in the name
`of Mr. Esposito[.]” Id. at 1273. It had no trouble deciding
`that Esposito could not pursue the action, because (in
`relevant part) as a dead person, he both lacked the capacity
`to sue and was no longer the real party in interest. Id. at
`1273–74. As with Mizukami, the crux of the action was on
`whether substitution could be allowed.6
`6 The Fifth Circuit decision in Mizukami was at base an
`interpretation of Rule 25(a), which, as that court saw it, “contemplates
`substitution for someone who had been made a party before his death”
`and therefore “is not available” to substitute someone who died before
`they ever became a party. Mizukami, 419 F.2d at 1320; cf. Fed. R. Civ.
`P. 25(a) (referring to the death of “a party” whose “claim is not
`extinguished”). The Tenth Circuit in Esposito, on the other hand, was
`interpreting Fed. R. Civ. P. 17, which addresses the substitution for the
`previous (incorrect) plaintiff one who is the real party in interest. This
`rule contains affirmative language enjoining courts “not [to] dismiss an
`action for failure to prosecute in the name of the real party in interest
`until . . . a reasonable time has been allowed for the real party in interest
`to . . . be substituted into the action. After . . . substitution, the action


`The most recent circuit decision to address the question
`of whether the dead can sue or be sued is House v. Mitra
`QSR KNE LLC, 796 F. App’x 783 (4th Cir. 2019). This
`unpublished but thorough Fourth Circuit opinion gives a
`persuasive overview of the law in this area. House was the
`manager of a restaurant who suffered from alcoholism.
`When his employer terminated him while House was in a
`treatment program, House filed a discrimination charge with
`the EEOC under the ADA. House unfortunately died, but his
`counsel, who faced a filing deadline on the same day that he
`was informed of his client’s passing, commenced the suit in
`House’s name. He then moved to substitute. The Fourth
`Circuit saw the core difficulty in trying to address a suit filed
`on behalf of a dead plaintiff as one of Article III standing:
`Absent a plaintiff with legal existence, there
`can be no Article III case or controversy.
`“The most elemental
`requirement of
`adversary litigation is that there be two or
`more parties. There must be a real plaintiff at
`the inception of the suit. . . .” Wright &
`proceeds as if it had been originally commenced by the real party in
`interest.” Fed. R. Civ. P. 17(a)(3). The Tenth Circuit saw this distinction
`as rendering Mizukami “not on point.” 368 F.3d at 1277. Instead, it held
`that “Rule 17(a) is designed to prevent forfeitures, and as such must be
`given broad application.” Id. at 1278. Observing that “nothing in Rule
`17(a) requires that the original plaintiff have capacity to sue[,]” it ruled
`that substitution should be allowed and “shall have the same effect as if
`the action had been commenced in the name of the real party in interest.”
`Id. at 1277–78 (quoting Fed. R. Civ. P. 17(a) (emphasis added)). In a
`separate section, relying on the commentary to the Rule, the court
`stipulated that the original mistake also had to be “honest.” Id. at 1276–
`77. While the Tenth and the Fifth Circuits are therefore not technically
`in a circuit split, the Tenth Circuit’s ruling is incompatible with the
`constitutional rule embraced by the Fourth Circuit in the next case we
`examine. That case, however, is unpublished.


`Miller, § 3530. Only an actual and live
`adverseness which sharpens the presentation
`of issues upon which the court so largely
`depends for illumination of difficult . . .
`questions[.]” Baker v. Carr, 369 U.S. 186,
`204, 82 S.Ct. 691, 7 L.Ed.2d 663 (1962); see
`also Ellis v. Dyson, 421 U.S. 426, 434, 95
`S.Ct. 1691, 44 L.Ed.2d 274
`(expressing “grave reservations about the
`existence of an actual case or controversy” in
`challenge to loitering ordinance because
`putative plaintiffs had not been heard from in
`a year). By the same token, a plaintiff without
`legal existence is a poor fit for the Article III
`standing trifecta of injury, causation, and
`redressability; it is not clear, for example,
`how a favorable court ruling could offer
`redress to a deceased person, or a party
`legal existence. See
`ChinaCast Educ. Corp. v. Chen Zhou Guo,
`No. CV 15-05475-AB, 2016 WL 10653269,
`at *2 (C.D. Cal. Jan. 8, 2016) (considering
`fundamental standing question of
`whether” alleged injuries can be redressed “if
`Plaintiff no longer legally exists”). But
`however we frame the jurisdictional defect
`here, the outcome is the same: “There is no
`plaintiff with standing if there is no plaintiff.”
`In re: 2016 Primary Election, 836 F.3d 584,
`587–88 (6th Cir. 2016).
`* * *


`Absent legal existence at the outset of this
`litigation, House could not have “a personal
`stake in the outcome of the controversy”
`sufficient “to warrant his invocation of
`federal-court jurisdiction.” Warth v. Seldin,
`422 U.S. 490, 498, 95 S.Ct. 2197, 45 L.Ed.2d
`343 (1975). Because House personally stands
`to gain or lose nothing from the suit,

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LN MANAGEMENT, LLC SERIES 5664 V. JPMORGAN CHASE BANK, 18-15402 (9th Cir. Apr. 24, 2020) (2024)


What is the corruption of JPMorgan Chase Bank? ›

JPMorgan Chase, Bank of America and 7 big banks paying $46 Million to settle lawsuit over accusations of rigging trillion dollar derivatives market. Nine major banks are settling a lawsuit that accuses them of conspiring to rig a $465.9 trillion market.

