Dunkirk Evening Observer, Oct 13, 1959, p. 8 (2024)

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Dunkirk Evening Observer, Oct 13, 1959, p. 8 (1)

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Dunkirk Evening Observer (Newspaper) - October 13, 1959, Dunkirk-Fredonia, New YorkM Dunkirk the auxiliary of the Frank Acquavia american legion Post 1s44 will meet at 8 in the Post club a meeting of the women of the Moose will take place at 8 in the Lake Shore East Chib the Gamma Lambda chapter i Beta Sigma Phi sorority will hold a Rushing party at the Frank Acquavia american legion Post 1344 Arthur boiling of West Lake Road will be hostess at to the members of the Mizpah class of the first methods members of holy Trinity Church will meet in the Church Hall to discuss plans for the proposed new the Northern Chautauqua conservation club will hold election of officers at in tha Mulle Street Fredonia John Wunder of was main Street will be hostess to the members of Circle one of Josephs Parish at 8 the altar and Rosary society of Anthonys Parish will hoi a meeting in the Church Hall Fol lowing Novena the Fredonia chapter of Oes will meet at the masonic rooms in main Street at Fredonia Central school boar of education will meet at o clock in the High school Ralph Richter of Wood Ward drive will be hostess to the fre Duncas club at 8 the Jack and1 Jill activity school parents will meet at 8 o clock at the Home of an Edward Boorady in Robi England up master of the Hunt Effie Barker reported six foxhounds were electrocuted monday when the of led them across an electric rail Way the Fox jumped safely across tha track and Escapee saw settled claim Helen Alutto adjuster to Ray ear and settled nor claim very fast help and fair treatment like thie explains Why Al Tala Inai it More new York can tin any other Friendly help from Allette in Al wave a near a the often settled right on thespot no Home office red Allstate insurance Illinois Mhz Stewart attends xray meetings John chief technician of the Brooks Hospital x Ray attended the 14th annual convention of the xray technicians society of new York the convention was held in Ute Ca Stewart served As chairman of the nominations new officers were elected at a comm Mem breakfast miss Elisabeth h a s s 111 and miss Joyce co chairmen of the annual communion breakfast of court Catherine Cath Olic daughters of America have completed plans for the affair to be held next members will attend the mass in business session on holy Cross Seminary the Timothy so 57 let Long Dunkirk s serving with the army in Ger his present address is 2 Abb 41st 4th Apo new they Are Albert Pron of Buffalo first vice pres Donald of Buffalo second vice Sis Ter Emanuel of new York City Secretary treasurer Ella of lectures and papers of a scientific pertaining to comprised the other peso nos Hepburn said about to convert to catholicism Rome up the italian weekly Magazine Specchio reported today that actress Aud Rey Hepburn is about to convert the Magazine said the 30year Brussels born actress was in Luencen in her decision by two dominican fathers while working on her latest film a nuns in which miss Hepburn lays the part of a the report of her imminent con to Specchio had nothing to do with any publicity stunt in connection with the film and Carl Hornberger of California Are spending a few Days with her Thom As in Deer Edward 326 Lake Shore East is a surgical patient at Brooks Hepburn denies her conversion to catholicism Switzerland Audrey Hepburn denied today a report from Rome that she planned to become a roman i was brought up in the protes Tant Faith and i shall remain a the 30yearold Star of tha nuns Story told the italian weekly Magazine to Specchio had reported today the Brussels born actress was influenced in a decision to become a Catholic by two dominican priests while she was working on her lat est in which she appears As a nun who finally leaves her and Daniel Sonn Elet Ter and children have returned to Lockport after spending a few Days at their Home at Van Buren and Donald grave of Swan Street returned monday from a trip to and Charles Hazard of Eagle Street Are spending a week in new York City and Sta ten after spending the week end in and har old Hallberg and have returned to their homa in Eagle Stephen Kalfas of Central Avenue has returned from Syra where Sha attended an initiation saturday in Honor of state president Rosa Weber and state Secretary Geraldine Klail of the fraternal order of Robert Layman has left for after spending the week end with his and Peter in Rob erts and Howard daily of Justin chaplain of tha will be the after mass the members will attend breakfast at rus chs res the John Francis director of the confraternity of the sacred Pas Sion of marys will be tha