Ep 239 | The Whole Truth About Aliens-Finally!
Becauseof all the controversy about Unidentified Flying Objects being spotted and the debates about whether aliens from another planet walk on Earth, your rabbi had decided that, as a public service, the whole truth about aliens will today be shared.In today's show you will find out the entire truth about aliens.Who they are; how to identify them; how to protect yourself against them, we will cover it all.Join me in Orlando on May 23rd for the Proven Conferencewww.theprovenconference.com/Lapinparticularly if you need to increase your income. Like making an omelet, making money isn't difficult but you do need to know what you are doing. If you start a business on nothing but your instincts, your bank accountwill end up looking like a failed omelet. Why getting the little one in your life a set of maple wood building blocks is a worthwhile purchase.Read about our special Passover discount on The Financial Prosperity Collection herehttps://www.wehappywarriors.com/financial-prosperity-collectionDo you feel closer to the smaller units of association in your life like family, church, neighborhood, county and so on; or do you feel closer to bigger units of association like the federal government, the United Nations, and the World Health Organization? What is worse, imaginary fears like climate change and overpopulation, or real fears like inflation and crime?What sort of people fear which?Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
4/20/2024 • 56 minutes, 18 seconds
Ep 238 | Romance and Reality-Money and Marriage
The writingon thewall: Playboy Magazine in 1966. "Friends" sitcom in 1996."Two and a Half Men" sitcom in 2006. What really happened during those 40 years. "Find a husband on campus before you graduate" wrote Princeton alumna Susan Patton in 2014 to her daughter, a Princeton coed. She generated fanatical fury.Ten years later, In 2024,Grazie Sophia Christie writes "The Case for Marrying an Older Man" though, she really means "a richer man".She has also infuriated feminist fanatics. All these people whopretend there is no such thing as the "Way that the world REALLY works". Don't miss this opportunity to learn more about Scrolling Through ScriptureGenesis Unit 1orGenesis Bundle (Units 1 & 2)that come with a special free gift of Thought Tool books. Listen to aFree Lessontoday. Lies of the past: Sea level rising. DEI increases corporate profit. Women do not find status appealing and men do not find youth and beauty appealing. Ideas resemble bullets; who is pulling the trigger doesn't really matter.Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
4/15/2024 • 1 hour, 1 minute, 23 seconds
Ep 237 | How To Turn Gaza Into Singapore & Fix Your Finances
Though far smaller than the failed economies of Zimbabwe, Venezuela, Somalia, or Haiti, success stories like Singapore, Dubai, and Malta stand out as bright beacons of peace and prosperity.Why, since 2005, has Gaza resembled the former? We learn the main reasons why some countriesthrive financially while others fail miserably?We explore whether these explanations can also apply to you and me in our own personal finances.Can we all learn something from the ethnic minorities who thrive financially in their host countries like Indonesia, EastAfrica, and Sri Lanka? Escape the tyranny of mental slavery and hear thishttps://rabbidaniellapin.com/product/seder-set/The economic reason that explains why all Jews were expelled from England in 1290. The amazing connection between s*xualmorality and economic vitality. The secret of exchange and trade revealed in the Bible. Scroll through Scripturehttps://www.wehappywarriors.com/scrolling-through-scriptureWhy public education is not producing graduates ready to create wealth.Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
4/8/2024 • 1 hour, 49 minutes, 52 seconds
Ep 236 | 5 Tools For You To Conquer Inflation And Prosper
Unlike alpacas, antelopes, & alligators, we humans are capable of dramatically changing the landscape of our lives.Unlike beavers, buffaloes, and bears, we don't need many generations to adapt to changing environments. No, we humans can recognize the devastation that inflation is wreaking on our lives -- and adapt! First, recognize the true extent of inflation. At least 20% since April 2020. That is like someone stealing a $100 bill from you and replacing it with four $20 bills. This show is devoted to recovering that stolen 20%.To be encouraged and also to encourage, join our community of Happy Warriors herewww.WeHappyWarriors.comLearn how to create your time assessment spreadsheet.Discover the 5 tools and how to implement them.Scientists prove that there are 742 women a single guy can marry and be deliriously happy.Why it is more important to focus on increasing income than on reducing expenses.Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
4/1/2024 • 52 minutes, 6 seconds
Ep 235 | Not The Top Ten Reasons Couples Divorce
The single most important thing that couples contemplating divorce need to know.The ten reasons for divorce most often given by couples who are ending their marriage.Hear about how couples stay married while living off the grid on small boats.Discover blue roles and pink roles.Does your marriage have a mission?More on abuse.When Susan Lapin drives the Lapin boat and why.Bet you don't know exactly what sort of clothing Adam and Eve wore.Everything you need to know about masculine feminine polarity.Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
3/23/2024 • 1 hour, 14 minutes, 30 seconds
Ep 234 | Would More Money Make Most of Your Problems Vanish?
Men used to tend toward jobs in which they work with things (farming, construction, factories,etc)while women tended towards home and family or jobs in which they work with people (teaching, nursing, stewardess,etc) . A few peopleworked with ideas (lawyers, philosophy professors, clergy). Today it's less evident than it used to be. But maybe men still yearn to make, manipulate, or fix things so they have hobbies. Men working in agriculture: 1900 = 38%; 2000 = 10%.Does having things in his life help keep a man sane?What happens when faith is obliterated?1860--1960Marx - Secular morality;Darwin - Secular origin story; Freud - Secular s*x, Einstein - Secularism = All is relative. Abandon naive confidence in higher education toinstilmoral awareness of right and wrong. Check out my May appearance in Orlandowww.TheProvenConference.com/lapinAbout 30% of Americans have a university degree but they are governed by the US Congress of which 96% of members have a university degree. Like William F. Buckley,I'd rather be governed by an auto-mechanic than by a professor.Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
3/16/2024 • 1 hour, 18 minutes, 1 second
Ep 233 | Money, Marriage, & Murder. Get Wise
Lighting oneself on fire to make a political point; heroism or immorality? How we decide will impact the streets of your city.As for your rabbi, not so interested in talking to someonewho brings a can of gasoline and a lighter to the discussion.Suicide = Murder; true or false? Single people can be happy.Anyone can be happy--it's a decision.Women generally want to be married. Men learn, often too late, how much they need marriage.Temporary intimate relationships between men and women produce society-wide time bombs. Resentful women angry at men and demasculinized men fearful of women.The difference between intelligence and wisdom. Which is more valuable?The close interplay between money and marriage. The Book of Ruth as a Money-Marriage Manual.Try it out here:https://www.wehappywarriors.com/book-of-ruth-free-lesson-signupHappy Warriors may use code RUTH15 . Dueling magazinesMcCallsvs. Psychology Today.129 ways for a woman to find a husband.Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
3/2/2024 • 1 hour, 2 minutes, 41 seconds
Ep 232 | Escalate Your Income While The Economy Plummets
Back in 1950 Yemenite Jews arriving in Israel saw water faucets and thought they create water.They knew nothing of the invisible infrastructure of pipes and pumps that made water gush out of the faucet.Similarly there is invisible spiritual infrastructure that makes modern commerce possible. Finding food in the supermarket reliably every day; assuming the light will come on when you flick the wall switch; reaching someone on the other side of the world from your mobile phone; knowing that when you go through an intersection on a green light you won't be T-boned by an 18-wheelerbarellingthrough against a red light. How strangers will happily provide what other strangers want. All through the magic of money. When government integrity goes, the judicial system goes, crime comes, and the economy tanks.See the rules herehttps://www.wehappywarriors.com/book-of-ruth-free-lesson-signupUse code RUTH15What happens when five individual farmers working for themselves form a co-op and start collaborating. Why reported murder rates decline while you just know crime is way up.Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
2/26/2024 • 44 minutes, 29 seconds
Ep 231 | Cost of Having Kids Or Cost of NOT Having Kids
The definition of a happy warrior andhow to join our international community of Happy Warriors.Oscar Wilde and The Picture of Dorian Gray.Do you know the cost of everything but the value of nothing?Avoid the one activity that makes your face age.The three ways in whichyour children can help you make more money.No, it's nothing to do with renting them out.Know the 5 things that are vital for a happy life.We reveal useful tips, tools, and techniques that we have published in our new book, The Holistic You.Read about it herehttps://a.co/d/24XdFHhDiscover how the world REALLY works.Choosing how many children to have.Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
2/19/2024 • 42 minutes, 29 seconds
Ep 230 | Using The Reality Test to Choose The Best Path
Not sure whether Equality or Freedom is the better value?Simple; use the Reality Test.Not sure whether women should take responsibility for their own safety? Use theReality Test.Not sure whether every man needs a woman and every woman needs a man?Use the Reality Test.Is feminism a helpfuland desirable doctrine or a destructive pathology? Simple; use the Reality Test.Read the details in this bookhttps://a.co/d/2RKFOZ2Children do just fine raised by single moms?Use the Reality Test.Can men have good relationships with their sons even without wives? Use the Reality Test.Why girls without dads in the home reach puberty early.Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
2/10/2024 • 52 minutes, 41 seconds
Ep 229 | Now Is The Time To Reboot Your Life's Operating System
Co-hosted with Susan Lapin.If you cannot play tennis, your life can still be good. If you can't sing, play a musical instrument, or tell jokes, your life can still be wonderful. But there are five distinct things that are vital for every successfuland happy life.What is more, you cannot have 3 out of the 5.It'sall five or nothing.In away, these fivethings make up an indivisible totality of good living.A good way of thinking of them is as your life's operating system.Everything you do, achieve and enjoy rests on the foundation of a smoothly-running operating system.We talk of identifying these five things and acquiring them.We reveal useful tips, tools, and techniques that we have published in our new book, The Holistic You.Read about it herehttps://a.co/d/24XdFHhWhat is the difference between electric cars and polyamorous living arrangements?Does making money mean the same to women as it does to men?Are there male female relationships that are 100% non-romantic; purely business or social?Discover how the world REALLY works.Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
2/3/2024 • 55 minutes, 52 seconds
Ep 228 | Get Smart: Three Foolish Fallacies and One Big Truth
Why hate theJews?The honest, true, and deeply uncomfortable explanation for anti-Semitism.Two nations on one island: Haiti is desperate and hopeless.The Dominican Republic is vibrant and successful. What is the difference?Whenever you hear concern about "The Children" know that you are being powerfully and emotionallymanipulated for political purposes.More Jews had to leave Arab lands than Arabs had to leave Israel in 1948.Why are Arab refugees treated differently from all other refugees in the world?The fallacy of proportionality.Someone is beating up your wife and kid, careful now, make sure your response is proportional. Really?Where did this rubbish doctrine come from?Loving those you give to rather than those who give to you.Isn't compassion always a desirable characteristic?Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
1/27/2024 • 1 hour, 19 minutes, 48 seconds
Ep 227 | Ancient Solutions for Modern Problems
Hey, women, stay away from universities!How to ruin your life in 3 easy steps.The most ignored problem in all of scientific research and nobody knows the answer. Where are you on the Flamboyant Life Force--Darkest Death spectrum line?How to improve every important aspect of your life by deploying the fact that we are all attracted to vibrant life and a little repelled by death.Get the hang of allthis by readinghttps://a.co/d/0og0ubgWhy wives feel happier if they do not feel that they carry the family's financial burden.See today's social dysfunctionality in perspectivehttps://www.wehappywarriors.com/the-gathering-stormHave university-educated American presidents made fewer mistakes than those with no college degree?We know the purpose of a factory or a hospital or a sports stadium but what is the purpose of a university?Try to define "education". Hint: It's harder than you think.Why universities are bad for women's happiness. My job is NOT to massage you with warm butter but to teach how the world REALLY works.God bless.Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
1/20/2024 • 52 minutes, 47 seconds
Ep 226 | Biz Plan 2024: Coffins or Cradles
Here is today's life-changing principle:How you view tomorrow impacts your life today.The difference between selling coffins and selling cradles. Let the destructive patterns of your background end with you. Deploying the positive feedback loop of Optimism, Money, and Marriage.Tell me what you wish you knew when you were twenty years old.The book that makes it all happenhttps://a.co/d/izqtfxyBecome a Happy Warrior and inspire othershttps://www.wehappywarriors.com/Onwards and upwards with the 5Fs that give a good life.Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
1/13/2024 • 38 minutes, 57 seconds
Ep 225 | Find And Destroy The Bad Idea Threatening Your Finances & Family
One bad idea can sabotage all the solid achievements for which you've worked so hard.A solid resolution for 2024 is to identify and eliminate the bad ideas that are threatening your success in all your 5Fs.Read about this useful tool for making the new year a better year than last year.It's called Chart Your Coursehttps://rabbidaniellapin.com/product/chart-your-course-book-video-bundle/Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
12/30/2023 • 32 minutes, 4 seconds
Ep 224 | Marriage: Sharing a Bed and a Bank Account
I prefer a sacred Christmas to a secular Christmas.Secularism is not just a fair way to organize a pluralistic society.It exerts a malign influence on civilization.In ways you can't imagine.A guy is really unhappy because his wife lunches with a male colleague a couple of times a week.Is his bank account relevant to this story?Why platonic friendships between men and women between the ages of 15 and 70 never work.Is an emotional affair a thing? What should the unhappy guy do?Remember Mel Gibson's Braveheart?It explains one of the most important aspects of Chanuka.What were you doing between the ages of 13 and 23?Is it time for you to start making only wise decisions in the important areas ofyour life? If so, read thishttps://a.co/d/cX2lpPqDo you want your spiritual schematic to be about abundance or shortage?There are real life consequences to how you answer thatquestion.Why communism hates both marriage and private property.Other secrets about the interactionsbetween marriage and money.Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
12/23/2023 • 1 hour, 9 minutes, 50 seconds
Ep 223 | The Cult of Climate: Who Is Really Infallible?
Do you know the really unpopular message of Chanuka?That's right, it has somethingto do with burning oil.Why the Fossil Fuel vision seems to drag along a vision of shortage, limits, and ultimately poverty.Predictions of running out of coal and oil go back to the 19th century and they've all been wrong.Why do they keep making them? It's almost as if they WANT to run out of energy. What's going on?Is it time for you to start making only wise decisions in the important areas ofyour life? If so, read thishttps://a.co/d/cX2lpPqDo you want your spiritual schematic to be about abundance or shortage?There are real life consequences to how you answer thatquestion.Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
12/9/2023 • 41 minutes, 4 seconds
Ep 222 | What Good Is Ancient Jewish Wisdom?
Many mistakenly believe that the proliferation of regulations and laws are evidence of a society's sophistication and advance.In reality, that is like saying thatall the medications in an old man's medicine chest are evidence of his good health. Preserving a functioning family or a successful society is hard and mostly depends on a rare array of tools.In this show, your rabbi provides a guide to those tools.Are you thinking about making next year different from last year?Here is a very useful resource to look into:https://rabbidaniellapin.com/product/chart-your-course-e-book-video-bundle/Useful insights into clothing.Lessons for yourlife from McDonalds and General Motors. The hidden impact of vasectomies.Failures of feminism and artificial intelligence.Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
12/2/2023 • 51 minutes, 30 seconds
Ep 221 | Something Happened. Now Should He Trust Her? Should She Trust Him?
Do you want a good life?Do you know what a good life means?What do you have to do in order to achieve a good life? How Germany defeated France in only six weeks in early 1940. Why Mercedes and BMW are more reliable cars thanPeugotandCitroën. What this teaches us about making our lives good. Especially connection between money and marriage. What is purpose of physical intimacy: pleasure or procreation? Both? Why must the life-enhancing energy we call family derive from this elemental male female connection? His wife concealed her half million dollar trust fund from him. Can he trust her? Can she trust him? Should she?Read about The Holistic You, the ultimate guide to the Good Life: Click:https://rabbidaniellapin.com/product/the-holistic-you-hardcover/What happens to a marriage when one spouse wins the lottery? Does money impact the quality of intimacy?Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
11/25/2023 • 1 hour, 28 minutes, 13 seconds
Ep 220 | Why They Fight. Why You Are In This Fight. Like It Or Not.
Your rabbi confesses that there are aspects of the Islamic struggle for world domination that he admires; not likes, not values, not commends and not approves, but admires.You willl learn why considering this a stuggle between Islam and Democracy is childish.Why Moslems fight among themselves.Why the Palestinian issue will never be solved by a bureaucrat with a map and a pencil.Why the hideous savagry of October 7th.Why they die in Gaza. What happened to the Red Cross and the kidnapped Jews in the dark Gazan tunnels.Political power today is achieved by appeals to the heart not the head.How democracy leads to tyranny. But in all of this, live a good life by focusing on your 5Fs and study the roadmap to a good life, The Holistic You.https://a.co/d/fGCL0slBecause regardless of the storms that swirl around the borders of your life, you can rise and prosper by retaining a laser-like focus on your 5 Fs.Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
11/20/2023 • 1 hour, 3 minutes, 23 seconds
Ep 219 | In War Know Which Side Is More Masculine
In war, whether economic or military,masculine countries tend to beat feminine countries.What is gender with countries and societies?Why do some societies become feminized?Why is this dangerously destructive?Is there a way to "have it all"?Read about how to integrate the different areas of your life in our new book The Holistic You.Available atyour favorite bookseller now.Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
11/11/2023 • 42 minutes, 16 seconds
Ep 218 | How Do You Find a Morality Matrix? Where Do They Come From?
In this show we answer the puzzling paradoxes in the previous show.Even the most baffling behavioral enigmas surrender to a coherent moral matrix.A moral matrix answers questions in four main areas: Family, Finance, Friendships, and Fitness. A moral matrix is not time dependent; what was moral years ago will still be moral in years to come.Could a moral matrix emerge by itself in an isolated society?Why do secular/socialistic regimes never endure for very long?Read about Scrolling Through Scripture and listen to a lesson for free now!https://tinyurl.com/43z9e23eDiscover the connection between a country’s legal system and its underlying moral matrix.Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
11/4/2023 • 45 minutes, 20 seconds
Ep 217 | Do You Have a Clear Morality Matrix? If Not, You Make Many Unnecessary Mistakes
Much of what you say flows subconsciously from your morality matrix.Many of your decisions are made based on your morality matrix.If you don’t have one, you are making a whole bunch of damaging mistakes in your life.With aproper functioning morality matrix you make far fewer mistakes and life is more joyful.With no morality matrix, or worse, a broken one, you are making decisions in finance, romance, and socially that will come back and bite you—if they haven’t already done so.Morality is not like a toddler learning to walk. Gaining one is not automatic.A functioning morality matrix is like calculus, cooking or car repair.Unless you make the effort to acquire them, you won’t have them.There are more than one morality matrixavailable. Didyou ever deliberately and purposefully choose yours?Do you and your spouse share a morality matrix?If not, God help you!Your morality matrix is not confined to your faith.How well you are doing with Family,Finances, and Friendships has much to do with the existence and condition of your morality matrix.The deeper and inescapable truth about the 2023 Israeli war is revealed here:Clash of Destinyhttps://rabbidaniellapin.com/product/clash-of-destiny-instant-download/Is it true that violence never solves anything?Where did civilization come from?Finally, understand the distinction between Civilization and Barbarism in terms of the same 5Fs that are transforming your lifehttps://a.co/d/fZuMRoKAre there barbarians who dress in a suit and tie and teach other barbarians about gender studies in universities?Is it moral to kill in self-defense?Is it moral to kill one person to save the lives of five?Is it moral to steal medicine for a desperately ill patient?These and many more.Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
10/28/2023 • 52 minutes, 30 seconds
Ep 216 | Day Eleven: The War Heats Up. Report from Jerusalem
A young man says goodbye to his father and goes off to war.Why is this war different from every other ethnic conflict?Why can this one not be resolved by dividing the territory down the middle? Your rabbi is still in Israel.Why is the notorious Two State Solution, beloved by silly politicians, never going to be?Does Islam hate Christianity more than Christians love it? How many times has Islam tried to conquer Europe and turn it into part of the Moslem world?Why did Gazans in 2005 destroy millions of panes of glass?Why did the Nazis in 1938 destroy millions of panes of glass?Why did rioters, thugs and looters (Sorry, I meant to say “protestors”) in 2020 destroy millions of panes of glass in American cities?The deeper and inescapable truth about this Clash of Destinyhttps://rabbidaniellapin.com/product/clash-of-destiny-instant-download/Is it true that violence never solves anything?Where did civilization come from?Finally, understand the distinction between Civilization and Barbarism in terms of the same 5Fs that are transforming your lifehttps://a.co/d/fZuMRoKAre there barbarians who dress in a suit and tie and teach other barbarians about gender studies in colonial hell holes? Do you really have to choose between civilization and barbarism or is there a third choice? What will the world look like for your grandchildren?Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
10/19/2023 • 54 minutes, 20 seconds
Ep 215 | Your Rabbi Reports on the War Live From Israel
The real purpose behind the Hamas mini-missiles.What is the atmosphere like right now on Israel’s streets?What happened in my synagogue just outside Jerusalem when the sirens went off on Saturday morning.Comparing civilian mortality rates in Israel’s Yom Kippur war fifty years ago with what happened on Saturday.The titanic struggle between civilization and barbarism.How long can Israel’s economy withstand a mobilization of over a quarter million reservists? The Israel Defense Force in some cases took five hours to get to besieged communities suffering pogroms and massacres such as haven’t been seen since the Nazis attempted genocide in World War 2.Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
10/11/2023 • 49 minutes, 45 seconds
Ep 214 | I Must Make Money But Just Do Not Know What To Do
Exactly fifty years ago Israel’s General Moshe Dayan tried to call a press conference to announce the defeat of Israel and the end of its 25-year existence. Hear what happened.The four steps to finding your financial feet.Job. Excel. Save.Fitness.It’s as simple as that, but as always, the details matter.Follow the program laid out for you in this show and your financial future will be meteoric.Susan Lapin and I are exuberantly thrilled with our new book, The Holistic You.We’ve been working on it for over three years.It’s now finally available.Find out more aboutour new book, The Holistic You herehttps://a.co/d/af1PtkNHappy Warriors are not tennis balls floating down the gutter of life.No!Happy Warriors are captains of their fates.Happy Warriors are not passive and are never victims.The Happy Warriors plans his life and then lives his plan.Become a Happy Warrior today.Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
9/25/2023 • 58 minutes, 34 seconds
Ep 213 | A Shockingly Courageous Woman
Dr. Naomi Wolf has been writing left-leaning provocative books and articles since she achieved fame as a feminist leader over thirty years ago.She advised Bill Clinton on his 1996 presidential election campaign, and she advised the Al Gore/Joe Lieberman presidential campaign in 2000.It would seem hard for Susan Lapin and your rabbi to find any common ground with her for a cordial conversation.Most of what she stood for and espoused we considered, and still do, dangerous and destructive drivel but she was always eloquent and coherent.However, we discovered some highly unusual aspects to this gutsy woman and we invited her to chat with us on this show.She graciously accepted and we greatly enjoyed the result.Now you can too.Our best book ever: The Holistic You Integrating Your Family, Finances, Friendships, Faith, and Fitness.Read about it herehttps://a.co/d/gx9YFF1Naomi Wolf is no tennis ball floating down the gutter of life. Don’t you be one.Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
9/16/2023 • 1 hour, 26 minutes, 54 seconds
Ep 212 | Become A Man Enjoy The Breast of Both Worlds
Now here’s a question: Why do men have nipples?Oh, we all know about Y chromosomes, but really, why? Here’s another: Why are male babies more fragile than female babies?What happens to a world of women, females, feminists? What happens to a world of thugs and wimps?Why do Kenyan Masai tribesmen have initiation ceremonies for boys only?Why do Jews have bar mitzvah ceremonies for boys? Is it easier to become a man or a woman.Explore the new book about the 5Fs The Holistic You herehttps://a.co/d/af1PtkNWhy do we say Man Up but not Woman Up?Which world leaders are masculine and which feminine? Which are more successful? What happens to women on a dangerous desert island if there are no men?What happens to men isolated without women?Remember when men refrained from cursing if girls were around?Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
9/9/2023 • 1 hour, 27 minutes, 16 seconds
Ep 211 | Unshackle Your Potential-By Shackling Yourself
Now here’s a paradox.Find the freedom to unleash all your creative potential precisely by limitingyour freedom and learning how to use restriction and regulation.Why you resemble a .223 rifle round.Taking a job does rule out all other jobs and marrying someone is ruling out all the other amazing people who might be waiting around the corner. Starting a business does rule out all the other things you could be doing.In today’s show we reveal the solution to the paradox.Read more about the incredibly effective Financial Prosperity Collection here:https://www.wehappywarriors.com/financial-prosperity-collection?seg_id=01GD41TEC123FMDH3CT92WHQ9D.12051.1693537083366For the first time, I interview the charismatic creator of the Christian Coalition, Ralph Reed. He changed American politics forever and today he tells me his views on the 2024 presidential election. Freedom is just another word for….Happy Warriors are not tennis balls floating down the gutter of life. Instead they grab life and find joy.Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
9/2/2023 • 55 minutes, 43 seconds
Ep 210 | Take a Vaccine For The Shortage Virus Holding You Back
Happy Warriors are not tennis balls floating down the gutter of life but even we can inadvertently catch the contagious and destructive shortage virus.It is spread from person to person and via media, entertainment, and politics.And when you’ve caught it, you will start believing that we live in a world of shortage. You will prostrateyourself at the altar of recycling to prove to yourself that without recycling, we’re doomed because of shortage.You will buy a smaller car than you really want, not because you can’t afford anything else but because you believe we are short of oil and energy.You will keep your summer air conditioner set too high for comfort to save electricity. That is only part of what catching the shortage virus can do to your life.The worst part is that you make less money than you should and can.Fight financial shortage by learning about the Financial Prosperity Collectionhere:https://www.wehappywarriors.com/financial-prosperity-collection?seg_id=01GD41TEC123FMDH3CT92WHQ9D.12051.1693002435165Worried about inflation? Yes, it’s real but the solution is banish shortage and make more money by deploying the strategiesyou will learn in this resource.Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
8/28/2023 • 47 minutes, 11 seconds
Ep 209 | Smash the Obstacle to Your Self-Improvement
We’re all attracted to self-improvement.In some way, right?We want to improve our bank accounts; we want to improve our health by losing weight; we want to improve our conversational ability, our memories, our knowledge, our appearance, and much more.We love self-improvement.But we don’t always know that inner improvement is the gateway to all other improvement.It is a bit like wanting to bring in a gardener, a landscaper, and a tree specialist to improve our yard but keeping the gate locked so none of the workers can enter.Opening the portal to self-improvement is whatMussaris all about and my guest on this show, RuchiKorvalis a specialist in the ancient Jewish practice ofMussar.This is her bookhttps://rabbidaniellapin.com/product/soul-construction/Happy Warriors will like her take on Barbie the movie. Can you improve the world by improving yourself? Must you forgive yourself before forgiving others?Happy Warriors are not tennis balls floating down the gutter of life.Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
8/16/2023 • 1 hour, 15 minutes, 52 seconds
Ep 208 | Discover If Deep Down You Are A Reality Denier
Two simple but powerful strategies for you to follow in order to be taken more seriously.Do you feel that hormone blockers and radical genital surgery should be inflicted on 16-year-olds? You might just be a Reality Denier.Do you feel that the brazen robbers who ransack hi end clothing stores, jewelry stores, and luxury retailers do so on account of capitalism, racism, sexism, or poverty? You just might be a Reality Denier.Do you feel that governments can spend whatever they like because they can always print more money? You might just be a Reality Denier. Ryan might or might not be a Reality Denier but he is a young man who wrote me explaining why he has chosen to keep women out of his life.Is Ryan going to become a priest? Not even close.Ryan doesn’t like the women he meets on the Internet dating site, Tinder. His alternative is celibacy, and he thinks that is just fine.I answer Ryan on this show. Ryan would find useful life perspectives here.https://rabbidaniellapin.com/product/buried-treasure/So will you.Canada’s Prime Minister is a Reality Denier.He thinks that families survive divorce. Men do. Women can. Children might but families do not. Ryan thinks that over 30$ of married women cheat. Ryan is wrong. Very wrong.Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
8/7/2023 • 1 hour, 20 minutes, 58 seconds
Ep 207 | A Conversation: S. African Business Leader Vusi Thembekwayo
A white former South African and a black South African business professional get to know one another.We discuss how to educate teenagers for life success.We compare the notable success of African immigrants to America with the failure of Moslem immigrants to France.Our chat gets interrupted by yet another of South Africa’s frequent electrical outages.We explore how much more important discipline is than motivation.The importance of contracts and how Dubai handles foreigners.Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
7/29/2023 • 1 hour, 3 minutes, 28 seconds
Ep 206 | Things About Your Father You Never Knew But Should
This important show describes how wise and stable governments do 2 things really well:they maintain the value of the currency and they protect parent-child relationships.The obvious results are strong families, stable society, and widespread affluence.Tyrannical regimes do exactly the opposite.They debase the currency, seriously eroding its value by causing inflation, and they undermine parent-child relationships.The obvious results are fewer people living in families, more dependency on government, more crime, dysfunctional bureaucracies, lowered lifestyles and increased poverty, more mental illness,and a declining society. Why would they do that?To remain in power of course, silly. Surely you knew that.As many as 1 in 4 American adults are estranged from a parent.I explain whether there is more estrangement from fathers or from mothers and why.The most popular tattoo in prison and why. Exactly why boys raised by moms married to dads stay out of jail. Become a Happy Warrior. Find out morehttps://www.wehappywarriors.com/Why marriage is more comfortable for women than for men. Why American public education encourages sexual mutilation among young students. Why statues were destroyed? Learn to see the future.Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
7/22/2023 • 1 hour, 1 minute, 46 seconds
Ep 205 | Much More Than a Soothing Spasm in The Spinal Column
What liberalism liberates you from. Liberalism, progressivism, socialism, communism, all the same, differing only in degree. Liberalism caught on so widely in Western universities in the 1960s because it permitted guys to sleep with their girlfriends without any marriage commitment.Why liberalism emerged indigenously and thrived in America and Europe but not in Africa or Asia.Explore how to become a Happy Warriorhttps://www.wehappywarriors.com/The great and valuable secret of how to change the way you feel about anything or anyone.The male equivalent to how women who hold, touch, and smell babies experience physiologically measurable surges of hormones. Watch a free episode of Scrolling Through Scripturehttps://tinyurl.com/4wv6r46eWhy so many women waste their best years of beauty and fertility.Why so many men make life mistakes from which there is no coming back.The one thing not explained by evolutionary biology.Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
7/15/2023 • 1 hour, 13 seconds
Ep 204 | Fear the Future. We’re in Dreadful Danger. Are We?
Ever heard people say that people and monkeys share 98% of the same DNA? Here is the correct response to that not altogether untrue claim.Women’s bodies produce a few large eggs while men’s bodies produce millions of tiny sperm but here is the real difference between men and women.Why do two similar people who have received the same amount of money not have equal net worth?The natural world does not produce much equality.There are not even two identical electrons.But secular fundamentalism focuses on equality.Equal is demonstrably impossible.Do you want to live a life of freedom, tranquility, and prosperity?What is a bigger threat to you—Income Inequality or Family Breakdown?Seriously.Listen and think.Do you want to know why politicians are promising to fight income inequality so fiercely right now?Does living among people who have more money than you (or less) make you miserable? How many times do you think the word “Equal” is found in the Five Books of Moses? If you love knowing how the world REALLY works, become a Happy Warrior.Discover the Bible’s first progressive.Happy Warriors are not tennis balls floating down the gutter of life.Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
7/8/2023 • 50 minutes, 44 seconds
Ep 203 | My 2024 Election Predictions & Fatal Flaw in Dating Apps
Definition of Happy Warrior. Surprising prediction of who will not be on the ballot in the United States presidential election of November 2024. What 98% of women want, but fear admitting.The difference between boys and men.What 98% of men really desire. The #1 mistake that women make.The worst feeling to give a man.The difference between a new wife and an old wife and how a wife can be a new wife twenty years into a marriage.How men make terrible decisions with their eyes.The one basic mistake that more than a thousand dating apps all make. Join the community of Happy Warriorshttps://www.wehappywarriors.com/How so many men marry someone who looks nothing like the visual fantasy they nurtured for years. The best way to meet someone if you wish to marry rather than date.Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
7/1/2023 • 1 hour, 6 seconds
Ep 202 | The Sad Story Of a Doomed Marriage
Happy Warriors know that the more that things change, the more we must depend on those things that never change. Juneteenth-the execution date of Soviet spies. Answer either A or B to each of these 3 questions and discover how spiritual you really are.Explore them with someone else and discover your romantic compatibility.Something else to explore with a beloved or an intended, is this:https://rabbidaniellapin.com/product/lasting-love-set/You’ll be surprised how much closer the two of you will feel after this little journey of exploration.What are the things that are more important than love when discussing marriage?Happy Warriors are not tennis balls floating down the gutter of life.Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
6/24/2023 • 44 minutes, 27 seconds
Ep 201 | How To Banish Abuse and Trauma From Your Life
Why don’t you get a regular “Mental” like you go to get an annual “Physical”?The secret of achieving robust mental stability and tranquility.The 2 words you should never say.The one job you get to do without any training or qualification.The journey brings more benefits to your life than reaching the destination.The real reason Holland and Ireland are slaughtering half a million cows.The thing we all need but by the time we realize it, it’s too late.Do you get how money, government, and war, play together?If so, you’ll enjoy listening to The Book of Ruth Chorus of Connectionhttps://tinyurl.com/5n8cuuruA good way to start strengthening your F of Faith. The one thing that makes even secular fundamentalists fear fertility failure.Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
6/17/2023 • 57 minutes, 31 seconds
Ep 200 | Learn Your ABC Know these A320 B737 C919 And Their Meaning
Could Germany have repelled the D Day invasion landings in Normandy?Lessons for us today from how Germany and Japan fought World War 2.Goodbye Pat Robertson.Frenzied fanatics without an economic base can inflict great damage on a more economically successful nation but they cannot win a war. The money really matters. Today, Boeing takes 10 days to build a B737. In 1944 America was building 10 airplanes an hour.Could America do that today? What do you think?To get a grip on the foundational principles of money, government, and war, listen to The Book of Ruth Chorus of Connectionhttps://tinyurl.com/5n8cuuruAirbus, Boeing, and now Comac. China’s commercial aircraft builder flew its first certified passenger jet.Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
6/10/2023 • 38 minutes, 36 seconds
Ep 199 | Three Techniques To Help You Foretell The Future
This show is not for tennis balls floating down the gutter of life!This show is for Happy Warriors and Happy Warriors can benefit from being able to foretell the future.This is not prophecy; it is a subset of wisdom.Let your rabbi introduce you to ancient Jewish wisdom’s effective techniques for foretelling the future.The secret is in the egg. How South African political turbulence changed the price of chrome. King Charles hatched from the egg that was Queen Elizabeth II. How can we foresee his future.In 1960 America produced more than half of all the cars in the world.Today America produces 9 million cars a year while China builds 27 million cars a year. That is the egg. Can you see what is hatching? That is what this show teaches you to do. Take advantage of changing technology and enjoy the beauty and quality of plastic CDs and DVDs visithttps://rabbidaniellapin.com/store/clearance/and enjoy.President Clinton assured America no hom*osexual marriage. He even signed the Defense of Marriage Act in 1996. Yet had you been in possession of the techniques I teach in this show, you would have successfully predicted biological men defeating women in athletics competitions and the spread of transgenderism.Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
5/27/2023 • 1 hour, 1 minute, 16 seconds
Ep 198 | How Pirates Purloined the Skull and Crossbones From Me
Divorce is everyone’s business.If your neighbors divorce, it is sad for them and their family but it also reduces your property value and raises your taxes.Teenagers marooned on an island-Survival.Why is Switzerland a nicer place to live than Somalia? In exchange for power and prestige, Socialistic politicians promise gullible voters all the advantages of prosperity and progress with none of the costs. Socialism is a more dangerous and virulent virus than covid was.Socialism, oops, sorry, Progressivism seduces low-character people by offering them a moral framework that legitimizes their living off the work of other people. Take an adult look at the Biblehttps://tinyurl.com/547pv5sjSocialism sanctimoniously sanitizes theft. How and why various countries failed financially when they flung out their Jewish citizens and which countries thrived by welcoming them. Jewish pirates of the Caribbean and the Skull and Crossbones flag.Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
5/20/2023 • 1 hour, 15 minutes, 44 seconds
Ep 197 | 5 Permanent Principles of the Bible for Your Peace and Prosperity
In the same way that the belief system of superstitious people steers them toward holding false ideas and mistaken views,the secular belief system of materialism steers its devotees toward the mistaken belief that the Bible is a largely irrelevant piece of ancient literature filled with silly stories, mindless myths, and laughable laws.In this show, your rabbi presents five Permanent Principles of the Bible that have shaped societies and countries, and which can work powerful and almost magical transformations in your life regardless of your current state of faith.Become a Happy Warrior by visitingwww.WeHappyWarriors.comand start fixing your life. Your rabbi explains how this rule works: Total commitment, even to something wrong, often trumps lukewarm commitment to truth.The two main challenges, if you wish to survive and thrive, and how to overcome them.If you want a pair of your rabbi’s recommended night vision goggles, this show is for you. The more that things change, the more we must depend upon those things that never change.Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
5/13/2023 • 1 hour, 7 minutes, 27 seconds
Ep 196 | Choosing a Wife
Why is this about choosing a WIFE and not about choosing a SPOUSE?Is your rabbi a ‘sexist’?Is choosing a wife a huge gamble?If you are a single woman, who would you rather marry-- a 37-year-old never married single man or a divorced man of the same age?Should a wise man choose as a wife, a woman with no friends?What is more important for a married couple to share—a bed or a bank account?How to know if she is “THE ONE”.If the first step is getting married, then the second step is defending and protecting your marriage and family.Surprising secrets on doing just that are here:https://www.wehappywarriors.com/the-gathering-storm?seg_id=01GD41TEC123FMDH3CT92WHQ9D.12051.1683247722613Transforming two chapters from myth to manual.How the Biblical account of Noah’s Ark is actually a practical handbook for protectingyour 5 Fs. What Atlas Shrugged says you can learn about a man from seeing who he sleeps with. Can a woman propose marriage to a man?Does money mean the same thing to a woman as it does to a man?Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
5/6/2023 • 1 hour, 9 minutes, 46 seconds
Ep 195 | Healing Anxiety & Depression Without a Doctor
Shocking but important question to ask: Does mental health covering areas of anxiety, depression, gender dysphoria, eating disorders, and so on, belong as part of medicine or is it an entirely separate discipline?Does mental health and emotional tranquility fit under the Fitness category or under Faith?Is our mental equilibrium a matter of our bodies or of our souls?Our need for connection to the past and to the future is a lot like our need for Potassium. Is “I’m not in the mood” normal? Here’s the truth of male/female relationships to listen to with a loved one or a loved one to be.https://rabbidaniellapin.com/product/madam-im-adam-instant-download/Enjoy it.Will there be a price to pay for the large number of children now being born who will never know their fathers?How to improve your children’s mental health by connecting them to their past. Increasing numbers of children being born to surrogate mothers. The truth about “Womb to rent”.The root reason why single women hate men.Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
4/15/2023 • 55 minutes, 13 seconds
Ep 194 | Expand Your Family For As Much Joy As Expanding Your Finances
Why so many girl babies were aborted (and still are).The value of building a family.Sons carry on your name.What do daughters do that you can’t live without?Choosing a spouse.What nobody teaches young people today about marriage.The Lapin Passover Seder.The invention of the Bessemer Steel making furnace.Victoria Falls in Africa.Benefits of a large family. The amazing Longfellow poem, Hiawatha.Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
4/8/2023 • 34 minutes, 7 seconds
Ep 193 | When Will Artificial Intelligence Destroy Us All?
