Assemble and Adjust a Bowl-Lift Mixer (2024)

", { "class": F }); an.append(ai, ah, al); return an } function M() { var ae = H(z), af ="service-get-cart"); return H.ajax({ type: "GET", crossDomain: true, url: af, dataType: "json", accepts: { text: "application/json" } }) } function ab(ae) { if (ae < 1) { H(E).addClass(C) } if (ae > 0) { H(E).removeClass(C); H(B).text(ae) } } function s() { var ae = H(z); eventsSelector = "click" + z + " touchend" + z; if (":visible")) { aa.on(eventsSelector, function (ag) { var ah = (ae.has( == 0 && !, af = (H(; if (ah || af) { ae.hide(); ae.removeClass(o); ae.removeClass(e); } }) } } function V() { aa.ready(function () { try { U() } catch (ae) { console.log(ae.stack) } }) } return { init: V, setTotalItems: ab } })(jQuery); cartMini.init(); var footer = (function (e) { var g = e(document), b = ".form-submit-success", a = "form-submit-error-on", d = ".form-submit-error"; function f() { g.ready(function () { e("#footer-sign-up").submit(function (h) { h.preventDefault(); c() }) }) } function c() { var k = e("#footer-sign-up"), m = k.serializeArray(), j = k.attr("method"), l = k.attr("action"), n = k.find(b), h = k.find(d); var i = null; m.forEach(function (o) { i = (i === null ? "?" + : i + "&" + + "=" + o.value }); if (n.hasClass(a)) { n.removeClass(a) } if (h.hasClass(a)) { h.removeClass(a) } e.ajax({ contentType: "application/json", crossDomain: true, dataType: "json", type: j, url: l + i }).done(function (o) { e(formSelector).trigger("reset"); if (n) { n.addClass(a) } }).fail(function (o) { if (o.status == "200") { n.addClass(a); h.removeClass(a) } else { h.addClass(a); n.removeClass(a) } }) } return { init: f } })(jQuery); footer.init(); var resetPassword = (function (c) { var g = c(document), b = ".reset-password", d = "#resetToken"; function a(h) { var i = new RegExp("[?&]" + h + "=([^]*)").exec(window.location.href); return i[1] || 0 } function f() { c(d).val(a("token")) } function e() { g.ready(function () { if (c(b).length > 0) { f() } }) } return { init: e } })(jQuery); resetPassword.init(); var catTiles = (function (e) { var d = e(document), h = ".category-tile", j = ".category-tile-image", b = ".category-tile-image-hover"; function i() { d.ready(function () { if (e(h).length > 0) { g(); f() } }) } function g() { d.on("mouseenter", j, function () { var k = e(this); a(k) }); d.on("mouseleave", j, function () { c() }) } function f() { d.on("touchend", j, function () { var k = e(this); a(k) }) } function c() { e(b).removeClass("category-tile-show-overlay") } function a(k) { setTimeout(function () { c(); k.find(b).addClass("category-tile-show-overlay") }, 500) } return { init: i } })(jQuery); catTiles.init(); var prodCarousel = (function (j) { var n = j(document), c = { small: 767, medium: 1023 }, i = "prd-carousel", p = ".prd-carousel", B = ".prd-carousel__items-list", C = ".prd-carousel__item", h = ".prd-carousel__item button", x = ".product-tile-img", o = ".prd-carousel__prev--btn", e = ".prd-carousel__next--btn", g = ".prd-carousel__status", m = ".prd-carousel__status-active", w = ".prd-carousel__status-total", r = ".prd-carousel__product-tile__title--link", f = ".prd-carousel__product-tile__btn", l = ".prd-carousel-rating-link", v = ".cartproduct-i18dictionary"; digitalData.productList = digitalData.productList || []; function k() { var D = j(B).not(".slick-initialized"); D.each(function () { var F = j(this); var E = F.find(C); t(F, E); F.slick({ mobileFirst: true, appendDots: j("#" +"dot-id")), infinite: false, prevArrow: j("#" +"prev-id")), nextArrow: j("#" +"next-id")), dots: false, slidesToShow: 1, slidesToScroll: 1, draggable: true, responsive: [{ breakpoint: c.small, settings: { dots: (E.length > 3) ? true : false, slidesToShow: 3, slidesToScroll: 3, draggable: true } }, { breakpoint: c.medium, settings: { dots: (E.length > 4) ? true : false, slidesToShow: 4, slidesToScroll: 4, draggable: false } }] }) }) } function t(E, D) { E.on("init", function (G, F) { j(this).parent().parent().find(m).html(1); j(this).parent().parent().find(w).html(D.length); setTimeout(function () { s() }, 10) }); E.on("afterChange", function (H, F) { var G = j(this).slick("slickCurrentSlide") + 1; var I = D.length; j(this).parent().parent().find(m).html(G); j(this).parent().parent().find(w).html(I) }) } function q() { j(r).clamp({ clamp: 2 }) } function s() { if (j(r).length > 0) { q() } } function A() { if (typeof $BV != "undefined") { console.log("Inside invokeCarouselInlineRatings"); var G = j(".whp-carousel-bv-helper"); var F = {}, H = {}, I = []; if (G.length > 0) { j(G).each(function (L) { var M = j(this); var K ="product-code"); if (K) { F = {}; H = {}; K = K.toString(); var J = {}; J.url ="product-url"); F[K.toUpperCase()] = J; H.productIds = F; H.containerPrefix ="container-id"); I["container-id")] = H } }); console.log(I); for (var E in I) { if (I.hasOwnProperty(E)) { var D = I[E]; $BV.ui("rr", "inline_ratings", D) } } } } } function d(D) { var E = j(D), H = j(p).data("is-commerce-site"), K ="store-locator-link"), J ="prod-endpoint-base"), I ="prod-code"), F ="prod-endpoint-query-str"), L = J + I + F, G = j.ajax({ type: "GET", crossDomain: true, url: L, dataType: "json", accepts: { text: "application/json" } }); G.done(function (O) { var Q = j(p).data("base-image-path") || "", P = O.isMajorAppliance, N = { product: { majorCat: O.isMajorAppliance, url: K, imgUrl: O.picture, model: O.code, name: encodeURIComponent(, code: O.code, color: (!O.color ? "" : encodeURIComponent(, price: O.price.value, stockLevelStatus: ((O.stock !== undefined) && (O.stock.stockLevelStatus !== undefined) ? O.stock.stockLevelStatus : "outOfStock"), qty: 1, reviewCount: O.averageRating, reviewStars: O.numberOfReviews, thumbnailURL: Q + O.picture, msrpPrice: (O.baseDisplayPrice && O.baseDisplayPrice.formattedValue) ? O.baseDisplayPrice.formattedValue : "", productType: P ? "major" : "smalls", category: (O.categories !== undefined) ? O.categories[0].code : "", subcategory: (O.categories !== undefined) ? O.categories[0].pipedCategory : "", buyable: (O.productIsBuyable) ? O.productIsBuyable.toString() : "", purchasable: (O.purchasable !== undefined) ? O.purchasable : "false", sku: O.code }, endpoint:"add-to-cart-endpoint"), text: { addBtn: j(v).data("addto-cart"), viewBtn: j(v).data("view-details"), whereBtn: "" }, cssClasses: "button-full", isCommerceSite: H, parentCompClass: i }; var M = addToCartBtn.newCtaBtn(N); E.html(M); addToCartBtn.init() }).fail(function (M) { throw new Error("Request for get product failed. CTA buttons not built") }) } function b(G, F) { var J = Math.floor(G), I = Math.floor((G - J) * 100), D = j(F).find(".pdp-tray__star-icon"); for (var E = 0; E < D.length; E++) { var H = j(D[E]); if (E < J) { H.find(".pdp-tray__full-star").css("display", "block") } else { H.find(".pdp-tray__empty-star").css("display", "block") } } if (I >= 25 && I < 75) { j(D[J]).find(".pdp-tray__half-star").css("display", "block"); j(D[J]).find(".pdp-tray__empty-star").css("display", "none") } if (I >= 75) { j(D[J]).find(".pdp-tray__full-star").css("display", "block"); j(D[J]).find(".pdp-tray__empty-star").css("display", "none") } } function a() { j(".pdp-tray__stars").each(function () { var D = j(this).data("rating"); b(D, j(this)) }) } function z() { j(h).each(function () { digitalData.productList.push(u(j(this))) }) } function u(D) { var E = { productName: decodeURIComponent("product-name")), sku:"product-sku"), reviewCount:"product-reviewcount"), reviewStars:"product-reviewstars"), thumbnailURL:"product-thumbnailurl"), price:"product-price"), salePrice:"product-saleprice"), category:"product-category"), subCategory:"product-subcategory"), availability:"product-availability"), purchasable:"product-purchasable"), productType:"product-type") }; return E } function y() { n.ready(function () { if (j(B).length > 0) { k(); j(f).each(function () { d(j(this)) }); A(); n.ajaxStop(function () { z() }); a() } }) } return { init: y } })(jQuery); prodCarousel.init(); var compareBar = (function (x) { var H = x(document), t = ".compare-bar-container", g = ".compare-bar-product-link", j = ".add-to-compare", v = ".compare-bar-delete-trigger", J = ".compare-bar-tiles-row", b = "#productsToCompare", e = 0, I = "compare-bar-hide", c = ".compare-bar-collapse-icon", D = "compare-bar-drawer-hide", u = ".compare-bar-remove-all", F = ".compare-product-tile.not-empty-product", i = "#compare-bar-link", d = "$ka-product-thumbnail$", h = 1023; var B = 0; digitalData.event = []; function n() { H.on("click", i, function () { var K = ""; K += (window.location.pathname) ? window.location.pathname : ""; K += ( ? : ""; K = encodeURI(K); localStorage.setItem("historyURL", K) }) } function o() { if (localStorage.getItem("drawer") === "true" && e > 0) { p() } else { w() } } function G() { H.ready(function () { if (x(t).length > 0) {"cb: doc ready"); f(); q(); A(); C(); n(); o() } H.on("change", j, function () {"cb: changed"); var M = x(this), L = M.parents(".form-checkbox"), K ="product-id"); if (":checked") && e < 4) { m(K, L) } else { y(K) } }); H.on("click", v, function () {"cb: delete"); var L = x(this), K ="product-id"); y(K) }); if (x(F).length > 0) { digitalData.compareProducts = []; x(F).each(function () { digitalData.compareProducts.push(a(x(this))) }) } }) } function k() { x(g).each(function () { x(this).not(".cb-clamped").clamp({ clamp: 3 }).addClass("cb-clamped") }) } function f() { var L = {}; if (localStorage.getItem("compareData") !== "undefined" && localStorage.getItem("compareData") !== null) { L = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem("compareData")); for (var K in L) { x('.add-to-compare[data-product-id="' + K + '"]').prop("disabled", false).prop("checked", true) } if (JSON.stringify(L) !== "{}" && L !== null) { p(); z() } } } function y(L, N) { var M = {}; if (localStorage.getItem("compareData") !== "undefined" && localStorage.getItem("compareData") !== null) { M = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem("compareData")) } if (N) { M = {}; x(".add-to-compare").prop("checked", false) } else { for (var K in M) { if (K === L) { delete M[K] } } x('.add-to-compare[data-product-id="' + L + '"]').prop("checked", false) } localStorage.setItem("compareData", JSON.stringify(M)); z(true); E() } function m(N, M) {"cb: update ajax call"); var O = x(t).data("lang"), L = x(t).data("compare-url"), K = x(t).data("site"); x.ajax({ type: "GET", url: L + K + "/products/" + N + "?fields=FULL&lang=" + O + "&version=Online", accepts: { text: "application/json" }, dataType: "json", success: function (P) { if (typeof (Storage) !== "undefined") { var Q = {}; if (localStorage.getItem("compareData") !== "undefined" && localStorage.getItem("compareData") !== null) { Q = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem("compareData")) } if (Object.keys(Q).length < 4) { Q[N] = P; localStorage.setItem("compareData", JSON.stringify(Q)); digitalData.event[B] = s(M); if (typeof _satellite != "undefined") { _satellite.track("analytics-success")) } console.log(digitalData.event); B += 1 } else { M.find("input").prop("checked", false); console.log("Comparable products limit exceeded.") } f() } else { M.find("input").prop("checked", false); console.log("localStorage not supported") } }, error: function (P) { M.find("input").prop("checked", false); console.log("Error:", P.status) } }) } function z(N) {"cb: update drawer"); var M = {}; e = 0; if (localStorage.getItem("compareData") !== "undefined" && localStorage.getItem("compareData") !== null) { M = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem("compareData")) } x(J).html(""); x("a#compare-bar-link").attr("href", "#"); for (var L in M) { if (M.hasOwnProperty(L)) { var K = '