principal any member of tha cd who has not been reached by the Telephone May Call either miss Hassett or miss Heary until wednesday women of the Moose tha publicity committee of the women of the chapter 294 of Dunkirk will meet wednesday evening at for a Tureen sup per at tha Moose Marvis Bookmiller will preside at meeting which will lutheran Church women tha United lutheran Church women will meet wednesday afternoon at 2 Oclock at the Home of Gordon 40 West Green Albert Swanson will be tha topic Star recorders Day Dunkirk women of tha Moose attended Star recorders Day in Jamestown sunday afternoon and participated in the ritual those who took part in the enrolment ceremony Wera the mesdames Matilda Eva Ada Hollis Alma Alice fal Alfreda and Wini Fred Pete county legion auxiliary officers elected and installed thursday evening at a meeting at the port 62 clubroom in Dunkirk left to seat Violet Forest Villa 1st vice chairman Lorraine chairman Jean 2nd vice chairman standing Neva Junior put chairman Laura Ossa installing officer Sylvia treasurer miss Jeanette submit report Laos up four fact finders headed for new York today to submit a report which May result in the assignment of an observer team to this eleven staff Mem mrs of the Mission that came Here a month ago to investigate communist attacks in this land locked Jungle kingdom remained behind to await a heir future decision on Stone lined Mckinley and mrs Harry Crawford of Willowbrook and Alma Woods of Elm Street have returned Home after spending tha week end with and Maxwell Long in and Desmond have returned to their 190 West fourth Street after a three month motor trip through the West and cow a general meeting of the Chris Tian woman Fellowship of the first Christian Church will be held wednesday evening at in Fellowship members will Wing used sizes one to and new or used clothing for a Layette for world Community also old White shirts and gifts for Chil Drens Hospital for the Thailand tha Esther Circle is in charge of the Ruth Circle of worship and Mary Martha Cir Cle is Hotstream water Heaters no rust t no corrosion no stain a9giigati Stoni my Emest Lea j steel to ams Lea eau it Frank Woodbury of Sheri Dan has As her guest bar sister miss Ruth who will leave thursday for her Home in Winter Charles son of and Charles Hannum of West sixth is a patient at childrens Hospital in after spending tha week end with his Beatrice Stoyle in Central and Thomas Stoyle and family have returned to members of a Bridge club jul s entertained this evening at the Good Samaritan members of Good Samaritan Rebekah Lodge met monday eve Ning in roof a donation was made to the youth Pilgrim age and final plans Wera made for tha Bazaar and card party to be held chairmen for the various Booths Are mesdames Elnora Newell and Dorothy aprons Velma Gloff and Emily fancy work Blanche Emily and Anna Christmas Booth Jean Ette Waterstredt and Mary baked goods Mabel hand kerchiefs Anna Green and Ethel parcel Post Zella Wanamaker and Lucy Candy Catherine Verhage and Laura White elephants Genevieve straight and Irene lunch was served straight and her com publisher of Batavia news is dead at 73 Batavia up Milton r editor and publisher of the Batavia daily died today at the age of he had suffered a stroke about a week associated with the local news paper for More than so Miller started in the advertising end of the business and Rose to advertising he was named to succeed publisher Griswold when the latter died in then became editor when longtime editor Andrew me Wain Miller also was Board chairman of Griswold and owner of the he was a past president of the associated dailies of new York and also had headed the advertising unit of the new York state publishers Asso Miller was a member for years of the Board of visitors of the state school for the Blind in a he is survived by his wid a a and four grandchildren All residing in a lome of Eagle and William Magilll and left monday or Rochester after spending the Middlesex week end Larry Kay apartments and and Robert Levy in Taft a Eugene Crosby Monroe was born to and Eugene Monroe ii 11 at Shiloh in Monroe it the former miss Ann Louise daughter of and Theodore Schmidi of Monroe is the son of the and Raymond for the ultimate in hot water get a Stone lined Superior to Glass lined or Alum Winum tanks for withstanding High temperature or bad water size Only 134 plus installation Foley in Dressen fined for act in world series los Angeles up Char Ley coach of the work Champion los Angeles dodgers declined to discuss today the Fine levied against him for his actions in the sixth and final Gam of the world series at Dressen said he wanted time to study the two part Fine and prom ised he would have something to say about it in a Day or baseball