Mass hysteria is a real thing.Large numbers of people, maybe an entire society swept away by an emotional avalanche.Covid, masks, climate change, overpopulation, evil Russia must be stopped, and many more examples.The French Revolution was mass hysteria and so were the preschool sex abuse cases in the 1980s in California and Massachusetts.The fear that artificial intelligence will get sophisticated enough to overpower humans and enslave us is nothing but mass hysteria.Smart (but not wise) people are calling artificial intelligence the greatest threat to humanity.Why do religious people often enjoy an advantage when confronting challenging events like marriage, starting a business, or bringing a child into the world. How to filter the words of so-called experts.Why you do not need a degree in economics to know when a politician is spouting fiscal feces.Becoming a Happy Warrior.What we can learn from the Salem Witch Trials of 1692.Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
4/1/2023 • 34 minutes, 56 seconds
Ep 192 | Get Thin By Wanting Less & Eating Less. It Works
“You can never be too rich or too thin” claimed U.S. fashion magazine “Harper’s Bazaar” in 1963.The aphorism may be witty but it certainly isn’t true.If one’s finances have been won by ruining every other aspect of your life, the other four Fs, Family, Fitness, Friendship and Faith, then maybe you are too rich.And regarding being thin, of course one can be too thin for good health.But how do we lose weight?Many of us are dragging around a few extra kilograms. Yes, I know, eat less and exercise more.But eating feels good, that’s all there is to it. And exercise is hard. But wait! ancient Jewish wisdom offers the solution.You know how you stop eating when your brain receives the “Stop-I am full” signal? What if you could get your brain to receive that signal before your fourth helping of Crème Brule. Why do we have one long gastro-intestinal tract with mouths for eating and speaking at one end, and at the other end, the orifice for defecation?Want to see the digital library pack?Click herehttps://rabbidaniellapin.com/product/digital-download-library-pack/Passover coming up very soon. It’s all about eating and speaking. Do you like model trains? Do you know what they are?Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
3/20/2023 • 1 hour, 48 minutes, 6 seconds
Ep 191 | Thugs Or Wimps Are Easy Men Are Much Harder
All Happy Warriors know when they are mistakenly BEHAVING on emotions and feelings.In this show we learn how to know when we are THINKING on emotions and feelings.Just as fire can build and destroy, male-female relationships can build a strong family-based society and they can also destroy society through casual encounters that cause jealousies and aggressions.Polygamy is widely practiced in modern western society but it is the more destructive form of polygamy.What is being a man? Why virtue and virility come from the same Latin root.How GICs turn boys into either thugs or wimps. Both are equally destructive. Men want to marry.Thugs steal physical sensation.Wimps yearn impotently.Men own possessions and want to protect them. Thugs steal possessions and destroy them.Wimps want the freedom of owning nothing. Discover the Biblical blueprint for male-female relationships here:https://rabbidaniellapin.com/?s=madamMadam I’m Adam: Decoding The Marriage Secrets From Eden.The most fantastic family strategy is developing a family narrative. The value of manners, how girls should demand them and how men will grow through them.Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
3/13/2023 • 1 hour, 19 minutes, 57 seconds
Ep 190 | Be Fruitful and Multiply-What Does It Really Mean?
Tension between erotic pleasure and reproduction in marital intimacy.If it is only about erotic pleasure, then reproduction must be thwarted.If it is only about reproduction, then why the pleasure?We used to think of doctors who sterilize young women as war criminals. Today, it is perfectly natural and perfectly normal.Enjoy the pleasure of baking and eating special Sabbath bread called Challah.https://rabbidaniellapin.com/product/the-art-of-making-challah/The only thing better than the smell of freshly baked bread permeating your house, is its taste. The Bible character who tried to separate sex and reproduction and failed.Go here for a free Bible video and become Bible-literatehttps://tinyurl.com/mr37s9y6Not all birth control is equal.Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
3/4/2023 • 58 minutes, 46 seconds
Ep 189 | Making Everything Possible-Speech. But From Where?
The astonishing events that occurred when the communistSandanistasput 500 deaf Nicaraguan children in one special school in Managua. No, Agatha, I am sorry but Koko the gorilla could not speak.And Fred, I am sorry but Kanzi the chimpanzee did not ever speak either.Do how did humans acquire the miracle of speech if it is not found in monkeys, racehorses, or dolphins?Oh yes, they certainly communicate, as do bees. But that is quite different from describing abstract ideas with sounds. Humans use language to discuss monkeys, dolphins, and everything else on our planet.No creature uses language to discuss humans. If you move really quickly, you can still use this coupon for a fantastic discount on Scrolling Through Scripture STS1FEB2023.Go here for a free Bible video, read more, and become Bible-literatehttps://tinyurl.com/mr37s9y6The simple but powerful trick that is guaranteed to make you sound more confident by helping you speak more eloquently and fluently.Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
2/25/2023 • 45 minutes, 17 seconds
Ep 188 | Tuesday Night The Lapins Ate Pan Seared Cod Fish
Your rabbi knows as much about cooking as a clown knows of neurosurgery.But this week he prepared spectacular cod. This remarkable fish nourished Europe for hundreds of years and then provided an economic base to the New England colonies in the 17thand 18thcenturies.How did the Basque people of Spain and France come to dominate the cod business.What happened to the 200 pound cod fish we used to catch?Why is there a statue of a cod fish in the Massachusetts House of Representatives.Use this coupon for a fantastic discount on Scrolling Through Scripture STS1FEB2023.Go here for a free Bible video, read more and become Bible-literatehttps://tinyurl.com/mr37s9y6The tragedy of the commons.What happens when nobody owns stuff and nobody cares. Can we get the cod fish back? The Hanseatic League and how to build your own business and trading league.Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
2/18/2023 • 49 minutes, 19 seconds
Ep 187 | Earthquakes Cause Destruction So Does Promiscuity
Who are our friends?Here’s a bigger question: What is a boyfriend or a girlfriend?Is there such a thing as casual s*x for women?Watch out for men who have repeatedly broken girls’ hearts and watch out for girls who have repeatedly had their hearts broken by men; they’re dangerous.Why do earthquakes in non-western countries seem to kill more people than similar events in western countries?If human nature can change, then Shakespeare, Balzac, and Dostoevsky are obsolete.Comment and connect with other Happy Warriors and also access much ancient Jewish wisdom at your convenience. Click here:https://wehappywarriors.com/happy-warriors-basicThe best way to introduce your youngster to s*x education.Please don’t let your local GIC be your child’s first introduction to male/female relationships.There is a far better way.Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
2/11/2023 • 1 hour, 15 minutes, 1 second
Ep 186 | Why You Should Raise Great Kids and How To Do It
The difference between conceiving a baby and having a son or daughter.Respect for parents: Primitive religious relic or key to education and financial success? How making decisions closes off options.Bad parents want their youngsters “just to be happy”.A child’s identity is formed by family, religion, and nation.GICs try to form a child’s identity around race, class, and gender.None of our lives are ideal, but… Become a member of the Happy Warrior community and enjoy connection with other HWs trying to build into their lives just what you are also trying to do.Access so much ancient Jewish wisdom at your convenience. For more information click here:https://wehappywarriors.com/happy-warriors-basicHow and why GICs try to sexualize your children prematurely.What about that school friend teaching your child to shoplift? Raising children is one of life’s greatest adventures. Raise sons differently from daughters. Using cash rather than phone pay apps to teach your children about money.Should you give your children allowances?Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
2/4/2023 • 1 hour, 3 minutes, 40 seconds
Ep 185 | Would You Rather Have Intelligence (IQ) or Wisdom?
How would you explain the difference between intelligence and wisdom? Which brings better life success?The story of Chesley Sullenberger and how he landed his airplane on the Hudson River. Why men are overrepresented in the top and bottom of the IQ bell curve. Can one's IQ be changed? Why university isn’t the be all and end all of life. Is the IQ test predictive of certain things? How do we distinguish between areas that respond to IQ and those that respond to wisdom? Become a member of the Happy Warrior community and enjoy connection with other HWs trying to build into their lives just what you are also trying to do.Access so much ancient Jewish wisdom at your convenience. For more information click here:https://wehappywarriors.com/happy-warriors-basicWhich do you want:The One World Government of the United Nations or the God-centric view of the world?Ideally, a world of many different nations trading with one another peacefully.Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
1/30/2023 • 39 minutes, 59 seconds
Ep 184 | 5 Ways to End Fear of Pentagrams-All Start With F
How did the pretty five-pointed star become associated with Satanic culture?The surprising impact that money has on women’s married lives.Why don’t we hear much these days about overpopulation and the Zero Population Movement?The disturbing effect that over-preoccupation with death has on mental/spiritual health, and what to do about it. Experts tell us that the shrinking population can be corrected by increasing immigration.Happy Warriors are not tennis balls floating down the gutter of life.Become a member of the Happy Warrior community and enjoy connection with other HWs trying to build into their lives just what you are also trying to do.Access so much ancient Jewish wisdom at your convenience. For more information click here: https://www.wehappywarriors.com/Tell the truth now, are all people really of equal value to society?What transforms bringing a child into the world from terrifying to joyful?If industrialization, education, and contraception availability arenot responsible for the drop in birthrate, what is?Have you thought about marrying young?Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
1/21/2023 • 1 hour, 7 minutes, 41 seconds
Ep 183 | Is Age Just A Number? Make The Most Of Your 20s
Oh, age is nothing but a number. Many single women from 28 to 40 tell me this.But why do so many women but so few men repeat that nonsensical phrase—oh, age is nothing but a number?If age is nothing but a meaningless number, why do most news stories and feature articles about people report on their ages?Why do people want to know the real age of those they date?Become a member of the Happy Warrior community and enjoy the connection with other HWs trying to build into their lives just what you are also trying to do.Access so much ancient Jewish wisdom at your convenience. For more information click here:https://www.wehappywarriors.com/What men should be doing from ages 18 to 28. Why college is not necessary. What women should be doing from age 18.How to preserve both virtue and reputation. Building your Finances, Family, Fitness, Friendships, and Faith.Use your time effectively by learning how to distinguish between things that you can impact and things about which you can do absolutely nothing.Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
1/19/2023 • 1 hour, 14 minutes, 49 seconds
Ep 182 | Revisiting My 2022 Predictions. Did They Come True?
Welcome to the Rabbi Daniel Lapin Show not intended for clowns, creeps, crooks or cranks, but instead, respectfully offered to one of the highest life forms-you the Happy Warrior. How will the collapse of FTX bitcoin exchange impact blockchain technology?I was right on this one. Make 2023 a fantastic new year. Not with a new year’s resolution. They never work.But with a compilation of 52 separate resolutions with an automatic monitoring system. See it here:https://rabbidaniellapin.com/product/chart-your-course-book-video-bundle/I explain China and Taiwan and how it will impact your finances. Will China, Russia and India set up their own international funds transfer system?What is the end plan for the Ukrainian war being funded now by the American taxpayer?Where is some of the money being sent to Ukraine ending up?Am I really an AyatollahYou’so?Maybe I should keep my day job.Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
1/7/2023 • 1 hour, 3 minutes, 49 seconds
Ep 181 | Pardon Me, Working for Your F U Money Is a Fiscal Mistake
Making money by honestly providing goods and services is never selfish or greedy.Saying you want to improve the world is camouflaging your power grab. You’ll end up using force to get others to accept your vision of improvement. What does Jacob’s dream of the angels’ ladder in Genesis really mean?What does sleeping with someone really mean? Why FU money is such a mistake. How the dream of becoming independent harms your bank account. The Bible that every intelligent and ambitious individual needshttps://rabbidaniellapin.com/product/koren-jerusalem-bible-hardcover/Happy Warriors are not tennis balls floating down the gutter of life.Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
1/2/2023 • 31 minutes, 28 seconds
Ep 180 | The Untold Truth: Who Really Hates Jews and Why
What happened when your rabbi delivered an illegal live speech during 2020’s covid lockdown.Which community in America was the first to achieve herd-immunity from covid?Is it remotely possible that your kid’s dangerous peanut allergy was caused by infant vaccination?How the Washington Post told its readers that Jewish people poisoned the village well. What happened in a Paris park on January 5,1895?Clue: the 1973 Steve McQueen movie, “Papillon”.There is only book that for over 500 years,just refuses to go Out-of-Print, the Bible.You deserve an authentic glimpse into it through the lens of the original Hebrew text. See it here (free) shorturl.at/fuCL8 and discover how the People of the Book have been extracting priceless life lessons in the 5Fs.Famous Harvard biologist tells the shocking truth about science.Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
1/2/2023 • 1 hour, 7 minutes, 12 seconds
Ep 179 | Things Wise People Do Not Share With Their Spouses
Yes, there are things you can share with a friend but never with your spouse. There are indeed many different ways to be miserable and unhappy.But the road to success and happiness takes pretty much the same route for everyone. That route is revealed in this podcast show. Family is overvalued when we’re young and undervalued as we grow older.Fragmenting your life seriously handicaps you.What should you do if you seriously want to improve every aspect of your life?Simple. Join our community of Happy Warriors to find strength and share strengthhttps://www.wehappywarriors.com/The surprising Fs that make aging much easier.Happy Warriors are not tennis balls floating down the gutter of life.Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
1/2/2023 • 52 minutes, 19 seconds
Ep 178 | Why The Founders of Psychology Were All Jews
Sigmund Freud was a fraud. He was also Jewish.As were 100 other big names in psychology. For over 125 years with the exceptions of Carl Jung and William James pretty much all the big names in psychology, psychiatry & psychoanalysis have all been Jewish. Does being Jewish have anything to do with God?Is psychology a science?Can anything to do with human minds, hearts, and souls be calculated and predicted in a lab the way a reaction in a test tube can?Can every human ailment be cured with a pill?What should you do if you experience anxiety? Join our community of Happy Warriors to find strength and share strengthhttps://www.wehappywarriors.com/How psychology murders morality.Why talking about yourself to a therapist might be about the worst thing you can do. Happy Warriors are not tennis balls floating down the gutter of life.Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
11/26/2022 • 57 minutes, 5 seconds
Ep 177 | Shacking Up Is for Financial Fools
The Wall Street Journal is utterly baffled why married couples make much more money than couples living together. All the data confirms that single people, divorced people, and couples who cohabit make much less money than married couples.In fact, the literature is irrefutable on this.If you care about poverty, you need to care about marriage.The colossal question is why. How does your back account or your budget, or your credit card balance know or care whether you and your significant other signed a piece of paper?The compelling answer will astound you. It has something to do with the Bro-Code—never date your buddy’s ex-girlfriend. It has to do with why guys care about a girl’s ‘body-count’. It has to do with the miracle of exponential arithmetic.Don’t miss this offer of a free lesson in Scrolling Through Scripture just for Happy Warriorshttps://www.wehappywarriors.com/scrolling-through-scripture-free-lessonHappy Warriors are not tennis balls floating down the gutter of life. Instead, we find joy in confronting life’s challenges and overcoming obstacles.Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
11/19/2022 • 1 hour, 3 minutes, 34 seconds
Ep 176 | The Right Fights The Left. Populists Fight Elitists. Progressives Fight Conservatives. Here Is The Truth!
Whatever country you live in a culture war is being fought. Is it nationalists against globalists? Is it socialists against capitalists?In war, if a soldier wears a false uniform, he might be viewed as a spy.In this war, almost all the soldiers are wearing camouflage. Sometimes the battle lines get obscured by the clouds of confusion.You can better focus on your 5Fs if you know who really is fighting and what they are fighting for.In this show, your rabbi reveals the true antagonists and what the battlefield really looks like.Above all, with this information, you will understand where your interests are being threatened and how to effectively defend them.Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
11/5/2022 • 1 hour, 8 minutes, 18 seconds
Ep 175 | Stop Talking About Your Health Issues—Nobody Cares; & What’s More…
Each of your 5F Fundamentals can power the other 4 if you understand the ten linkages.Learn how your Finances will impact your Fitness and, inversely, how your physical health will almost certainly impact your financial condition.Have you checked out our Happy Warriors membership page?See herewww.WeHappyWarriors.comLearn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
10/17/2022 • 35 minutes, 38 seconds
Ep 174 | How Money and Marriage Intersect
When President Biden took office early in 2021, the average price of diesel fuel in the U.S. was $2.50.Within eighteen months it had doubled to about $5:00 a gallon.Of that, about $0.25 a gallon is federal tax, while states tax on average another $0:50. California taxes diesel at the rate of $0:94 per gallon.Diesel fuel is used for almost everything. It has doubled in price in less than 2 years.Yet we are told that inflation is running at “only” 8.3%.Don’t be a sap; augment your income with a raise, another job, a side-hustle, or whatever you can.Blueprint for fantastic marriage involves man supporting his wife.Your rabbi knows that this may not be practical for every couple. But when a woman grants her husband the privilege of supporting her while she focuses on building a home and family she is also assisting his financial abilities. 70% of high earning men have a stay-at-home wife. Subscribe to Thought Toolshttps://rabbidaniellapin.com/category/thought-tools/Knowing that he is working not just for himself makes a husband significantly more successful.A wife is far more interested in her husband’s financial success than she is in the success of all the women in the country. The most successful partnerships work when the two partners are not the same and don’t have the same skills, abilities, and interests.A woman does her man a huge honor by taking his name.Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
9/24/2022 • 41 minutes, 7 seconds
Ep 173 | Succeed By Overcoming Your Destructive Desire to Sacrifice
One of the most conspicuous distinctions between mammals and humans is that no animal sacrifices for abstract ideals.Many female mammals will imperil themselves to save their young.This is an instinct without which the species would not survive. But humans will sacrifice for a belief or an idea.Why, humans will even sacrifice their very children for an often bizarre and false idea.They will send their children to GIC’s (Government Indoctrination Camps) where they not only fail to obtain an education but their bodies as well as their souls are endangered—This sacrifice of their children is done in the name of equity. They sacrifice their economy’s viability in the name of climate change and environmentalism.Beware you Happy Warriors, do not fall victim to this kind of sacrificial ritual in your pursuit of excellence in your 5Fs, your Family, Faith, Finances, Fitness, and Friendships.Find out how you can learn more and subscribe to Thought Tools for free here: https://rabbidaniellapin.com/category/thought-tools/In 1965 Barack Hussein Obama Sr. insulted Jomo Kenyatta, then president of Kenya. Fifty years later, in July 2015 his son, president of the United States, insulted Uhuru Kenyatta, Jomo’s son.Like father like son. Dreams from his father.Africa’s new colonial power and Africa’s dominant faith-Christianity.Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
9/17/2022 • 52 minutes, 23 seconds
Ep 172 | Should You Consider Investing In China? What Would the Queen Have Said?
Inflation is really about double the official figure.What should you do?How do you get some of your money out of dollars that lose 1% of their value every single month? The Queen is dead; Long live the King!The role the queen really played in building an empire.How a society’s deteriorating sexual morals are a sigh of impending extinction. Learn more here: The Gathering Stormhttps://www.wehappywarriors.com/the-gathering-storm?seg_id=01G7AVA808RQ225VH1FD4HQZ98.12051.1662746200768In real terms, who has more of a free market, the USA or China?Why did migrants from Middle East and North Africa fail to replace the missing Swedes, Frenchmen, and Germans?Happy Warriors are NOT tennis balls floating down the gutter of life.Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
9/10/2022 • 50 minutes, 59 seconds
Ep 171 | Should You Be Free To Be Your Authentic Self?
Happy Warriors are NOT tennis balls floating down the gutter of life.Marriage is the finest educational institution.Not that there is much competition these days.Life Rule #94: You must know this one if you ever try a repair of your plumbing, your tooth, your business, your marriage or any other area of life.Before you see improvement, you WILL see…?Discover the one and only way to enjoy the respect of your children.A free lesson in Scrolling Through Scripturehttps://www.wehappywarriors.com/scrolling-through-scripture-free-lesson?seg_id=01G7AVA808RQ225VH1FD4HQZ98.12051.1661549705303Does your marriage (or relationship!) ever make you do something that you do not feel like doing?If yes, you need this show.Onwards and upwards.Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
8/29/2022 • 58 minutes, 43 seconds
Ep 170 | Fake Relationship Advice-Can You Spot The Mistakes?
Mrs. Susan Lapin joins me to unravel a rats nest of baffling and bewildering relationship recommendations.How many male female relationship types are there?Do most women first and foremost seek a nice, kind, sweet & caring man?Ladies, are those attributes top of your list?Do you know your authentic self?Do you even have an authentic self?Would your relationship partner like your authentic self?Does your relationship partner know your hopes and dreams?Do you want greater understanding of how the world REALLY works?Do you sometimes feel like the world is coming to an end?Well, it might just be time for you to build your own ark.Take a good look at Noah right here, right now:https://www.wehappywarriors.com/the-gathering-storm?seg_id=01G7AVA808RQ225VH1FD4HQZ98.12051.1660496731013The qualities that a man seeks in a wife are quite different from those a woman seeks in a husband.But if you think men and women are identical, you wouldn’t understand that.The secret of successful lying.Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
8/20/2022 • 30 minutes, 35 seconds
Ep 169 | The Mysterious Motive: Why He Tried To Kill Him
Flatline means death.Vibration means life. Even the very beginning of life, its conception, involves vibration. Heartbeat and breathing are vibrations. Speech, communication and music are all vibrations.Are you wondering why every Happy Warrior needs to know this?Just wait!There are other kinds of vibrations.Red, blue, and green are vibrations, so is what cooks food in your microwave.Different instruments measure different kinds of vibrations.The wrong instrument does not mean there is no vibration.It just means you used the wrong instrument.Why did Hadi Matar try to murder SalmanRashdie? The New York Times cannot know the motive. They use the wrong instrument. They fail because their worldview excludes Faith; it is the religion of Secular Materialistic Fundamentalism.But every Happy Warrior understands Hadi’s motive.Do you want greater understanding of how the world REALLY works?Take a look at Noah right here, right now:https://www.wehappywarriors.com/the-gathering-storm?seg_id=01G7AVA808RQ225VH1FD4HQZ98.12051.1660496731013What was Darwin trying to do in 1859?Deep inside our own souls, each of us desperately seeks an answer to the question:Where did I come from?The real role of the Flood account in describing where we came from and what we need to know about it when raising our own families. Why some children grow up financially successful while others seem doomed from the start.Clue: Education is not the answer.Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
8/15/2022 • 1 hour, 10 minutes, 15 seconds
Ep 168 | How To Beat The Experts And Get It Right Every Time!
Experts get it wrong over 60% of the time.Scientists who ‘followed the science” and predicted global cooling only 50 years ago were wrong then just as scientists today who predict global warming calamity are wrong now.To get your own life decisions right and your own important predictions accurate, acquire wisdom.Learn how the world REALLY works.That is what this show is all about.Interested in hearing how I sound speaking to an Orthodox Jewish audience?Try this interview on Kosher Money:https://youtu.be/Sx3S2bzQlIgIt is important to learn how the world REALLY works. That is just another way of saying Wisdom.Try Scrolling Through Scripture for a dose of wisdomhttps://www.wehappywarriors.com/scrolling-through-scripture-free-lesson?seg_id=01G7AVA808RQ225VH1FD4HQZ98.12051.1659136044970Some laws are proscriptive.Don’t worry too much about those.But watch out for descriptive laws.This show teaches you how to tell the difference.Happy Warriors are NOT tennis balls floating down the gutter of life.Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
8/8/2022 • 1 hour, 4 minutes, 19 seconds
Ep 167 | Don’t Think. Just Do!
Why the most important line in the 2022 movie Top Gun is the most important line.Ants are known for what?Why would one smart man walk for the first part of his trip before climbing aboard transport?What S. American frog is not scared of you?The point of William Gilbert’s hilarious poem, Etiquette.Who did not just ogle the pretty girl? Who did not appoint a wingman to approach her?Who just kissed her?Interested in hearing how I sound speaking to an Orthodox Jewish audience?Try this interview on Kosher Money:https://youtu.be/Sx3S2bzQlIgIt is important to learn how to become proactive and it is also important to learn how the world REALLY works. That is just another way of saying Wisdom.Try Scrolling Through Scripture for a dose of wisdomhttps://www.wehappywarriors.com/scrolling-through-scripture-free-lesson?seg_id=01G7AVA808RQ225VH1FD4HQZ98.12051.1659136044970Wives, learn the secrets of becoming happy by being happy. You have no idea!Waiting to marry till you’re almost out of choices.Happy Warriors are NOT tennis balls floating down the gutter of life.Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
8/1/2022 • 48 minutes, 54 seconds
Ep 166 | I Do WANT To Change. But How?
With the real inflation rate over 15% it makes sense to change your financial reality and increase revenue. But is it possible?Do your actions change your beliefs?Do your beliefs regulate your actions?Couldn’t you use more friends and better friendships?More rewarding family relationships?Improve all these things.Contrary to what many try to tell you, indeed you can bring about change in your life.You have to balance what the culture around you tells you is true and what ancient Jewish wisdom tells you is true on this special show.Why you should know what happens when oxygen and hydrogen combine.Why you should try one lesson from Scrolling Thru Scripture for Free!https://www.wehappywarriors.com/scrolling-through-scripture-free-lessonWhy there are few women working on the construction site I watch.No commandment to believe in God.What to do when you’re mad at your spouse.Interested in improving your Finances?Want a better Family life?Want betterFysicalhealth? Learn to change.This show gives you the details.Onwards and upwards.Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
7/18/2022 • 1 hour, 4 minutes, 5 seconds
Ep 165 | Do Sweat The Small Stuff! Really!
The small decisions have greater impact on your life than the gigantic ones.We all worship one of the gees; our only choice is whether we turn to the little ‘g’ of government or to the big “G” of God.Most people who look up to government focus on colossal problems with equally colossal and expensive solutions. It’s a lot smarter and a lot more effective to focus on local problems and attainable solutions.Think about what would really change your life: a two inch drop in sea level or a thirty percent raise in your income.Don’t try to understand God. You’d be more likely to understand the random collapse of a particle’s wave function. But try to know God. That’s much easier.Try one lesson from Scrolling Thru Scripture for Free!https://www.wehappywarriors.com/scrolling-through-scripture-free-lessonInterested in improving your finances? Sweat the small stuff.Want a better family life?Sweat the small stuff.Want better health? Sweat the small stuff.This show gives you the details.Onwards and upwardsLearn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
7/9/2022 • 41 minutes, 26 seconds
Ep 164 | Connect, Communicate, Collaborate, Create—Commerce!
We Happy Warriors are Faithful, Fierce, Funny, Fearless, and Formidable because we take care of our 5Fs.If you would like to join me at the Elevate 2022 conference, my keynote speech is Friday morning July 8th, click here for more informationhttps://www.michaelmanthei.com/adv-gw22/3839976My first three months as an illegal immigrant to the United States.Fight inflation by increasing your income https://www.wehappywarriors.com/financial-prosperity-collectionWhy inflation is nearly double the official government figure of 8%. Make wiser decisions intuitively by delving into the hidden secret meaning of the first 34 verses of Scripturehttps://www.wehappywarriors.com/scrolling-through-scripture-free-lesson.How to remember people’s names and why you should do this.Happy Warriors are not tennis balls floating down the gutter of life.If you’re not already a Happy Warrior, take charge of your life and become one.Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
7/2/2022 • 48 minutes, 2 seconds
Ep 163 | Five Rules for Raising Great Children
Happy Warriors have the courage to love.Children are God’s gift to us to help us grow up and encourage us to become better people.Hear why the newspapers lied and called the woman’s boyfriend who beat her son, the boy’s parent.How and why the New York Times lied and claimed that most American women do not live with a husband.Feminism lied and insisted that women don’t need men.They do; but what is even more important to know is that men desperately need a woman who needs them.How does building a passionate, loving, committed marriage help your children?Should a mom’s commitment be chiefly to her husband or to her child?Hear the famous five rules for raising fantastic kids.Fight inflation by increasing your incomehttps://www.wehappywarriors.com/financial-prosperity-collectionWhy inflation is nearly double the official government figure of 8%. Make wiser decisions intuitively by delving into the hidden secret meaning of the first 34 verses of Scripturehttps://www.wehappywarriors.com/scrolling-through-scripture-free-lessonHappy Warriors are not tennis balls floating down the gutter of life.If you’re not already a Happy Warrior, take charge of your life and become one.Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
6/27/2022 • 1 hour, 3 minutes, 47 seconds
Ep 162 | Important Things You Never Knew About Money
Wondering why you're no longer hearing stories of Ukrainian victory?Your rabbi explains.Anything a man and a woman wish to do with one another consensually, society approves. Anything.But why does society impose the very heavy hand of regulation on many things that a buyer and a seller wish to do with one another consensually. Our culture has stopped trusting money. Not surprisingly, the money is losing its trustworthiness--it's called inflation.Download "The Holistic You" now. For free.https://www.wehappywarriors.com/the-holistic-you .Try a Biblehttps://rabbidaniellapin.com/product/koren-jerusalem-bible-hardcover/Happy Warriors are not tennis balls floating down the gutter of life. We are happy, courageous, and optimistic.Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
6/18/2022 • 47 minutes, 30 seconds
Ep 161 | Get Vaccinated Against the Growing Epidemic of Mental Disease
According to William Shakespeare's play of the same name, Macbeth directs the doctor to cure his wife. The doctor explains that there is nothing wrong with her body; she is troubled by a guilty conscience (murder). Since then, we've tried to insist that mental disease is a thing, exactly like heart disease or kidney disease.In order to dramatically improve your finances and enhance your family and social life, you need to become more courageous, happier, and more optimistic. If you are having trouble with these 3 indispensable adjuncts to successful living, be careful because the mental health industrial complex will label you as suffering from depression and anxiety.What is worse, you might have friends and family who have bought into these myths. Stay strong. Be courageous. Download The Holistic You now. For free.https://www.wehappywarriors.com/the-holistic-you . Try a Bible https://rabbidaniellapin.com/product/koren-jerusalem-bible-hardcover/Happy Warriors are not tennis balls floating down the gutter of life. We are happy, courageous, and optimistic.Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
6/13/2022 • 33 minutes, 53 seconds
Ep 160 | The 7 Things You Can Do Today to Transform Tomorrow
Focusing on all 5Fs can sometimes feel overwhelming and we end up doing nothing; paralyzed into passivity. So, in today's show we're focusing only on three of the five:Male/Female relationships, Money, and God. I offer you 3 timeless truths about money and another 3 permanent principles about men and women connecting. For connecting to the Creator, I offer only one simple solution. You'll enjoy pondering the perplexing problem of being the only adult on a beautiful island populated by a group of young men and women. What would you do? How the story of Adam and Eve is really a roadmap to this episode of the RDL Show. The one really reliable way to discover whether you're male or female. Try a Biblehttps://rabbidaniellapin.com/product/koren-jerusalem-bible-hardcover/Happy Warriors are not tennis balls floating down the gutter of life.Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
6/4/2022 • 1 hour, 6 minutes, 21 seconds
Ep 159 | How to Cure the Harm that Death Culture Inflicts on Your Mental Harmony
Anxiety and depression resulting from overwhelming but subconscious awareness of death.Do you see too many death-related films?Is your emotional equilibrium harmed by over exposure to a death culture?Is your spiritual stability more fragile than it should be on account of a death culture around you?Oversimplifying the school shooting in Uvalde Texas or the one in Columbine, Colorado in April 1999.When people insist that there is one, and only one reason for a complex situation, they are dishonestly promoting an agenda. Did the police really stand around doing nothing for an hour while the killing inside continued?The same number of victims who were shot to death in Uvalde are murdered every 14 days in Chicago.And many more are shot with intent to kill but miraculous emergency room physicians keep them alive. Why no outrage?Are younger victims somehow more tragic?What about the youngest of all--babies killed in utero?Dealing with death.The ways in which the emotional and mental damage from death obsession resembles radiation poisoning from radio active sources.Three practical strategies for dealing with the baleful impact of living in a culture of death and restoring joy to your life.Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
5/30/2022 • 50 minutes, 46 seconds
Ep 158 | Why Aren’t You Where You Wanted to Be?
Well, why aren’t you where you wanted to be by now?Whose fault is it?Who has sabotaged your life?What to say to yourself every morning;I am NOT a ___________ Know the 3 things that motivate you to do everything you do. Do you ever feel that you are trying to run up the downward moving escalator?The difference between what men seek in women and what women seek in men.How western women have been indoctrinated to become the men they wish they could marry.The truth about The Law of Attraction.What ingredients really go into that tiny $3,500 bottle of Viktor and RolfFlowerbombEaude Parfum.Learn to nurture the ecosystem of your Fundamental 5 Fs.Work on your character strength with Soul Construction:https://rabbidaniellapin.com/product/soul-construction/Happy Warriors are not tennis balls floating down the gutter of life.Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
5/21/2022 • 52 minutes, 2 seconds
Ep 157 | Your Most Exciting Challenge Offers a Huge Payoff
What exactly is the magnetic magic wielded by that unforgettable leader who once inspired you?Maybe you were blessed with a parent who propelled you to great heights.Maybe you had a military leader who you’d have followed through the gates of hell.Maybe you had a teacher or a boss who could mesmerize you to achieve more than you ever suspected.What quality do all these people possess?Today’s show provides the answer.Remarkably, we are all capable of recognizing that quality in someone though we don’t always know how to reproduce it in ourselves.How might your life change if you could radiate that intangible hallmark of leadership?https://rabbidaniellapin.com/product/soul-construction/Happy Warriors are not tennis balls floating down the gutter of life.Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
5/7/2022 • 1 hour, 12 minutes, 52 seconds
Ep 156 | The Life You Get Is Not The Life You Want, But…
We all know the mistakes to avoid so why do we still do so many stupid things?We all know what we ought to be doing, so why aren’t we?Why isn’t Fun the sixth F of life?Should Happy Warriors buy gold bullion?Where has all the gold gone?Did the feminist movement deprive men of their masculinity or did men renouncing their masculinity create feminism?Creating a business partnership with someone who is your opposite.Prosperity Power: Connect for Success https://rabbidaniellapin.com/product/prosperity-power/What did your rabbi tell a person who only wanted to focus on faith and whose chief interest was in building a relationship with God? Money matters; money is moral.https://rabbidaniellapin.com/product/financial-book-package/Happy Warriors are not tennis balls floating down the gutter of life.Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
4/30/2022 • 56 minutes, 18 seconds
Ep 155 | Money, Masculinity, and Joy
Inflation not like an earthquake nor even like a hurricane.It does not just happen.Inflation is the mischief of dishonest government.This may be the first time you have heard the true definition of money. Why governments and politicians hate the gold standard.Why FDR took America off the gold standard in 1933.How Britain kept inflation at bay for 100 years.How do you react upon finding a duffel bag containing a million dollars?Treasury I Bonds and Treasury Inflation Protected Securities for your money in a time of serious inflation?Your rabbi reveals the one and only way to deal effectively with inflation.What does masculinity and testosterone have to do with making money?How to increase your testosterone without injections.Can a wife increase her husband’s masculinity and thus his earning power?How can you possibly be without a proper Tanach? (The Hebrew Scriptures) https://rabbidaniellapin.com/product/koren-jerusalem-bible-hardcover/Be sure to download your free copy of our marvelous eBook called The Holistic You -https://www.wehappywarriors.com/the-holistic-youif you really want to learn the link between family and finance and increase your revenue.Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
4/23/2022 • 50 minutes, 32 seconds
Ep 154 | Dependency and Loss of Dignity (whether by slavery or welfare) Is Destructive
You think freedom is easy?It’s actually easier to be a slave.Can you identify the phrase: The Seven Fat Years?Why it is problematic that so many cannot.The road to real freedom leads via rules, structure, order and restraint.Why is Passover a big deal?https://rabbidaniellapin.com/product/seder-set/How important is it for children to know their family history?Things to tell your kids.How can you possibly be without a proper Tanach? (The Hebrew Scriptures)https://rabbidaniellapin.com/product/koren-jerusalem-bible-hardcover/Why does slavery destroy families?Endangered species: husbands and fathers.Why would a man stick around?Be sure to download your free copy of our marvelous eBook called The Holistic You -https://www.wehappywarriors.com/the-holistic-youLearn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
4/16/2022 • 46 minutes, 57 seconds
Ep 153 | Holy Money: Success Secrets of the Dollar Bill
Your beauty and good looks depend on symmetry in your face. Your success in life depends on symmetry in your F5 rejuvenation program.In other words, emphasizing, say, finance and fitness while ignoring family and friends is utterly futile.Have you ever scrutinized a dollar bill?Well, join your rabbi today as we discover strange facts you’ve never suspected, about the dollar.Puzzling economic paradox about Belgium, Holland,Ireland, and Italy. Why is Passover a big deal?https://rabbidaniellapin.com/product/seder-set/Why does the Islamic holyday of Ramadan’s date move around the year?What are the only two ways of getting money?How can you possibly be without a proper Tanach? (The Hebrew Scriptures)https://rabbidaniellapin.com/product/koren-jerusalem-bible-hardcover/Why does slavery destroy families? Be sure to download your free copy of our marvelous eBook called The Holistic You -https://www.wehappywarriors.com/the-holistic-youThe very worst feeling for men triggered by loss of independence.Onwards and upwards with your F5 rejuvenation program.Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
4/9/2022 • 1 hour, 11 minutes
Ep 152 | Tune Up Your Spiritual Schematic For Success
It is true, my life choices have been slightly limited by my biology. Your rabbi was never invited to join the Corps de Ballet of the Bolshoi, neither was he ever drafted into the Dallas Mavericks basketball team. It was never going to happen because biology and genetics endowed him with a body entirely unsuited to basketball and dance.And even though he is not a biologist and not a candidate for the United States Supreme Court,he has seen his body andknows for sure that he is male. So why is this an issue for so many? To some extent, your life is limited by your biology. But it is far more influenced by your Spiritual Schematic.The ideas, good and bad, right and wrong that were imprinted on your subconscious and which whisper in your ear, they play a far bigger role in your success and failure than your biology does.See some really cute Happy Warrior merchandisehttps://rabbidaniellapin.com/store/merchandise/Learn how to identify your own Spiritual Schematics and above all, how to change them when necessary so that the brain bolts they blast into your soul move you onwards and upwards in your Family, Fitness, Faith, Finances, and Friends.Whether you walk with God or whether faith is not part of your being, learn the basis of it all in the first 31 verses of Genesishttps://www.wehappywarriors.com/scrolling-through-scriptureShortage or abundance?It’s not science, it is your choice and the difference in your life could be huge.Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
4/2/2022 • 1 hour, 13 minutes, 14 seconds
Ep 151 | Why Would Women Try Hiding Promiscuous Pasts?