\n'; x(J).append(K); r(M[L].code.toUpperCase()) } e++ } if (e === 0) { l(); localStorage.setItem("drawer", "true") } else { if (e === 4) { q() } } if (b) { x(b).html(e); if (!N) { p() } k() } } function q() { if (e === 4) { x(j).each(function () { var K = x(this); if (!":checked")) { K.prop("disabled", true) } }) } } function E() { x(j).prop("disabled", false) } function r(M) { var N = x("a#compare-bar-link"), L = N.attr("href"), K = ""; if (L !== "#") { K = L.substr(0, L.lastIndexOf(".html") !== -1 ? L.lastIndexOf(".") : L.length); K = K + "." + M + ".html" } else { K = x(t).data("compare-path") + "." + M + ".html" } N.attr("href", K) } function p() { x(t).removeClass(I); (window.innerWidth > h) ? x(t).removeClass(D) : null } function l() { x(t).addClass(I); w() } function w() { x(t).addClass(D) } function A() { H.on("click", c, function () { if (x(t).hasClass(D)) { x(t).removeClass(D); localStorage.setItem("drawer", true) } else { w(); localStorage.setItem("drawer", false) } }) } function C() { H.on("click", u, function () { y(null, true) }) } function s(K) { var L = K; var M = { eventInfo: { eventName:"product-eventname"), eventAction:"product-eventaction"), product: [{ productInfo: { sku:"product-sku"), productName: decodeURIComponent("product-name")) || "", reviewCount:"product-reviewcount") || "", reviewStars:"product-reviewstars") || "", thumbnailURL:"product-thumbnailurl") || "", price:"product-price") || "", salePrice:"product-saleprice") || "", category:"product-category") || "", subCategory:"product-subcategory") || "", availability:"product-availability") || "", purchasable:"product-purchasable") || "", productType:"product-type") || "" } }] } }; return M } function a(L) { var K = { productInfo: { productName: decodeURIComponent("product-name")), sku:"product-sku"), reviewCount:"product-reviewcount") ?"product-reviewcount").toString() : "", reviewStars:"product-reviewstars") ?"product-reviewstars").toString() : "", thumbnailURL:"product-thumbnailurl"), price:"product-price") ?"product-price").toString() : "", salePrice:"product-saleprice") ?"product-saleprice").toString() : "", category:"product-categories"), subCategory:"product-subcategories"), availability:"product-availability"), purchasable:"product-purchasable") ?"product-purchasable").toString() : "", productType:"product-type") } }; return K } return { init: G } })(jQuery); compareBar.init(); var badges = (function (b) { var f = b(document), e = ".badge", c = "data-expiry"; function a() { b(e).each(function () { var g = decodeURIComponent(b(this).attr(c)), h = (g && > Date.parse(g)); if (h) { b(this).hide() } if (!h) { b(this).show() } }) } function d() { f.ready(function () { var g = b(e).length > 0; if (g) { a() } }) } return { init: d } })(jQuery); badges.init(); var contactUs = (function (d) { var c = d(document), b = ".contact-us", e, h, i; function j() { c.ready(function () { if (d(b).length > 0) { k(); a(); g() } }) } function k() { var l = 500; var m = d("#comment_ques_txt_box").data("count-text"); d("#comment_ques_char_count").html(l + " " + m); d("#comment_ques_txt_box").keyup(function () { var n = d("#comment_ques_txt_box").val().length; var o = l - n; d("#comment_ques_char_count").html(o + " " + m) }) } function a() { d("#contact-us-topic-drp").on("change", function () { _this = d(this); var l ="choices"); d("#contact-us-sub-topic-drp").html(""); l.forEach(function (o, m) { if (_this.find(":selected").text() === o.val) { var n ="sub-" + (m + 1)); n.forEach(function (p) { if (p.disabled) { d("#contact-us-sub-topic-drp").append("