commissioner Ford Frick announced monday Dressen was fined for use of profane language and threatening Ges the next meeting will be during his dispute with 26 at which time install american league Umpire de Hur who was stationed at firs base in front of the los Angele another was charged against the dodger coach of showboating and delaying the game after Hurley had ejected Frick said the Fine would be de with at tha and Monroe grandson of of Shiloh and the the Crosby trustee and founder of Tion of officers for the coming year will be Garden club Arthur boiling of West Lake Road was hostess monday afternoon to the Dunkirk Garden presiding at the Tea table were Leonard Gilray and Andrew the arrangement for the of grape Root and was made by Harry Eidt read a paper on Hor the next meeting will be held 26 at at the Home of Walter 100 West fifth Street with Harry Draves As co Community club the West Green Street Community club met monday evening at the Home of and Ray mond Barnes in Deer prizes at cards were awarded to and Frank Britton Henry the next meeting will take place 29 at the Home of and Charles Dailey in West Green Dorothy and of True Union who spent the a meeting of True Union re past eight weeks with her Belah Lodge of Sheridan will take returned to Newport with them Picc wednesday evening at 8 o ducted from dresses serie unemployment drops slightly while the unemployment level Northern Chautauqua co tint showed a slight decrease last a considerable increase May be forthcoming this the number of persons receiving unemployment checks As of ast Friday was this was decline of 10 from the previous reeks total of a one week Layoff f about 150 employees at a go Randa Plant had the employment office in East fourth Dun Kirk filled this this in flux will be seen in the figures released next another the slowing Down of the grape Al so is expected to help increase he number of persons eligible for variety skewer miss Betty of Silver was honoured it a variety Shower and luncheon it the White inn in the party Vas Given by Albert Nicholas Edward and Sam miss whose marriage to Louis of Silver will take place was presented with a variety of egg Market United press International the Fob farm level egg report or the Catskill Mountain Hudson Central new York and Tate and Federal departments of agriculture Supply of Large eggs slightly excessive in All Small and medium demand fair o Good in slow to mod Erate in Central new slow Buffalo prepared by the in net prices per dozen paid to producers today at farms by dealers for 80 per cent Grade a eggs or with Exchange of Case Hudson Valley area to 38h medium 22 to 24 Small 18 to 19 Peewee 35 to 38 medium 24 to 25 Small 18 to Central new York area to medium 21 to 23 Small 18 to 35 to 36 medium 23 to 25 Small 18 to Buffalo area s3 to m medium 21v4 to 26 Small 17 to the drug Industry spent 170 million in dollars on research red in Delegate in hot Exchange by Bruce Munn United up War talk dominated general Assembly efforts today to break the deadlock Between communist Poland and Western sup ported Turkey for a seat on the Security ambassador Henry Cabot in a Sharp Exchange Mon Day accused soviet Deputy foreign minister Vasily Kuznet Sov of using cold War language at variance with the peace themes of Premier Nikita Khrushchev when he visited the United the Exchange Cama at tha end of a Long session in which the As Sembly 4311 with 25 a to put communist Chi Nas suppression of tha anticommunist revolt in Tibet on its Agenda for full in parlance tha crushing of die revolt was described As a suppression of human cuss and kick up Guilford county agent Willard Kimbrey today said his expert advice for homeowners whose lawns Are infested with toadstools is to cuss and Kimbrey said the effect of the cussing is but tha Only alternative until dry weather comes is to kick tha toadstools strip paint and Russell Ardelua Ware married 10 la ant Heays Church in Fredo the Bride is the former miss Albertn Daugh Ter of and Herman Eurage of Orchard Fredo la and the Groom is the son of and ardillo of gushing upon their return from a honeymoon trip to Canada and the thousand the couple will reside at 83 Cushing at Westfield Hospital a daughter monday to and Gerald South Erie at Brooks Hospital a son today to and mrs Robert 21 Hart a daughter today to and Herman 550 South Roberts a son monday to and mrs Andrew 775 Washington state Job test slated nov 21st applications will be accepted on or before for a civil service examination for positions As employment inter viewers at state employment of the written examination Wil be Given both men and women Are eligible to take the and the age requirement is for additional Par sons May Contact the new York state employment 65 East fourth its fast and easy when