How American news media outlets have become propaganda machines for the evil and destructive pathology of Secular Fundamentalism. Photoshopping and airbrushing images of a man swimmer competing in women’s swim events to make him look like an attractive girl.Surely, in this modern day and enlightened age no man cares about his lady’s “history”.Yet, magazines advise women to lie about their ‘history’.Why?Women working for male boss causing marital stress?In this modern day and enlightened age?Surely not.Join our community of Happy Warriors.https://www.wehappywarriors.com/We all strengthen each other in our determination to conquer resistance as we advance our 5Fs.Visit our websitewww.RabbiDanielLapin.combecause we Happy Warriors always want the truth even when painful because life is not about being massaged with warm butter all the time.Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
3/28/2022 • 1 hour, 4 minutes, 14 seconds
Ep 150 | The Strategic Secret for Choosing a Career Or Making a Career Change
Are you or someone you know looking for work—trying to choose a career? Or wishing to change jobs and careers?You need this show.Did you know that the late great Steve Jobs did not follow the advice he gave to others?Should you follow what Jobs said, or what he did?How your rabbi nearly went to work for Apple.Pay much more attention to what politicians and male suitors do and have done, than to what they say.Hear what Senators Obama, Biden and Schumer said about illegal immigration ten years ago and contrast it with what they actually did more recently.The principal way in which evaluating and judging people is quite different from the way we evaluate balance sheets and bank accounts. Borrowing money in a time of rampant inflation.Does this offend you?Men are generally measured by what they do whereas women are generally measured by what they are.Happy Warriors are not tennis balls floating down the gutter of life. Get out of your gutter and master your 5Fs—all five of them. Learn about We Happy Warriors membership, join our private Podcast discussion group here:https://wehappywarriors.com/Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
3/21/2022 • 1 hour, 12 minutes, 22 seconds
Ep 149 | What Would You Do With The Last Week Of Your Life?
What would you do with next week if you knew you’d be living for 250 years?Under what circ*mstances does it make sense to invest in nuclear power stocks? When should men buy jewelry for their wives?I’ve met only a few women who don’t want children but I have met many men who don’t. What I tell them.Bureaucratic organizations push you towards uniformity and kill innovation.Why government can never give two children with different family backgrounds an equal shot at the good life. Connect with the Happy Warrior community:https://www.wehappywarriors.com/products/we-happy-warriors-discussion-group/community/feed?topic_id=2147504469Happy Warriors are not tennis balls floating down the gutter of life.Get out of your gutter and master your 5Fs—all five of them.This week we look at Family.Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
3/14/2022 • 53 minutes, 52 seconds
Ep 148 | Do You Want The Truth About Ukraine? Do You Really?
As bad as it is to act irrationally but in the grip of your emotions, it is even more dangerous to think irrationally because you are influenced by your emotions and by how other people around you are thinking. Today we learn independent thinking which will help your future success in all your 5Fs, Finance, Family, Faith, Fitness, Friendship. This all depends entirely upon your ability to impose your own limits on your own freedoms. This in turn, depends upon your ability to restrict the control that your emotions have upon your decisions and choices. We will study the Russian Ukrainian situation in terms of how many Americans may have been emotionally manipulated to believe something that may not be true. After all, it already happened once before with Covid. They gave figures for the number of Covid deaths and they described the efficacy of masks. Should America really send $10B of your tax money to Ukraine? Why not rather to other countries suffering war and deprivation? Do you like inflation? Gain wisdom from our book, Buried Treasure https://rabbidaniellapin.com/product/... Happy Warriors are not tennis balls floating down the gutter of life. Get out of your gutter and master your 5Fs—all five of them. Learn about We Happy Warriors membership, join our private Podcast discussion group here: https://wehappywarriors.com/Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
3/7/2022 • 1 hour, 25 minutes, 45 seconds
Ep 147 | Bad Idea for Parenting and War: Talk Loudly and Carry a Tiny Stick
Your rabbi is at the Conservative Political Action Conference in Orlando, Florida noting the very large crowd of optimistic enthusiasts and meeting many listeners to this show.We observe the 77th anniversary of the United States Marines hoisting the flag on Mt Suribachi, Iwo Jima and contrast it with America’s response today to Russia’s maneuvers in and around Ukraine. A powerful and practical tool for losing weight.Why the number of mental disorders seems to be growing more and more.Connect:www.whwmail.comHappy Warriors are not tennis balls floating down the gutter of life.Get out of your gutter and master your 5Fs—all five of them.Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
2/26/2022 • 1 hour, 9 minutes, 42 seconds
Ep 146 | Who Knows Why They Killed Jews?
Why is understanding of Faith necessary for success in Finance, or Family, or Fitness?Even professors admit ignorance about German motivation in World War II.Actually, especially professors, because they are specialists.Specialists in history.Specialists are at a disadvantage.Build your life and grow your success by becoming a 5F Generalist.Discover the hidden spiritual secrets of World War 2.Click hereHappy Warriors are not tennis balls floating down the gutter of life.Get out of your gutter and master your 5Fs—all five of themLearn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
2/19/2022 • 1 hour, 7 minutes, 1 second
Ep 145 | Bibles, Bullets, Batteries and Boys
How a bicycle wheel helps explain progressive politics. Myfive rules for therapists. Number 4 is male therapists for men patients and female therapists for lady patients. How your reputation resembles a water tower.How your bank account resembles a battery.These kinds of people especially, should own a gun.The kind of gun your rabbi recommends.Why some say that guns are evil and immoral.Become a basic member of the Happy Warrior communitywww.wehappywarriors.comDon’t ignore financeby telling yourself not everything is about money.Of course it isn’t but more is than you suspect.Know what you need when dialing 911 does not frighten away a home intruder.My only recommended Bible https://rabbidaniellapin.com/product/koren-jerusalem-bible-hardcover .Revolvers or semi-automatic pistols.Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
2/12/2022 • 1 hour, 7 minutes, 26 seconds
Ep 144 | Some Men Talk and Feel. Others Decide and Act. Which is better?
So you ‘Follow the Science’ do you?Do you really suppose that it has not been corrupted?Science is not political? Really?Well, let’s compare a February 1962 issue of the 170 year-old venerable magazine Scientific American with the unadulterated bilgewater found in recent issues.Listen to this and weep.But also beware.Science does not lie, true.But many scientists do.And, anyway, who gets to call themselves scientists?You’ll be surprised at the answer.You too can become a rabbi. In about one hour. Some people like feeling and talking, while others tend to decide and act. Where are you on that spectrum line?Guys: Areyour F-Family, F-Finance and F-Friendships being harmed because you do too much talking and feeling?What’s happened to the masculinity that women desire?Do you want to be a real Happy Warrior?Act already and become a basic member of the Happy Warrior communitywww.wehappywarriors.com Did your therapist ever ask you to tell how you feel? Some of the forces that have feminized western men. My only recommended Bible https://rabbidaniellapin.com/product/koren-jerusalem-bible-hardcover .The problem with coed high schools.Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
2/7/2022 • 1 hour, 14 minutes, 39 seconds
Ep 143 | Wisdom or Information? Which Can Save Your Life?
What is the difference between information and wisdom? Are wise people always good people? Are educated people always good? Do brutal thugs perpetrating acts of hideous cruelty have a choice? Did they really decide to kill, maim and torture or are they the inevitable results of their backgrounds? These are some of the questions we explore together in this show because, as always, I want you to be as equipped as possible to develop and grow your 5Fs, your Finances, Family, Friendships, Faith, and Fitness. What does intelligence have to do with all of this? Do you know what the ghost of our times is? Make sure you have the necessary tools for getting out of your Egypt, whatever it is. How to Overcome Life’s Challenges and Escape Your Own Egypthttps://rabbidaniellapin.com/product/let-me-go-audio-cd/Happy Warriors are not tennis balls floating down the gutter of life.Get out of your gutter. Escape your Egypt. To run America, do you need more information and less wisdom like Wilson, more wisdom and less information or education like Truman, or no wisdom and no information like, er….like….oh, I don’t know.Solving America’s inflation problem is not about changing interest rates.It is about stopping the Niagara-like cascade of money the government is printing and handing out for personal consumption.Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
1/31/2022 • 58 minutes, 18 seconds
Ep 142 | What If You Did Not Marry “The One”
How important is it to find the one?What if you feel that you married the wrong person?Join your Happy Warrior community in order to connect, communicate, collaborate, cooperate and create https://www.wehappywarriors.com/happy-warriors-basicHappy Warriors are NOT tennis balls floating down the gutter of life. You really can change and transform the rest of your life with two resources a compass and a roadmap.Your compass:https://rabbidaniellapin.com/product/chart-your-course-journal/Your roadmap:Ruchi Koval’s powerful book “Soul Construction” herehttps://rabbidaniellapin.com/product/soul-construction/Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
1/22/2022 • 37 minutes, 15 seconds
Ep 141 | Your Mind, Your Feelings, Your Body— Hear Them Argue
The frightening night exactly ten years ago that 4,000 carefree vacationers suddenly found themselves enduring a watery nightmare.Why we scream on roller-coasters even though we know it’s perfectly safe. Why men without women are sadder and more desperate than women without men.Join your Happy Warrior community in order to connect, communicate, collaborate, cooperate and create https://www.wehappywarriors.com/happy-warriors-basicThe differences between dating in person, by telephone or on Zoom/Facebook.Happy Warriors are NOT tennis balls floating down the gutter of life. The powerful sensation that works to the benefit of married couples but to the disadvantage of single people.You really can change and transform the rest of your life with two resources a compass and a roadmap.In other words, you need to know what to do but you also need the internal strength to make yourself do it.Your compass:https://rabbidaniellapin.com/product/chart-your-course-journal/Your roadmap:Ruchi Koval’s powerful book “Soul Construction” herehttps://rabbidaniellapin.com/product/soul-construction/Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
1/15/2022 • 1 hour, 33 minutes, 37 seconds
Ep 140 | 5 Timeless Truths Equally Useful For Both Romance and Finance
The importance of your ability to communicate in both romance and finances.How to improve your “gift of gab.” When people construct bridges, boats and buildings, most of them work for decades.However, when we build a marriage or we start up a business, many fail. What is going on? The five reliable rules that you need to understand and use in both financial transactions and marital relations.The best “pick-up” lines (from the Bible).Whatever you do, you need to know your brand and you also need to know that brands and franchises depend upon spiritual factors.What are they? The secret ingredient needed for effective partnerships that many mistakenly ignore.A 20 year-old man who has completely lost his memory knocks at your door and asksyou to prepare him to function in the world.What are the basicsyou will teach him?How you can be sure that men will never prefer robots to women no matter how technologically advanced the "female" robot becomes.Join your Happy Warrior community in order to connect, communicate, collaborate, cooperate and create https://www.wehappywarriors.com/happy-warriors-basicHappy Warriors are NOT tennis balls floating down the gutter of life. You really can change and transform the rest of your life with two resources a compass and a roadmap.Your compass:https://rabbidaniellapin.com/product/chart-your-course-journal/Your roadmap:Ruchi Koval’s powerful book “Soul Construction” herehttps://rabbidaniellapin.com/product/soul-construction/Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
1/8/2022 • 1 hour, 9 minutes, 29 seconds
Ep 139 | Many Young People Sterilize. Many Others Are Fruitful. The Meaning of Children.
Let us Happy Warriors all meet up and enjoy a get-together, but why in New York City?To a Happy Warrior, the past and the future are just as important as the present.Back in the 1980s, almost everyone (but your rabbi) said that Japan was buying up all of America. We must all learn Japanese.Why did that not work out?The White House depends upon an economist who says we must spend not save.He says anyone concerned about the future is suffering from a mental disease.Why are so many people under age 30 getting sterilized?Why is a stable population size doomed economically?Why has large immigration not solved financial problems ofGermany and France? The 3 basics of being a great parent and raising great children.Join your Happy Warrior community in order to connect, communicate, collaborate, cooperate and create https://www.wehappywarriors.com/happy-warriors-basicHappy Warriors are NOT tennis balls floating down the gutter of life. You really can change and transform the rest of your life with two resources a compass and a roadmap.Your compass:https://rabbidaniellapin.com/product/chart-your-course-journal/Your roadmap:Ruchi Koval’s powerful book “Soul Connection” herehttps://rabbidaniellapin.com/product/soul-construction/Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
1/1/2022 • 1 hour, 35 minutes, 1 second
Ep 138 | Rabbi Daniel Lapin’s 5 Predictions for 2022
The dangers of making predictions, especially about the future!How about these really terrible predictions.Now for the 5 predictions that I want Happy Warriors to benefit from.I make these predictions not to prove I am a prophet but in order to better equip Happy Warriors with the tools for 2022.Join our Happy Warrior community https://www.wehappywarriors.com/Each of my 5 predictions for 2022 can impact the decisions you might make about your Finances, Faith, Family, Fitness, & Friends.Rabbi Daniel Lapin’s recommended Bible https://rabbidaniellapin.com/product/koren-jerusalem-bible-hardcover/Happy Warriors are NOT tennis balls floating down the gutter of life.Tell everyone-“Have a happy Christmas” NOT happy holidays.Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
12/25/2021 • 1 hour, 21 minutes, 58 seconds
Ep 137 | Start Building Financial Abundance with 2 Simple Strategies
Why experts hate the true explanation for why Covid deaths are so low in Africa. Do you want to start your own business but don’t know how?Do you know how to start and run a business but can’t imagine what goods or services to provide to God’s other children?Welcome to the magic of Rabbi Daniel Lapin’s“PartnershipPower” and benefit from one of the secrets employed by the people of Israel to excel with money.Hear how what appears to be a simple Bible story reveals a second secret from ancient Jewish wisdom that you will enjoy using for successful business building.Rabbi Daniel Lapin’s recommended Biblehttps://rabbidaniellapin.com/product/koren-jerusalem-bible-hardcover/Happy Warriors are NOT tennis balls floating down the gutter of life.Tell everyone-“Have a happy Christmas” NOT happy holidays.Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
12/18/2021 • 44 minutes, 33 seconds
Ep 136 | Masculinity: Rare But Desirable. Enhance Yours
Jennifer is going to break up with him because he is too nice. I have a few words for Jennifer but I have much to say to her guy, who will soon be her ex-guy. Exploring masculine energy and feminine energy. The appeal of a strong, masculine man especially during ovulation. Boys tend to grow up to become either thugs or wimps unless certain things happen. How the birth control pill impacted American men. Find your Happy Warrior community in order to connect, communicate, collaborate, cooperate and createhttps://www.wehappywarriors.com/happy-warriors-basicWise and strong fathers on television before 1960 and lazy, incompetent, stupid fathers after. Happy Warriors are NOT tennis balls floating down the gutter of life. You really can change; learn how. Take a good risk and finally acquire a Bible you can count upon in your life, my only recommended Biblehttps://rabbidaniellapin.com/product/koren-jerusalem-bible-hardcover/Look for Ruchi Koval’s book “Soul Connection” herehttps://rabbidaniellapin.com/product/soul-construction/How Jacob became his brother Esau in Genesis and what his transformation teaches us.Three specific strategies for enhancing masculinity.Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
12/11/2021 • 1 hour, 22 minutes
Ep 135 | Discover the Roots of the Destructive Social Pathologies That Secular Socialism is Imposing Upon Us
Socialism equals failure. It always has and always will. American socialists don’t like talking about Venezuela or Cuba but they love describing Scandinavian countries as successful socialistic societies. They lie. Stop trying to improve the world. Please. Just improve your 5Fs and give ten percent of your enterprise to individuals with less and you will be benefiting everyone around you.Join your Happy Warrior community in order to connect, communicate, collaborate, cooperate and createhttps://www.wehappywarriors.com/happy-warriors-basicWho said that this is why communism killed a hundred million people in the 20thcentury, “Men have forgotten God; that’s why all this has happened”? Resist the culture and try to own things in your life. Happy Warriors are NOT tennis balls floating down the gutter of life. You really can change; learn how. Take a good risk and finally acquire a Bible you can count upon in your life.My only recommended Bible:https://rabbidaniellapin.com/product/koren-jerusalem-bible-hardcover/What happens to a society that faces the future with fear.I will be teaching at this Passover retreat in April 2022:https://youtu.be/UZCholtO2u8. How the secular socialists of the Left found inspiration to defund the police and disparage law enforcement.Look for Ruchi Koval’s book “Soul Connection” here:https://rabbidaniellapin.com/product/soul-construction/Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
12/4/2021 • 1 hour, 16 minutes, 45 seconds
Ep 134 | How You Can Explore Inner Space Rather Than Outer Space
Do you know how old is the sexiest man in the world? Now, how old is the sexiest woman in the world? Rolls Royce cars like the RR Phantom are all very well. They’re more than all very well. But the new Rolls Royce small modular nuclear power plant is a real winner. Why not replace a million stupid windmills with one little nuclear plant. Your rabbi tells you why not. Call me Ayatollah Youso if you like but it was right here on the Rabbi Daniel Lapin show that you heard back in 2015 that self-driving autonomous cars were not happening. Now find out why certain billionaires absurd predictions about space travel are unadulterated bilge water. Find your Happy Warrior community in order to connect, communicate, collaborate, cooperate and createhttps://www.wehappywarriors.com/happy-warriors-basic. Happy Warriors are NOT tennis balls floating down the gutter of life. Solutions in search of problems are never a good idea. Planet Earth is beautiful. Martians would be trying to immigrate to earth, not the other way around.Take a good risk and finally acquire a Bible you can count upon in your life, my only recommended Bible:https://rabbidaniellapin.com/product/koren-jerusalem-bible-hardcover/Look small and down rather than up and vast. The true meaning of Chanukah. The book “Soul Construction” is definitely worth a good look here:https://rabbidaniellapin.com/product/soul-construction/. And finally, here is the Passover retreat I’ll be teaching at in April 2022:https://youtu.be/UZCholtO2u8Take care of your 5Fs, always.Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
11/20/2021 • 1 hour, 19 minutes, 47 seconds
Ep 133 | America’s Real War Is A Religious War Between Two Incompatible Faiths
Virtually all political debate, conflict, and hostility today is between the state religion ofgovernment and ruling classes, namely Secular Progressive Fundamentalism, and the more conservative outlook springing from the Bible-based Judeo-Christian tradition. This religion, SPF, has also been embraced by the European Economic Union and by almost all universities and educational systems. They worship the small ‘g’ of government. On the other side is arrayed a loose alliance of citizens ranging from those who do not subscribe to any religion but resent the way that the Left forces its faith down their throats all the way to fervent Christian and Jewish Bible believers who turn to the big ‘G’ of God. The passage of time and events is making almost everyone become more fervent devotees of whatever side of the great cultural divide on which they have placed themselves. Secular Progressive Fundamentalism views the Biblically-based Judeo-Christian system as a terrible obstacle to what they see as progress. I view it as quite vital for the survival of civilization. One of the most significant differences is that the SPF religion treats feelings as far more important than facts and the heart far more important than the head. Find out what I discover when asking people I meet, “Where in the Bible do we find the verse, ‘And you shall surely follow your hearts!’? How SPF and its listen-to-your-heart doctrine can really harm your life. Finally, the true reason that authorities have exaggerated certain figures during the past twenty-one months.Find your Happy Warrior community in order to connect, communicate, collaborate, cooperate and create:https://www.wehappywarriors.com/happy-warriors-basicHappy Warriors are NOT tennis balls floating down the gutter of life. You really can change; learn how. Take a good risk and finally acquire a Bible you can count upon in your life, my only recommended Bible: https://rabbidaniellapin.com/product/koren-jerusalem-bible-hardcover/Look for Ruchi Koval’s book “Soul Connection” here:https://rabbidaniellapin.com/product/soul-construction/Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
11/13/2021 • 1 hour, 13 minutes, 53 seconds
Ep 132 | Supply Chain Problems: Who Caused Them and When?
Britain’s great 19th century Catholic leader, Lord Acton warned that “Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely.” You’d think he had seen 21st century government and its excessive application of power. Does it share anything with incipient tyranny? Is adultery a mistake? How one married couple confronted it. The deterioration of the quality of life. How many times this week were you given the excuse “supply chain problems”? To be sure, there are ships waiting to be offloaded. But why? Did you think it was because of Covid? Or better, do you think because of how the government has handled Covid? Supply chain problems were going to happen with or without Covid. And they are not going away anytime soon. Find your Happy Warrior community in order to connect, communicate, collaborate, cooperate and create at https://www.wehappywarriors.com/happy-warriors-basic . Happy Warriors are NOT tennis balls floating down the gutter of life.Take a good risk and finally acquire a Bible you can count upon in your life, my only recommended Bible: https://rabbidaniellapin.com/product/koren-jerusalem-bible-hardcover/Interview with author Ruchi Koval whose book “Soul Construction” is definitely worth a good look here: https://rabbidaniellapin.com/product/soul-construction/Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
11/6/2021 • 1 hour, 57 minutes, 38 seconds
Ep 131 | Why I Changed My Mind About A Prick
Former English colonies have done far better than former Spanish or French colonies. Regardless of your native language, find out how and why to improve your ability to communicate effectively in English. Why I changed my mind on a controversial medical procedure. Poetry from Greenland. Find your Happy Warrior community in order to connect, communicate, collaborate, cooperate and create at https://www.wehappywarriors.com/happy-warriors-basic . Finally, the true reason that authorities have exaggerated certain figures during the past twenty-one months. Happy Warriors are NOT tennis balls floating down the gutter of life. You really can change; learn how.Take a good risk and finally acquire a Bible you can count upon in your life, my only recommended Bible: https://rabbidaniellapin.com/product/koren-jerusalem-bible-hardcover/Look for Ruchi Koval’s book “Soul Connection” here: https://rabbidaniellapin.com/product/soul-construction/Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
10/26/2021 • 1 hour, 37 minutes, 46 seconds
Ep 130 | Always Err On The Side of Safety, NOT!
What is a Happy Warrior? Discover the secret of the spectrum line to help you navigate life’s challenges. Which way is best: "he who hesitates is lost" or "look before you leap"? Find your Happy Warrior community in order to connect, communicate, collaborate, cooperate and create at https://www.wehappywarriors.com/happy-warriors-basic . Happy Warriors are NOT tennis balls floating down the gutter of life. Take a good risk and finally acquire a Bible you can count upon in your life. This is my only recommended Bible: https://rabbidaniellapin.com/product/koren-jerusalem-bible-hardcover/ Yes, there are handrails to keep marriage safe.Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
10/16/2021 • 56 minutes, 54 seconds
Ep 129 | If God Is Good and Powerful, Why Does He Allow Evil and Pain?
Everyone knows they need money and physical health, so all you Happy Warriors pay attention to the F-Finance and the F-Fitness. But not all of us know we also need F-Faith. The fabulous 40 years from 1903 to 1943. And the failed 40 years from 1981 to 2021. Secular totalitarianism versus Bible-based civilization. Kindergarten theology: If God is good and all-powerful, how can there be suffering in the world? Either God is not good, or else He is not all powerful. Your rabbi presents you with the ribbon-wrapped-response to this decidedly un-profound question. Find your Happy Warrior community in order to connect, communicate, collaborate, cooperate and create at https://www.wehappywarriors.com/happy-warriors-basicWhy did the 6.6-magnitude earthquake in December 2003 in Iran kill 34,000 people while, 4 days earlier, a California earthquake of identical magnitude killed only two people? Why do floods kill 5,000 Bangladeshis every year but similar weather in the North Sea kills almost nobody? Why are there still no tsunami sirens in Thailand after the devastating 2004 tidal wave? How to talk to God.Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
10/9/2021 • 1 hour, 14 minutes, 55 seconds
Ep 128 | The More That Things Change, The More We...
Discover the five things that have never changed in thousands of years and never will. The most important thing for a woman to know about the man she marries. Secrets of communication between husbands and wives. The most painful words a man hears and which terrify most men. The things that husbands and wives should never tell one another. The real challenge of children. The only things you are responsible for teaching your child. It’s really hard never to lie to your child. Find your Happy Warrior community in order to connect, communicate, collaborate, cooperate and create at https://www.wehappywarriors.com/happy-warriors-basic . Learn about the loss of trust that occurs when people, corporations or governments lie to you. The first place your child is likely to encounter serious physical violence.Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
10/2/2021 • 1 hour, 15 minutes
Ep 127 | Warm Your Life And Grow With Close Small Connections, Not Vast Impersonal Movements
The Happy Warrior joyfully works today to make tomorrow better than yesterday in the fundamental five areas of life: Friends, Finance, Family, Fitness, Faith.Here's a definition of ancient Jewish wisdom that you can work with and that can be deployed to improve your life.Of course, if you lived for a thousand years, you wouldn’t need me. By middle age, you’d already have quite a good sense of how the world REALLY works.How bureaucracies grow, and grow, and grow… When a unified economic zone like a country slides toward immorality, the money loses value and inflation imperils our lives. Find your Happy Warrior community in order to connect, communicate, collaborate, cooperate and create https://www.wehappywarriors.com/happy-warriors-basic . If we were not spiritual beings, things like placebos would not work at all.Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
9/25/2021 • 56 minutes, 28 seconds
Ep 126 | Triple Your Success In Your 5Fs By Connecting With Community
Are you failing in one or more of your 5Fs but you don’t know why?The answer could be that you have fallen into the terrible trap of subjectivity.This is no slur on any woman but for men, only performance counts.Excuses are fundamentally feminine.Good women never resort to excuses but the man who does is allowing his feminine side to dominate.Social justice, social security, social studies; trust nothing that has the word social in front of it. The vital business management lesson of objectivity.There can never be objectivity between a man and woman in an intimate relationship.Faith is to objectivity as exercise is to physical health.Advice to tyrants: Separate your population from their faith and their history and your power will be absolute.Women, if you enjoy a masculine man, marry a man of faith.China is a masculine country, while Sweden, the United Kingdom, Canada,and America have become the world’s feminine countries.Without masculine leadership, countries, companies, and families decline.Find your Happy Warrior community in order to connect, communicate, collaborate, cooperate and create: https://www.wehappywarriors.com/happy-warriors-basic.Military victory is masculine—retreats and nation-building are feminine.Screen time reduces testosterone.Replacing merit with diversity is a losing, subjective strategy. Want a good laugh?England has a minister of loneliness.Why they replaced geography with social studies.Connect with community by joining as a Happy Warrior basic member. Camille Paglia says that a woman simply is, but a man must become. Masculinity is risky and elusive.Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
9/18/2021 • 1 hour, 21 minutes, 4 seconds
Ep 125 | 20th Anniversary Sept. 11th. Are We Safer? Just Focus on Your 5 Fs. That’s all.
America was far better off by the 20th anniversary of Pearl Harbor. Between Islamic terrorism and government reaction to Covid-19, many world cities have taken a beating. Will New York and other cities survive?Life can be so wonderful in a city, but it can also be unimaginably hideous. What makes the difference?If the outlook is depressing and the news suggests storm clouds; just focus on developing your 5Fs.Why you should not marry a spouse who was an only child.If you really want tomorrow to be different from yesterday, you must get out of your comfort zone today. Build a barrier between sleep and work. Things to talk about on a date.The shocking reason that Hitler’s Germany attacked Russia in 1941, not England. What Nazis and Islamic jihadists have in common.What happened when officials in Abu Dhabi discovered that I am Jewish? Enjoy a free glimpse into the Bible at https://www.wehappywarriors.com/scrolling-through-scripture-free-lesson .Why, not birth, butconception must be the start of educating the yet-to-be-born child.What happens when you learn to follow your head and not your heart.Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
9/11/2021 • 1 hour, 11 minutes, 17 seconds
Ep 124 | Happy Warriors Bond By Belief, Not Skin Color, Gender, or $tatus
When I address politics, it is only to give you information to help you with your 5Fs, your Family, Finances, Faith, Fitness, and Friendships. How your beliefs shape your financial life. The fundamental binary choice we all must make and the time is near. Did you have a bad experience with religion when you were twelve years-old?A tip for dispelling despair.The President’s despicable lie about Tree of Life. Strengthening yourself and fueling your growth by confining choices.See through mendacity and become a human polygraph.More news about battery buses.How a U.S. Cabinet Secretary made nearly $2M from a electrical vehicle company that will soon be bankrupt. Solyndra replay.Why women play chess better than they play poker.All batterylithium is processed in China. Why 27% women in the U.S. Congress is not good. Distinguishing feminized men from masculine men.Enjoy a free glimpse into the Bible at https://www.wehappywarriors.com/scrolling-through-scripture-free-lesson . Who said, “A woman simply is, but a man must become…"? Is it true?How progressivism and leftism are essentially feminine while conservatism is more masculine.Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
9/4/2021 • 1 hour, 46 minutes, 11 seconds
Ep 123 | Daniel Lapin Going Six Rounds in London Boxing Ring This September
Hear one of our youngest Happy Warriors say, “How the world rrrrrreally works”.The same clowns who gave us destructive lockdowns and meaningless mask mandates spent$300 million per day!The one mistaken convictionthat made American politicians and bureaucrats believe they could convert Afghanistan into Vermont. Almost no American diplomats have ever known a religious friend. Why you need a job with the International Monetary Fund.If you are thinking of marrying someone and all you know is that they have earned an advanced academic degree, run for your life.Ifyou know their beliefs and values you have valuable information. How Vice President Kamala Harris terrified the Chinese government. How an important American institution just hired an atheistic rabbi.Enjoy a free glimpse into the Bible at https://www.wehappywarriors.com/scrolling-through-scripture-free-lesson . What does it mean that, in the last term, 3 out of 9 Supreme Court justices were Jewish?The worst cities in America in which to have a late night car breakdown. The mysterious link between suicide and living on handouts.Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
8/28/2021 • 1 hour, 28 minutes, 11 seconds
Ep 122 | What The Afghani Fiasco Teaches About Your Business, Family, and Life
It gives me no pleasure to highlight the rapid decline of America as a world power. But how can I ignore the cataclysmic events of Afghanistan this week?I will not waste your time telling you what you already know about the buffoonish antics of the clowns in power.I won’t do that.But what I will do is identify the top ten mistakes made by the American government over the past 20 years culminating in this week’s debacle.I will then help you learn the important lessons their mistakes reveal about your life, your family, and your business. This Afghanistan fiasco parades the top ten mistakes that even smart people can make. It’s bad enough when these mistakes cause an international catastrophe, but it is actually even worse when these mistakes harm your life, your family or your business.This show identifies them and helps you insulate yourself from their calamitous effects.Enjoy a free glimpse into my program that once and for all teaches how and why the Bible is the most printed book of history and why it continues to shape civilization as it has for centuries athttps://www.wehappywarriors.com/scrolling-through-scripture-free-lesson. I talk about the things that make me happy and why didn’t America get any of Afghanistan’s lithium?Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
8/21/2021 • 1 hour, 18 minutes, 26 seconds
Ep 121 | Is That So? Is It REALLY So?
The important question to always ask yourself.Face up to the influence of group pressure on what you thought was your opinion.Who is the bigger man, a man married to a man or a man married to a woman?The advertisem*nt of bad ideas.Raise your children strategically; keep them out of GICS and teach them to speak Mandarin.Do you know how many cars are produced in the United States?How about in China?Accepting new obligations is a doorway to growth.Enjoy a free glimpse into the Bible https://www.wehappywarriors.com/scrolling-through-scripture-free-lesson . Why so much resistance to exploring the Wuhan Virology Lab as the source of Covid?Some American jobs like climate scientist or professor of philosophy depend on credentials and connections.Other jobs like plumber, doctor, or numerically controlled machine tool operator,depend on competence. The former tend to vote progressive while the latter vote conservative.Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
8/14/2021 • 1 hour, 21 minutes, 46 seconds
Ep 120 | Happiness Secrets: With $5 Million, Would You Quit Working?
How you answer the question that entitles this show will say a lot about whether you ever will have $5 Million.What produces more happiness, fun or work? Would you accept marital advice from a man who has never lived with a woman? But you might well accept car maintenance advice from a mechanic who has never owned a car. Would you take career advice from a man who has never held a job? But you might accept investment advice from an accountant who has much less money than you. Would any mom accept advice about how many children to have, from a woman who has never had children? The crucial difference between data and wisdom. Will the arrival of artificial intelligence and self-driving cars put millions out of work?Enjoy a free glimpse into the Biblehttps://www.wehappywarriors.com/scrolling-through-scripture-free-lessonCould you find as much meaning in leisure as in work? Which is more important; what you know or what you are? The ten measures of human greatness.Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
8/7/2021 • 1 hour, 15 minutes, 28 seconds
Ep 119 | Win By Knowing When To Say “I feel” and When To Say “I think”
More Canadians were arrested for praying in Christian churches than were arrested for igniting, burning and destroying 56 Canadian churches recently.Canadians are also arrested for the slightest perceived offense against mosques, but not for destroying churches.Why do they hate Christianity?Why being a man is harder than being a woman in two important ways.The worlds of politics, entertainment, and sports were enthusiastic about Olympic gymnast Simone Biles dropping out on account because “It’s important to put mental health first.”Would everyone have praised an NFL player who left a Super Bowl at halftime for the same reason? Maybe men and women are really very different? Why women never participated in the Olympic games in historic Greece.More battery bus follies and fun. The connection between mental health and God.Regardless of the turbulence swirling around your foundations, remain focused on your 5Fs and watch Episode 1 of Scrolling Through Scripture for free.Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
7/31/2021 • 1 hour, 23 minutes, 7 seconds
Ep 118 | You Are Morally Authorized to Use as Much GG Fuel As You Desire
Politicians oftendepend on their religious belief systems when deciding howto use tax money confiscatedfrom you. Mostly they follow the belief system known as Secular Fundamentalism whose sacred sacrament is Climate Change.How and why petroleum, coal, and natural gas came to be known as Fossil Fuels.The new, and Rabbi Daniel Lapin approved, name for those fuels.The sad, sacrilegioussaga of Philadelphia’s battery buses.Why food prices are going up and the container size in which the food is packaged is going down.If I pay five men not to work, it doesn’t harm you but when the government does exactly the same thing, giving people money not to work,it robs you of your money. Your opinion may be valuable even if you have no university degree. Enjoylesson one of Scrolling Through Scripture for free.Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
7/24/2021 • 1 hour, 16 minutes, 2 seconds
Ep 117 | Stop Trying to Make the World a Better Place. Please!
Headlines lie.United Airlines has NOT purchased 100 electric airplanes.So why do they lie?Why did Joseph Goebbels make German newspapers depict the Soviet Union as a small country in the fall of 1941?The Pilgrims took 66 days to cross the Atlantic in 1620.By 1838 the crossing took 15 days.But not with sails.Maybe electric planes will one day fly but probably not with lithium ion batteries.I can fill my car’s gas tank in 120 seconds.Recharging an e-car battery takes far longer; that won’t work for me.There is a colossal and widespread misunderstanding; please let me explain why electricity is not a substitute for natural gas, coal, petroleum, or nuclear.The two incompatible religious and secular perspectives on energy, you must choose one.Have you heard people disparage someone by saying, “He’s only doing it for the money”?Why they’re wrong.The terrifying danger of people trying to make the world a better place.It’s almost as frightening as giving people the power to solve public health issues.Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
7/17/2021 • 1 hour, 15 minutes, 18 seconds
Ep 116 | Your Rabbi Teaches Wisdom. But For Success, You Also Need Willpower
Welcome, Happy Warrior.Yes, if you take full responsibility for your own happiness and you can face the fright at getting into a fight for what is right, you are a Happy Warrior.Success comes not only from having great ideas but also from the execution.In other words, you need both wisdom and also willpower.In this show, we discuss how to obtain both the knowledge of what to do and what not to do, and also the willpower to follow through. Many a procrastinator knows exactly what he should do and yet he fails.How did Napoleon Bonaparte get from a little village in Corsica to become Emperor of the French Empire? At the age of 35!Remember I told you back in 2015 that autonomous car predictions were wildly optimistic?I told you so! Remember I told you back in spring 2016 that Donald Trump would win in November 2016?I told you so!Electric air taxis? No, predictions are wildly optimistic.I am telling you so. Remember The Flintstones? Remember George and Jane in The Jetsons?Their tech predictions were very good.Their marriage and family predictions, not so much. Resolve alwaysto live as a Happy Warrior, focus on your 5F Renewal,and never exist passively like a tennis ball floating down the gutter of life!Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
7/10/2021 • 1 hour, 9 minutes, 42 seconds
Ep 115 | An Intimate Glimpse Into Our Marriage and How It Can Help Yours
Your rabbi tag teams with Susan Lapin as we recount how we met and reveal what our marriage looks like and how it has grown. How to know if he/she is ‘The One’. My comeuppance for the diabolical trick I cruelly played on a young bride and her mother-in-law. How important is it for a couple to share similar political views? Should one seek a person whose happiness becomes more important than one’s own? Is the secret to avoiding future problems just a matter of choosing the right person? In a time of extended longevity, doesn’t serial marriage make sense? After all, you’ve already got to know your spouse; time for someone new. The great moral obligation which, if undertaken, nurtures a long and loving marriage. Learn more from "Madam I’m Adam: Marriage Secrets from Eden" in either CD or instant download at https://rabbidaniellapin.com/product/madam-im-adam-2-audio-cds/ Rules of engagement for conflict: never go to bed angry and never walk away from a fight and the Big D. Why this show can deliver you inexhaustible stamina which is worth far more than merely information and entertainment.Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
7/3/2021 • 1 hour, 27 minutes, 34 seconds
Ep 114 | Why Do Powerful Elites Want to See You As a Renter, Not As a Homeowner?