") } else { d("#contact-us-sub-topic-drp").append('

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'; return n } function b(n) { var m = "

star rating instance (" + n.starRatingInstance + ") already exist

"; if (e(i + '[data-star-rating-instance="' + n.starRatingInstance + '"]').length === 0) { m = '

' } return m } function k() { d.ready(function () { var m = e(i); if (m.length > 0) { m.empty(); e.each(m, function (p, r) { var o = e(this), q ="rating"), n ="star-rating-instance"); o.append(j(q, n)); l(q, o.children(c)) }) } }) } return { init: k, buildHTML: b } })(jQuery); starRating.init(); var addToCartBtn = (function (e) { var d = e(document), h = ".add-to-cart-btn"; function k() {"click.addToCartButton touchend.addToCartButton") } function j(p, r, o) { var q; return function () { var v = this, u = arguments; var t = function () { q = null; if (!o) { p.apply(v, u) } }; var s = o && !q; clearTimeout(q); q = setTimeout(t, r); if (s) { p.apply(v, u) } } } function b() { var o = false; var p = 0; digitalData.event = []; d.on("click.addToCartButton touchend.addToCartButton", h, j(function (t) { if (!o) { t.preventDefault(); var r = e(this), s ="product-code"), w = r.attr("data-product-qty"), v ="endpoint-add-to-cart"), u = { productCodePost: s, qty: w }, q ="analytics-success"); g(v, u).done(function (x) { modalAtcc.success(x); cartMini.setTotalItems(x.cartData.totalItems); if (e("#removeWishProduct_" + s).length > 0) { window.location.href = e("#removeWishProduct_" + s).attr("href") } digitalData.event[p] = f(r); p += 1; if (typeof _satellite != "undefined") { _satellite.track(q) } console.log(digitalData.event) }).fail(function (x) { modalAtcc.error(r); throw new Error("Request for add to cart service failed") }) } }, 250)).on("touchmove", function (q) { o = true }).on("touchstart", function () { o = false }) } function f(o) { var p = e(o), q = { eventInfo: { eventName: decodeURIComponent("product-eventname")), eventAction:"product-eventaction"), product: [{ productInfo: { sku:"product-sku"), productName: decodeURIComponent("product-name")), reviewCount:"product-reviewcount"), reviewStars:"product-reviewstars"), thumbnailURL:"product-thumbnailurl"), price:"product-price"), salePrice:"product-saleprice"), category:"product-category"), subCategory:"product-subcategory"), availability:"product-availability"), purchasable:"product-purchasable"), productType:"product-type") } }] } }; return q } function g(p, o) { return e.ajax({ type: "POST", crossDomain: true, url: p, data: o, dataType: "json", accepts: { text: "application/json" } }) } function c(p) { var o = null, w = p.parentCompClass, t = p.isCommerceSite, q = !p.product.majorCat, v = p.product.majorCat, u = p.product.stockLevelStatus, z = (p.product.buyable === "true" || p.product.buyable === true) ? true : false, r = t ? (u !== "outOfStock") : false, y = t && q && r && z, x = (!t || v || !r) && a(w), s = a(w) ? false : !y; if (y) { o = i(p) } else { if (x) { o = n(p) } else { if (s) { o = m(p) } else { o = n(p) } } } return o[0].outerHTML } function a(o) { return (o !== "pdp") ? (new RegExp("(pdp)(-)", ["i"]).exec(o) === null) : false } function i(q) { var r = q.product, s = q.text.addBtn, p = q.cssClasses, o = e("

Assemble and Adjust a Bowl-Lift Mixer (2024)
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Article information

Author: Msgr. Benton Quitzon

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Views: 6091

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Reviews: 94% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Msgr. Benton Quitzon

Birthday: 2001-08-13

Address: 96487 Kris Cliff, Teresiafurt, WI 95201

Phone: +9418513585781

Job: Senior Designer

Hobby: Calligraphy, Rowing, Vacation, Geocaching, Web surfing, Electronics, Electronics

Introduction: My name is Msgr. Benton Quitzon, I am a comfortable, charming, thankful, happy, adventurous, handsome, precious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.