Is JPMorgan Chase Bank a real bank? ›

Chase is the U.S. consumer and commercial banking business of JPMorgan Chase & Co. (NYSE: JPM), a leading global financial services firm with $2.6 trillion in assets and operations worldwide.

What is the fine for JPMorgan surveillance? ›

The US Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) has fined one JPMorgan unit $200 million for failing to capture billions of orders in its surveillance systems between 2014 and 2021. However, the company only has to pay $100 million, as the rest will be offset with a previous penalty.

What bank is JPMorgan associated with? ›

In 1955, the Bank of the Manhattan Company merged with Chase National Bank, the third largest in the United States, to form Chase Manhattan Bank. And in 2000, Chase Manhattan merged with JPMorgan & Co, to form today's JPMorgan Chase.

Why is J.P. Morgan in trouble? ›

WASHINGTON, March 14 (Reuters) - JPMorgan Chase & Co has been fined $348.2 million by a pair of U.S. bank regulators over its inadequate program to monitor firm and client trading activities for market misconduct, the Federal Reserve announced on Thursday.

What is the controversy with JPMorgan Chase? ›

JPMorgan Chase, the largest bank in the US, has faced allegations of fraud, manipulation, and costly mortgage-related settlements, raising concerns about its ethical practices and impact on the public.

What is the downside of Chase Bank? ›

What are the disadvantages of Chase Bank? A few disadvantages of Chase Bank are low interest rates and APYs, monthly service fees, and wire transfer fees on some accounts.

What is the minimum balance for JP Morgan Private Bank? ›

JP Morgan private bank minimum requirement is $10 million. Chase private bank minimum requirement is an average beginning day balance of $150,000 or more.

How safe is Chase Bank? ›

Is Chase safe? Chase is regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) and customer deposits of up to £85,000 (£170,000 for joint accounts) are protected under the Financial Services Compensation Scheme (FSCS). This means, if Chase went out of business, the FSCS would step in to cover up to this threshold.

What is the negative news about JP Morgan? ›

According to the order, in 2021, in the course of onboarding a new trading exchange, J.P. Morgan discovered its surveillance of trading on multiple venues and trading systems was not operating correctly, resulting in gaps in J.P. Morgan's trade surveillance on these venues.

How secure is JP Morgan? ›

JPMS is a broker dealer registered with, and regulated by, the SEC. In compliance with the SEC rules and regulations for the protection of customers, JPMS maintains all customers' Fully Paid and Excess Margin securities as required under Rule 15c3-3(b) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934.

What is the federal electronic surveillance law? ›

Federal Electronic Surveillance

Federal law permits the interception of an in-person or electronic communication where any party to the conversation consents. Thus, one individual can record a face-to-face conversation—with a body wire, for example—or a phone call with another.

What is the biggest bank in the world? ›

Industrial and Commercial Bank of China

What is the difference between J.P. Morgan and JPMorgan Chase? ›

J.P. Morgan, the company itself, is still active as the business and investment banking subsidiary of JPMorgan Chase; Chase Manhattan Bank is still active as the personal banking subsidiary of the company.

What bank did J.P. Morgan merge with? ›

JPMorgan Chase, in its current structure, is the result of the combination of several large U.S. banking companies that merged since 1996, combining Chase Manhattan Bank, J.P. Morgan & Co., and Bank One, as well as asset assumptions of Bear Stearns, Washington Mutual, and First Republic.

What did Chase bank get in trouble for? ›

JPMorgan Chase was fined $348.2 million by the Federal Reserve Thursday over an “inadequate program to monitor firm and client trading activities for market misconduct,” the Fed's Board and Office of Comptroller of Currency announced Thursday.

Is my money safe at JPMorgan Chase? ›

SEC Rules and Regulations provide customer protection

In compliance with the SEC rules and regulations for the protection of customers, JPMS maintains all customers' Fully Paid and Excess Margin securities as required under Rule 15c3-3(b) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934.

What is the negative news about J.P. Morgan? ›

According to the order, in 2021, in the course of onboarding a new trading exchange, J.P. Morgan discovered its surveillance of trading on multiple venues and trading systems was not operating correctly, resulting in gaps in J.P. Morgan's trade surveillance on these venues.

Does JPMorgan Chase have a good reputation? ›

FORTUNE names JPMorgan Chase the 5th Most Admired Company in the World. FORTUNE has placed JPMorgan Chase in the top five of its “World's Most Admired Companies” list, ranking #5 in 2024 for the second consecutive year.

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Name: Patricia Veum II

Birthday: 1994-12-16

Address: 2064 Little Summit, Goldieton, MS 97651-0862

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Hobby: Rafting, Cabaret, Candle making, Jigsaw puzzles, Inline skating, Magic, Graffiti

Introduction: My name is Patricia Veum II, I am a vast, combative, smiling, famous, inexpensive, zealous, sparkling person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.