Whyis it so important for authorities to know whether you own your home or rent?Are you better off living in a community of renters or a community of home owners?Why do tyrannical regimes all agree with Karl Marx’sCommunist Manifesto and oppose private property?Is it true that large investment companies are driving up house prices by buying uphouses in America to rent?Are ruling elites trying to turn us all into renters?Where did the whole idea of owning property come from?Indigenous people never owned land or even thought about owning.John Lennon sang “Imagine no possessions”.The government’s war on private housing and suburbia.Does the Bible have a view on whether owning your own home is better than renting?Last week’s story of the women’s gym generating electricity.Until 1962, America favored home ownership.The tax code showed that.Today, no longer.Why?Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
6/26/2021 • 1 hour, 13 minutes, 13 seconds
Ep 113 | Hydrogen Bombs: 4 Sets of Rituals That Save Civilization
The only show in the digiverse certified to produce no greenhouse gas emissions.How we generate electricity for the Rabbi Daniel Lapin Show.For the first time anywhere, in collaboration with the Wall Street Journal, we present the ultimate solution to the energy crisis.Better than coal; better than oil; better than liquefied natural gas; even better than nuclear power.Rememberyou heard it from me first.Why the swastika-emblazoned Hindenburg that exploded in Lakehurst, New Jersey in May 1937 in a fatal fireball,matters stilltoday.How the devout faith of secular fundamentalism defeats facts and encourages the Left to lie.What’s wrong with incest?Why is aged grape juice worth $60 a bottle but aged apple juice is only $3.99?The joy of shoplifting in San Francisco.Meanwhile a special Fathers’ Day discount on the Financial Prosperity video course.Explore more here:Financial Prosperity Collection (wehappywarriors.com)For discount, type in FATHERS20.Resolve alwaysto live as a Happy Warrior and never as a tennis ball floating down the gutter of life!Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
6/19/2021 • 1 hour, 39 minutes, 31 seconds
Ep 112 | Socialism Is On The March. What You Can Do To Resist It and Defend Your Interests
Welcome Happy Warriors and a special welcome to brand new Happy Warriors-in-training. Congratulations to all Happy Warriors who have recently brought a new baby into the world. Well done! Vision Boards? I hope you don’t even know what they are. But if you do use one, please try and get rid of it for 60 days. In this show, I tell you exactly how to replace it with something that really does work. If evolution is an accurate theory for our presence on the planet, pray explain to me why our bodies have evolved to tolerate something as destructive as alcohol. In this show I tell the truth about spirits. I present you with the original blueprint of socialism - you’ll be shocked by where it is found. How and why today’s socialism revolution attacks Family, Friendships, Finance and Faith, but not Fitness. Somehow the state tries to hurt your family, your financial independence, your friendships and social relationships, and your faith. But it encourages your physical health... Meanwhile, a special Fathers’ Day discount on the Financial Prosperity video course. Type in FATHERS20 for the Financial Prosperity Collection at (wehappywarriors.com). From time immemorial, people have been trying to connect to the infinite and eternal. There are two ways of doing so—God or government. Big “G” or little ‘g’. You get to choose.Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
6/14/2021 • 1 hour, 7 minutes, 42 seconds
Ep 111 | Plummeting Sperm Counts is the Problem, not Climate Change. What’s With You Guys?
Welcome Happy Warriors. Africa’s fertility rate, children per woman, is 4.5. Israel is 3.1. America is 1.6. China is 1.3. Less than 2.1 means shrinking population and resulting shrinking economy. In an attempt to solve this problem, China has just upgraded rules from 2 to 3 children per family. China is already short about 50 million women as a result of the one-child-per-family policy. Yes, if they are having only one child, most couples would like it to be a boy. About 50 million Chinese men will never find brides in China. This is not good news. The consequence of diminishing population is declining economy. Some countries decided to solve the shrinkage problem by importing single, young Muslim men from the Middle East and North Africa. How’s that working out for you France, Germany, and Sweden? Your rabbi explains why that strategy is failing so dismally. Forget climate change—our future is really threatened by plummeting sperm counts of American men. Your rabbi explains what has been causing the declining ability of US men to father a child. While we’re at it, we also discuss the connection between women having fewer babies and their voices becoming more masculine. Hundreds of incarcerated California men moved into women’s prisons in 2021. (They claim to identify as women.) Almost no women want to move to men’s prisons. Who’d have thought it? The clue to all this is in Scrolling Thru Scripture 'https://www.wehappywarriors.com/scrolling-through-scripture-unit1' .This is the way to make sure that Happy Warriors never deteriorate into tennis balls floating down the gutter of life.Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
6/5/2021 • 1 hour, 33 minutes, 42 seconds
Ep 110 | The Ten Destructive Delusions of Dating
If you, or maybe someone you care about, man or woman, is in the throes of dating, then banishing mad myths and loathsome lies about male-female relationships is crucial. Recover reality by investing time in this show. One of the five indispensably important parts of your life is family, and that is really the only reason to be dating. It would be a shame to waste time doing dating wrong. Here is a list of the ten lies we’ll debunk together:1. We broke up weeks ago so she’ll be okay with me dating her roommate now.2. My GF/BF is having dinner with her/his ex but it’s nothing, they’re just friends.3. Everyone has one true soulmate somewhere and my purpose in dating is to find him/her.4. You’ll always recognize true love.5. No, he doesn’t have a job but he can get one anytime he wants.6. I know he says he’s not interested in marriage but he’ll change his mind.7. Hooking up is no big deal these days, right?8. My income is irrelevant to her; she really loves me for me.9. It’s healthy to date many people before settling down for marriage.10. She says she wants to build her career so we’ll be a two income couple.Integrate the fundamental five elements of your life, your 5F’s. Read my free eBook “The Holistic You” which you can download now for nothing right here: https://www.wehappywarriors.com/the-holistic-youForget dreaming of a massage with warm butter and become a Happy Warrior, rather than being a tennis ball floating down the gutter of life.Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
5/29/2021 • 2 hours, 29 minutes, 21 seconds
Ep 109 | Partnership Power: Why the World Hates My People and What You Can Learn From Us
This show is NOT for crooks, creeps, clowns or cranks. It is NOT for drifters, dreamers or derelicts. This show is for men and women who joyfully embrace the great struggles of life and who laugh at adversity. They thrill to triumph and find meaning in achievement. This show is for Happy Warriors. I get why Muslims are attacking Jews in Los Angeles, New York, Toronto, Montreal, Paris, Stockholm and London. (0:5:00) But why do so many others stand by and why do so many American Democratic lawmakers encourage it? (0:7:50) To barbarians, virtue is an ugly blemish. (0:8:30) Hating Jewish values and culture. (0:10:30) Why I have never accused anyone of being an anti-Semite. (0:11:45) Why adding numbers to your network strengthens you. (0:19:15) China wants Christians for economic benefit. (35:05) Is it true that only female teachers misbehave with students? (0:41:10) Divorce is not a private matter. (0:46:05) The most creative act any person can do is making a baby. (0:47:05) The five ways in which starting a baby resembles starting a business. How you can use these five timeless truths to improve your finances. Exploring Biblical truths at 'https://www.wehappywarriors.com/scrolling-through-scripture-unit1' .Forget dreaming of a massage with warm butter and become a Happy Warrior, rather than being a tennis ball floating down the gutter of life.Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
5/22/2021 • 1 hour, 15 minutes, 15 seconds
Ep 108 | You Can Make More Money, Much More (And You Should). Start Here.
Most people around you have very little understanding of how money is made. As a frequent but unsuccessful fisherman in the cool, deep waters of British Columbia, I learned that you can’t possibly put salmon on your grill without understanding salmon. Similarly, you can’t put money in your bank without understanding money. And putting money in your bank is important. It’s important to your finances, but it’s also important to your family relationships and relationships with your friends. It’s important to your fitness, which is to say your health, and yes, believe it or not, it is also important to your relationship with God. In other words, your 5F’s are as connected to one another as your heart is to your lungs. Want my help building a boat? Easy! I won’t have many questions. But should you need my help building your business, I’m going to need to understand the state of your marriage, what your relationship with your children is like, and even your health. In this show, we’ll cover all of that along with these questions. The spiritual nature of money and why the week should be five days long, but isn’t. Why do secular fundamentalists equate economic prosperity with moral depravity? Why do atheists usually see profit as plunder? Why has no atheistic society ever created a vibrant economy?If you’re ready to pivot your life towards greater income, then read about this: https://www.wehappywarriors.com/financial-prosperity-collectionLearn how this can help you in your work. Good living is based on good decisions, so learn how to make them at 'www.RabbiDanielLapin.com'.Be a happy warrior, not a tennis ball floating down the gutter of life.Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
5/15/2021 • 1 hour, 5 minutes, 57 seconds
Ep 107 | Build Your Own Foolproof, 100% Reliable Horse and Cow Manure Detector
If you feel like a massage with warm butter, go to a spa. This show is not for you. But if you truly wish to know more of how the world REALLY works, welcome! Why the Left lies about some things more than others. Do women experience more gravity than men? If America is the richest country in the world, why do we have hungry people? America has the moral obligation to provide aid to poorer countries. Are you underpaid? Your rabbi has the best advice for you. A rich country has the obligation to provide a decent life for all its citizens. Bank appraisers are prejudiced against homes in Black neighborhoods. Raising the minimum wage is welcome but nobody’s well-being should depend on the whims of politicians. What is the value of the house of the last person on Earth? The infallible rule for knowing when you are being spun. Integrating the five crucial areas of a happy and successful life. Good living is based on good decisions, so learn how to make them. 'www.RabbiDanielLapin.com'Be a happy warrior not a tennis ball floating down the gutter of life.Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
5/8/2021 • 1 hour, 12 minutes, 50 seconds
Ep 106 | Power: Some People Get Drunk On It. That’s Frightening
If you feellike a massage with warm butter, go to a spa.This show is not for you.But if you truly wish to know more of how the world REALLY works, welcome aboard and we’ll start off with the secret of peace.Not between Taiwan and China, but peace andharmony in your own life.Two special challenges for Happy Warriors.The intoxicating feeling that power gives you. Police officers, politicians, flight attendants, home owners associations, and even school teachers are susceptible to the almost irresistibleseductiveness of exerting power over others. Most feminine women yearn for a powerful man and most men with power achieve more. Having power but not becoming a tyrant.Why most male speed-cops issue warnings and tickets but most female speed-cops issue only tickets.Why I recommend books to some people but not to you.Yourmain thing is your life and your life is best understood as a unified totality of the 5Fs.No matter what lies ahead, you’ll be better equipped to face it if you just focus on your own 5Fs.Here’s the blueprint 'https://www.wehappywarriors.com/the-holistic-you'that explains how your finances are tied to your family, and how your fitness is linked to your faith and social life. Be a happy warrior not a tennis ball floating down the gutter of life.Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
5/1/2021 • 51 minutes, 14 seconds
Ep 105 | Whether by Welfare or by Riots, in Western Countries the Takers Plunder the Makers
You’ve heard of the Pulitzer Prize. A glimpse into the life of the Jewish Joseph Pulitzer who used financial principles of ancient Jewish wisdom to transform himself from a penniless 17 year-old immigrant who could not speak English into the owner of a publishing empire in only 15 years. Those principles are just as workable today and can be learned here: 'https://www.wehappywarriors.com/financial-prosperity-collection'.Why two young, single women raced each other around the world in less than 80 days in 1889. Why Nellie Bly decided she didn’t need a gun. One Chinese shipyard has more production capacity than all of America’s shipbuilders. Chinese fishermen don’t only catch fish, they help the Chicom army build fortress colonies. How will your life be impacted when China takes Taiwan? Why do developed countries like the United Kingdom, Sweden and the United States have significantly larger parts of their populations on welfare, basically recipients of charity, while Ghana, Kenya, and Sri Lanka have almost nobody living on government handouts? Who was it in 1835 who predicted that when the non-working half of a society has succeeded in taking as much as possible from the working and productive part of society, their next step will be wholesale plunder and revolution? If you’re giving money away with no strings attached, the line will be of infinite length. Regardless of political turmoil, whether in your country or internationally, your main thing is your life and your life is best understood as a unified totality of the 5Fs. No matter what lies ahead, you’ll be better equipped to face it if you just focus on your own 5Fs. Here’s the blueprint: 'https://www.wehappywarriors.com/the-holistic-you'. It explains how your finances are tied to your family, and how your fitness is linked to your faith and social life. Be a happy warrior not a tennis ball floating down the gutter of life.Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
4/24/2021 • 1 hour, 27 minutes, 35 seconds
Ep 104 | The Main Thing Is That Your Main Thing Remains Your Main Thing
Yes, in this show I do explain why it is clear that China will take over Taiwan sooner rather than later. But I only tell you that in order to help you apply a powerful permanent principle that will enhance your lifestyle. For the same reason, I tell you how England and France had a 48 hour window starting on March 7th, 1936 to avoid the outbreak of World War Two only three years later. They wasted that opportunity through cowardice and ignorance of another crucially useful permanent principle. Regardless of political turmoil, whether in your country or internationally, your main thing is your life and your life is best understood as a unified totality of the 5Fs. No matter what lies ahead, you’ll be better equipped to face it if you just focus on your own 5Fs. Here’s the blueprint 'https://www.wehappywarriors.com/the-holistic-you' that explains how your finances are tied to your family, and how your fitness is linked to your faith and social life. Be a happy warrior, not a tennis ball floating down the gutter of life.Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
4/17/2021 • 1 hour, 11 minutes, 57 seconds
Ep 103 | Combat Controversy by Connecting, Communicating, Collaborating and Creating Wealth
Let me tell you about when the late Prince Philip threatened to evict the Queen of England from his car. Yes, I have just had Coronavirus and no, it is not fun. The controversial medication that I took and which I believe was effective. Why controversy is a pretty silly and meaningless word and why Happy Warriors embrace it. The amazing implications of the mysterious fifty-year cycle in human economic affairs. Fifty years from the invention of the telegraph to the phone and again to television and again to the Internet; and each one signaled a peak in financial productivity. But why should this self-evident pattern be so controversial? Why a young woman who mistakenly believes she is overweight gets mental health guidance but the same young woman who thinks she is a man gets surgery. Who violated church and state separation by putting a Bible verse on the Liberty Bell in Philadelphia? How to cope with your country’s postal service becoming a dysfunctional system of sheltered employment for the incompetent. The three critical pathways to connection that you can deploy to bring better financial results to whatever you do. Remember that whatever storms swirl turbulently around the foundations of your life, just focus on your 5Fs. Here’s the blueprint 'https://www.wehappywarriors.com/the-holistic-you' that explains how your finances are tied to your family, and how your fitness is linked to your faith and social life. Be a Happy Warrior not a tennis ball floating down the gutter of life.Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
4/10/2021 • 1 hour, 5 minutes, 40 seconds
Ep 102 | Low Class People Are Not Victims; They Harm Themselves And The Countries In Which They Live
There are many amazing upper class people without much money yet, and there are even more low class people with plenty of money. Like most of what Karl Marx said, he was also wrong about class. “Class” has nothing to do with money or skin color. It’s a mindset and a way of life. It has everything to do with culture. People headed for the upper class do not go on welfare. People headed to the upper class are ambitious and independent even if they don’t have much money yet. People headed to the upper class get married and stay married. If human life is only material and not spiritual, then government welfare would make sense. But we are actually spiritual beings. So, instead of raising people to upper class, welfare imprisons them in lower class. Lower class people live in and only for the present. With no vision of past or future, lower class lives with entertainment, sex, violence and debt. Low class politicians enrich themselves while obsessing about climate change and sugary drinks rather than water supply and crime. The Passover Seder is a roadmap to the upper class. https://rabbidaniellapin.com/product/seder-set/ Upper class people are more inspired by past and future than by present. They relate to reality. They can postpone gratification and build up lives, families and wealth. A country needs a majority of its population to be upper class for survival. Remember that whatever storms swirl turbulently around the foundations of your life, just focus on your own 5Fs.Here’s the blueprint that explains how your finances are tied to your family, and how your fitness is linked to your faith and social life. https://www.wehappywarriors.com/the-holistic-youBe a happy warrior, not a tennis ball floating down the gutter of life.Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
3/20/2021 • 1 hour, 28 minutes, 20 seconds
Ep 101 | Should Happy Warriors Buy Bitcoin?
So what is Bitcoin, really? To understand that, we need to understand a soft, silvery substance that is more important than you’d think, even though you see it every day. Some politicians reassure people by saying, “America’s best years are still ahead”. To know if they are telling the truth or gulling voters you should know something about a soft, silvery substance that your rabbi tells you all about in this show. Do you know what has happened to the cost of your electricity lately? Do you know why? This show will tell you some of the unexpected side effects. Do you know why Microsoft, Google, Yahoo and other Internet giants house their colossal computers in a small town in central Washington State, miles from anywhere? Do some of my topics turn off women listeners of this show? The country, Iceland, has a smaller population than the Nevada town of Henderson, yet it dominates the world in two important industries. The reason why early in his presidency in 1933, Roosevelt seized all the gold held by American citizens. How invisible people steal money from you. Do you trust cryptocurrencies?Help shape an accurate worldview for yourself with this: https://rabbidaniellapin.com/product/americas-real-war-paperback/Remember that whatever storms swirl turbulently around the foundations of your life, just focus on your 5Fs. Here’s the blueprint that explains how your finances are tied to your family, and how your fitness is linked to your faith and social life. Be a happy warrior.Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
3/13/2021 • 2 hours, 2 minutes, 37 seconds
Ep 100 | Really Worry About What Folks Around You Believe
Who said that people are just squirrels that can’t climb trees?Do you think it was a man who drives a snow plow or an intellectual in charge of educating your children?Our world seems to be based on '2'.Two ends of a piece of string. 1-Good; 2-Evil.1-Light; 2-Evil.1-Hot; 2-Cold.1-Physical; 2-Spiritual.Digital technology works on only two digits: 1s and 0s.How many explanations exist for how humans arrived on Planet Earth?What to say to the man who doesn’t want to get married until he is 100% sure he’s doing the right thing. Alcohol eases spiritual pain, not physical.The ideas that people believe make them much more interesting, much more creative, and much more destructive than the facts they know. The inexplicable placebo and acupuncture.Remember that whatever storms swirl turbulently around the foundations of your life, you must focus on your 5Fs.Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
3/6/2021 • 2 hours, 6 minutes, 39 seconds
Ep 99 | The Seven Sad Signs of American Decline That Cannot be Denied
Although you might not have noticed it yet, wherever in the world you live, your life is being impacted as America yields international hegemony to China. How is America declining? One: K-12 Education; two: communication; three: war on financial independence; four: war on traditional family; five: making skin color the universal explanation; six: deficit spending; seven: War on Judeo-Christian faiths. Since 1964, American rankings in high school science and math have dropped from the very top to lower than 40th out of 70 nations. But our per student spending has continually climbed; how can this be? We examine two different women, each representative of the two different nations occupying North America. Why obscenity has crept into the language and is used so much more today than in 1960. How clash of culture kills communication, which in turn, undermines the economy. This show is the antidote and here are the weapons Enjoy. Remember that whatever storms swirl turbulently around the foundations of your life, you must focus on your 5Fs.Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
2/27/2021 • 1 hour, 4 minutes, 51 seconds
Ep 98 | Overcoming the Invisible Forces Resisting Your Efforts for Good
I confess to what is the only hard thing about this show. After our physical needs are met, we all need a world-view. A sense of why things happen the way they do. A way to understand the phenomena we encounter in life. Why we laugh. Yes, we are what we eat, but even more importantly, we are what enters our eyes and ears. Certain heavy metals bio accumulate in your body—once in, they never leave. Similarly with certain sights and sounds, certain ideas and certain pictures—they’re part of you forever. There are forces trying to undermine your progress and trying to retard your efforts to improve yourself and your life. This show is the antidote and here are the weapons: Enjoy. Remember that whatever storms swirl turbulently around the foundations of your life, focus on your 5Fs.Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
2/20/2021 • 54 minutes, 11 seconds
Ep 97 | I Gotta Be Me. Really? What about your ambition to become more than you are now?
Sammy Davis Jr. crooned the song, “ I Gotta Be Me” and carefully avoided the advice he sang to his audiences. That’s why he was a success. Let’s see what’s wrong with five incredibly destructive lines and lies. “I gotta be free, I gotta be free” sounds so good. What could possibly be wrong with such inspiring advice? Read about Scrolling Through Scripture here: https://www.wehappywarriors.com/scrolling-through-scripture-unit1 Must every country echo what we see the United States doing? Is it inevitable that societies, after struggling to achieve affluence then eventually descend to decadence and finally oblivion or is there an alternative? What should you do when you hear your spouse saying, “I just don’t love you anymore”? What it would feel like to brainstorm with your clone. What is really wrong with marrying your sibling? Is there any moral difference between a woman wearing a mink coat and a motorcyclist wearing a leather jacket? Being a good listener means exercising your feminine side. How you can be liberated by rules and structure. There are roughly the same number of men as women in the American workforce. So why do men die in work accidents at rates more than ten times that of women? Be a happy warrior, not a tennis ball floating down the gutter of life.Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
2/13/2021 • 1 hour, 54 minutes, 45 seconds
Ep 96 | I Did It My Way, How About You?
If we all lived about a thousand years, by the time we reach middle age, say 400 to 500 years old, we’d all be pretty smart. We’d discover that truth tends to reveal itself over time. We’d sit around saying things like, “Yeah, you really can’t change gender, funny what we used to think when we were young.” That guy in the corner celebrating his 625th birthday would say, “Hey, remember back when we used to think socialism can work?” There’s only one snag: we don’t live for a thousand years and we are forced into critical life-decisions long before we’ve seen enough of life to be smart. The solution is revealed in this show. Also, the fatal flaws in Frank Sinatra’s famous song that has seriously misled so many men. Ladies, do you really want the man you’re going to marry, to have travelled “…each and every highway…”? Guys, do you want to go into business with a friend who assures you that he is going to do things “…my way”? This show is the antidote and here are the weapons Enjoy. Remember that whatever storms swirl turbulently around the foundations of your life, focus on your 5Fs.Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
1/30/2021 • 1 hour, 11 minutes, 41 seconds
Ep 95 | Yes, After 2020 And January 2021, I Am Still Optimistic, For The World! Here Is Why.
Why do most countries in the United Nations hate America?Why do so many Americans hate America?Developing confidence about a new and perilous undertaking.Develop your ability to concentrate for longer periods of time.Seeing through the cowardice of political correctness.What devious politicians call a ‘spade’.Africa has gold, diamonds, cobalt and nickel, why does it not have wealth?Why presidents and kings get what they want without explicitly asking.When did the Bible appear in English?Never mind who created the Bible; let’s look at what the Bible created.How did so much of the Bible appear in the law systems of America, England, Ghana, Canada, and Australia?The Alaska Airlines pilot who offended a Jewish lady.I didn’t mean to offend you.Happy Warriors look herehttps://rabbidaniellapin.com/product/digital-download-library-pack/and never are a tennis ball floating down the gutter of life.Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
1/16/2021 • 1 hour, 52 minutes, 48 seconds
Ep 94 | Yesterday The World Ended; What Happens Now?
Three vital principles for dealing with troubling times and earth-shaking events.In fact, everything you need to know about how to react when you hear news pundits telling you “This has never happened before”.Or you see tv reporters saying in breathless tones, “I’ve never seen anything like it.”Is it really a “Whole new ball game”?Should you plan for the apocalypse?No, you are not a tennis ball floating down the gutter of life, you are a Happy Warrior so take a look at www.RabbiDanielLapin.com and listen to this show.You’ve never heard anything like it before.You’ve never seen anything like it.This is the first time ever…..oh no, see I’m doing it too.Well, get wise with this short show, the first for 2021.Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
1/9/2021 • 1 hour, 2 minutes, 54 seconds
Ep 93 | How The Pandemic of Socialism Will Harm You & What You Can Do About It
There is a really scary pandemic out there, but it’s not COVID-19.No, it is far more dangerous and way more infectious.It is the pandemic of socialism, and yes, it really will harm you.It is spreading rapidly through the population and here is how to test for infection.Socialists are seldom happy, grateful people.Generally, they are grim malcontents. They don’t believe in live and let-live.They are busybodies determined to change the way you live, talk, eat,drive, and shower. They are sure the government knows more than you do—about your hopes and dreams, how best your children should be raised andhow you should spend your money. They are hard to cure, but you can diminish their ability to harm you and this show teaches you how. The real meaning behind that notorious occult sign, the five-pointed star in a circle.How important is it to know how to ballroom dance or groom a poodle?Words from Bill Clinton’s 1992 Democratic National Convention that will blow your mind. Why the chief rabbi of a certain city became a pirate. Which acclaimed international leader regularly screamed anti-Semitic epithets but was Jewish on both sides of his family? What topic dominates the waking hours of practically every living person?When to use lists and when to avoid them.You are not a tennis ball floating down the gutter of life, you are a Happy Warrior, so take a look at Scrolling Through Scripture and meet with us atwww.WeHappyWarriors.com.Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
12/19/2020 • 2 hours, 8 minutes, 47 seconds
Ep 92 | Finding and Using The Right Tools To Fix…Your Life
You wouldn’t accept laziness or greed in yourself, would you? So why accept unhappiness?Far from the benign maternal spirit fondly imagined by environmentalists and secular fundamentalists, “Mother Nature”is actually trying to kill you. It might be malaria or diphtheria, it could be mosquitoes or mountain lions.Getting lost on a hike and dying of thirst happens to more people than being mysteriously rescued by Gaia or Mother Nature.So we come up with cures for diseases and we build seawalls to protect us from hurricanes. Overcoming nature and defeating her homicidal tendencies is what we are to do. And nothing isharder and nothing is more valuable than learning how to defeat our own internal lower natures.Jeep cars and Craftsman tools (Don’t buy them now!) and the real financial value of reputation, yes yours!The very best place to purchase tools.Think you were just unlucky?Think again. Think you were lucky?Think again.Look younger by identifying the number one culprit that causes lines and wrinkles on your face. Develop your potential with this: https://rabbidaniellapin.com/product/chart-your-course-journal/ How to get into the happy habit.Sorry about this, but Hollywood is dead wrong!There is not only one person whom you can marry and live happily ever after with. The secrets of making it work.Guys, it really is not about finding the right girl.It is about becoming the right man.Failing a commitment to yourself is just as serious as failing a commitment to someone else.Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
11/30/2020 • 1 hour, 24 minutes, 15 seconds
Ep 91 | Climate Change? No! The Threat is Culture Change. And It Is Real!
What is the heart and core of the cultural canyon that cuts through America and most other countries today?Is there a way to unify the views of the Left?Does it make sense that the same people who want to make it easier to kill unborn babies also want to abolish Americans’ right to defend themselves with weapons?The real Trump/Biden debate.Why would a well-knownAmerican bureaucrat allow Americans to die of Covid-19 while he distributes badly needed, American-created vaccines to other countries?Why Athens loves sentiments (Hope and Change) and hates strategies.Why Jerusalem sees a world of abundance and opportunity while Athens sees a dark world of shortage and limits. Plato’s Republic vs The Bible.Athens venerates youth and wants to euthanize the older.Jerusalem values the wisdom of age.As a Happy Warrior you are welcome to meet with us at www.WeHappyWarriors.comLearn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
11/21/2020 • 1 hour, 12 minutes, 23 seconds
Ep 90 | What You Should Be Doing Regardless Of Who Is In The White House
Perry Mason then and now.Thank you HBO for clarifying what this election is really all about.Let’s not argue about what caused the rioting and looting. Instead let’s look at who did the rioting and looting.Let’s see what unified all rioters and looters.(Oh, sorry, I mean “protestors”).They were neither all black nor all white. They were neither all rich or all poor.They were neither all men or all women.But the overwhelming majority of them were fatherless.Most of them, especially in Portland, grew up with no father in their home.Today, about 1 in 4 American children grow up without fathers.I explain why this is a huge problem for you living in America, but it is also a tremendous problem for you in Estonia, England, Kuwait, Tanzania and Malta.And everywhere else.The real issue distinguishing Left from Right. Why the Left would rather suffer the crime, poverty, and educational failure of fatherless children than apply the cure.They truly hate the medicine more than the disease.What male impotence has to do with the social chaos caused by fatherless boy and girls.The solution for you, no matter where and when you live?Simple.Become a Happy Warrior.Just go to www.WeHappyWarriors.com and you’ll see.I explain the 5F solution for you regardless of who enters the White House on January 20th, 2021. Between 1960 and 1980, the world changed. Divorce, Abortion, Public Schools turned into GICS.Regardless of where you live, the titanic struggle is the same.It is a simple battle between _______and _________.In this show I explain it fully.Aspire to become a Happy Warrior.Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
11/14/2020 • 1 hour, 24 minutes, 46 seconds
Ep 89 | Can We Keep Friends Who Vote Differently From Us?
Why do pioneers enjoy passion but seldom prosper financially? For those who follow them, it’s usually the opposite.The difference between becoming a business professional and becoming an artist.Would you rather work for an employer who runs his businessstrictly on financial performance or one that practices corporate compassion, economic ethics and financial fairness?How I once got hired as a door-to-door salesman.Whydo some people believe that anything sensual that two bodies wish to do with one another consensually, even adultery,is just fine? But also that everything voluntarily financial that two consensualpeople wish to do with one another, such as buying and selling goods or services,requires government licensing, regulating and taxing?What is the better way to start a marriage: Love or Legality?Why socialism is the natural default political doctrine for decent people without God. The Business Roundtable and why the heads of major companies committed moral surrender.Happy warriors are not tennis balls floating down the gutter of life.Find "America’s Real War" at https://rabbidaniellapin.com/product/americas-real-war-paperback/Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
11/7/2020 • 1 hour, 11 minutes, 25 seconds
Ep 88 | The Great God Divide—The 5 Big Questions That Separate Us
Are you ready for some serious soul stretching?What kind of hitch-hiker would I stop for late at night?Does human suffering prove that God is either impotent or cruel?Can people be good and decent without a belief in God?Does God and His Bible require people to renounce passion and exclude fun from their lives?Is belief in evolution a religious or scientific issue?Does God prefer poor people to rich?Science is terrible at telling us how to believe and horrible at informing us how to behave.It is not even much good at explaining things like gravity or colors or language.But it is outstanding at describing. Formulae, equations and theories all attempt to describe physical phenomena but never to explain them.Why didn't Einstein like the Big Bang Theory?Happy warriors are like salmon—we’re okay with swimming against the current.Just because the masses have been hypnotized and the crowds have been indoctrinated doesn’t change our beliefs or our behavior.Three cheers for happy warriors.This is the happy warrior’s textbook https://rabbidaniellapin.com/product/americas-real-war-ebook/that I believe I wrote with Divine assistance.Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
10/31/2020 • 57 minutes, 56 seconds
Ep 87 | Recalling My Life History-Forgetting Our Nation’s History-Figuring Out Our Future
Happy Warriors are not tennis balls floating down the gutter of life, no, we tackle each of life’s jobs with joy and happiness and with passion and optimism. Election 2020!Voting for presidentis one of those jobs this year. This show is always about the things you really care about, like Family, Finances, Fitness & health, Faith, and Friendships; and today, we explore the Permanent Principles that shape our national politics. Hear the story of my background, the SoCal congregation I planted, my marriage, and the American Alliance of Jews and Christians. -(www.AAJC.org)- Learn why 75% of American Jews will vote for Biden and what that means. Why do many female concert pianists dress provocatively while male musicians dress sedately.How many Jews are there really in the United States?And how many Muslims?I recall my first-ever speech to a Christian audience in 1995.How do they count Jews?Only40% of American Jews have visited Israel. Which American Jews have abandoned the faith of Abraham and adopted, as a belief system, the dogmas of the Democratic Party?How many Bible-believing Jews are there in the United States?There is a book I want you to look at: "America’s Real War", because it lays out the Permanent Principles of political change as it is occurring today. Why is America a Christian nation? And how can denying the truths of your nation’s founding harm you?Find "America’s Real War" at https://rabbidaniellapin.com/product/americas-real-war-paperback/Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
10/24/2020 • 1 hour, 43 minutes, 4 seconds
Ep 86 | These Four Words Will Really Ruin Your Life
On this show, we discuss the things you really care about.Like a foul-smelling bubble of noxious gas rising up from a cesspool, four hideous words coming out of your mouth, or even lurking in your heart, can ruin your life. Those who allow this toxic phrase into their lives can survive only by resorting to the narcotic of the lazy mind: slogans.They end up like the oh-so-very progressive Seattle woman, Emily, who couldn’t force herself to feel attracted to her boyfriend who dressed in ladies’ frilly frocks.The secret of beauty—What distinguishes beautiful faces from ugly ones?Even tiny babies prefer beautiful faces.Who is to blame if you save too little and spend too much?The TSA is bigger than many well-known American cities and does very limited good. Going through a TSA checkpoint is like the final stages of a bad marriage—Too much intimacy with too much hostility.Who is to blame if you eat too much and exercise too little?How Christianity spread across Europe in the middle ages and banished barbarism from Rome. The great naval battle of Lepanto on October 7, 1571 that ended Muslim sea power in the western Mediterranean.The best thing to do today that will ensure tomorrow being much better than yesterday.Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
10/10/2020 • 1 hour, 51 minutes, 40 seconds
Ep 85 | Girls! If A Guy Is Unemployable, He’s Also Unmarriageable
New York to London: 1800-25 days; 1900-5 days; 2000-5 hours. What else changed in that period?White settlers in Africa and America did many bad things but that doesn’t turn the natives into saints.Like poverty, suffering confers no moral virtue. Susan Lapin won’t listen to this part of the program where I describe what Africans did to fellow Africans and what the Iroquois tribes of Native America did to the Algonquin tribes. No massagingyou with warm butter in this show.Only humans torture and torment for entertainment and pleasure. No animals do so.You’ll be surprised when I tell youwhat this proves. Is the titanic cultural struggle tearing apart American society reallybetween the Barbarians and the Bible Believers?If you associate the words ‘underclass’ and ‘black’ you’ve been indoctrinated into believing a lie. In this show, you will learn about the white underclass and the behavior, lifestyle, and culture that condemn you to poverty regardless of the color of your skin. The one factor that unifies all the rioters regardless of their race, class, or gender.Having a job is more usefully educational than attending 11th or 12th grade at a GIC.The Biblical value of work and why we do it.What exactly makes someone unemployable?Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
9/26/2020 • 1 hour, 20 minutes
Ep 84 | Who Really Makes the Decisions that Rule, Regulate and Control Your Life?