you use the right paint we recommend regular Strype Eze for Fine for Metal or solid use new Strype Eze special water instable paint also ask for free How to remove and restore Ujj Jutt available at these stores Lake Shore wallpaper me Mahant a tent Monroe rred Onla Frt Donla Cai Loee vre Donla Peep Lee vre Donla Wau paper Fredonia Brown Linker Fredonia service Broemm Owen Breton weit leu Howard apply Wes mum service of Odell Suver Creek is a Horn of plenty filled with bargains for you weekend guests at tha Home of and Alex Schiffman in Grant Avenue Ware and Lloyd of guests for tha past few Days were George Ream and dear Abby have lad Abigail Van Buren Many other types and sizes from which to choose As Low As 61 plumbing conditioning 215 Central and Harold and and have returned to their Home in West fourth Street after spending the past few Days with and Jerald Kuhn in Dock la washed away in storm an 80foot Small boat Dock be longing to Brinkerhoff Marine in Morewood drive was washed away during the heavy winds the Dock floated East and was dashed crashing in to Small boat belonging to James Mead of Shorewood estimated damage to the boat was while no value was placed on the clock in roof Hall in the new officers will be installed by District Deputy Viola Ball and staff of Smith tjyaclata1 mothers members of hyacinths mothers club will meet in the school Hall after Church services this a lesson on Corsage making will be Given by Anna school i mothers the mothers club of school 6 will Convene wednesday evening at in the kindergarten of the almost two tons of Iron nearly a ton of co*ke and a half toil of Limestone go into the manufacture of one ton of pig also four tons of dear Abby i am a boy of 16 who is go ing with a real Cool girl who is but i am afraid to kiss the reason in afraid to kiss her is because i kissed her once and she told me i should take kissing i dont know if she was serious or not because i have kissed a few other girls and none of them Ever do boys Ever need kissing lessons or is this girl expecting too much needing lessons dear needing data a Duck Feesl swim Ming lessons there is usually More honest affection in an amateurish misfired kiss of the nose than in the technique of tha experienced dear Abby would you please reprint a letter signed too late that you had in your column last Winter it changed my Way of and i bless you for perhaps it Mill do for someone what it has Dona for saw the Light dear saw with pleasure Here u is dear Abby i am the most brokenhearted person on i always found time to go everywhere else but to see my dear old they sat Home Loving me just the it is too late now to give them those few hours of happiness i was too selfish and too Busy to and now when i go to visit their Graves and look at tha Green grass above them i wonder if god win Ever forgive me for the heartaches i must have caused i Pray that you will print to Tell those who still have parents to visit them and show their love and respect while there is still for it is later than you too late dear Abby i have just broken my engagement and want to know what things i positively have to give he gave me a nope a clock a wrist watch and an engagement i know that Possession is nine tenths of the Law and am wondering if maybe i am not entitled to keep i broke the but the feeling is broken engagement dear broken Possession May be nine tenths of the but its the other on tenth that could get you into you must re turn his engagement and if i were id pile All the other hems into the Bee Chest and return there is be dear Abby How do i introduce my to ther inlaw to friends and neighbors do i this is Jane or Joes or this is my stumped dear stumped you should it like you to know my or Joes John confidential to not be to your Public or school Library Aad gel Dickens great Here is a Story very much uhe Taur Awa of Yuag person wha grows Inte a Complete alas before he realizes what he Baa Dona to whats your problem for a personal write to care of this enclose a ready for a flying Start As a air Force navigator the air Force navigator is a Man of Many a first at a master of the Aki Sand no finer in a Haa a background in engineering and Allied he must show outstanding qualities of Leader initiative and in he is a Man eminently prepared for an important future in the new age of find out if you can qualify for training As an air Korea wad uate then Fly Zaib ask your local Recruiter shout year Epport Laititi is the mis ass of eur Lecal All Fotch mown contribute of in the Pukuc intermit l Smith lumber company 802 main Street;

Dunkirk Evening Observer, Oct 13, 1959, p. 8 (2024)
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Name: Lakeisha Bayer VM

Birthday: 1997-10-17

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