As a Happy Warrior myself, if I contracted Covid-19, here’s why I’d immediately take hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) with azithromycin. But wait! Didn’t the Veterans’ Administration, The New England Journal of Medicine and Lancet all claim it to be a dangerous medication?America used to be ruled by you and your elected representatives.Now you are ruled by unelected and unaccountable bureaucrats, experts, intellectuals, scientists, and political appointees. Who were the “magicians” mentioned in the Bible?What really causes Californian forest fires? (Hint: It isn’t global warming.) The New York Times insists that black underrepresentation among the 1,000 most powerful Americans is proof of bigotry. What does that say about white and Asian underrepresentation in basketball and football? And if you really want to play this silly game, what would the NYT say is the reason for Jews being 10 times overrepresented in their list of 1,000 powerful people?Those blue masks you wear…they allow particles as big as 40 micrometers to penetrate easily. But the Covid-19 virus molecule is 0.1 micrometers, which is only 1/400 the size of the particles that get through easily. In other words, masks do no good at all. In fact, they harm.So why are you wearing them?Happy Warriors are not tennis balls floating down the gutter of life so we allow nobody else to make our own lives’ operational decisions.Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
9/19/2020 • 1 hour, 17 minutes, 21 seconds
Ep 83 | If Your Romantic Relations Were Remarkable and Your Financial Fortunes Were Fantastic…
Propaganda in a tyranny means you must accept what “they” tell you. If you question, you will be punished. (Or be called a ‘denier’.)Science means constantly questioning and evaluating different theories and explanations.Forget biological determinism and perpetuation of the species.Men and women meet and mate in order to fulfill God’s plan to combat loneliness. Forget Economics 101 and how money and markets apportion scarce resources.Money is part of God’s plan to combat loneliness.Six ways in which marriages andmarketplaces are identical. Two interviewers from Forbes ask me many of the questions you would ask me if we sat down together over coffee. Is serving God the same as serving your customer/boss/client? Why I prefer the ambitious person wanting to make money over the individual wanting to do “public service”. Why stock markets were invented in England and Holland and not in The Ivory Coast and Bangladesh. Remember, Happy Warriors are not tennis balls floating down the gutter of life.Go ahead and read about Prosperity Power here: https://rabbidaniellapin.com/product/prosperity-power/See the only Hebrew/English Bible I’ve ever recommended.https://rabbidaniellapin.com/product/koren-jerusalem-bible-hardcover/Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
9/12/2020 • 1 hour, 19 minutes, 23 seconds
Ep 82 | Are You A Happy Warrior? Not sure? Here Is Your Credo
Happy Warriors are not tennis balls floating down the gutter of life.We embrace the struggle and we renounce relaxation.And, above all, we make ourselves happy. Always. Your rabbi explains why you can learn tennis or race car driving and cooking or statistics regardless of your financial status or your friendships. Can you really be a respected philosopher and, at the same time, a repugnant individual?Why it matters that, of the 20 greatest philosophers of history, 15 of them never raised children. Can you be a spreadsheet wizard and a crook, or a highly paid family and marriage counselor and a loathsome spouse? Realize that your identity is based, not on what you know, but on who you are, and who you are depends on your beliefs and values.The 3 areas in which you involuntarily reveal what sort of person you really are. Want to learn celestial navigation or how to make a quilt? Easy. Your teacher won’t ask you any questions about your life. But if you want help in one of these: Finances, Friendships, Faith, Family or Fitness, a good teacher will want to know much about your status in the other four. Your rabbi explains just why that is and how it works, and in this episode, there is no massaging you with warm butter. Only the truth. The timeless truths of ancient Jewish wisdom.Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
9/5/2020 • 48 minutes, 40 seconds
Ep 81 | The One Thing For Successful Living
My answer to the one question I get more often than any other: What is the secret to __________?Being a specialist is quite relaxing, but being the captain of the ship, responsible for operational decisions, now that is stressful.The usefulness of lists.The one problem with America according to:(a) The Democrat Party:President Trump.(b) B(urn), L(oot), M(urder): Racism.(c) Bernie Sanders: Wall Street.Well, is there one problem or 3?How a Jewish rabbi in Lithuania in 1925, who was a teacher of my teacher’s teacher, knew that Sigmund Freud’s newfangled idea about human consciousness was wrong.The almost irresistible appeal of unity; how we are drawn to one.Do you wish you could believe and trust the World Health Organization?Yeah, me too. You can’t of course but we explore why we wish it worked.The naïve faith Leftists have in the United Nations? Yes, that too. One of life’s most useful tips: How to control your feelings.Happy Warriors learn to increase happiness with these two tips discussed in the show.Further material to gain understandinghttps://rabbidaniellapin.com/product/the-biblical-blueprint-set-instant-download/Happy Warriors never want me to massage them with warm butter.Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
8/31/2020 • 1 hour, 32 minutes, 49 seconds
Ep 80 | Why We Overeat and How to Stop It
Happy Warriors are not tennis balls floating down the gutter of life.We control our lives and that includes taming our bodies. It would be hard to think of anything you could do immediately to improve your health than eating less.But darn! Eating just feels so good. And, above all, I am SOO hungry.Ever wondered why medical literature before 1962 had almost no mention of peanut allergies and eating disorders? Because they didn’t have those things then, that’s why. In this show we’re not exploring nut allergies, but I do explain exactly why, nowadays, very many young people do suffer from eating disorders.Understanding the reason will help you regain your once svelte figure. Why should COVID-19 cause Americans to add weight?Why should a bunch of barbarians rioting in the streets cause you to eat more? But they do. Here’s what to do about it. In our bodies, parts of which are generally uni-functional (we don’t smell AND hear with our ears), why are our mouths multi-use appliances?We eat and speak with the same facial orifice (but never at the same time!)Learn how to eat until you’re fulfilled, not until you are filled. One difference between breast-feeding a baby and bottle feeding it.How blind people eat differently and the three steps you can take to eat properly and stop overeating.Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
8/22/2020 • 58 minutes, 29 seconds
Ep 79 | The 13 Timeless Truths That Will Transform Your 5 F’s
How to protect yourself against the dangerous and contagious epidemic infecting millions— Expertitis!Do your feelings cause your actions or do your actions cause your feelings? If your answer is wrong, you’re damaging your finances and your romantic life. Do you produce and work by schedule or by inspiration? How to cure yourself if you’re doing it wrong. When a company says, “We want to recruit only really great people” what exactly do they mean and how can you be hired?Could you identify your values in 30 seconds? Not just what you do but the deep reasons why you do it. Marie Kondo can help you de-clutter your closet of obsolete clothing but only your rabbi can help you de-clutter your closet of obsolete ideas. You may think you know how to utter the word, “No” but listen to this show to find out you don’t and why you should.Don’t try to do everything for yourself—that’s not independence—it’s stupid.# 9 is both wealth and happiness can be achieved by discovering how to serve.The dangers of deflation when you’re accustomed to inflation.Your life success depends upon the perfect balance of the two opposing principles of structure and freedom. That’s also true for countries; think Russia before and after the socialist revolution.How to switch your job for your own business. We like to think of ourselves as each unique but this is not true; we all experience our bodily sensations in eerily similar ways. Be a happy warrior, not a tennis ball floating down the gutter of life.Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
8/15/2020 • 1 hour, 27 minutes, 19 seconds
Ep 78 | The Ten Years of Your Life that You Want to Redo
Happy Warriors are not tennis balls floating down the gutter of life.The one reliable definition of male.Let’s say a genie pops out of the lamp and offers you a ‘re-do’ of the ten years of your life; from when you were thirteen until the time you were twenty-three. Yes or no? I’d wager that you’d take up the genie’s offer. You won’tbe surprised to hear that over 90% of the population agrees with you. Wouldn’t you love to re-make the many crucial decisions of those ten years but with knowing what you now know?Imagine how your life would be different if you knew when you were a teenager exactly what your own human nature was like and if you knew the importance of overcoming it and you knew how. If you knew the impact of clutter and chaos back then and you overcame procrastination and knew how money worked back then, how might your life be different today. So do a tremendous favor to a young person of your acquaintance.This show is about the magical ten years in life; ages 13—23 years-old. These are the years in which subsequent success in life is rooted and, sadly, the years in which the origin of future failure can usually be found. Here are the step-by-step success strategies that young peopleshould follow for positioning themselves for everything good in life. The show is not about the importance of being cool. It is not about learning how to rap or tap dance and it is not about social media. But it is about sex and money; the two areas in which most men have the most regrets. Here are the things you wish you knew when you were between 13 and 23 years-old. The show starts with William Shakespeare and ends with Rudyard Kipling; those two very unpopular dead white guys knew a thing or two!Have you noticed lately that too many people get a thrill from bossing you around? I start off this show by explaining why. Learn how to get rid of bad habits.Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
8/8/2020 • 1 hour, 57 minutes, 59 seconds
Ep 77 | We Men Desperately Need You To Need Us
Who Happy Warriors are and why I love ‘em!Overcoming the mysteriously malevolent force that resists everything positive you’re trying to accomplish in your life. This debate goes back to President Clinton, but does having an affair diminish your ability to do your job? Today’s movie review: Barefoot (2014). The protagonists are Jay and Daisy, just like in the book The Great Gatsby. Why? Teachers don’t want schools to reopen.If I was being paid to enjoy a vacation, I’d want to retain that also. Here’s an idea: no work—no pay. Oh wait, GIC stands for government indoctrination camp and government often pays for no work. Wives out earning their husbands is a reliable indicator (but obviously not guarantee) of divorce. If you don’t understand that we are both soul and body, then government shutdowns that turn once-friendly citizens into petty tyrants and that destroy small businesses (but leave the juggernauts intact) make perfect sense. Can a dissolute man be transformed by a woman’s love? Of course not, don’t be ridiculous and foolishly sentimental.But being needed by a woman might do it. Why GF plagues American men now more than ever. Feeling unneeded and redundant causes a man to feel impotent and feeling impotent causes first deep sadness then anger, and often violence.What does the word “housewife” mean to you?The difference between the first two chapters of Genesis. The perspective that makes lockdowns make sense.Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
8/1/2020 • 1 hour, 22 minutes, 34 seconds
Ep 76 | Civic Cataclysm: How Great Cities Die and How They Eventually Resurrect
Your financial success depends upon serving other people, and the best place for doing so is a city. But what if your city is dying?Cities have been growing for more than 100 years.In 1950 America had about ten cities and surroundings with populations of over one million people.Today there are about 50 such places. Over 80% of North Americans now live in cities.The trend is worldwide in both developed and developing nations. They are moving to cities but not only for more money. There are other equally important but connected reasons. Empires like Russia, Britain, Rome, Spain, and Ottoman change or die but their cities like Moscow, London, Rome, Barcelona and Istanbul are still there. The result of no great cities in Africa.Why the Nazi Luftwaffe bombed London rather than the invasion beaches.Do you feel God’s presence more in Galveston or more in Grand Canyon?Does agricultural success evolve into cities or the opposite? Why would you care?Now people are fleeing cities for rural refuge. Sometimes cities are the best of places, other times, the worst.Successful countries need successful cities.Using technology to create an artificial city for your welfare.Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
7/25/2020 • 1 hour, 41 minutes, 27 seconds
Ep 75 | America in Decline: Only 6 More Years to the End? - Replenish Your Bank Account
Adolf’s 1000-Year Reich lasted for all of 12 years but most countries, societies, and empires last for about 250 years.You’ll be surprised by the 10 phases countries go through from brilliant break-out to fracture, failure, & finality.Yes, Rome, Persia, Russia, Britain, Spain & Turkey all lasted about ten generations.Phase #2 is economic expansion and #4 is widespread affluence, so let’s discuss money!By far, the majority of people around you understand money as well as they understand Byzantine frescoes. Which is to say, not much!But you can’t put money in your bank without understanding money. And putting money in your bank is important if you want to help restore America. In 1925, President Calvin Coolidge said, “The chief business of the American people is business. They are profoundly concerned with producing, buying, selling, investing and prospering in the world.” Isn’t that true for you? The spiritual nature of money and why the week should be five days long but isn’t. Why secular fundamentalists equate economic prosperity with moral depravity. Why atheists usually see profit as plunder. Why no atheistic society has ever created a vibrant economy. How this can help you in your work. Why Genesis 5 and 11list two tables of ten generations and what we can learn. The roadmap to the restoration of the Republic.Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
7/11/2020 • 1 hour, 53 minutes, 16 seconds
Ep 74 | The One Big Thing You Can Do Now to Improve Your Finances & Your Family and Social Life
What is the one thing that transforms a violent assault into an act of loving consensual intimacy?What is the one thing that replaces a bloody battle with a debate?If you’re a swimsuit model, this doesn’t apply to you, but for the rest of us, what visible organ of our bodies is the most important in our quest to make money?After your appearance, what do people most notice about you?That’s right, how you sound.Yet, we all exercise the muscles of our arms and legs but few of us exercise our communication muscle, our mouths.Do you draw as well as you perhaps could? Do you dance as well as you could with practice?You almost certainly do not speak anywhere near as well as you could and should.This show is all about dramatically improving how you communicate.We have only two ways to impact the world. (Well, 3 actually, but that third one you’ll have to hear me discuss in the show.) The two ways we have to shape our world is ourhands and our mouths. Of the two, which is more important?Nobody can impact one another more than spouses—with words.The app you can use to sound better than you do.Become the only person in your circle who is not terrified of public speaking but enjoys it.Do you know who is listening to every word you say, 24/7?Why do our mouths take in food and also put out words? How your expression impacts your voice.Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
7/4/2020 • 1 hour, 17 minutes
Ep 73 | What Your Rabbi Has To Say Today About Covid-19, Protests, & Riots
Disagreements between citizens must be settled by ballots not bullets.But disagreements between nations are settled by power not paper; by cannons not committees.Stop telling lies to little children.Is it any of your business if I buy the house next to you, never occupy it and leave it empty? Why did my father torment me with mechanical clocks?How important is protecting private property?What does Vancouver, British Columbia have to do with Jerusalem, Israel? Nations should pursue their interests not those of the United Nations, the International Court,or any other bogus institutions that have never prevented a war, let alone stopped one. You have fewer property rights living in the city than out in the country. Why?Read more about our Thought Tool books https://rabbidaniellapin.com/product/thought-tools-set-3-softcover-books/Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
6/20/2020 • 1 hour, 47 minutes, 18 seconds
Ep 72 | How 5 Minutes In the Dark Can Totally Change Your Life In Wonderful Ways
Make a list of the 5 things you could do that would utterly destroy your life.Easy, right?In fact, it’s hard keeping the list down to just five because they’d be such fun.Now produce a list of the 5 things that you could do that would cause you to become wealthier, happier, more fulfilled and more respected by friends.Hmmm….A lot more difficult, right?Well, I, your rabbi, show you exactly how to produce such a list.But not of just 5 things that will make your life better, actually,no fewer than 50 such items.Now knowing what to do is not even half of the job.It’s not even 10%.It’s the execution that matters.And only because I am your rabbi and I care about you, I tell you not only how to list those crucial life changes, but more importantly, I teach you how to execute them.If you really want to.And it all starts with a dark room; but go ahead and listen now.Remember that being a happy warrior means NEVER allowing yourself to be a tennis ball floating down the gutter of life.Read more about our Thought Tool books https://rabbidaniellapin.com/product/thought-tools-set-3-softcover-books/Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
6/13/2020 • 45 minutes, 1 second
Ep 71 | The Most Lethal Virus & The Real Truth About Riots & Looting
Your rabbi describes many looting riots in American history but why is it hard to find any prior to 1962?Were there no grievances in 1920?Was there no poverty in 1890?Why do people loot?Is it because their jobs were terminated by coronavirus?So why do they loot?I don’t want to massage you with warm butter but that is the wrong question; the right question is why do other people NOT loot? Let’s face it, rioting and looting is fun. How come none of you Happy Warriors looted?Why did so many not take advantage of the illegal shopping spree that meant free stuff for everyone?Surely if it is a good and right way to behave for some, it is also good and right for everyone.Why are there more female rioters and looters than ever before?The fatal weakness of single mothers and their children.A parent’s obligation goes way beyond feeding their children and putting them on the yellow bus to their local GIC.The one reason for airplane crashes that nobody discusses.“The impulse of man’s heart is evil from his youth”What does this Bible verse mean?John Dewey and the destruction of American education.Humans are fundamentally good so progressives feel families are unnecessary.How you can know that social distancing is not science. Neither is the abolition of male and female as poles of human existence. Why inventions are often uncovered by two separate individuals at the same time.Being a happy warrior means NEVER allowing yourself to be a tennis ball floating down the gutter of life.Read more about our Thought Tool books https://rabbidaniellapin.com/product/thought-tools-set-3-softcover-books/Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
6/6/2020 • 1 hour, 56 minutes, 4 seconds
Ep 70 | “Let Me In Your House” he said to her. Reluctantly She Opened The Door. Why?
Have you ever found yourself submitting to emotional blackmail?Have you ever felt that to love God means being docile towards domineering people?Have you ever felt that the main reason to try and gain wealth is to give it away?Well, if so, you REALLY need a rabbi!Specifically me, the host of the Rabbi Daniel Lapin Show because these and other wrong beliefs are becoming more and more accepted.We start with a young woman being pressured by a man and then explore a famous “ethicist” (a profession I have less regard for than I do for barnacle scrapers of the Swiss navy) proclaiming how rich people are immoral.Who does have a right to your money?This show tries to show you how the world REALLY works, as you know.In other words, we want you to gain a coherent world view. But the right word is Weltanschauung.What does that mean?‘Weltanschauung’ is, I am afraid, a specifically German notion, which it would be difficult to translate into a foreign language. If I attempt to give you a definition of the word, it can hardly fail to strike you as inept. By Weltanschauung, then, I mean an intellectual construction which gives a unified solution of all the problems of our existence in virtue of a comprehensive hypothesis, a construction, therefore, in which no question is left open and in which everything in which we are interested finds a place. It is easy to see that the possession of such a Weltanschauung is one of the ideal wishes of mankind. When one believes in such a thing, one feels secure in life, one knows what one ought to strive after, and how one ought to organize one’s emotions and interests to the best purpose.(Sigmund Freud 35th lecture on psychoanalysis)Being a happy warrior means NEVER allowing yourself to be a tennis ball floating down the gutter of life.Read more about why counter-intuitive ideas about dating make for better marriages. https://rabbidaniellapin.com/product/ten-commandments-instant-download/Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
5/30/2020 • 1 hour, 14 minutes, 12 seconds
Ep 69 | It’s All Lies! Live to work? Or Work to Live?
Ever had someone ask you if you live to work or work to live?It’s a false dichotomy, as I explain on this show. Their 23 year-old son lived at home playing video games; hear how this story ended happily. In the name of equality, governments try to eliminate any advantages that come from a strong, healthy family. Heard politicians decrying the divisiveness in American society? Now hear what is America’s real fault line and who caused it.The secret of happy living is climbing outside yourself. What!? Yes, that is the secret significance of the 5 Fs.Become healthier by understanding thatphysical fitness is a titanic fight between your body and your soul. Money is much more than something needed to stay alive. It’s even more than something to give away to the needy.This is a pretty good description of what it is:“In its widest possible sense, however, a man’s Self is the sum total of all that he can call his, not only his body and his psychic powers, but his clothes and his house, his wife and children, his ancestors and friends, his reputation and works, his lands and horses, and yacht and bank account.All these things give him the same emotions.If they wax and prosper, he feels triumphant; if they dwindle and die away, he feels cast down, not necessarily in the same degree for each thing, but in much the same way for all.” -American psychologist, William James, 1890.Being a happy warrior means NEVER allowing yourself to be a tennis ball floating down the gutter of life.Read more about why the Ten Commandments were on 2 tablets instead of just 1. https://rabbidaniellapin.com/product/ten-commandments-instant-download/Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
5/20/2020 • 53 minutes, 35 seconds
Ep 68 | Coping With The Unknowable: Your 3 Part Curriculum
These coronavirus days can make you feel utterly out of control of your own destiny.It makes you feel just like a tennis ball floating down the gutter of life. BUT, remember! Being a happy warrior means NEVER allowing yourself to be a tennis ball floating down the gutter of life. It sounds almost too good to be true but this is how the world REALLY works. There are only 3 things you need to know in order to build a successful career and create real wealth.You’ll know how to choose friends, associates and employees. You’ll even know what to major in at college. You’ll know how to choose a spouse, win a spouse and keep a spouse. You’ll also know how to attain happiness and raise happy children. You’ll know how to run organizations like families, churches, or corporations and you’ll know how to be kind and do good, correctly, with your head and not your heart.In this show, your rabbi explains the only 3 things worth spending time on mastering and incorporating into your life blueprint.But (and there’s always a ‘but’ isn’t there?) it is always about not only what you know—it is about what you are. It is not always about just knowing but it is about doing. Why no Lapin child is a concert pianist. Are all cultures of equal value to the health and vitality of a society?Moving forward in spite of corona uncertainty.Life lessons from the Lord’s language?Yes, count on it!Right here: https://rabbidaniellapin.com/product/buried-treasure/Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
5/9/2020 • 1 hour, 46 minutes, 29 seconds
Ep 67 | The Deadliest Public Health Threat & How You Can Save Your Family
Warning: To all owners of gasoline powered cars of more than 4 cylinders. You may not drive more than 60 miles per week. Here’s a challenge: Can you think of any activity that could not be regulated in the interests of public health?Why smoking is not your own personal choice. Why you must cease climbing, diving, or hiking in your leisure time. The vital question that newly married couples often argue about.The reason for so few female entrepreneurs. The smart way to make life decisions. Using science wisely & knowing its limits. Do you know what values are?Do you know what your values are? Do you know what are the values sculpting your marriage?Privacy in a marriage. Why Israel was quickly recognized by Russia in May 1948. Do you snitch on neighbors not safe distancing? Keeping cash on hand - Hertz car rental company did not. The most important way that some Jews were able to escape the Nazis and how you can do the same to escape future crises you may face.The Financial Prosperity Collection:https://rabbidaniellapin.com/product/financial-prosperity-collection-usb/Now be a happy warrior, never a tennis ball floating down the gutter of life.Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
5/2/2020 • 1 hour, 23 minutes, 11 seconds
Ep 66 | Happy B-Earth-day Vladimir Lenin & To All You Environmental Fanatics
The father of modern communism, Vladimir Lenin, was born April 22nd, 1870.Exactly one hundred years later, a suspect group of naïve ‘activists’ created Earth Day and turned it into movement for the economic annihilation of the West.Said Gaylord Nelson, one of the founders of Earth Day, “The economy is a wholly owned subsidiary of the environment, not the other way around.”Watermelon became the term—Green on the outside, red on the inside.Like communism, socialism, & secular progressivism, environmentalism is a religion. It destroys heretics.Would you like to purchase carbon offsets?How about infidelity offsets? The Bible never uses the word nature or environment. Having children is bad for the environment.Boost Your Income and Prosperity Power: Become a happy warrior, not a tennis ball floating down the gutter of life.https://rabbidaniellapin.com/store/cds/Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
4/25/2020 • 1 hour, 33 minutes, 12 seconds
Ep 65 | Today’s Tough Life Lesson: Why The Guy Should Pay For The Date Every Time!
Why do some successful men prefer professional ladies of the night to casual hookups?Girls, if he hasn’t got enough money to pay for the date, you shouldn’t be dating him at all. Guys, there is a time to be preparing for financial stability and a time to be courting, or if you must, dating.Reversing that order can cause pain. Good women expect the man to pay. Not because they’re trying to freeride or because they’re short of money.The reason is not economic but emotional.If lots of people are trying to get certain jobs, they’re overpaid. Think politicians.America did better when it was governed by citizens who gave a short term of service rather than now when it is ruled by a professional class of permanent politicians who’ve never done anything else (not including the current president).Can a country have too many politicians and bureaucrats?What do y’all look like to me? Never be a tennis ball floating down the gutter of life - embrace change and growth.Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
4/18/2020 • 49 minutes, 49 seconds
Ep 64 | Simplistic Solutions or Sophom*oric Slogans Never Solve Problems of Money, Health, or Faith
Good news is bad news for The New York Times, CBS, CNBC, USA Today, and the Washington Post.They just love publishing terrifying and dire predictions based on days-old model projections and refuse to tell us how much better we’re doing than it appeared two weeks ago.What explains their irrational love affair with bad news?No American hospital has yet needed a ventilator that they lack. There is a troubling reason for why the American Center for Disease Control (CDC) directs doctors and hospitals to list cause of death as Covid-19 even in the absence of any test or other evidence. Do you agree with Toyota’s 5 business principles, and Panasonic’s 7, and General Electric’s 8? How the Passover Sedercan instill ambition in participants of every background.https://rabbidaniellapin.com/product/seder-set/Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
4/11/2020 • 1 hour, 4 minutes, 49 seconds
Ep 63 | The Great 2020 Bathroom Tissue Mystery & Another Much More Important Issue
There are hundreds of self-improvement books, programs and courses that promise to improve your life.They all talk to your heart when they identify the exact area you want to change for the better.But most of the time, you don’t follow through, do you?Why not?Well, that is the essence of this show along with the antidote to stagnation.Why do we accept our current circ*mstances even though we’re not happy?Is there hope? Of course.And you’ll be surprised to discover just where it is. There really is a way to make sure to inoculate yourself against stagnating in your life. The Book of Exodus helps! And where did all the toilet paper really go?Who took it and why?All explained in this enlightening show with your rabbi.https://rabbidaniellapin.com/product/seder-set/Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
4/4/2020 • 55 minutes, 29 seconds
Ep 62 | Ten Timeless Tips, Tools, & Techniques for Tough Times
Sadly, there can be several different kinds of tough times.Some tough times torment just a neighborhood or even just one family.Other tough times impact an entire nation or even many nations.Some tough times are on account of health, others are financial, some are political and military turmoil, and occasionally, tough times can comprise several simultaneous threats.But regardless, these ten tips, tools, and techniques are useful in all troublesome times. I explain each of these in depth during the show:1) Become a generalist2) Today’s strategic timeline ends tonight3) Insulate yourself from public panic, fear, & hysteria4) Make connections5) Cash is king6)Your life and the lives of those you love are more valuable to you than to the ‘authorities’7) Be capable of defending yourself8) Force yourself to be happy and grateful9) Keep yourself, your clothing, & your habitation clean10) Write! Write! Write!Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
3/28/2020 • 1 hour, 14 minutes, 50 seconds
Ep 61 | COVID-19 Perspective—People Die From Disease But More Die From Financial Stress and Economic Collapse
Politicians prefer solving immediate problems for which they can claim credit now.But statesmen also consider approaching problems that cannot yet be seen but whose approaching footsteps can be heard.The virus is making a relatively small number of people sick.Economic depression will actually kill many more.Even unemployment lowers the lifespan significantly.Science is outstanding at explaining what things do and why they do it. It is appallingly bad at explaining what individual people do and why we do those things.But a crowd of people acting in unison, say a crowd watching an exciting football game, a crowd gathered for revolution, a crowd subscribed to a certain ideology or theology; well, its behavior is quite easy to predict. For it is not an individual person or even a lot of individual people. No, it is a ‘thing’.A sort of huge animal with countless heads and legs but on an animal nonetheless.It is predictable and often frightening. Perspective:January-March 2020: >9,000 suicides,>8,000 road accident fatalities, >15,000 flu deaths (2017-2018 season) Total American deaths during 1Q2020 >700,000.Total American COVID-19 deaths to date of this podcast: 206.Also, the role played by Christians in the founding of modern Israel in 1948.And what God expects from us at a time like this.Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
3/21/2020 • 1 hour, 23 minutes, 51 seconds
Ep 60 | Coronavirus & COVID-19: The Real Story & How to Stay Safe From the Real Threat
What can your rabbi possibly add to all the Niagara-like cascade of conversation on corona virus?I’m not a doctor, so what can I possibly say that would meaningfully add to the diarrhea-like deluge of drivel clogging the Internet. Well, let’s really creep into the core of corona, using not only education and intelligence but also wisdom.Let’s dive to the depths of the disease.What does the Golden Calf of the Book of Exodus have to do with corona? Let’s start with the difference between education, intelligence and wisdom.When you think intelligence, think the notorious Leopold-Loeb murder of 1924.Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes spoke about shouting “Fire!” in a crowded theater. What he meant was that if you were in that theater, you were in far more danger of being trampled to death than by being incinerated.What is driving the current fear, panic, & hysteria about Corona?Who exactly is yelling “Fire!” and why?Remember the fear and panic about Y2K in November 1999? None of the terrors actually materialized.Remember the hysteria about the swine flu “pandemic” in 2009 and the Ebola hysteria in 2014? No? Oh, that’s right, there wasn’t any! Know why? Because the name of the president at the time started with an “O” not a “T”.Talking of O, remember his war on “for-profit” universities?Socialism spurns education for profit and all else for profit. Even medicine. Especially medicine must be governmental.Which brings us all the way back to the corona crisis.Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
3/14/2020 • 1 hour, 34 minutes, 3 seconds
Ep 59 | How To Find Meaning In Your Work To Excel & Prosper
If we were each alone and isolated, every one of us would languish, wither, and perish.Only by human cooperation can we all together build an interactive economy in which we each can thrive.Here are the only two ways to organize human cooperation:One, build a dictatorial tyranny in which you promise the peasants security and equality but never actually deliver. Keep them constantly divided into fighting factions and provide them with drugs and limitless cheap and mindless entertainment.This helps transform them into fools, and fools buy their empty promises.The second way is build and maintain a democratic government of and by the people, with power only with the permission of the people. Promise them nothing but protection for their property, their bodies & their lives from both foreign foes and internal bandits and predators. Guarantee freedom. Get out of their way and let each citizen achieve whatever he or she can.In that world, each of us can find the meaning in our work, build every aspect of our lives, and find immortality in our families.So, be a happy warrior and never a tennis ball floating down the gutter of life. That only brings the tyrants.Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
2/29/2020 • 1 hour, 4 minutes, 5 seconds
Ep 58 | Make Much More Money by Dispelling Moral Guilt & Other Spiritual Obstructions
You may not know it, but your rabbi knows that you probably help humanity every day.Do you realize that you probably enhance the lives of your fellow citizens every day?Are you a saint?No, of course not.It’s just that money is one of the only two areas in which while you try to help yourself, you are actually also helping others.Is money physical or spiritual?The explanation will surprise you.The fatal flaw of socialism that makes ‘redistribution of wealth’ perfectly logical and even desirable.Why your rabbi thinks of universities as kindergartens.Why everyone needs a pet gorilla to helpyou increase your income. Why neither economics nor psychology are real sciences.How price “re-anchoring” makespeople pay $3 for a $0.45 cup of coffee?Do you drink $50/bottle wine? The spiritual success strategies you need to know for achieving financial abundance. Let your rabbi teach you more about sales because even if you don’t know it, you are a sales professional.Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
2/22/2020 • 1 hour, 8 minutes, 20 seconds
Ep 57 | Wives & Mothers Build Families; Men Build Nations — Neither Can Exist Without The Other.
Hey single men! Have you ever wanted to propose marriage to your future wife but been lost for words?Your rabbi to the rescue. In this show, a sample proposal speech you can use to start the rest of your life.No need to struggle for the right words. No need to be embarrassed as you stutter your way through some trite, overused formula. No, sound like the man you wish you were! She’ll be thrilled and wedding bells will ring.Why does Bible often say, “Young man and virgin” rather than “Young man and young woman”?The magical moment that can put you on the road to financial prosperity?How a pledge produces power.Do housewives and stay-at-home-moms hurt the country’s economy?Why did the Soviets construct so many huge & hideous buildings?Why are so many American government buildings built since 1962 so brutal and block-like?Why is all government housing so identical and soul-destroying?How to feel like a god not a ratBecome a happy warrior, not a tennis ball floating down the gutter of life.Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
2/15/2020 • 1 hour, 20 minutes, 5 seconds
Ep 56 | How The Clothing You Wear Impacts Your Life & the Lives of Everyone Around You
Why do you dress differently in the morning if you are staying home alone from how you’d dress if you’re going to be seeing many people? Are you more comfortable in ‘fashionable’ clothing than in utilitarian coverups? You might consider an adventure vacation, right? Swim with the sharks in South Africa? Sure. See penguins in Antarctica? Why not. How about a week at a nudist resort in Jamaica? That would be something different, so are you up for it? I suspect not. Why not? Do you have too much of that old-time puritanical repressiveness? C’mon, live for a week like a healthy naked animal. Why am I not persuading you? Why should we grant government the power to punish us for taking off our clothing in public? If you don’t like my naked appearance, don’t look; but don’t stop me from undressing how I choose. If Adam and Eve had nice green clothes made from fig leaves, why did God make them additional outfits out of leather? Would human beings come up with the idea of clothing with zero cultural input? What did famous feminist, Camille Paglia, mean when she said that if civilization were left in female hands, “we’d all be living in grass huts”. Comparing female models and movie stars of the 1950s to current times, do contemporary unisex and androgynous fashion styles have anything to do with our culture’s leftist tendency to eliminate distinctions between men and women. To participate in reviewing changes in American life the past twenty years and getting your name into a book visit www.RabbiDanielLapin.com/masterclass. Be a happy warrior, not a tennis ball floating down the gutter of life.Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
2/8/2020 • 1 hour, 40 minutes, 37 seconds
Ep 55 | Science: Yes! Scientism: No! Don’t Be Duped By Devious Dogmatism
You thought that if people are ‘religious’, they must be devotees of Christianity, Judaism, Islam, Buddhism, or Hinduism, right? Wrong! Here are 3 important requirements of a religion. (A) It links you to something bigger than you. (B) It links you to many other people. (C) It requires you to offer sacrifices. As your rabbi explains in this show, there are many, many more religions than those I listed. Here are some I talk about in this show: Church of Ethical Culture; Church of Scientism; Church of Climate Change. No, do not laugh. It is very rude to laugh at other people’s belief systems. The 3 shocking facts that every devotee of scientism ought to know. The 3 amazing scientific facts that every poet ought to know. Fraud and fakery in science. Reviewing the changes in American life the past twenty years and getting your name into a book https://www.RabbiDanielLapin.com/masterclass. Be a happy warrior, not a tennis ball floating down the gutter of life.Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
2/1/2020 • 1 hour, 27 minutes, 37 seconds
Ep 54 | Mass Hysteria Strikes Again! How to Recognize the Threat and How to Cope with it.
Are we all logical, thoughtful human beings when it comes to money? The rising price of Tesla stock would suggest no. The $700,000,000 that smart investors sunk into Theranos would also suggest that for most of us, emotions seriously impact our financial decisions. What is more, we are also susceptible to mass hysteria. That’s right; mass hysteria—when many people come to believe passionately with irrepressible conviction in things that are unprovable and even unlikely. Things like, oh let’s see, witches in colonial Massachusetts, evil clowns torturing toddlers in their preschool dungeon, and, oh yes, climate change threatens our way of life. Wait till you hear what was supposed to happen in 2020 according to 97% of scientists in 2004. And while we’re on that 97% of scientists twaddle you’ve heard a thousand times, your rabbi clears it all up once and for all in today’s show. How long have you owned your Tesla? Well, the battery warranty might be expiring and you know what it’s like when your tired phone starts needing recharging by lunchtime. You do know that the battery in your Tesla is exactly like your phone battery only bigger, right? Why I’d rather own a Tesla than a Ford but I’d rather own Ford stock than Tesla stock. Why socialism makes sense to so many otherwise smart & successful people. Why the Bible favors private ownership over public ownership. Is it moral to use force to protect your property?I tell you why you might want to visit https://rabbidaniellapin.com/masterclass/ How the billionaires preening their virtue at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, this week are saving the glaciers while being scolded by a Scandinavian schoolgirl. And many other frivolous and fun facts from your favorite rabbi.Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
1/25/2020 • 1 hour, 30 minutes, 13 seconds
Ep 53 | Make More Money & Form and Maintain a Better Marriage Using This One Blueprint
If you want to know how the world REALLY works, you must understand the counter-intuitive parts of life.Is it true that the better you know someone before marrying them, the better chance the marriage has of surviving?Should you postpone making an investment until you are 100% sure? Do you know what lies beyond the furthest star in the universe?What! You don’t?Edgar Allan Poe wrote The Raven while living in Baltimore—hence the name of the football team lucky enough to have Lamar Jackson.H. G. Wells wrote The Time Machine.What did both these writers understand that you don’t?Clue: Jewish mathematician, Hermann Minkowski and his student, Albert Einstein both knew it as well.And you need to know it too. Knowing this thing helps in understanding something terribly important: The views of money and marriage that I lay before you today spring from the reliable soil of ancient Jewish wisdom. It is a radical view.Money and marriage are doomed to fade away into mere shadows and only a kind of union of the two will preserve and independent reality.Don’t be a tennis ball floating down the gutter of life.Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
1/21/2020 • 1 hour, 2 minutes, 57 seconds
Ep 52 | Secrets of Jewish Genius: Debunking Stupid Theories & Disclosing True Secrets You Can Use
This show is for Happy Warriors, not for Tennis-Balls-Floating-Down-The-Gutter-of-Life. Every Happy Warrior repeatedly proclaims “I am the master of my fate, I am the captain of my soul.” The “New York Times” published an article entitled ‘The Secrets of Jewish Genius’, which discussed the oft-noticed reality that an identifiable demographic numbering about one tenth of one percent of the world’s population has won 27 percent of Nobel Prizes in physics and 31 percent of the Nobel Prizes in medicine. And yes, Jewish men make up 54 percent of the world chess champions. In the show, I point out that none of this has anything to do with business success and making money, which is not IQ related. I also point out that I am definitely not boasting—I’ve known far too many really stupid coreligionists (all of whom vote wrong). Fortune is the result of knowing what I teach: ancient Jewish wisdom’s secrets of money. The article was instantly surrounded by a firestorm of controversy because it touched on the forbidden topic of IQ, all of which I explain in this show. What followed was a debate on what makes Jews so smart? Various theories, some credible, followed; but they never even whispered the most important explanation for IQ differences. Yes, IQ is largely an inherited trait, however, inter-generational statistical anomalies abound. You'll also learn the most devastating thing men do to harm their mental acuity and what they can do to improve their own intelligence as well as that of their children. Finalizing the raging dispute with Mrs. Lapin about beauty and confidence, I confide to you the details of how her remarkable confidence brought one of my dreams to life and gave me seven new ones.Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
1/11/2020 • 1 hour, 23 minutes, 12 seconds
Ep 51 | Yes, Be Happy! But How? Diagnosing & Curing Your Unhappiness, Fears, Anxieties & Worries | 1/4/20
Do you try to be a moral person? That question makes no sense without some description of the moral framework in use. For some moral frameworks, slitting the throats of airline stewardesses and turning airplanes into flying bombs is a moral act. For other moral frameworks, the most moral act you can perform is driving an electric car. Self-righteous “climate activists” are just as smarmy as hypocrites of any other religion/moral framework. For Happy Warriors, one of the most moral things you can do is be happy. It is not nearly as easy as you might think, but it is a huge gift to the people you live and work with and also makes God proud of you. What causes you to feel down? Do you automatically need happy pills from your local friendly drug dealer or psychiatrist? In this show, your rabbi reveals how the world REALLY works in our universal quest for happiness. He also reveals what happens when he and Mrs. Susan Lapin have a disagreement; a big disagreement. We resolve it on air right here in front of you, in this show.Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
1/4/2020 • 1 hour, 34 minutes, 19 seconds
Ep 50 | The Power of Confidence: How to Acquire it & Project it in Business & Relationships
Yes, I am of the view that male/female distinction is as fundamental and as important to the human experience as the distinction between light and dark and between good and evil. If that makes me a ‘sexist’, so be it. If a woman must choose between having beauty or self-confidence, which should she choose? If a man must make the same choice, which should he choose? In the show, I present a 12 Days of Christmas puzzle: the answer is 364. There are truly many benefits of having confidence. Where does it come from and how do you acquire it? What does Jamaican Olympic sprinter, Usain Bolt, have to do with it? Finally, learn the only reliable way to finally eliminate the existential threat of “climate change”.Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
12/28/2019 • 1 hour, 18 minutes, 14 seconds
Ep 49 | Fearing Family Holiday Get-Togethers: Timeless Truths For Every Time & Place
Children have always been bringing their girlfriends and boyfriends to family gatherings. Some things are true for all times and all places. Travel and transport is an eternal human reality. Always has been and always will be. Everywhere. People in the past may not have had Concorde airliners, Cadillacs or canoes, but they did have camels. And that is exactly what the camel represents throughout the Hebrew Bible. Money is another timeless truth. Maybe not checks and certificates of deposit, but some form of abstract representation of wealth has always been central to the human condition. Learn the truth about other eternal realities, such as playing the money card in family relationships, male-female relationships, and children relating to parents and parents relating to children. They may not always have had family therapists or messaging apps on their phones, but family members interacting with all the love, tension, complexity, and even occasionally, hatred, has always been a concern to humans everywhere. Finally, learn how money helps prevent interpersonal exploitation.Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
12/21/2019 • 1 hour, 3 minutes, 1 second
Ep 48 | The Divine & The Diabolical: Jews Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow & Trump Hatred
C’mon, admit it. You have noticed that the majority of the names leading the congressional crusade against President Trump are Jewish. Is this an anti-Semitic observation? No, it’s true. And remember, any defamatory statement that is true reflects badly upon the subject of the infamy. Do you know how many secularized Americans of Jewish ancestry currently serve in the U.S. Congress? Do you know how that relates to America’s Jewish population? The secret of why only two of the Jewish representatives are Republicans. What makes a Jew a Jew? (Hint: It’s not having a Jewish mother!) Why so many 20th century communist leaders in Russia, Germany, Hungary, and elsewhere were Jewish. Yes, Leon Trotsky’s real name was Davidovich Bronstein. Why there is no such thing as ‘the American Jewish community’. What British prime minister, Benjamin Disraeli, said about Jews. In relationships, shared values matter far more than shared skin color. The problem that precipitated the brutal murder of two innocent Jews in Jersey City on December 10th was not anti-Semitism. The tragic triumph of the heinous over the holy. Is a Jewish presence good or bad for a country? Why understanding the Jews is vital for understanding how the world REALLY works.Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
12/16/2019 • 1 hour, 14 minutes, 29 seconds
Ep 47 | Biological Tyranny: Know How Your Body Directs You
With opinions, be conciliatory if you wish, but it’s fine to be firm about facts. Remember, reality is ruthless. People do need to eat and our nature is to get as much to eat as possible with the least amount of effort. Some call that efficiency and the most efficient way of getting food is by interacting with many others using the miracle of money. Are there any really hungry people anymore? In today’s modern world, do parents still need children to help them in their old age? Is getting married a private decision? Do older people still live off younger people’s work? Is the decision of whether to create a child purely personal? What happens to you if many in your town stop reproducing? Can immigrants replace the people not being born? Are childless retirees living off other people who did raise families? What can government do about declining population?Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
12/7/2019 • 1 hour, 18 minutes, 26 seconds
Ep 46 | The Manufacturer’s Recommended Maintenance Schedule for Marriage
A famous 19th century socialist assured us that marriage, money, and religion are responsible for all the problems in the world. Since Robert Owen was a socialist, we know that the truth is exactly the opposite of what he said. The best things in the world (Civilization) are due to marriage, money, and Biblical faith. Getting a garden isn’t the end; it’s the beginning. Now you have to maintain it so it doesn’t turn into a jungle. Acquiring a car is the start of following the manufacturer’s maintenance manual to preserve the car’s utility and value. If you don’t maintain your airplane, it will eventually fail. Marriage isn’t the end of a path; it’s the start. Okay, you’re married! Congratulations, but now isn’t the time to sit back and relax. Now is the time to set in place the maintenance schedule. In this show, your rabbi presents twelve items in the manufacturer’s marriage maintenance manual: three things husbands must do, three things wives must do, three things husbands must avoid, and three things wives must avoid. Now you’re set to enjoy a long and happy marriage. Congratulations!Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
12/3/2019 • 51 minutes, 29 seconds
Ep 45 | Live With Love & More Money by Never Saying (Or Believing) “I Am What I Am”
How long would it take before a visitor to your home saw a shelf of books? Why this really matters. Want to change your actions? Simple! Change your beliefs. Your soul abhors a vacuum. Absent good beliefs, it will readily embrace bad beliefs and bad beliefs stimulate self-destructive actions. The real reason that certain courts no longer punish certain people for certain crimes. Being depraved is not the same as being deprived. True companionship comes from shared beliefs, not shared skin color. Why actively nurturing a common belief system is a vital marriage maintenance program. Why Native American chiefs had names like Little Wolf, Red Horse, and Black Snake. Why merely regulating what people do is never sufficient for communist tyrannies. They have "reeducation camps" in order to regulate what people believe, and we have public schools (GICs) and universities (kindergartens) for the same reason.Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
11/26/2019 • 1 hour, 17 minutes, 16 seconds
Ep 44 | The 3-Stranded Cord That Will Not Easily Break: Money, Marriage, & ???
Why almost every airplane built flies reliably, almost every ship built floats, almost all skyscrapers erected stand, but many marriages and business start-ups fail. What is going on? The five reliable rules that govern both financial transactions and marital relations. Did you know that brands and franchises depend upon spiritual factors? What are they? The secret ingredient needed for effective partnerships that many mistakenly ignore. What do you teach the 20 year-old amnesiac who knocked at your door? How you can be sure that men will never prefer robots to women no matter how technologically advanced the "female" robot becomes.Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
11/16/2019 • 59 minutes, 56 seconds
Ep 43 | Improve Your Friendships, Finances, & Family By Syncing Your Body and Soul
If boys and girls are so interchangeable that boys can run, bike, and wrestle against girls, why does alcohol cause so much more havoc on girls’ brains than on boys’ brains? Why do far more girls deliberately cut their flesh than boys? Why does anyone cut themselves? Why do people pierce their tongues and bellybuttons? The connection between the bloody observance of the Muslim cutting festival of Ashura and high school girls cutting their skins. Does the Bible prohibit suicide? Where? Old Latin-speaking monks referred to high alcohol content distilled liquors as ‘spirits’ because we use alcohol mostly to dull spiritual pain. The time when your rabbi felt attracted to another man’s wife. People are hurting children by depriving them of the words for describing spiritual pain. Learn why primitive tribes cut and pierce their skin and why children of intact traditional families of faith engage in less alcohol and drug abuse and far less cutting than other children. The difference between being a teenager in 1950 and being one today. Why can animals be content in good cages while people never can? Why do some of us prefer connecting to others on the internet over relating to real live people in our lives? Learn to control your screen time by understanding the addictive appeal of digital devices. Why do some people love working for commission only?Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
11/2/2019 • 1 hour, 16 minutes, 50 seconds
Ep 42 | Do You Know The Most Dangerous Place in America for Little Children?
The government itself, no friend of the traditional family, admits that the most dangerous place for an American child, statistically speaking, is in a home with a single mother and her boyfriend. Notwithstanding the heroic achievements of certain rare and dedicated single moms who live heroic and self-sacrificing lives. Here’s a shocker: it’s just about as dangerous for a child to live with his mom and his dad, who are not married to one another. This is not a priest, pastor, or rabbi telling you this astounding news. It’s the United States government’s office of Health and Human Services that produced this scary and incontrovertible report. Why have so many replaced love of family and country with love of huge abstractions like the planet, the environment, the United Nations, etc? For a change of pace, please enjoy the little thought experiment I gift to you today. In the circ*mstances in which I place you, what exactly would you do? Discuss this with friends and family; it will entertain and educate. If a functional nuclear family of mom, dad, and their biological children is best for children, why do politicians who claim to care about children do so much to harm and so little to help? What happened to the germ of Nazism when it departed Germany in 1945? Where did it go? Shakespeare misses it this time but the Bible captures it beautifully. Don’t miss King Solomon. Enjoy this week’s show.Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
10/26/2019 • 1 hour, 5 minutes, 15 seconds
Ep 41 | How Government Exploits “Climate Change” & Promotes Envy To Gain Power Over You
It's the Great Greta Thunberg hoax. Inability to function in a modern economy is a far bigger threat to happy and successful living for today’s 16 year-olds than is the hoax of global warming. When today’s 16 year-olds are 21, 27, and 35, their problems will be finding and keeping a job, paying exorbitant taxes, and affording decent housing, not being swept away by rising ocean levels. Yet, government obsesses over climate change—Why? Let me explain why promoting climate change hysteria helps elected representatives, appointees and bureaucrats advance their own life and career goals. Let me explain why foolish farm animals (people formerly known as enlightened citizens) eagerly adopt global warming hysteria as their paramount cause. Oak trees, rhododendrons, tarantulas, in fact all organisms, seek to stay alive, thrive, and grow. This is also true for organizations like businesses and, yes, government. Understand why government, its offices, agencies, and institutions all oppose marriage, Judeo-Christian religion, and your financial independence. Why does America need nearly one million social workers? Who are mostly their clients? The “rich” shouldn’t have better health care than the “poor”, right? Sounds basically good and decent, doesn’t it? Well, is it really? And let’s go ahead and define “rich” & “poor,” anyway. And how about better transport and housing for the rich? Undemocratic? But wait! They already have that. Also, why is Baltimore suing BP?Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
10/19/2019 • 1 hour, 21 minutes, 53 seconds
Ep 40 | Fathers Don’t Create Babies. No, Babies Create Fathers & Peace & Prosperity
My guest, the brave and beautiful young Helga Lunenburg from Denmark came to America to warn us about politicians who tax us more and more in order to spend ever greater slices of our money on their wasteful, utopian & self-serving schemes. This bold, young 16 year-old Scandinavian schoolgirl wisely warns us that our economic future is imperiled unless we lower the national deficit. She courageously proclaims how her generation’s future is at risk because California’s liberal government created shortages of water and electricity. How our relationships with our customers, clients and employers can be improved for better productivity and remuneration. How to serve those who provide your revenue more effectively. The full story about perpetrators of mass shootings-Who ARE these men? Why does Book of Genesis mention fathers about five times more frequently than it mentions mothers? What is the one group that comprises only 30% of America’s population but accounts for over 70% of opioid deaths, suicide, and crime? Why do more men than women, die alone?Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
10/12/2019 • 1 hour, 10 minutes, 57 seconds
Ep 39 | Men Praise Modern Masculinized Women And Secretly Crave Sweetness & Femininity
Meet the luckiest husband in all of Oregon. Food tastes better to a man when it is served by an apron-wearing woman they desire. A rabbinic request for more romance in the workplace. Women suffer depression at twice the rate of men. Really? Perhaps men just don’t share their pain. Is male depression under-reported? Didn’t you know that depressed men tend to be prone to violence? To be happy is to embrace your gender. My own encounter with racism and what going bald really means. In what way are mice stronger than elephants? The true message of the Cinderella fairytale. Many aging women freeze their eggs; would men if they could? A good, masculine man makes a woman very happy just as a feminine women can make a man very happy. The difference is that too many women don’t admit it. Women have been indoctrinated to denigrate masculinity and make themselves miserable. The two paramount keys to happiness—marriage and money—are utterly ignored and never taught during the twelve years that most young Americans spend captive in Government Indoctrination Camps. Why be surprised at the outcome?Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
10/5/2019 • 1 hour, 33 minutes, 4 seconds
Ep 38 | Why So Many Smart People Believe in Climate Change
We all change our behavior on the basis of our beliefs, not the facts we learn. Beliefs lead to feelings which are emotional—facts are intellectual. We do things because we feel like it much more often than because we know we should. Recycling is the sacred sacrament of the religion of urban atheists, Secular Fundamentalism. It is based entirely on false beliefs and not on facts. The real reason why America’s temples of Secular Fundamentalism, the universities, hate Christianity but love Islam? How the Quran’s story of creation differs from Genesis. Why sophisticated and experienced adults turned into buffoons as they prostrated themselves at the feet of a precocious 15 year-old girl, Saint Greta Thunberg, the 21st century version of the 15th century Joan of Arc. Why does New York pay $300/ton more to process garbage than necessary and why does Seattle employ inspectors to root through citizens garbage receptacles? Why do people put up with this nonsense?Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
9/28/2019 • 1 hour, 26 minutes, 5 seconds
Ep 37 | Marrying a Woman and Making Money Both Turn Men Into Better People
Help your children find a job or start a business and thereby make your home a nicer place. I might not have been as entertaining as President Trump or as brilliant as Bill Gates, but here’s why I was a better choice as a speaker for this event. Profit is not just important, it’s crucial. Learn why finding your anchor liberates you, and how you are bribed by your emotions and how they try to subvert your best judgment. Embrace change—don’t fear it. Remember the Leica camera? The magic of movement and the dynamism of dance. Both marriage and business depend on being the right person, not finding the right person.Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
9/21/2019 • 1 hour, 6 minutes, 26 seconds
Ep 36 | One Lens to Reality Makes You Healthy, Wealthy, & Wise. The Other Lens Does the Opposite.
Why you should never take notes while listening to a lecture. Why Jewish last names usually advertised their owners’ occupations. Yes, a man may be somewhat more than his work, but surprisingly, not as much more as you’d have thought. The activity of work and money-making influences women’s personalities and identities far less than these things shape men. The real reason that unemployable people are not working: (Hint) It’s not because they don’t know how to fix computers or write software. Why their children are utterly un-educable regardless of how much money we spend on teachers and schools. Islam’s plan to wipe Christianity off the face of the Earth and what really happened on 9-11. No, not 2001, but 1683. Explaining Middle East politics without using words like God or Religion. Why Holland has a stronger economy than Belgium. How to use optimism as a revenue tool. Why the swimsuit industry rejected your rabbi’s job application. The mysterious fifty-year economic cycle in international finance. Why the verb “write” occurs 248 times in the Hebrew Scripture and how you can use that permanent principle to increase your income.Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
9/14/2019 • 1 hour, 58 minutes, 17 seconds
Ep 35 | How to Master the Curiously Complicated Machinery of Marriage
Most women want to give themselves to men they consider worthy of their surrender. What if the man of your dreams turns out to lack ambition, masculine mastery, and money sense? Let's revisit the time I took a strange woman dress-shopping. Is the man you’re married to now the product of your behavior over the past few years? Most women would like to be married to a man taller, smarter, and richer than they are. Think about boys who grow up with weak fathers and the spiritual power of divorce. Learn how and why a big city prosecutor found happiness as a small town kindergarten teacher. Avoiding the dangers of fantasies and daydreams is imperative. A woman’s physical affection increases her husband’s masculinity. The perils of 19 year-old bikini babes. Why are there no divorced couples in the Bible?Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
9/7/2019 • 1 hour, 5 minutes, 18 seconds
Ep 34 | The Ten Myths, Lies, and Delusions of Dating
1) We broke up weeks ago, so she'll be okay with me dating her roommate now.2) My GF/BF is having dinner with her/his ex but it's nothing, they're just friends.3) Everyone has one true soulmate somewhere and my purpose in dating is to find him/her.4) You'll always recognize true love.5) No, he doesn't have a job, but he can get one anytime he wants.6) I know he says he's not interested in marriage, but he'll change his mind.7) Hooking up is no big deal these days, right?8) My income is irrelevant to her; she really loves me for me.9) It's healthy to date many people before settling down for marriage.10) She says she wants to build her career so we'll be a two-income couple.Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
8/31/2019 • 2 hours, 23 minutes
Ep 33 | If You’re Not a Politician, Judge, or Bureaucrat, You’re a Business Professional!
Try to make a movie or write a book in which the terrorists are Muslims and you’ll have CAIR (Council on American-Islamic Relations) to deal with. Just try depicting a money-loving character in your movie as a Jew and you’ll feel the weight of the ADL (Anti Defamation League of Bnai Brith) drop on you like a bag of cement. Depict African-Americans or Italian-Americans badly and you’ll instantly incur the wrath of the NAACP or the Italian American Civil Rights League, respectively. So, aren’t you curious why entertainment media routinely mock Evangelical Christians with impunity and why the evil, murderous villain in most movies and TV shows is the successful, wealthy, businessman? Why don't Christians have an anti-defamation league? How come the institution of business has no defender?I demonstrate how people are like fireflies. The only lie I told was about who invented car air-conditioning. Learn why almost all of us are in sales, the power of face-to-face communication, and how the government created a new profession of bootlegger. I know that all you busy happy warriors sometimes yearn for a little solitary confinement, but remember why it’s not a reward but a torture. Remember that your best moments of joy, achievement and satisfaction always involved at least one other person. The pros and cons of using money to influence your children. Stories are about feelings, but numbers are about facts; this is why good business professionals are number-obsessed. Why do sales professionals do more good for society than professors? What is a friend worth? What is a Facebook friend worth? Here's how to discover how many real friends you have. Lastly, learn why your facial expression is so important and how to modify it.Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
8/24/2019 • 1 hour, 44 minutes, 47 seconds
Ep 32 | Dealing With Death & How to Build Your Own Culture of Life
Why does the number of mentally ill individuals in America just keep climbing? Who said, “If you will not have God, you should pay your respects to Hitler and Stalin."? Let’s talk truthfully about mass shootings. First of all, unlike familicides or felony-related homicides, the perpetrators are almost always suicidal. Why are they also nearly always white men? Yes, they mostly involve firearms, but let’s seriously explore all the other commonalities they possess which are so very politically incorrect. When was anything the government banned removed from society? Alcohol during prohibition? No! Drugs for the past 40 years? No! But banning guns will work? Really?Have you heard of the famous Elephants’ Graveyard in Africa? Why is nature so private about death? Where are all the dead pigeons in New York? Is death a technical problem or a philosophical problem? Together, we discover the latest work being done to defeat death. Why exactly does death disturb us? How has growth in crime paralleled the growth in children born to single mothers that began…yes, that’s right: in 1962? More innocent people die violently in American road accidents every single day than have died in the last three mass shootings. Why does no one seem to care about them? More than 70 Americans die of homicides every single day. Again, doesn’t anyone care? Why do we seem to care more when fewer people die in what we call a mass shooting? Every month there is at least one mass killing carried out with knives or axes, rather than guns. Why don’t you hear about these events? Is it possible that America’s increase in abortion, both clinically and culturally, spreads a subconscious mood of death? Why is the number of people who’d mourn your departure so important? Eliminating cancer would add only 3.3 years to the average lifespan and eliminating heart disease would add only 4 years, so for people to reach 120 years or older would require a whole lot more. Will technology ever bring 300-year lifespans? Would that even be good for the environment? ...just kidding…Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
8/13/2019 • 2 hours, 23 minutes, 7 seconds
Ep 31 | Join Susan Lapin & Me Over Breakfast As We Make Our Way Through Today's Big Issues
Rabbi Daniel and Susan Lapin converse over breakfast about the General Patton Principle. This explains why the most effective person to solve a particular problem may not be the most gentle, refined and polite person. General Patton and his 3rd Army beat back the Germans at the Battle of the Bulge in January 1945, but his tirades were often vulgar and profane. Yet, not only did the men under his command love him but so did their mothers because they knew that he really cared about their sons. The very best doctor to perform a dangerous surgery might possibly be a serial adulterer but no normal person, no matter how religious, would spurn this doctor in favor of a less competent surgeon because of his marital ethics. Obviously, we were responding to two angry letters attacking us for our enthusiastic support for President Trump’s re-election. We emphasize how this Patton Principle applies in many areas equally applicable to the lives of listeners in Africa or South America who might care nothing about American elections. We also spoke about our children and child rearing in general with special emphasis on consistency and both father and mother singing from the same music. We looked into why New Yorkers have looted during their power outages since 1977 but did not during blackouts earlier than that. What changed during the 1960s? We inquired whether knowing that some things are just plain wrong helps stop us from doing those things and we explored the role of moral will power. Why is that kind of self-discipline, capable of helping us resist the urges of our appetites and impulses, acquired mostly through religion and the military?Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
8/3/2019 • 1 hour, 1 minute, 1 second
Ep 30 | Read the Book, Don’t Worry About the Movie!
Won’t ya let me take you on a sea cruise? Johnny Rivers 1974 and Rabbi Daniel Lapin 2020. You need only three permanent principles in order to make sense of Robert Mueller’s testimony on Capitol Hill. Also, more news on Secularists Anonymous - my twelve-step program for recovering secularists. Seriously, guys, it’s no longer 1859 or even 1972. It’s time to get over it. A secular world view is just a failure. For instance, can you explain the Middle East without using words like "God" and "religion"? Okay, you asked for it - Here's another story about Llucky, the Llama belonging to the Llapins. Finally, learn why you should pay as much attention to what people do NOT say as you pay to what they do. The titanic struggle between the G and the g.Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
7/27/2019 • 1 hour, 12 minutes, 13 seconds
Ep 29 | Spiritual Strategies for Income Increase
Do you know the name of your most valuable employee? Do you know the name of the person most to blame for your problems and predicaments? Do you know the name of the person you are most responsible for educating and improving? Here's a clue: All three people carry the same name. Your physical characteristics are things like: height, skin color, hairstyle, and body type. Your spiritual characteristics are things like: integrity, resourcefulness, optimism, resilience, imagination, fluency and eloquence. Unless you are a swimsuit model, your spiritual attributes can make you far more money than your physical ones. So how do you improve them? Well, that’s why you’re listening to this show - stand by to learn priceless strategies.Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
7/20/2019 • 1 hour, 27 minutes, 23 seconds
Ep 28 | There Really Are No Poor People In America! Really!
So, there was your Rabbi struggling with what to name this episode. At first, I thought of calling it “Even Poor People Deserve Compassion”. Then, I thought we’ll call it “Especially, Poor People Deserve Compassion”. Then, I thought about “We Love Poor People”. As you can see, the ideas were flowing fast and furious, but I was worried about appearing to lack compassion—one of the very worst sins in today’s secular theology. So, then I came up with “Poor People Means Virtuous People”. If you want to know why, in the end, I chose the title I did use, listen on. Now, for those of you who plan to write to me in righteous indignation, howling in protest at this podcast; I will save you time and trouble. Just cut and paste from what follows: “Doesn’t your faith command you to care for the poor? How dare you deny their existence! You’re such an ignoramus, you don’t you even know that over 30 million Americans live below the poverty line. I suppose you think it’s their fault. That’s called blaming the victim, you heartless human being.” There, see how helpful I can be? Now, if you invest the time to listen, you’ll hear the answers to all of those questions and many others you may not have yet thought of.Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
7/13/2019 • 1 hour, 36 minutes, 17 seconds
Ep 27 | Hey Girl! Do You Really Want To Be Some Boy’s Girlfriend?
If you liked being a happy warrior, well, I’ve upped the ante. It’s now a little harder. It’s easy to laugh when I speak about your rabbi (that would be me) revealing how the world REALLY works, but the truth is that learning how the world REALLY works and adapting to it is immensely painful. Having our illusions shattered is always painful; the slogan is easier than the reality. How the world REALLY works is quite different from the ways in which many of us wish it worked. Many fondly labor under the delusion that we live in a secular age in a secular world. Nothing could be further from the truth. I explain why I feel nothing but compassion towards former secularists who are having their entire worldviews obliterated. Secularism is the tired expression of yesterday’s cultural dinosaurs whose perception of reality is being pulverized. Only anti-scientific secular dinosaurs would believe dogmatically that a man can become a woman. Only tired and aging secularists would believe that it costs nothing if the government pays for it. Why can the 1999 movie 'The Matrix' help explain the quandary of secularism today? People used to think that the more educated and wealthy a society became, the more secular it would be. The growth of Islam, Christianity and Judaism thoroughly refutes that lie. Also, hear about my trip to Ghana last week, a place where 70 percent of the population is Christian. Learn where over a billion Africans are headed. Further, why is it MUCH harder for women to find good men to marry than it is for men to find good women? There are only four conditions of womanhood. Here's a hint: girlfriend is not one of them. Wise women seek security and all wives thrive in its cocoon. Men have failed since 1962 to be able to project power - not brutality, not tyranny, not bullying - but calm, competent, benevolent, masculine power.Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
7/6/2019 • 1 hour, 19 minutes, 20 seconds
Ep 26 | Why Keeping Illegal (or Legal) Immigrants Out of Your Country Is The Perfectly Moral Choice
Never use the word “fair”. The political landscape of many countries is changing because citizens are asking their governments, “What have you done to our country?” Please allow me to teach you the hierarchy of moral obligations. What does the Biblical dictum “Love your neighbor like yourself” actually mean? I tell you about two important books; but for your own health, tell nobody, not even your closest friends about them. Many secular liberals speak of compassion but practice very little of it themselves. Boasting of your commitment to “Women’s Rights” while betraying your wife. Caring less about those closest to you. The reprehensible evil of government taxing the legacy you bequeath to your children. Is it unseemly for me to care so much more about my children than I care about your children? Are you willing to pull the trigger on military reprisals? Why the state desires to educate your child. How political propaganda changes your mind. Why it is moral for any state to view its citizens as more valuable than any other people in the world. Would you like to hear about the guests who came to dinner and never left?Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
6/30/2019 • 1 hour, 56 minutes, 13 seconds
Ep 25 | Terrible Ideas Will Nearly Always Produce Terrifying Times
You’ll love taking this boat trip with your rabbi. The one big lie that, if you fall for it, will utterly distort your vision of your own life. Do you know the one colossal difference that forever distinguishes humans from animals? Clue: Progressives hate it. A few fun fire facts especially for happy warriors. Why do so many feel guilty about using a lot of energy? The difference that fire made to Adam and Einstein and why your electricity bill has skyrocketed. You’ll love this poem about a boat trip. Resolving a perplexing and prophetic Bible passage about…..batteries! Find spiritual joy and existential ecstasy by using energy.Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
6/22/2019 • 45 minutes, 13 seconds
Ep 24 | Perhaps I Am No Cuddlier Than a Cactus But I Do Tell You The Truth!
Responding to a thoughtful listener’s letter attacking my views on marriage as “ridiculous”. Would we stand for a system that forces young people to undergo at least four years of religious indoctrination before getting on with their lives? Would we cruelly withhold jobs and employment from anyone brave enough to try and evade this brutal system of compulsory madrassas? Would we allow imams, clerics, and priests to impose their destructive dogmas on young minds? Of course not, right? But we do just that! Secular Fundamentalism is a religion; it’s a militant faith, a community of shared values, heresies and sacraments. Today’s modern secular fundamentalism has its fanatics and its saints and we force millions of tomorrow’s leaders into bowing down to its idols. The power of numbers over stories. Making important life decisions with our heads and never with our hearts. How to decide just who among us gets the rare and desirable resources we all covet.Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
6/15/2019 • 1 hour, 13 minutes, 32 seconds
Ep 23 | Why Progressives Hate The Wife Who Preaches “Look Nice For Your Husband"
I respond to a thoughtful listener’s letter charging me with ‘bias’ against Islam. After the Nazi surrender in May 1945, German youths didn’t inflict terror on London and New York to avenge the destruction of Dresden and the bombing of Berlin. After the surrender on the battleship USS Missouri in September 1945, Japanese youths didn’t form terror teams against America to avenge Hiroshima and Nagasaki. So why, for decades, have Muslim youths been committing atrocities against western civilians for perceived wrongs going back to the 17th century? Why do many so-called “accident-prone” children bring painful incidents upon themselves? Most Germans have allowed their government to import over a million young men bent on dominating Germany and destroying it. Recall what Russian soldiers did to German women in 1944 and 1945. Learn how men and women react differently to “pointless” telephone conversations and the scariest words any man will ever hear. Why, in this age, does belief trump biology and feelings trump facts? Progressives’ silly faith in electric transportation will get them nowhere. Remember you heard it here first: There will be no electric passenger planes in your travel future. Today’s titanic struggle between truth and materialism rages on. Which marriage model do you prefer? Progressives are wrong; not everything about yesterday is mistaken, ignorant or evil.Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
6/8/2019 • 1 hour, 45 minutes, 43 seconds
Ep 22 | Your Rabbi Answers Life’s Most Perplexing Puzzles, Problems, Predicaments & Paradoxes
Why does liberalism and home shopping dominate television while conservatism mostly finds its home on radio? Why is liberalism the creed of emotionalism? Who had done more good for the world - Calcutta’s Mother Theresa or Amazon’s Jeff Bezos? Why is our balance mechanism found in our ears? Aggressiveness vs modesty - Why do men and women’s biological structures reflect these differences? Newspapers never used to show pictures of corpses - why do they now do so? Why was it okay for Planned Parenthood to sell the body parts of babies they killed, but a fully grown adult may not sell one of his kidneys? Why do doctors not simply vote cancer out of existence just as they did with other disorders? Why is political liberalism often equated with moral virtue but conservatism never is? Why are limits on political campaign finance immoral? Why does government want to force people out of their cars and into buses and trains? Why is the question of whether we evolved or were created not a scientific question but a life decision? Why is charity important even if you don’t have much money?Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
6/1/2019 • 2 hours, 5 minutes, 35 seconds
Ep 21 | We Bond Powerfully Through Both Marital & Financial Relationships: How They Differ
Why does adultery inflict greater pain and suffering than corporate closures and job loss? In Governmental Indoctrination Centers (GIC’s), formerly known as public schools, little children are prematurely sexualized through a propaganda campaign known as Sex Education or Sex Ed. The argument is that children are “going to do it anyway” so we should teach them how to do it safely. Now, your Rabbi asks, let’s also have 'Gun Ed' since we know that children are “going to do it anyway”, that is play with firearms, we should teach them how to do it safely. Here's why this will never happen in your lifetime. When a policeman shoots a black man, without knowing anything else we instantly know that he did it because he was a racist. When a hom*osexual is attacked in a bar during a drug deal gone bad, everyone knows without doubt that those attacking him did so out of their hate for hom*osexuals. But when a fervent Muslim, steeped in the theology of jihad, murders a westerner while yelling "Allahu Akbar", authorities spend months futilely trying to discover his motivation. Inevitably they give up or ascribe it to ‘workplace violence’. Why can’t the Left accept the flaws of followers of Islam at face value? Furthermore, the Left considers Bible-believing Jews and Christians to be greater threats to peace and progress than murderous Muslims. Why is this? Whatever two adults do sexually is not government's business, but when two adults engage in a free, consensual, economic or business transaction; government regulates it, controls it, taxes it, maligns it or prohibits it. The Left gives a free pass to adulterers who ruin lives while they focus their fury on business professionals who improve lives. Why is our appetite for sex so understandable while our appetite for money so demonized? Finally, we reveal the difference between the two repugnant revolutions, French and Russian, and the two benign revolutions, English and American, that still shape our century.Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
5/25/2019 • 1 hour, 58 minutes, 48 seconds
Ep 20 | For Sale! Your Own Roadmap to Reality. Priceless But Free
The first time in human history that children knew more than their parents and how parents evade their responsibility to their children. The 25th word in the Bible, religious holidays and modern science. Surprising secrets of the casino’s roulette wheel. How humans got to planet earth. If you tell me your answer to this one question, I would know how you feel about wealth & poverty, marriage, taxation, public education and mental health. Why most societal destruction and violence is perpetrated by single males. What the name of Israel’s national airline, El Al, means. Amazing story of the discovery of microbes. Why water is approximately 70% of people and also 70% of earth’s surface. The world’s most successful treatment for alcoholism. Why do some people risk their lives to save/help a stranger? How do placebos work? How a rabbi with the same last name as mine cured a war veteran with a paralyzed arm. A strange conversation with a cow. How to discover whether you are a consumer or a creator; a maker or a taker. Why the inheritance tax is immoral. When your children should betray you. The real source of the joy in physical intimacy between a man and woman.Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
5/20/2019 • 2 hours, 15 minutes, 35 seconds
Ep 19 | The Terrible Tragedy of Discovering the Truth Too Late
A tragedy is something that causes suffering, distress and destruction. A terrible tragedy is a tragedy that could have easily been prevented. Ancient Jewish wisdom can prevent those tragedies. When people marry without knowledge of how the world REALLY works, it’s usually just as tragic as when a pilot takes off in an airplane type for which he’s had inadequate training. When people choose careers or start families without any knowledge of the ages, it is nearly always a terrible tragedy. It didn’t have to happen and it is almost impossible to repair. Young people are vulnerable to immoral professors spewing propaganda partially because they have no knowledge of the ages. If a 23-year-old techie tells me that super-injection is now possible in single material semiconductors, I am astounded at his knowledge and assume that he’s right. If that same individual tells me that men can become women or that the profit motive is obnoxious, I weep at his folly. If we lived for 1,000 years, by the time we reached middle age we’d all be quite smart. Tragically, many dreadful mistakes foisted upon us by a revolutionary and progressive culture only get debunked after we’ve ruined our lives following them. (Hope you’re listening, young women!) Why talking to an old person could be the best afternoon you’ve spent in years. We used to be led by ‘Elders”—today we praise some very stupid politicians because they’re young and fresh-faced. New is a useful marketing word, but it has nothing to do with truth. The gift of ancient Jewish wisdom is living as if we all had 1,000 years of life experience.Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
5/11/2019 • 1 hour, 9 minutes, 58 seconds
Ep 18 | Find Your Way to God, Gold & Greatness Using a Microscope, Never a Telescope
Is everybody’s work equally valuable and important? How can you tell the difference? I respect all humans who behave consistently with being created in the image of God, but do I respect all career choices, occupations, and professions equally? No, of course not, and neither do you. There are several key things to bear in mind when choosing a career path. What attributes does sprinter Usain Bolt share with an oil rig worker and a dentist? What does a professor of race and gender studies share with a graffiti artist? A surprising number of people think that the moon landing in 1969 was a hoax, but what actual benefits did it yield? Do you know what a black hole is? Do you care? Do you know what a dental implant is? Do you care? Most things you care about came about because of microscopes, not telescopes. Why do you probably respect mechanics and musicians more than astrophysicists and artists? Lastly, you should be finding your connection to God through an ear rather than through a galaxy.Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
5/4/2019 • 44 minutes, 49 seconds
Ep 17 | How You Can Identify Your Personal Egypt & How You Can Escape It
Many of today’s problems are the result of bad choices you made yesterday. They put you in your own Egypt. Want to see the mugshot of your worst enemy? Easy — look on your driver’s license. It’s relatively easy to conceive a male baby: It only takes a minute or two. It’s a little harder to give birth to a male baby: it can take several hours. But it is a whole lot harder to turn a male baby into a son. That takes years. It takes years of knowing what to do and doing it. Societies that fail to produce sons, but rather, only produce male human beings is a doomed society. Sons come into existence only after years of fathers and mothers working together. Lessons from Passover… “When your son will ask you…”. Discovering the name of the person most responsible for your failures and disappointments and turning things around is crucial. Who really enslaved the Israelites? Who enslaved you? Seeing the future is the only way to escape the past.Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
4/27/2019 • 47 minutes, 3 seconds
Ep 16 | Untold Stories Surrounding the Notre Dame Fire: Muslims? An Ancient Curse?
Although riots slightly damaged Notre Dame Cathedral in the 16th century and the infamous French Revolution inflicted a little damage in the 18th, this fire was the worst damage the beautiful cathedral has ever sustained. In reporting on the Notre Dame fire, the news media ignored the many thousands of attacks, desecrations and vandalizations of European churches every year. Yes, thousands! And almost all perpetrated by Middle Eastern or North African immigrants or their children. There was even an attempt to blow up Notre Dame with a car bomb in 2016. The convicted Islamic terrorist, Inez Madani, was sentenced to eight years in jail just 72 hours before the Notre Dame fire broke out. There was another big fire right in front of Notre Dame on June 17th, 1242. People burned about 25 wagon loads of irreplaceable Hebrew manuscripts. That fire burned for two days. Is there a connection? Catholic-Jewish relations back then weren’t what they are today. Happily, times have changed. Also, Airbus is almost a part of European government, yet Boeing isn’t a part of American government? We explore reasons for the price of Boeing stock, and they include bribery and corruption. Try bribery and corruption using the Baltimore city government model. Finally, why do news media lean so far to the left, and why does journalism breed envy and resentment? Enjoy!Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
4/20/2019 • 1 hour, 7 minutes, 53 seconds
Ep 15 | How to be Happy: Form Strong Family Bonds and Make Money
There is a real reason why airlines have become so much more punctual in keeping to their schedules than they used to be. Has global warming expanded the American continent, pushing Los Angeles and New York further apart? Amazon and the internet are not the only culprits killing off suburban shopping malls; a far more destructive force is imperiling the very existence of your local shopping mall. Is it true that atheism is growing and spreading like wildfire, consuming Bible-based Judeo-Christian faiths in its insatiable lust for secularizing the world? I am surprised you even ask! But I have the answer for you. One thing that is definitely increasing is the number of young Americans taking anti-depressant drugs. Finally, does secular liberalism make societies rot?Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
4/13/2019 • 1 hour, 7 minutes, 18 seconds
Ep 14 | Hey Brides! Both is Best, but if You Must Choose, Money Beats Love
Men who marry moneyed maidens hoping to get their hands on her wealth deserve what they get, which most times won’t be good. But girls marrying guys with gold is quite different. Men who make money reveal much of their positive masculine desirability whereas a lady’s bank balance reveals nothing of her feminine desirability. Why do men in uniform fascinate females? Also, learn why, in 1970, AMC paid $75 Million for little more than rights to the Jeep car name. Other topics include: Yin & Yang, Grand Coulee Dam, and why weddings happen after men propose to women (not the reverse). The Beatles lied in 1967 when they sang “All You Need is Love”. The real meaning of the Biblical jewelry when he gave her gold at that desert well where Rebecca was betrothed to Isaac, sight unseen, and the future of Israel was assured. When he says, “I love you”, does he mean it the same way as when he says, “I love roast turkey”? A great Russian novelist accurately wrote “Money is coined liberty”. A financially ambitious man is far more likely to love freedom than a community activist, a politician, or a government bureaucrat. A great American novelist accurately wrote “The man who damns money has obtained it dishonorably but the man who respects it has earned it.” Such a man is a far better bet for a good woman than a man who can do no more than express pretty feelings about her, which, in truth, camouflage selfish intent.Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
4/6/2019 • 1 hour, 3 minutes, 37 seconds
Ep 13 | My Two Great Gifts to You: No More Bad Decisions & No More Procrastination
Many in the Bush family (sorry, I mean dynasty) with their long association with the Republican Party, admitted that they voted for Hillary Clintonin November 2016. So did dozens of other well-known journalists, pundits, policy-wonks, and political-hangers-on who had long been famous as conservative Republicans. All these intelligent people decided that Donald Trump was so terrible that Hillary and the four more years of Obamaville that she’d bring to the country would be a preferable fate for America. Some have now admitted that they were wrong. Many have not. My question: What explains how intelligent people can make really stupid decisions? I ask you to recall your own bad decisions and we'll analyze how they happen. In this show, we allow ancient Jewish wisdom to explain how easily this can happen to you, how to recognize it in yourself and how to defend against it. Now for the most valuable part of this show: the Biblical secret for overcoming procrastination and how to use it in your life. You know that one thing you have been putting off doing? That one thing which would really enhance your life if you could just get around to doing it? But you procrastinate. Well, here’s how to put procrastination behind you. Now!Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
3/30/2019 • 1 hour, 3 minutes, 6 seconds
Ep 12 | Does “The Swamp” Include Defense Contractors Endangering American Security?
I was wrong last week. The 737 MAX should have been promptly grounded on March 11th, 2019. Was history being written in the Ethiopian desert and off the coast of Indonesia? Sometimes history is written in just a few days. Are we witnessing the opening moves of America’s slide from #1 to #2 in commercial aviation? Why would the U.S. Justice Department launch an almost unprecedented criminal investigation of Boeing? The crashes of Lion Flight 610 and Ethiopian Flight 302 tragically killed 346 people. Could subsequent events prove even more costly? Were they really accidents or were they completely avoidable consequences of corrupt collaboration between corporate interests and government. Should it worry us that America’s new Secretary of Defense worked for Boeing for thirty years? Boeing’s stock price should tell us something profound. Like Europe’s Airbus, China is waiting to scoop up worldwide twin-engine single-aisle passenger aircraft business. What if America’s FAA has irreparably lost international prestige? Why did Boeing put two huge modern engines on a fifty year-old air frame? Why did they decide to omit information from instruction manuals about a computer system that can override the pilot? You wouldn’t buy a car that did that. Is Western defense and American security being held hostage by “The Swamp”? Also, I reveal my prediction about when the 737 MAX will again take to the skies and tell you why you will remember the first quarter of 2019 as history-making in American politics.Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
3/23/2019 • 1 hour, 34 minutes, 9 seconds
Ep 11 | Don’t Get Grounded! – Keeping Your Family & Your Work Airborne
20 Questions that will help you discover if you truly know how the world REALLY works. Letters from listeners. Two Boeing airliners tragically crash; the real reason the 737Max was grounded. Are we willing and eager to end the more than 30,000 traffic fatalities a year in the United States? It can be done, you know. How would you vote? Don’t you care about people’s lives? The machinery of human society is infinitely more complex than a nuclear power plant. How, and why the left turned the word “nationalist” into a curse. Why you risk your life if you identify as a patriotic American on a university campus. Let the Bible explain why international law is a farce and the United Nations a travesty. The New Zealand mosque massacre. The American university admission scandal. Fixing a few of the many fatal flaws in American university education.Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
3/16/2019 • 1 hour, 13 minutes, 46 seconds
Ep 10 | Happiness Secrets: With Five Million Dollars, Would You Quit Working?
How you answer the question that entitles this show will say a lot about whether you ever will have $5 Million. What produces more happiness, fun or work? Would you accept marital advice from a man who has never lived with a woman? But you might well accept car maintenance advice from a mechanic who has never owned a car. Would you take career advice from a man who has never held a job? But you might accept investment advice from an accountant who has much less money than you. Would any mom accept advice about how many children to have, from a woman who has never had children? There is a crucial difference between data and wisdom. Will the arrival of artificial intelligence and self-driving cars put millions out of work? Could you find as much meaning in leisure as in work? Which is more important: what you know or what you are? Finally, there exist ten measures of human greatness.Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
3/9/2019 • 1 hour, 14 minutes
Ep 9 | If Reckless Ruins Your Venture & Caution Causes Collapse, What to Do?
A guard at the notorious San Quentin Penitentiary near San Francisco takes issue with my overly broad characterization last week. Another California corrections officer comments on my preference for fines, flogging and execution over incarceration. A Colombian family writes from Singapore, to where they moved from Malaysia, telling of how they overcame dark times and broke through to prosperity. Then, it's on to the true story of how Bernie and Arthur got fired from a small hardware store in 1978 and started Home Depot. Wasn’t that a great response to losing a job? Also, how 120 million Greeks, Italians, Spaniards, and Portuguese are enjoying their siestas and retirements on the work of 80 million Germans. And that is not to mention the 1.5 million Muslim immigrants they’re also supporting. If you’re trying to start a business or grow one, you have to think outside the box. You must escape the confinement of the conventional. But if you leap too far out of the box, if you’re too unconventional, you might be stepping over the legal line. Yet, if all you do is repeat what others before you have done, your business will fail. What’s one to do? Happily, there is an answer that pops out of one little verse in Deuteronomy and which Jews have used for generations to achieve financial abundance. Now, you can too.Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
3/2/2019 • 1 hour, 8 minutes, 10 seconds
Ep 8 | From Piano Performances To Prisons & Penitentiaries
Who cares what men musicians look like? We only discuss their music. But when lady musicians are dressed a little provocatively, even a little sexily, we’ll comment on their music and also on their appearance. Is this wrong? Is this “sexism” (whatever that means)? There’s a growing group of attractive young female concert pianists who no longer perform in long gowns in muted colors. Few are more noticeable than Yuja Wang, and the music critic of the Los Angeles Times certainly did notice her, which ignited a firestorm of controversy in the Washington Post. Your rabbi found it all highly entertaining and he hopes you will too. And Yuja Wang really is an amazing pianist! Also, a brief rabbinic lesson on zippers in ladies fashion. And now, from the performance to the penitentiary. You’ll never guess what is shared in common by large numbers of men who are serving life sentences but by almost no incarcerated women. Finally, learn why I would shut down every last prison and jail immediately even if it means releasing every convict. And I am tough on crime! Really.Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
2/23/2019 • 53 minutes, 8 seconds
Ep 7 | The Worst Sixty Seconds of the 2019 State of the Union Speech
For those of you who’ve been eagerly awaiting the day I criticize President Donald Trump, today is your day! Listen as I revile and repudiate the following phrase from the State of the Union: “All Americans can be proud that we have more women in the workforce than ever before.” Well, I am not at all proud of that. And neither should you be.The President and his speechwriters were pandering to the high priests of Secular Fundamentalism. 98% of speech therapists are women, but well under 1% of construction industry jobs are held by women. Wives save their husbands from being hermits. Wives and moms build communities and neighborhoods. Huge numbers of wives, whose husbands earn enough, do enthusiastically quit the workforce. And these things are good for everyone other than Democrat Party (Yes! Call it that) politicians who’d rather tax two incomes. Also, hear my interview with Tom Ziglar, who just wrote a terrific new book, 'Choose To Win'. He is not only the son of the late, great Zig Ziglar, but he is also a cherished friend. We cover his book, growing up as the son of Zig, and the marriage of his parents. Secular Fundamentalism, the flip side of the Judeo-Christian Bible faiths, loathes anything with Biblical roots and nothing more than marriage and family. Their message to women is: “You don’t need a husband, all you need is the government.” Why are over 80% of women on welfare, single? Because that is exactly what radical socialists want. But there’s hope.Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
2/16/2019 • 1 hour, 14 minutes, 9 seconds
Ep 6 | A Short Voyage from 'It’s a Wonderful Life' to 'Zombie Apocalypse'
Rabbi Daniel Lapin and his wife, Susan, take a lighthearted look at movies. Before World War II, about 0.3% of movies released were what we would call “horror movies”. By 1968, over 2% of movies were horror movies, by 2000 it was 4%, and by 2015 it was 12%. By then, zombies were taking over the (entertainment) world. To date, Hollywood has produced 1,000 more zombie movies than cowboy movies. The Walking Dead? Really? When did the zombie craze really take off? It was 1962. Yes, there’s that date again. Could there be any meaningful correlation between the extirpation of Judeo-Christian Bible faith from everyday life and the rise of zombie horror taking its place? As religion’s ability to help us cope with death declined, did we turn to “zombie-p*rn”? Michael Jackson, the boy who never grew old, and his music video 'Thriller'. The arrival of ten-minute movies - for your phone! - brought to you by Meg Whitman and Jeffrey Katzenberg. If you don’t consciously “choose life”, the automatic default is death. From abortion to euthanasia, what a large crowd of people does matters.Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
2/9/2019 • 1 hour, 8 minutes, 13 seconds
Ep 5 | Since We All Know What to Do & What to Avoid—Why Do We Fail?
How to prepare your children to be able to say “No!” What are our three main appetites, & how do they differ from one other? Why do so many smart, accomplished, powerful men who know better, act so badly towards women? The Torah prohibits Jews from eating pork, yet it is just as healthy as beef. So why are pigs, and other delicious dishes like crabs, lobsters, oysters, rabbits and snails prohibited to the people of Israel? What does this have to do with self-destructive sexual promiscuity? How has not eating pork helped Jews make better financial decisions? Can people of every religious background and no religious background also benefit from these timeless truths? Being engaged is not supposed to be fun. The difference between investing and gambling. The big question to ask guys who want to date your daughter. Develop passion for the work you do. Four categories that include everything on the planet. Why executing murderers is moral.Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
2/5/2019 • 1 hour, 21 minutes, 20 seconds
Ep 4 | The Question That Divides A Nation: Do Entrepreneurs & Employees Make Money Or Take Money?
If you have a few dollars, well, you didn’t MAKE that money—you TOOK it. This according to the economics professors who teach your children and help them form their worldviews. Do you patronize companies that give some of their profit to charity? I explain why they would be acting more morally by reducing the price of the goods you purchase. After all, why is it the company’s job to take additional money from you, the customer, to give to someone who is arbitrarily defined as a ‘charity recipient’. Are companies now in the redistribution business? Must be why more and more companies boast of how much they ‘give away’. Majority of students believe that corporations and businesses are under the moral obligation to fulfill the social promises rashly made by politicians. They believe that businesses have more important obligations than making money for their owners. They believe the equation Poverty = Virtue and wealth is, in itself, evidence of moral malfeasance. Where does this all end? Can we fix it?Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
1/27/2019 • 58 minutes, 45 seconds
Ep 3 | How Many Army Divisions Does the Pope in Rome Have?
Here’s a tough one to swallow: Morality as we know it applies to individuals, not to nations! The United Nations is nothing but an illusion. An illusion promoted by some pretty horrid people, to be sure; but an illusion nonetheless. The International Court in The Hague? Puhleez, it’s a joke. You can ignore it. Everyone else does. If you don’t like what Russia is doing (whatever that is supposed to be), then stop whining. Just make sure we have the necessary military power and the will to project it. That way you can tell them to cut it out. Otherwise you’re nothing but a buffoon. Remember one president who told us that he told Mr Putin to “just cut it out”? If you don’t like China’s progress to colonial power and world domination, well just make sure you have the power. International relations operate not on paper but on power. Spend all your political capital on imaginary climate problems, placating the whining gender/homeless/race/ kindergartens and building windmills, and you can whistle while other less stupidly encumbered nations rule the world. Just a word to the wise, it’s more fun being a citizen of a powerful nation than of a weak one. Did I always want to be a rabbi? Actually, no. What did I really want to be? How do I keep up my schedule without relaxation? What incident in history would I like to witness? What is the saddest thing I often see? These are some of the questions that Cornerstone Television asked me. To my shock, I discovered just how open and candid were my answers. You’ll hear it all and more on this show. Enjoy!Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
1/19/2019 • 45 minutes, 6 seconds
Ep 2 | Let’s Face the Truth: The Left Is Turning America Into a Third World Nation
Guess who’s building the Argentina-Chile tunnel in order to lock up the world’s supply of Lithium (ion batteries). Yes, I’m talking about your mobile phone—the one you love so much! It was in 1956 that we saw one of the first movies to depict a Christian missionary negatively. Guess who owns Kenya’s new railway. And Kenya’s port of Mombasa (which like Somalia and Yemen, was also named in Hebrew). Guess who owns Zambia’s international airport and its electrical power grid. I hope you’re seeing a pattern here because Our-Hate-America-Left does not. They are still myopically obsessed with Russia as the existential threat. Who has just built one of the longest bridges in Africa in the Congo? Hint: It wasn’t the Russians. The Congo possesses huge reserves of both uranium and natural gas. Guess who gets that now. Both Congos are more concerned about election fraud than we are. In 1900 Joseph Conrad published his wonderful novel set in the Congo, Heart of Darkness. Francis Ford Coppola based his movie Apocalypse Now on Conrad’s novel. Back then Africa was the 3rd World. When I motorcycled through Africa in 1969, it was still the 3rd World. It is no longer the 3rdWorld. It is moving rapidly toward 1st World conditions. The United States, however, is moving just as rapidly towards 3rd World conditions. The New York Times in a rare burst of candor, called Los Angeles ‘capital of the third world.” I show you ten metrics including water, transportation, corruption, public hygiene, & tribalism that confirm that we are heading towards 3rd World living. Acknowledging the problem is always the first step towards its solution.Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
1/12/2019 • 1 hour, 28 minutes, 23 seconds
Ep 1 | The Real Reason Why There Have Always Been So Many Jews in Comedy
If you’ve read my book, Thou Shall Prosper-The Ten Commandments for Making Money, then you already know why Jews are disproportionately good with money. You’ve probably already adopted those timeless truths into your own financial life to good effect, but none of that explains why over 80 percent of American comedians of the past 80 years are Jewish. While we’re talking laughter, why are the wicked villains of television and movies characterized by their evil laugh? Was Samson really a comedian? The only one in all of the Bible? Also, why do most jokes revolve around the bedroom, the bathroom, and the church/synagogue? There is some really terrible news for South Africa. The University of Cape Town claims that "1 + 1 = 2" only according to the old, white, colonial way of thinking. Why did Wrestlemania take off so successfully in the 1980s? And we reveal the reason why a shared sense of humor is vital for couples contemplating marriage. Enjoy!Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
1/5/2019 • 1 hour, 3 minutes, 41 seconds
Ep. 52 | One Of The Dumbest Things That Smart People Like Us Do All The Time.
What is the semi-addictive behavior in which most of us engage to our own detriment? To what activity do most of us devote a shockingly high number of hours each week for which we get zero benefit? What is worse, this activity not only brings no benefit but it actually causes damage to us. If evil enemies wanted to harm the United States of America and render it weak both economically and militarily, they couldn’t have come up with a better plot than this one in which we willingly collaborate. Not surprisingly, those weakest members of society, the least productive and most destructive, spend most time on this harmful thing. Do you really want to promote uniformity of thought? Do you really want to eliminate all individuality and all diversity of outlook? Well, just continue doing what you’re already doing and encourage others to do the same. Is there a solution? Of course! Do you really think your rabbi would leave you dangling?Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
12/29/2018 • 51 minutes, 42 seconds
Ep. 51 | Feminism was Caused by Boys Who Never Matured into Men
Why did The Donna Reed Show help marriages while The Gilmore Girls hurt them? And how did boys start reneging on the social contract to become men back during the 1960s? Until then, boys sought to grow into men who would marry and who would cherish and protect their wives. Then, in what will turn out to be history’s most remarkable case of mass arrested development, little boys grew into big boys and big boys became 40 year-old adolescents. Men surrendered their natural authority in relationships; then they renounced responsibility. So understandably, the women had to step in; for whether in politics, business, or male/female relationships, nature abhors a vacuum.Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
12/22/2018 • 1 hour, 1 minute, 25 seconds
Ep. 50 | Never Say “Happy Holidays” | No! Save Civilization by Saying “Merry Christmas”
Culture is not the same as civilization. There are thousands of cultures but only one civilization. Banks & bathrooms in Beijing, Bombay, and Bangkok grew to resemble such institutions in Boston, Birmingham, and Berlin; not the other way around. Along with millions of others who voted with their feet, you and I also prefer civilization to any of the countless cultures we could have lived in. The problem is that civilization is a frighteningly fragile flower. What happens when we clip that flower off its roots? Why does it take so much more work and time to build a house than to demolish it? What does that have to do with the advantages that liberalism, progressivism, and socialism seem to possess among young voters in many countries? And why politicians and bureaucrats exempt themselves from the laws and regulations they religiously impose upon others.Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
12/15/2018 • 1 hour, 4 minutes, 36 seconds
Ep. 49 | Don’t Be a Digital Dunce: Know Your Numbers & Achieve!
Numbers are your portal to progress. What happened to England when all Jews were expelled? What happened to England when they returned? Start devoting a few hours every week to improving your numerical literacy. Stop telling yourself you can’t do math. Nothing too complicated, just start on becoming more familiar with numbers than you are. In Hebrew all five verbs for counting each also mean aristocrat (count) or prominence, power, and prestige. Amazing Biblical coincidences. When you can effectively number something, you can effectively change it. Your weight, your bank balance, your number of friends, your charitable giving. Numbering everything is a key to success. Gradually grow in numerical literacy to the point you’ll get to understand statistics, probability and calculus.Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
12/8/2018 • 47 minutes, 7 seconds
Ep. 48 | Making Money Means Mastering Money: Here’s How
By far, the majority of people around you understand money as well as they understand magnetic resonance imaging. Which is to say, not much! As a not-very-successful fisherman in the cool, deep waters of British Columbia, I learned that you can’t possibly put salmon on your grill without understanding salmon. Similarly, you can’t put money in your bank without understanding money. And putting money in your bank is important. In 1925, President Calvin Coolidge said, “The chief business of the American people is business. They are profoundly concerned with producing, buying, selling, investing and prospering in the world.” Isn’t that true for you? The spiritual nature of money and why the week should be five days long but isn’t. Why secular fundamentalists equate economic prosperity with moral depravity. Why atheists usually see profit as plunder. Why no atheistic society has ever created a vibrant economy. How this can help you in your work.Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
12/1/2018 • 56 minutes, 49 seconds
Ep. 47 | Happy Wife—Happy Life: True Testament Or Silly Slogan?
Men are hardwired to want to make their wives happy. We genuinely are happier when our wives are happy. And we are miserable when our wives cry. The problem is that most of us men are pretty clueless as to how to make wives happy. And what makes it even harder is that wives never want to tell husbands how to make them happy. While not disparaging gifts, remembering important dates, and breakfast in bed, in this show we explore the other really important things that make wives happy. For maximum happiness, a newly married man should strive every day to be worthy of his wife’s admiration. When can he finally relax and just be himself? When he dies! How building a beautiful bridge resembles building a beautiful marriage—and how it differs. A man’s body will always follow the logic of his deepest convictions; he will be attracted to the woman who reflects his noblest vision of himself.Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
11/26/2018 • 1 hour, 3 minutes, 51 seconds
Ep. 46 | The Real Reason The Left Silences Conservative Speakers and Suppresses Pro-Family Voices
Conservatives frequently misunderstand the battleground. They try to refute beliefs with facts. Won’t work! Never has; never will. Crusaders will always defeat accountants. Believers will always defeat policy wonks. The committed will always defeat the complacent. Remember when the Moors invaded Spain? Well, one afternoon in the year 720, a brave Catholic priest bravely confronted the Moslem mob saying, “We should get together and hold a big symposium about the future of religious pluralism on the Iberian peninsula.” The Moslems removed his head, desecrated his church and converted it into a mosque. They then moved on to the next town where the same scenario was repeated. The religious believer doesn’t engage in discussion and debate with heretics. The religious believer silences, suppresses, and if necessary, does away with the heretic. Nothing but unconditional surrender is acceptable in religious warfare. Compromise is anathema. In this show I prove all the above and clearly demonstrate that at the present time, America is not torn by political incivility but it is torn by a war between two opposing and incompatible (religious) belief systems. Which side wins will determine the future of your family, your community, your country, and possibly the world. And there is a way for conservatism to win; it’s all about putting the severed flower back on the rose bush.Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
11/19/2018 • 1 hour, 6 minutes, 27 seconds
Ep. 45 | Increase Your Productivity by Never Sleeping In Your Day Clothing. Really?
I always thought that the fashion industry was just decadent, but apparently not. Clothing possesses a profoundly spiritual aspect. Most male birds like peaco*cks and cardinals are strikingly colorful while the female looks dull. However, last time I was at a charity banquet, the men were all bland and drab in black suits and white shirts while the women were resplendent in every color of the rainbow. Does the difference suggest something useful about male/female relationships? Is the Bible, man’s book about God, or God’s book about mankind? How to make a squirrel hibernate in July. The most effective way to wake up in the morning. Making your subconscious work for you. Why last week’s podcast was withdrawn. Why the euphemism of ‘sleeping’ with someone makes sense. What happens when we don’t get enough sleep. Why God just hates unisex clothing.Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
11/10/2018 • 1 hour, 5 minutes, 39 seconds
Ep. 43 | Do You Recycle Your Household Trash? If Yes, You Are Devoutly Pious
Welcome to the church of Secular Fundamentalism. Many, and probably most American cities dump their carefully collected “recyclables” into the local landfill! That’s right! After you laboriously separate your pizza boxes and beer cans from your papaya skins and T-Bone steak left-overs, after you arduously rinse out spaghetti sauce jars and baked bean cans, and after you religiously do all this and place each in its designated container, your city picks it up and dumps it all into exactly the same landfill into which they put your baby’s dirty diapers and the avocado pits from yesterday’s guacamole. China is tired of being the trash dump for North America. “Recycling” is impossibly expensive and hopelessly uneconomical, in other words, if you did manufacture plastic or glass bottles out of trash produced by your city, nobody would purchase your products as they’d cost so much more than freshly manufactured equivalents. How companies lie when they tell you their products contain 30% recycled material. The religion of Secular Fundamentalism has its saints and its sinners like most other religions. It should cost no more than $5/ month to get rid of your household trash; check your city bill now! Meanwhile, continue being forced to participate in the sacred sacraments of the official government religion of Secular Fundamentalism and genuflect in your kitchen before the blue cylindrical shaped idol that you piously feed with carefully selected tidbits.Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
10/27/2018 • 56 minutes, 16 seconds
Ep. 42 | Go See The New Movie About Abortionist Kermit Gosnell | However You Vote
If Americans in favor of abortion knew some truths about the abortion industry, would they change their minds? Is that fear causing suppression of the new Gosnell movie, “Gosnell: The Trial of America's Biggest Serial Killer”? Kermit Gosnell was a cruel and callous murderer operating an abortion mill staffed by unqualified teenagers. Why wasn’t he subject to the health inspections that even dentists and nail salons endure? How could he kill babies and adults in disgustingly filthy surroundings for so long? Susan joins me to discuss the movie and why, even if you don’t want to, you should see it. We also talk about why women who starve themselves because they wrongly think they are fat, are appropriately treated medically, but men who think they are women are indulged. What does “therefore choose life” actually mean in the Bible. Does revoking Roe v. Wade make abortion illegal?Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
10/20/2018 • 43 minutes, 49 seconds
Ep. 41 | The Bad News & The Good News Is That You Still Must Go To Work This Monday Morning
We're all fallible outside our areas of expertise, even famous heart-surgeons, and billionaires. The only way the government can give some people money is by first taking it from others. It does so by imposing confiscatory rates of taxation and by printing money. Why both activities leave you with less of your own money. Many intelligent and accomplished people who lack all wisdom have been predicting the end of work since 1801; tech advances will put millions out of work. Why they always have been wrong and always will be wrong.Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
10/13/2018 • 48 minutes, 11 seconds
Ep. 40 | America’s Real War Is A Religious War Between Two Incompatible Faiths
Virtually all political debate, conflict, and hostility today is between the state religion of the American government and ruling classes, namely Secular Progressive Fundamentalism and the more conservative outlook springing from the Bible-based Judeo-Christian tradition. This religion, SPF, has also been embraced by the European Economic Union and by almost all universities and educational systems. They worship the small ‘g’ of government. On the other side is arrayed a loose alliance of citizens ranging from those who do not subscribe to any religion but resent the way that the Left forces its faith down their throats all the way to fervent Christian and Jewish Bible believers who turn to the big ‘G’ of God. The passage of time and events is making almost everyone become more fervent devotees of whatever side of the great cultural divide on which they have placed themselves. Secular Progressive Fundamentalism views the Biblically-based Judeo-Christian system as a terrible obstacle to progressive hegemony. I view it as quite vital for the survival of civilization. One of the most significant differences is that the SPF religion treats feelings as far more important than facts and the heart far more important than the head. Find out what I discover when asking people I meet, “Where in the Bible do we find the verse, ‘And you shall surely follow your hearts!’? How SPF and it’s listen-to-your-heart doctrine can really harm your life.Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
10/8/2018 • 1 hour, 13 minutes, 15 seconds
Ep. 39 | A Tyrannical State Frequently Destroys The Lives Of Law-Abiding American Citizens
Don’t be overwhelmed by today’s events in your business, family, or our politics. Seek understanding of the original causes. A tyrannical state, through hysterically emotional courtrooms, ruthlessly ambitious and corrupt prosecutors, and political-wind-sniffing judges, frequently destroys the lives of law-abiding American citizens. Sarah Good and 4 other innocent women were executed in Massachusetts 1692 for being witches! With no conviction ever, Ray Buckey spent 5 years of his life in jail in the Mc Martin preschool case in Southern California during the 1980s. Members of the Amirault family of Massachusetts spent even longer in jail for crimes they never committed in the shamefully notorious Fells Acres Day Care Center case in the same decade. In 1987, Judge Robert Bork had his career and reputation severely damaged by U.S. senators led by Ted Kennedy preaching sanctimoniously to Judge Bork and denouncing him for imperiling the lives of women. This, less than 20 years after Kennedy had killedMary Jo Kopechne. In 1991 Judge Clarence Thomas was subjected to what he called a ‘high tech lynching’ with senators destroying his reputation on the unsubstantiated accusations of one woman. What happened to Brett Kavanaugh on September 27th, 2018 was not unprecedented. The trampling of the constitution by very bad people in power has been going on for a very long time. Whether in business, families, or politics, watch the trend rather than just the event.A Powerful Permanent Principle: Seek out original causes of today’s disturbing events and above all, reduce the size and power of government.Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
9/29/2018 • 1 hour, 19 minutes, 33 seconds
Ep. 38 | Become One Person: Fix Your Finances, Friendships, Faith, & Family
“I do want to get married. I just haven’t found the right girl yet” he said to me. In this show you’ll hear what I said to him. You will probably never guess when the right time is to start your child’s moral education. These are two of the questions I discuss in this show which is a speech I delivered in Dallas last Sunday. I speculate on why I sound different when I speak to a live audience from how I usually sound on this show. Some of the other questions I answer are these: why God chose Abraham. The surprising reason that Hitler and his Nazi war machine invaded Russia in summer 1941 instead of finishing off England. Did Hitler really never hear about Napoleon’s ill-fated attempt to do the same thing in 1812? Can a multi-divorced person become a good marriage therapist? The surprising four areas of human development that enable us to become fully integrated people. How Bible study resembles landing a jet fighter on the deck of an aircraft carrier.Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
9/23/2018 • 1 hour, 21 minutes, 24 seconds
Ep. 36 | I Know You NEED Your Smartphone, But Has It Really Improved Your Life?
Isn’t technology wonderful? Sure; it’s given us marvelous medicines, instantaneous communication, & spectacular entertainment. But it’s also given us hackers who can steal our identities, bosses who expect responses from us at midnight, and a cornucopia of p*rnography. In other words, technology increases the possibility of good but it also amplifies the bad. Good societies use it to spread information and participation while rogue regimes use it to repress and control. Technology can assist good educators while it allows bad educators to distract their students. When did technology begin? What word in the Bible provides tech’s moral edict? Have there been periods of faster and also slower technological transformation? What you need to know about the next ten years.Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
9/8/2018 • 1 hour, 3 minutes, 27 seconds
Ep. 35 | King Solomon Learned Some Things From Ants. We Can Learn Others.
Why you could have once watched me demolishing a huge ants nest. Why an utterly chaste nun in Florida contracts an STD while hedonistic people in California seem to cavort concupiscently with impunity?How even untrue ideas spread across groups of people and through entire societies with almost virus-like effectiveness. How a Belgian rogue plagiarized a brilliant South African scholar. If the Internet and telephone systems are the country’s nervous system, what is its digestive system?Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
9/1/2018 • 45 minutes, 53 seconds
Ep. 34 | Does It Really Matter that Some People Believe Humans Are Animals and Animals Are Humans?
Why a large white llama wandered around the Lapin family’s dinner table. Why movements and organizations with no attractive young women involved are doomed. Does the animal rights movement attract young women? Are circuses, dolphin shows, and even zoos unethical? Who caused the changes in packaging for animal crackers? You don’t own your pet; you are a guardian to your animal companion. Admittedly it’s a sad choice but would you kill six bunny rabbits (or chimpanzees) in order to save the life of one child? Not everyone agrees. You do not have to accept my definition of ethics. The very real political peril caused by the animal rights movement. Toilet paper is unethical, really!Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
8/25/2018 • 1 hour, 27 minutes, 24 seconds
Ep. 33 | Physical Intimacy & Money Are Really Two Elements Of The Force Of Attraction
The powerful attractions that most of us feel towards both physical intimacy and money are really no more than the two components of the force of attraction. Both the pleasure of sensual fulfillment and the pleasure of acquiring money are attained only with the participation of another person.Do you know anyone who doesn’t want to have more money? Do you know anyone who doesn’t want to have a joyous marriage and fulfilling family life? There may be one or two outliers, but almost everyone we know, and we bet this is true for you as well, would like more income and great relationships. Just like making delicious omelets or performing delicate brain surgery, knowing exactly what you’re doing makes a successful outcome more likely. And key to that is wrapping yourself around the shocking idea that male-female relationships and money are really just two sides of the same coin. How the Obama years indoctrinated millions of good people with bad ideas and infected them with destructive life strategies from which escape is almost impossible. But there is one trapdoor.In seeking marriage and money, most of us tend to separate the searches. We might go to the business section of the bookstore for one and the relationship section for the other. When the two do intersect, they are often at odds with each other. Will getting married interfere with my work? Will my work make my spouse resentful? Unify, resolve and connect.Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
8/18/2018 • 1 hour, 27 minutes, 8 seconds
Ep. 32 | Let’s Face It! Everyone Needs Money. What If You Need A Little More? Or A Lot More?
Never mind Harry Potter, but is making money ‘stinking sorcery’? Hey Kids! It’s easy to describe the hard work your dad does if he’s a bus driver, a fireman, or a pilot. But what if he’s a mortgage broker, a recruiter, or an investment banker? Does he make money by just talking on the phone all day? Sounds like fun. LeBron James plays basketball and Ron Johnson built the Apple stores in all the malls. Each made about $30M a year. Why did so many people say Ron Jonson was overpaid at Apple while everybody thought LeBron James earned every penny of his pay? The spirituality of money. Why did Los Angelinos destroy Jewish-owned stores in the Watts Riots of 1965 and then Korean-owned stores in the Rodney King riots of 1992? What did Boeing’s Alan Mulally have that Ford so desperately needed? 3 effective spiritual strategies for increasing your financial revenue.Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
8/11/2018 • 1 hour, 8 minutes, 38 seconds
Ep. 31 | Men! Do Not Drop To Your Knee & Give A Woman A Ring Without First Hearing This Show!
I’ve spoken about the kinds of men that women should seek and avoid but now, the reverse. Do you know why, in the romance department, Cinderella is a little more true-to-life than Aladdin? Guys, should you worry if your wife’s boss is rich and good-looking? How about if he’s just rich? What do you do if your wife decides she doesn’t want to work but would rather stay home with your babies? What about if she does want to work but wants you to stay home with the babies? Are her looks important? Matrimonial misery versus connubial contentment.Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
8/4/2018 • 1 hour, 8 minutes, 38 seconds
Ep. 30 | How Are “High Quality People” Different From “Low Quality People” & Does It Matter?
How a country’s economy controls its military abilities. The most important rule you’ve heard today: Reality is more accurately depicted by a video than by a snapshot. Hitler wasn’t a lunatic-at least not at first. His willingness to make war against England was quite logical. This show explains why. It also explains why China could one day become a real threat to America while Russia’s population and economy make it all but incapable of seriously imperiling any American interests. Genuine education vs inflated qualifications and meaningless degrees in pseudo-subjects. Why citizens of Israel produce far more wealth than those of United Kingdom, France, Japan, Italy, S. Korea and Taiwan. Why many Americans fail to feel the boundary between verbal altercation and physical violence.Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
7/28/2018 • 1 hour, 12 minutes, 39 seconds
Ep. 29 | Why Progressives Pretend Russia Is Bigger Problem Than Chinese Expansionism, Iranian Aggression, & Illegal Immigration
China threatens American military interests in South China Sea & American economic interests internationally.Iranian nuclear aggressiveness threatens American interests in the Middle East and elsewhere.The illegal invasion of America by Middle Easterners, North Africans, and South and Central Americans threatens to overwhelm hospital emergency rooms, the welfare system, and the criminal justice system.Yet to the Left, none of these threats matter. Why is Russia the only danger they scream about hysterically? Why was Russia no threat during the Obama years?Why did Justice and the FBI indict 12 lower level Russian hackers who will never see the inside of a U.S. courtroom exactly a few hours before President Trump met Mr. Putin in Finland? The American intelligence community spied on candidate Donald Trump in 2016 and reported to President Obama and Hillary Clinton. Of course, President Trump doesn’t trust them. Why should he?Why other countries’ “human-rights abuses” are none of America’s business. Thomas Friedman embarrasses me by promoting globalism and environmentalism in the New York Times by using Hebrew words! Yes, NATO is becoming an anachronism. They wouldn’t help us if we came to blows with China. And does NATO really need a new building in Brussels, as large as the Pentagon? Your rabbi explains what is REALLY going on.Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
7/21/2018 • 1 hour, 16 minutes, 40 seconds
How Progressives Promote Emotionalism & Destroy Our Politics, Our Families, & Our Finances - 7/14/18
Does America really care about little children? For more than 8 days, the world held its breath over the plight of 12 young boys stranded in a cave in Northern Thailand. Why no equivalent empathy for the more than 50 young American boys murdered by their mothers’ boyfriends in only the first half of 2018? Why no attempt to rescue the thousands of young children at mortal peril from their mothers’ live-in boyfriends? Why no comparable concern for the many children at risk of being killed in drive-by shootings? So we obviously don’t care about kids. Why was Thailand different?If Black Lives Matter, why is it okay that fully 36% of all American abortions were had by black women—only 13% of all females? The true but rare explanation.High class doesn't mean 'rich'; it's living wisely that will make you and your children grow rich. Low class doesn't mean poor-it's living, for now, that condemns you & your kids to poverty. There are low-class wealthy folks & high class poor but they don't stay that way for long. When Russia and the Soviet Union posed an existential threat to the west, liberals, progressives, and secularists excused it and blamed the U.S. Now that the threat is China and no longer Russia, they are obsessed about the dangers of President Trump cozying up to Russia.Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
7/14/2018 • 1 hour, 20 minutes, 17 seconds
How & Why The Left Constantly Sacrifices The Normal For The Abnormal - 7/7/18
Why did the Jefferson National Expansion Memorial on the banks of the Mississippi in St Louis become The Gateway Arch National Park? Is it because the Louisiana Purchase was really a horrid event? The Left wants to progress constantly. Socialism wants change for its own sake. What would America have to look like for progressives to want to preserve? If America acceded to all of the Left’s demands, would they then become conservatives? Community Organizer & Activist are not job titles that Lewis and Clark would have understood. Politicians! Please stop changing our world and promising us Utopia. We just need you to preserve the framework of predictability in our lives. Jews and Christians both believe in a perfect Messianic tomorrow. So do progressives; but there’s a big difference.Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
7/7/2018 • 1 hour, 12 minutes, 12 seconds
What Can Be Done About The Real Reason Why Murderers Murder, Robbers Rob & Rapists Rape - 6/30/18
“You two have lovely hearts!” she told us. But she couldn’t have known that. What’s more, it’s irrelevant. What mainly matters for people to be able to live & function together, is not our hearts and thoughts but how we behave. The motives of muggers & murderers don’t matter. Their behavior does. The reasons robbers rob and rapists rape is largely irrelevant. But since you ask, I do happen to know why young men commit these hideous crimes. The answer is simple: Because they wanted to. Being able to resist our wants and desires takes character and GIC’s abandoned teaching character half a century ago. Successful management of the Imperial Roman Empire, the Nazi’s 3rdReich, and Islamic Jihad. 90% of violent crime committed by which 13% of the population?Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
6/30/2018 • 1 hour, 15 minutes, 12 seconds
Roman Holiday: Not Only a Great Movie, But Also A Reminder Of America’s Airborne Destiny - 6/25/18
Is America headed up or down? Is our discontent with our leaders because we see them working in their own interest,not in ours or just because we are deplorables? Is our distrust in the FBI, the IRS, the Veterans Admin., the USPS, and Amtrak because of rampant bureaucratic & political corruption or just because we are paranoid? Does our gloom and pessimism obscure all the wonderful indicators of progress—teachers now getting paid well, even the poor have smartphones and air-conditioning, inequality going down, life-expectancy up, and increasing numbers of young people choosing selfless careers in government. The great Roman Empire is now nothing but ruins. Why America is not similarly headed to inevitable oblivion. Don’t forget the cobra eggs.Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
6/25/2018 • 1 hour, 13 minutes, 30 seconds
If Familiarity Breeds Contempt, How Can Your Marriage Survive? - 6/16/18
“This was the beginning of evil, for if no man is a hero to his valet, much less can he remain a god for long in the eyes of a curious woman. Here, as in other matters, familiarity breeds contempt.” I didn’t realize that when the great English adventure writer Rider Haggard wrote those words, he was quoting the German 18thcentury philosopher Hegel, of whom in general, I don’t think much but who did write these good words, “No man is a hero to his valet. This is not because the hero is not a hero, but because the valet is a valet.” Anyway, a husband and wife see far more of one another than a valet sees of his boss so with all that familiarity, how can they avoid developing contempt for one another? The answer goes far beyond bathroom privacy and sexual restraint and provides an indispensable guide to marital happiness and durability. But it isn’t easy.Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
6/16/2018 • 42 minutes, 43 seconds
Now For The First Time: My Conversations With Listeners of this Show - 6/11/18
On this show, I enjoy a conversation with several listeners of the Rabbi Daniel Lapin Show. The only thing about hosting my shows on terrestrial radio that I miss is the conversation with callers. Otherwise, I prefer the up-and-coming podcast format. A few weeks ago I solicited advice from tech-savvy listeners about how to incorporate your calls and today’s show is the result of their generous guidance. We talk with callers about marital infidelity in marriages with higher earning wives, maintaining contact with business associates, the collective effect of p*rnography on the economy and other unexpected questions.Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
6/11/2018 • 1 hour, 14 minutes, 28 seconds
Sexuality: A Smash-and-Grab Raid or Steps Towards Love, Commitment, & Marriage - 6/2/18
Most adults who have lived a little of life, and who’ve survived its inevitable heartaches and tears, deeply desire to save their children from pain. Chief among their legitimate concerns is premature sexualization. What a blessing it would be if children could avoid the intense emotional roller coaster ride of serial infatuations. (And don’t for a moment surrender responsibility by fallaciously claiming that such heartbreak is ‘just part of growing up’. It isn’t.) How about if kids could grow up seeing sexuality, not as a smash-and-grab raid for the goodies in the window, but as a first step towards love, commitment and marriage? Maybe if we helped them understand the tight relationship between sex and money they’d be better equipped to face temptation. Let’s help them see that unrestrained sexual indulgence erodes the self-discipline necessary for economic success. The Bible just happens to be a superb textbook for really getting this link.Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
6/2/2018 • 1 hour, 15 minutes, 22 seconds
Freedom’s Just Another Word For Nothing Left To Lose - 5/26/18
Do you really believe that all children born ought to have equal opportunities for successful lives? Really? And how far exactly do you want the government togo in order to guarantee this? How should we guarantee the child of a drug-addicted homeless woman the same shot at success as a homeschooled child from a caring intact family? Should parents be able to bequeath their assets to their children or is the death tax a moral attempt to provide all children the same shot at success? Does a religious upbringing confer an unfair advantage on some children? Why isn’t it just a little immoral to care so much more about one’s own children than about all the other children in society? Why was Russia the first country to recognize the new State of Israel in May 1948? Politics is nothing more than the practical application of our most deeply held moral values. Is it wrong for prestigious universities to provide priority admission to children of alumni?Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
5/26/2018 • 1 hour, 1 minute, 44 seconds
This Summer Visit a Mediterranean Paradise Like Gibraltar, Malta, or Gaza. Huh? - 5/19/18
Three Mediterranean oceanfront countries with similar population densities, similar limited access, similar lack of natural resources. Yet, Malta and Gibraltar are thriving, happy places that attract throngs of tourists while Gaza is a dangerous and oppressive hell hole. Why? (Clue: It has nothing to do with Israel) Should countries that start wars and then lose them also lose territory? How helpful is the United Nations? When groups of people succeed or when they fail, the causes are seldom external. It is nearly always due to internal culture. Kids who succeed at school usually do so because they come from a family culture that esteems education. Whether young people grow into productive citizens building successful, independent lives or whether they become indolent, pleasure-seeking parasites depends only on culture. Why have Biblically-based countries and cultures been more successful than the rest? Is the victim always virtuous or can you sometimes blame the victim? Why are the Arabs in Abu Dhabi, Qatar, and Dubai more successful than those in Gaza and the West Bank?Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
5/19/2018 • 1 hour, 6 minutes, 35 seconds
Why People Who See Themselves As Angels Outperform Those Who See Themselves As Animals - 5/12/18
Here’s an unexpected reversal: It’s not so much that civilization developed water-borne sewerage systems as much as it’s that the cultural values of cleanliness that made it imperative for certain cultures to distance themselves from their body waste that made civilization possible. Toilets and sewage systems are more important than banks and art galleries and have to come first. Cultures that sexualize the public area lose economic vitality. Why premature sexualization of youngsters dooms them to poverty. How a certain ‘redheaded slu*t’ contributed to the economic and military decline. How they got enough water into New York in the 1840s. Why it takes 3 or more people to sustain 2 elderly people even if the old-timers have retirement plans and pensions. What distinguishes humans who are creators from humans who are consumers. Why a prominent Stanford professor who got it all stupendously wrong fifty years ago is still teaching.Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
5/12/2018 • 1 hour, 28 minutes, 36 seconds
Finally, Proof that Lefty Liberalism Is An Incoherent Fraud - 5/5/18
True systems like mathematics and physics have no internal contradictions. No law about addition or subtraction contradicts any other law about multiplication or division. No law about gravity or optics contradicts another law about motion or electricity. Yet, repeatedly, the system known variously as liberalism/leftism/progressivism/secular fundamentalism/socialism reveals internal contradictions. These intrinsic fault lines prove the failure of the unproven axioms known as liberalism/leftism/etc. It is clear that it is no coherent system. It clearly possesses no integrity at all. Women-only organizations, yes; men-only clubs, no? Really? A vacation resort for women only. Makes sense, but why not one for men? Germany wants all immigrants but also wants to be pro-Israel. What if your immigrants hate Israel? Why did so-called black leadership like Jesse Jackson support O.J. Simpson but not Bill Cosby? Should it be illegal to deny the Holocaust?Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
5/5/2018 • 1 hour, 10 minutes, 17 seconds
Why Giving Strangers a Key to Your Front Door Is Immoral To Your Spouse and Kids - 4/28/18
Deep down, do you harbor a horrible little suspicion that accepting most migrants or refugees, (whatever you want to call citizens of other countries who want to live in America) is more moral than building a wall or stopping them at the border in any other way? Deep down do you suspect that it is more moral to help beggars in Bombay and derelicts in Djibouti than helping your own sister? Do any of the 535 legislators on Capitol Hill know of any moral framework defending national integrity? Does any State Dept. bureaucrat know of any moral framework validating border control? It sure doesn’t look like it, does it? And if you don’t believe in the morality of it, how can you accomplish it? No decent person can succeed at any enterprise that deep in his heart he considers morally reprehensible. Deep down they and their European counterparts believe that any South American has the right to live in Texas or Arizona and they believe that any MENA (Middle East North Africa) resident has the right to reside in France, Italy, Germany or anywhere else in Europe. Yet, there is one moral response to uninvited immigrants; one blindingly clear and compelling approach to the problem that is entirely moral and which your rabbi imparts in this episode detailing what happened when they poured into his house.Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
4/30/2018 • 2 hours, 3 minutes, 34 seconds
Miracles of Masculinity; Men & Their Moms; Movers & Makers - 4/21/18
3 vital questions to ask the man wanting to marry (or date) your daughter. One sure giveaway that he’s a loser. Hint: It has to do with his mom. A scary interview with an intensive care hospital nurse. If civilization was left up to women, we’d still be living in grass huts. What sexist male pig said that? It’s also true that there are more female fetuses aborted than male. By their feminists moms! Why so many LUGS (lesbians until graduation) but not so many HUGS. Participation prizes-a national disgrace. Why Bible says “Man must leave his father & mother…Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
4/21/2018 • 2 hours, 14 minutes, 53 seconds
Bedrooms, Bathroom, & God: Why We Laugh - 4/14/18
What really distinguishes liberalism from conservatism. Holding your own baby for the first time matters to all people in all places at all times. Tennis and marshmallows do not. Feeling hope as the sun rises is something all humans everywhere have always known. Riding a rollercoaster ride is not. Ancient Jewish wisdom’s take on Scripture is that it covers everything that is applicable to all people everywhere, always. Such a universal experience is laughter. What is it and what makes some things funnier than others? Why does so much comedy revolve around toilet functions, sexual functions and God? Which is the better blueprint for families, companies, organizations and countries; kindness & compassion or law & discipline? Do you know what is so funny about laughter in the Bible? Who laughs more; liberals or conservatives?Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
4/14/2018 • 56 minutes, 33 seconds
Why Didn’t My Jewish Boyfriend Marry Me? Her Sad Story & Reactions - 4/7/18
Only about 20% of self-identifying American Jews believe in God and regard His Torah as authoritative. And the rest? What do they believe? Is it true that some parts of American Jewry are viewed as the circumcised wing of the Democratic Party? Why is so much American entertainment Jewishly flavored? This is not true for movies and TV programing from England or France. Is this observation anti-Semitic? If so, call the Anti-Defamation League. Or the Southern Poverty Law Center. The truth about both these disturbing organizations. The sad story of the Christian girl who wasted seven of her best years dating two Jewish men (one after the other).Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
4/7/2018 • 1 hour, 5 minutes, 46 seconds
Modern Is Not Always Good; Ancient Is Not Always Wrong - 4/5/18
Let your Rabbi describe to you a book in his library printed in 1936 and entitled “How to Make Love”. Today’s worst insults and most indicting criticisms: It’s old fashioned; it’s not modern; it’s archaic; it’s outdated; it’s so yesterday. Many mistakenly believe that any idea not sufficiently progressive is automatically false and wrong. But what if some old ideas are actually true and right? Learning to judge the value of an idea regardless of its vintage. And talking of older ideas with tremendous value, let’s teach our children to court rather than date. Why the emotional roller-coaster of teenage and young adult dating does such a good job preparing for divorce.Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
4/5/2018 • 50 minutes, 44 seconds
Why the World Hates the Jews (Part 1) - 3/24/18
Is it because the Jews convinced the Romans to crucify Jesus? No; many who hate the Jews also hate Christianity. Is it because of Jews like Saul Alinsky, George Soros, Bernie Sanders, Sigmund Freud, Herbert Marcuse and many others? Partially, perhaps, but many who hate the Jews have never heard of these men. Why is it that Jew hatred seems to go hand-in-hand with communism, progressivism, socialism or whatever else you wish to label the Left. Soviet style socialism hated Jews. National Socialism (Nazi) hated Jews and modern progressive socialism as found on American university campuses hates Jews. People and places who possess pride in economic growth and wealth creation get on well with Jews. Hatred of the free-market and loathing of wide spread individual prosperity seems to go together with hating Jews. The more left a country leans the more likely it is to hate Israel. Today’s show explains this bizarre pattern that is so much a part of today’s geopolitics.Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
3/24/2018 • 1 hour, 10 minutes, 14 seconds
Everything The Young Man Needs To Do & Not Do For Life Success - 03/17/18
This show is about the magical ten years in a man’s life; ages 13—23 years-old. These are the years in which subsequent success in life is rooted and, sadly, the years in which the origin of future failure can be found. Here are the step-by-step success strategies that a young man should follow for positioning himself for everything good in life. The show is not about the importance of being cool. It is not about learning how to rap or tap dance and it is not about social media. But it is about sex and money; the two areas in which most men have the most regrets. Here are the things you wish you knew when you were between 13 and 23 years-old. The show starts with Shakespeare and ends with Kipling; those two dead white guys knew a thing or two!Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
3/17/2018 • 1 hour, 50 minutes, 47 seconds
What’s Worse: Job Loss Or Spouse’s Adultery? And Other Perplexing Problems - 3/10/2018
America’s bizarre distinctions in how two human appetites are treated—sex and money. With sex, anything that two consenting adults chose to do is viewed as nobody else’s business. Anything at all! With money, even if two consenting adults agree to a certain job at a specific hourly rate, the government steps in to insist that employer must pay employee a minimum amount. With sex, if one party decides not to deliver to another, not only is that fine but the other, the ‘buying’ party can be destroyed for even suggesting the deal to the reluctant ‘seller’. With money, if one party, say, a baker, decides not to deliver to another party, the government steps in and punishes the reluctant seller. Why hotel rooms in liberal cities are so expensive. What did Frank Sinatra/Ava Gardner, Clark Gable/Carole Lombard & Spencer Tracy/Katherine Hepburn have in common? School sex-ed, yes but gun-ed, no? Four revolutions that changed our world.Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
3/10/2018 • 2 hours, 11 minutes, 3 seconds
A Foolproof Mechanism For Making the Best Decisions On All of Life’s Challenges - 3/3/18
Your spouse asks you to stop doing something. Your boss at work asks you to start doing something. You kid asks you why you’re doing something. Wouldn’t it be great to come back with the right answer every time? The answer that, a day later you still admire rather than the answer you think of a day later and wish you’d given. How do you react wisely off the cuff? By arming yourself with the right basic beliefs. But when you start off with a wrong basic belief you end up making bad intuitive decisions in all the many daily circ*mstance. Your rabbi equips you with an invaluable tool.Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
3/3/2018 • 1 hour, 7 minutes, 53 seconds
Serious People Know How To Stop School Shootings But Not The Way You Think - 2/24/18
A reasoned analysis of the Florida school shooting. Yes, there is a way to stop these tragedies, but, no, it has nothing to do with guns. What percentage of the hundreds of people you encounter every day are really crazy? How many so-called “homeless” are mentally imbalanced? Do you know why they are not being cared for in medical facilities where they would be safe—and so would we? Do you know any families being torn apart by having to struggle with a deeply troubled teenager all alone? Is the SCOTUS ruling of Roe v. Wade in 1973 connected in any way to the Parkland, Florida school shooting? Why did Hitler use precious resources killing 3 million Jews in Poland in 1942 while his eastern front was crumbling at Leningrad? Could you protect your family from a violent home invader?Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
2/24/2018 • 1 hour, 18 minutes, 3 seconds
The Fatal Fire That Burns In The Minds of Men (Well, Not All Men) - 2/17/18
Why does Socialism exercise an almost irresistible appeal to secular people? Why are intellectuals, academics, bureaucrats, career-politicians and others drawn so powerfully to, liberalism, progressivism, well, actually to Socialism? We cannot combat what we don’t understand. We cannot defeat what we cannot get a hold of. Let’s probe the real roots of the problem.Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
2/17/2018 • 40 minutes, 38 seconds
A Baffled Martian Scrutinizes America These Past 110 Years - 2/10/18
Grand Coulee Dam. Air-conditioning. Hoover Dam. Empire State Building. Over 3 million miles of highway. Golden Gate Bridge. Verrazano Bridge. Holland Tunnel. George Washington Bridge. Automatic transmissions. Commercial jet travel. Electric refrigerators. That and more took place 1900-1960. Since then…? Almost nothing! What! Why?Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
2/10/2018 • 51 minutes, 4 seconds
A Biblical Secret for Making Money is Know Yourself - 2/3/18
Is there a scientific test for honesty? The most important organ for making money (If you’re not a swimsuit model!) Do identical twins have same or different fingerprints? The power of optimism in financial interactions. Do you know what medical school your doctor attended; do you know if he attended medical school at all? The danger of fear and how to get rid of it.Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
2/3/2018 • 1 hour, 11 minutes, 4 seconds
Boats And Whales, Adultery And Tigers, Zoos And Puritans - 1/27/18
Everything we think we know about Mutiny on the Bounty is a lie! 3 Hollywood movies distorted the truth. The 1850 novel, The Scarlet Letter by Nathaniel Hawthorne is a great work of art nourishing our higher selves with serious thoughts about good and evil, marriage and morality, hypocrisy and nobility, the inevitability of consequences and yes, adultery. The 1995 movie The Scarlet Letter starring Demi Moore has as much to do with the book as the movie Free Willy has to do with Moby Dick, another great American novel written by Herman Melville at the same time as The Scarlet Letter. And while we’re on the topic of books and animals, I tell you something you don’t know about The Life of Pi.Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
1/27/2018 • 1 hour, 2 minutes, 16 seconds
Calling A Spade A Spade; What If Hitler Had Not Declared War on America? - 1/20/18
Communicating effectively produces wonderful results in romantic, business & social interactions. Only in politics is the reverse tolerated. Here’s what a politician would call a spade: “It’s a one person operated, foot-powered implement of ligno metallic composition designated primarily though by no means exclusively for use in agricultural, horticultural, & constructional activities for purposes of carrying out such excavational tasks as may be designated by supervisory grades.” Why I would eliminate and ban the use of these meaningless slurs: Anti-Semite, hom*ophobe, Racist, Sexist, & Capitalist. My answer to a young friend’s worry that “Trump will get us into a war.”Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
1/20/2018 • 1 hour, 9 minutes, 19 seconds
Ancient Jewish Wisdom On Masturbation - 1/13/18
Masturbation, the art of selfishness. Why is the smallest room in the house, the bathroom, so over decorated? Monogrammed towels? Soap shaped like seashells? Really? Why are we so embarrassed about a perfectly natural bodily function like emptying our bowels? What does relieving oneself have to do with masturbation? Why did Onan in the Bible have to die? If a woman never marries, is she better off with a child or without? Why are welfare recipients not the most patriotic and appreciative citizens? How to avoid all awkwardness in the masturbation conversation with teenagers. Why did the great, great, grandmother of King David dress up as a prostitute? Why did her former father-in-law not recognize her? No it won’t grow hair on your hands or make you blind, but it will…….Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
1/13/2018 • 58 minutes, 23 seconds
Your Rabbi Goes Green…The Right Way! - 1/6/18
Mrs. Lapin and I were offered a guided tour of the new Museum of the Bible in Washington DC. We accepted, planning on spending an hour there. We were confident that an hour would more than suffice. We know the Bible, right? We frequently visit Israel. We’ve already seen one too many archeological artifacts. Gosh, was I wrong! We spent five hours there. They couldn’t get rid of us. And we are eagerly planning our next visit; sooner rather than later. How often is your rabbi speechless? Ridiculous, right? But I was lost for words. The museum is deeply moving for any American regardless of faith and profoundly impactful for any sentient human being. In this show, I describe what we saw and I place it in cultural context in terms of the socio-political canyon that cuts through our American culture. This is an immensely significant addition to our nation and I feel indebted to the Green family, creators of Hobby Lobby whose generosity and vision made it possible.Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
1/6/2018 • 44 minutes, 12 seconds
Where Is Heaven?, 2018 The Death Of Materialism - 12/30/17
People say, “I’m not religious but I’m spiritual”. What does that really mean? What is spiritual reality? Why do prostitutes still prosper in the era of Tinder with quick and free hook-ups? Why are so many mental health professionals secular when every indication is that spiritual reality is a powerful factor in mental rehab? The role of Darwin, Freud, and Marx at the start of the 1900s. My close encounter with a real, live African lion. Definitions of spiritual and physical and how many of the joys in your life depend upon each? The exact location of heaven.Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
12/30/2017 • 1 hour, 24 minutes, 38 seconds
When Will-Power Is Just Not Enough; Trump’s First Year - 12/23/17
How to overcome the resistance that obstructs every attempt to improve our lives, New Year resolutions notwithstanding. Health & weight loss; alcohol, drugs, & other addictions, career advance, debt reduction and almost everything else that involves us in a struggle pitting our higher selves and our betterment against our lower desires, our laziness, and our lethargy. Learn the lesson from a famous musician & hear him play. Developing a ripped body without effort through electro-muscle stimulation. Reviewing President Trump’s first year. Judeo-Christian religions liberate; secular liberalism restrains and restricts. Sexual harassment between 1967 and 2017. A secretary was not a toy, but is she now? And one of the best ways for a young woman to get ahead.Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
12/23/2017 • 1 hour, 25 minutes, 9 seconds
Could You Transform Your 24/7 Existence Into a 25/8 Life? - 12/16/17
My polite response to the rude people who accosted me for driving a fuel-hungry, twelve cylinder automobile. Why we circumcise. The higher and holy purpose of energy and how the Left has it all wrong. What Chanukah lights have to do with foreskins. Why airplane engines burn oil not coal like older railway locomotives. The real purpose of aging and why not to dye your hair.Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
12/16/2017 • 54 minutes, 49 seconds
History’s Biggest Non-Nuclear Explosion Yet Katrina Was Worse - 12/9/17
Why does the Canadian town of Halifax send Boston a fifty-foot Christmas tree every year? Why have great senators of the past like Hiram Revels of Mississippi, Daniel Patrick Moynihan of New York, & Henry ‘Scoop’ Jackson of Washington been replaced with the clowns, creeps, crooks and cranks in Congress today? Want to hear a fantastic 100 year-old poem answering this question? The bullying, grabbing, groping, and touching of women (as well as of themselves) by disgraced men isn’t masculine at all—it’s pathetic. Masculinity is what most women yearn to surrender themselves to. It follows that males who seize what no woman wishes to grant is the very opposite of masculine. It is their behavior that is appalling not their masculinity. The culprit is their character, not their chromosomes. President Trump-Jerusalem HeroLearn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
12/9/2017 • 49 minutes, 53 seconds
The Main Thing Is That The Main Thing Must Remain The Main Thing - 12/2/17
Why do politicians and the intellectual elite hate successful business professionals, but they prostrate themselves at the feet of super-wealthy stars of sports and entertainment? What can we learn from the 1991 movie City Slickers starring Billy Crystal and Jack Palance? Who really owns a business, stakeholders or shareholders? Where does the ubiquitous dollar $$$ sign come from? As long as employees feel fulfilled, expenses can grow faster than revenue – True or False? Why you should not think of your spouse as your ‘best friend’.Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
12/2/2017 • 55 minutes, 25 seconds
Thanksgiving Is Not Merely A Sentimental Celebration—It’s a Life Transforming Activity - 11/24/17
54 Years ago this week, Parkland Memorial Hospital in Dallas underwent the most momentous and historic 48 hours ever undergone by an American hospital. The hospital was resilient enough to endure it and continue functioning. Resilience is indispensable for any person, family, or business that hopes to survive. When blows of fate fall, those who are resilient absorb those blows and bounce back. They are buffeted and bent by the storm winds but not broken. They spring back because they possess resilience. What is the secret of resilience? That is what you will know by the end of this short Thanksgiving show.Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
11/25/2017 • 25 minutes, 28 seconds
Frightening Facts About Sex They Didn’t Teach You In 9th Grade - 11/18/17
How the body’s Divine Design reveals the true nature of human sexuality and the real nature of masculine and feminine. The simple anatomical device which would render Viagra obsolete and bankrupt Pfizer Pharmaceuticals. Widely accepted scientific theories that turned out to be huge mistakes. Are modern theories of sexuality possibly all dreadfully wrong? Be married to the only person you’ve ever had sex with? Really? Could TV hits like Friends, Seinfeld, Big Bang Theory and others really be wrong about sex? Oops! Has your wife just cut her hair short?Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
11/18/2017 • 1 hour, 30 seconds
I Never Thought They’d Allow The Release of How Israel’s Mossad Works - 11/11/17
Nazism, Fascism, Communism, Socialism, Liberalism, Progressivism: These are ALL creations of the LEFT and all strip individual freedom and responsibility while they promote governmental tyranny. In this show I describe what lies at the RIGHT end of the spectrum. The Left allies with Islamic Fundamentalism which only Israel has even a clue of how to defeat. Hint: Follow the money. I interview the author ofHarpoon--Inside The Covert War Against Terrorism’s Money Masters. Wild inside details of under-cover, special ops that Israel’s Mossad employs against Islamic killers, their bankers and their bagmen.Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
11/11/2017 • 1 hour, 25 minutes, 18 seconds
Priority Is a Singular Word. Win By Discovering Their Sometimes Hidden Priority - 11/4/17
Secular Fundamentalist pundits in print and TV don’t know why Saipov the Slaughterer mowed down 8 Manhattanites with his truck last Tuesday. “Why, oh why, would he have done it?” they cry in mystified confusion. It certainly can’t be because of his religion. Turns out that knowing your opponent’s central core principles is a huge advantage whether you’re dealing with your children, a business transaction or terrorists. In the mid-20thcentury, there wasn’t enough space in the world for both Nazis and Jews. Now, early in the 21st, there’s not enough space for both Moslems and Christians. And Jews? In this show I reveal their role.Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
11/4/2017 • 52 minutes, 23 seconds
Even Scary Change Is Just Another Word For Opportunity - 10/28/17
This show is a lecture I delivered a few days ago to a terrific organization of Christian business professionals who collaborate on developing their businesses according to Biblical principles. There are many such organizations in the United States and I have been privileged to speak for quite a few but this one, Kingdom Chamber of Commerce is one of my favorites. I discuss the significance of change in business, now to embrace it, exploit it, and profit from it. The permanent principles I teach apply equally to employees and homemakers as they do to entrepreneurs and executives. I do hope you enjoy it.Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
10/28/2017 • 51 minutes, 8 seconds
Are We Really Progressing To A Better Future Of Peace & Prosperity? - 10/21/17
So those ‘Death Panels’ really are coming, first to the United Kingdom and soon thereafter to us—unless we terminate Obama Care along with almost all government involvement in healthcare. While we’re at it, why don’t we fix education by privatizing it & closing Government Indoctrination Camps (GIC’s otherwise known as public schools)? Why are Gulf State Arabs building modern societies while Palestinian Arabs fail at almost everything but killing?Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
10/21/2017 • 1 hour, 6 minutes, 15 seconds
Harvey Weinstein, Bill Clinton & Secular Liberal Hypocrisy - 10/14/17
It’s been hilarious watching the ostentatious displays of pretend virtue by celebrities tumbling over one another to condemn one of their own. The truth is that it takes no bravery and no courage to waddle up and stick a knife into the bleeding body of a harpooned whale lying helplessly on the beach. Why now? Why didn’t all those who’ve known for years condemn Weinstein back then? Why didn’t a Paltrow or a Jolie use an Oscar speech to denounce their tormentor? What was brother Bob’s role and why? Weinstein et all are predictable products of the 1960s. All explained in this week’s Rabbi Daniel Lapin Show.Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
10/14/2017 • 1 hour, 18 minutes, 35 seconds
Avoid Foolishness: Consider Las Vegas Emotionally & Thoughtfully - 10/7/17
Learning to evaluate your life’s circ*mstances using both head and heart—separately. How it applies to the Las Vegas massacre. We know that those exploiting Las Vegas to advance a “gun-control” agenda are cynical, manipulative, dishonest (and also probably foolish) by taking a look at suicide and traffic fatality figures. Do fewer homes own a toolbox these days? Are Americans less resourceful and self-reliant? Is that why Ikea made a surprising purchase? Breaking News!! Teachers FEEL that they are paid less than they FEEL they are worth! Really? Let me explain how the free market works.Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
10/7/2017 • 51 minutes, 21 seconds
Roy Moore Won & So Did the German Right Wing Party. So Why Are Jews Angry? - 9/30/17
Judge Roy Moore defeated the mainstream GOP candidate (whom President Trump mistakenly backed!!) for an Alabama Senate seat. Again, our rulers, bureaucrats, & bosses failed to grasp that we don’t like important decisions that impact the quality of our lives being made by professional politicians who view us with disdain. In Germany. The AFD did the same by securing a massive victory last Sunday, elected into government by those ordinary citizens who’ve been paying the real-world price for Merkel’s insane embrace of millions of disaffected young Moslem males. Though they will certainly make the streets of Frankfurt and Dusseldorf safer for Jews, most American Jewish organizations denounced the AFD success. These Jews are dead wrong and are advocating for secular liberal propaganda, not Judeo-Christian values. Popular music has decayed from the great tunes of 1962 to the primitive and savage rhythms of rap and hip-hop. Does this reflect American’s slide into degeneracy or has it caused it? How do the Jewish friends of a secular, young Jewish girl react when she finds God? How about her Christian friends? I enjoyed preparing this show and I hope you enjoy listening to it.Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
9/30/2017 • 1 hour, 28 minutes, 36 seconds
Thoughtful Scientific Skeptics Should Reject the Religion of Secular Fundamentalism - 9/23/17
The 3 characteristics that define a religion and why Scientology isn’t one but Islam is. Why progressive politics and leftist ideologies are not a political creed but are, in fact, a religion. Can you name the “High Priests” of the Left? Why so-called “climate-change” has far less to do with science than it does with religious belief. Meet a Berkeley-trained feminist skeptic (Judy) who met a rabbi (me). You’ll enjoy hearing about her initial encounter with faith and how she ultimately fell in love.Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
9/23/2017 • 1 hour, 29 seconds
Progressive Politics Is Not Merely An Evil Pathology--It's a Religion! - 9/16/17
Things you'd be surprised to know that I own: A copy ofMein Kampf, by A. Hitler. The shattered fragments of an Aztec idol. An enameled swastika medal Hitler signed and presented to a German mother 74 years ago. In this show I reveal why I own them and how they demonstrate spiritual reality. Giant Buddhas in 2001 equals Confederate Generals in 2017.Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
9/16/2017 • 54 minutes, 47 seconds
Timely Lessons in Love for Young Men - 9/9/17
How a nice, ordinary middle-class, young guy successfully sued a wealthy older doctor for seducing his wife into a tawdry affair. No, your rabbi hasn’t joined the staff of People Magazine, but here is one reason why Paul Newman and Joanne Woodward’s marriage worked and Brad Pitt and Jennifer Aniston’s didn’t. Remember when female flight attendants (that would be ‘stewardesses’ to you old-timers!) were all young and beautiful? Let me tell you what happened to many of them. A good woman is not easy to find but her value vastly exceeds not only rubies but also the value of women with advanced academic degrees.Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
9/9/2017 • 1 hour, 10 minutes, 26 seconds
Harvey--The Toxic Triumph of Sentimentality in American Politics - 9/2/17
Does the president really need toshowthat hecaresabout Houston or is it enough for him to take the necessary actions to bring relief? Who are these looters? What distinguishes looters from rescuers? How can you predict who would rescue and who would loot. Watch out! Today you’re being judged by the feelings you express and not by your thoughts and actions. God help us.Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
9/2/2017 • 53 minutes, 55 seconds
The Difference Between Death & Taxes - 8/26/17
When a group of people form a society, whether it is the Pilgrims, the Oneidas, the Shakers, the Communists or any other groups, one thing they have to decide is how they are going to organize money. How will people eat and how will the organizers (government) seize its monetary needs? Money is an interface between physical and spiritual. People often fail to recognize the role that morality plays in economic policy. In this show, we examine the questionable morality of the Income Tax and little known facts of its arrival.Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
8/26/2017 • 48 minutes, 32 seconds
Recognize the past without dwelling on it. Move on.
The best way to sabotage a life is to dwell on past evils as explanations and excuses for one’s victimhood.Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
8/19/2017 • 3 minutes, 56 seconds
Removing Historical Statues & Monuments Helps Who? How? - 8/19/17
A vital secret of successful living is moving on from the past, no matter how horrible, evil, unjust, or immoral that past was. Some of the best ways to live successfully is to avoid financial dependence on the largesse of government or charity, become a great spouse and a great parent, find faith, and develop a circle of like-minded friends. This works for those born with a silver spoon in their mouths just as it does for those who have endured great hardship, even pain in their pasts. But the best way to sabotage a life is to dwell on past evils as explanations and excuses for one’s victimhood.Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
8/19/2017 • 1 hour, 17 seconds
8/11/17 - The Ten Reasons That Made Me Support Donald Trump Since Early 2016
I have two dear friends (whose names I mention in the show) each of whom hosts a national radio show and each of whom were ‘Never-Trumpers’. I didn’t understand them then. I don’t understand them now. But they are both good and honorable men. I decided to come up with ten truths that they couldn’t contradict and which would leave them both incapable of explaining satisfactorily why they voted against President Trump.Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
8/12/2017 • 3 minutes, 55 seconds
8/11/17 - Ten Trump Truths: Why He Should Have Won Every Thoughtful Citizen’s Vote
Most of what the sick, evil and twisted denizens of the Democratic Party claimed about Pres. Trump weren’t true. Here are ten things about the President that are indeed true. One of them is while occasionally really bad men do have great kids, those great kids never retain relationships with their bad fathers. When you see great kids remaining close to their dads, you’d be making a big mistake writing off those dads as jerks. They aren’t. Listen for the remaining nine Trump truths.Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
8/12/2017 • 55 minutes, 16 seconds
8/5/17 What exactly is Western Civilization?
Rabbi Daniel Lapin talks about Western Civilization and how the choice to live that way of life is common among people. He explains a time when the New York Times really stood for something. Rabbi also talks about how institutions have a certain momentum that keeps it going within the civilization for many years but eventully comes to an end.Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
8/5/2017 • 3 minutes, 14 seconds
8/5/17 Western Civilization is NOT Racist - It's Everyone's Best Hope!
President Trump defended the West and was reviled as a racist. That slur is nothing but a meaningless bludgeon. Can’t tell the difference between the West and the Rest? Just try using a public bathroom in Bahawalpur and then do the same in Boston. Still not sure? Okay, time to get dramatic. Break your leg on the street in Lagos, and then do the same (the other leg) in London. Getting the idea? Just try buying a home or starting a business in Teheran and then try it in Tallahassee. So if the West deteriorates and dies, it is not only bad for you and me, it is even worse for millions of other human beings.Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
8/5/2017 • 58 minutes, 9 seconds
7/29/17 - Men, Women, & Money: Is The Role Of Money In Romance Real?
Do you know any new brides thrilled that their frugal fiancées bought their engagement rings at a flea market for $6.99? Why is it important for women to get engaged with an expensive diamond ring? Why don’t women propose marriage to men? (Hint: A new Rolex watch might be a good way to go) Is a women who wants to marry a man with a few dollars (or the prospect of plenty) a gold digger or an excellent woman? You’ll be surprised at my answer.Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
7/29/2017 • 54 minutes, 31 seconds
7/29/17 - I Know The Two Biggest Mistakes Of Your Life-But I Won’t Tell Anyone Else
Ayn Rand wasn’t right on everything but she is on these 2 ideas: “Aman's sexual choice is the result and the sum of his fundamental convictions . Show me the woman he sleeps with and I will tell you his valuation of himself.” And this one, “...money demands of you the highest virtues…men who have no courage, pride or self-esteem…who have no moral sense of their right to their money…men who apologize for being rich…” If you could teach your children only two things, teach them how money works and how male/female relationships work. Teach them well.Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
7/29/2017 • 6 minutes, 23 seconds
7/22/17 - Why The Left Loathes Your Family and Your Finances - What’s The Connection?
Let’s consolidate Leftism, Socialism, Marxism, Communism, Progressivism, and yes, Liberalism, all under one simple but true umbrella---Secular Fundamentalism. Start off with a commitment to secularism, and your soul is automatically tugged left. Reject God and for most the alternative is government. But why Oh why do people who hate private property and despise the “rich” also loathe the traditional family. Why can’t you be a good economic leftist, loving high taxes and government redistribution but loving the concept of the family? It seems impossible. Let’s listen to discover why.Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
7/21/2017 • 38 minutes, 30 seconds
7/22/17 - Why The Communist Manifesto Is Still Relevant To Our Dreams & Nightmares
It might have been written over 150 years ago but the part of our soul to which Marx and Engels were singing is still seduced by socialism. Until we are willing to deny the State any rights to our families and to our money, we will always remain vulnerable. Under the promise of security and equality, politicians lure you into dependency. A very bad deal.Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
7/21/2017 • 5 minutes, 3 seconds
7/15/17 - The Sad Slide of Socialism into Debauchery, Degeneracy, and Depravity
Why are those who support confiscatory rates of taxation usually the same people as those who support increased entitlement spending? Why do opponents of the death penalty for murder also usually support abortion? Why do those who consider Christianity to be a bigger problem than Islam want America to resemble Europe? Why do those who think public schools are doing a great job also generally support transgenderism? Why do those who feel America’s contribution to the world has been negative also think marriage is only one way, and not the best way, to organize society? Are these all coincidences or is there some hidden secret force guiding it all?Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
7/14/2017 • 4 minutes, 54 seconds
7/15/17 - A Glimpse Thru My Lens: How The World REALLY Works
Let’s go back to first principles. I invite you to see the world through my eyes. How the insanity of today’s headlines makes perfect sense as long as you have the right lens. I provide you with the tools, you decide.Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
7/14/2017 • 1 hour, 51 minutes, 23 seconds
Excremental Assault & Fecal Fixation-The Culture of Death
In this show I describe the many ways that death has unobtrusively invaded our culture. Sometimes it is camouflaged as tolerance or political correctness. Other times such as the assisted suicide and euthanasia legalization movement it is quite blatant. Infatuation with the culture of death underlies much of how ugliness is replacing beauty, vulgarity is replacing restraint, and why C**P and S**T have become part of almost conventional communication. Every A*****E knows that. Flinging those words around is the equivalent of a Guantanamo detainee flinging a bag of his own feces at an American officer. I explain how the world REALLY works, even in these darker corners. So, remember, always choose LIFE!!Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
7/7/2017 • 57 minutes, 3 seconds
I judge religion off the behaviors of their devotees
I judge religion off the behaviors of their devotees. Observe people who follow the dictates of the Torah. Those people are the ones you can look to be model citizens apart of their religion and culture.Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
7/7/2017 • 3 minutes, 39 seconds
7/1/17 Ladies, Don’t Pretend to Reach for Your Wallet-Let Him Pay!
Another island analogy describing what will happen in America, Canada, and Europe, as more and more people go onto government payroll. 77% of women expect man to pay for date. Are they gold diggers? Are they free-loaders? Are they poor? Not at all. Their reasons are not financial. They are emotional and they are valid. We explore just why it is in the best interests of both the man and the woman for him to pay for dinner. And while we’re at it, don’t date him if he doesn’t have a job.Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
6/30/2017 • 53 minutes, 47 seconds
7/1/17 What Can She Do?--Her Boyfriend Is A Loser
It was fun for the two of them being broke, lefty students back in art school but now she’s late 20s and has a real job making real money. But Loser Boyfriend is still without a job, ambition, emotional maturity, or health insurance. She wants, furniture, a vacation, and yes, a baby! Must she kick him to the curb? Let your rabbi bring the bad news.Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
6/30/2017 • 7 minutes, 7 seconds
Did Mrs. Lapin Really Call Me A Gorilla? (Was it payback?)
Why was Mrs. Lapin laughing at the Balzac quote about most husbands looking like Orangutans trying to play violins? We avoid building bridges that are destined to fail. We avoid constructing buildings that defy laws of gravity and will fall. Yet, large numbers of people set themselves up in living arrangements that will most likely result in trainwrecks. Do some “open marriages” survive? There may be one or two. Do most children do better living with their father and their mother married to one another? Yes, and what is more most men and women thrive better in marriage than they would in alternative living arrangements. People know better than to defy physical laws yet they often assume spiritual laws are less immutable.Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
6/24/2017 • 55 minutes, 11 seconds
Bad Bridges Fall and Bad Living Arrangements Make Men & Women Miserable
When you stick to the laws of engineering and physics you build bridges and buildings that stand strong and endure. When you stick to the laws of how the world REALLY works you build marriages that thrive happily and endure. We find the former easier to accept than the latter.Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
6/24/2017 • 4 minutes, 50 seconds
It’s The Tough Men-Only-Work-With-Your-Hands Jobs That Leave America
China is buying one large American company after another. Hilton Hotels, GE Appliances, Waldorf Hotel, AMC Theaters, Motorola, Smithfield Foods, and hundreds & hundreds more. Progressive politicians say, “No problem! It’s all good.” Academics and media elites are all internationalists and globalists anyway, so they think it’s just fine. But what does your gut say? Is it really good when an American company moves production to China? There’s a reason the secular left is fine with man jobs leaving. And remember, nobody can make you do anything.Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
6/17/2017 • 1 hour, 19 minutes, 46 seconds
Will We All Become China’s Slaves?
Whether it’s toothaches, cars, or countries, years of neglect and mismanagement take a toll. What is more, initial efforts at repair cause pain and are expensive in time and money. Not surprisingly, after 24 years of damage and decay America is selling itself to China. When last did you see something made in America? Does this matter? You bet it does. Let me explain why.Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
6/17/2017 • 4 minutes, 12 seconds
From Reality of Money & Sex To Financial and Marital Success
This show is about money and sex and how these two of mankind's most compelling urges reinforce one another and how they sublimate into marriage and commerce for the benefit of both individuals and society. A look at the TV sitcom of the 90s, Friends. How our relationships fall into 3 categories: Sexual (family); Non-Sexual (financial); and friends. The role objective obligation plays in relationships. What surprising behavior hurts your health to the equivalent of a pack a day of cigarettes and a large consumption of alcohol? American Alliance of Jews and Christianswww.RabbiDanielLapin.com Ancient Jewish Wisdom TV Show http://www.tct.tv/watch-tct/on-demand-ajw Podcast: https://soundcloud.com/rabbi-daniel-lapin-showLearn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
6/10/2017 • 1 hour, 6 minutes, 23 seconds
Let’s Talk Marriage Inequality Not Income Inequality
t’s an inconvenient truth for progressives that single people are seven times poorer than married people. America is now a two-caste system with marriage as the dividing line. In the high-income third of the population, children are raised by married parents; in the bottom-income third, children are raised by single parents. The main difference between the haves and the have-nots is that the haves tend to marry and give birth, in that order. The have-nots tend to have babies and remain unmarried. Marriage makes all the difference.American Alliance of Jews and Christianswww.RabbiDanielLapin.com Ancient Jewish Wisdom TV Show http://www.tct.tv/watch-tct/on-demand-ajw Podcast: https://soundcloud.com/rabbi-daniel-lapin-showLearn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
6/10/2017 • 4 minutes, 38 seconds
Only Connect! The 4 ‘F’ Words For Successful Living
Only Connect! Enhance every aspect of your life, Friendships, Finances, Faith, & Family by connecting more deeply with more people! Who helped me get my private pilot license? The power of patterns & learning the Morse Code in 15 minutes. We don’t write off people because they are imperfect or hold views we may despise. Each of us is a complex amalgam of good and bad. The good doesn’t get wiped out by the bad, neither does the bad get wiped out by the good. Samuel Morse was anti-Immigrant. He was also pro-slavery. And he painted beautiful pictures and changed the world with his invention.Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
6/3/2017 • 1 hour, 15 minutes, 44 seconds
A Day Without Making a New Friend Is A Day Wasted
Sadly, it is far easier to think of something utterly destructive to do which will ruin your life than it is to come up with something that will transform your life for the better. But here is one thing that you can start doing right away which will bring more unforeseen benefits into your life than you can imagine: Connect more deeply with more people. And I do not mean on Facebook!! Finding new friends and nurturing old ones is good for your health, for your family life and for your finances. Sounds easy but like baking, bookkeeping and ballet, it helps to know just how to do it.Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
6/3/2017 • 5 minutes, 18 seconds
Sex & Money: How 4 Revolutions Shaped Our World
A woman has the right to tell a man who wants something from her, “No!” But a baker or photographer has no right to say “No!” to certain people who want something from them. Any pleasure that two or more consenting adults wish to take from one another’s bodies is perfectly acceptable. However, society gets very involved critiquing and sanctioning two consenting adults who choose certain economic transactions. Why is sex always fine whereas money is usually very not fine? We used to have free markets and sexual restraint. Today it is the reverse. How is that working out for you? Understanding the four revolutions that have shaped our world.Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
5/26/2017 • 2 hours, 6 minutes, 7 seconds
Who Does The Left Hate More: Moslem Jihadists or Successful Bus. Men Attracted to Beautiful Women?
Prosecutors frequently build their reputations prosecuting business professionals and their companies. Often no wrongdoing is uncovered but by then it is too late. On college campuses women with morning-after regret frequently charge last night’s paramour with rape. Reputations ruined and careers destroyed. There is no presumption of innocence for business or for men in general. Our elitists, rulers and betters are waging war against the private sector institutions that create prosperity. They disparage men and masculinity though women do not climb up to repair refinery towers or dive down to cap underwater oil wells.Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
5/26/2017 • 4 minutes, 7 seconds
Art Galleries, Collectors, & Critics Gush Over The Scribbles & Splashes of Toddlers & Gorillas.
Don’t you sometimes feel you’re living through Alice in Wonderland? The things you once thought of as obviously true are no longer seen that way. Males can be females; making money equals taking money; profit is the same as plunder; America is an evil country but Sudan is good; and champions of cultures based on barbarism, superstition, tribalism and fanaticism lay guilt trips on Western civilization. What is going on? Communism/socialism/liberalism/progressivism are obliterating objectivity, that’s what’s going on. Reality is no longer what is evident to every eye, even those without advanced academic degrees. No, reality is now decreed by the high priests of media, academia, politics, entertainment and elitism. Where does that leave you? With your rabbi who reveals how the world REALLY works.Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
5/19/2017 • 1 hour, 42 minutes, 38 seconds
The Simplest & Most Accurate Distinction Between Liberalism and Conservatism.
When people ask you to explain the difference between liberalism and conservatism, what do you say? If you start talking of size of government, taxation, etc., you sound wonkish and most people just tune you out. This week’s show offers a better solution. Liberalism loathes, detests, reviles and rejects objective reality. Women can be men and the other way around. Human nature? What’s that? Maternity leave for men? Why not? Government should bail out non-profitable companies if they make windmills. Climate change? Biggest problem facing our country. Nobody is ever complicit in their own misfortune especially blacks, hom*osexuals and Jews. A degree in Gender Studies is as valuable as one in Computer Science. If you reject how the world REALLY works, there is no limit to the idiocy.Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
5/19/2017 • 6 minutes, 3 seconds
50 Shades of Money or Marriage And Careers or Kids.
Would you refuse to date someone with poor credit? If you’re a single woman, the answer is likely to be yes. And you’d be right! If you’re a single man, surveys show you probably don’t much care. And you’d be right too. In this show I explain why. Susan Lapin joins me to discuss childlessness and I step into dangerous territory when I speculate on the success of Fifty Shades of Grey. The Mommy Wars and how childless female workers resent moms at work. Maternity leave for everyone, not just moms, of course. Stop calling your spouse ‘Mommy” or “Daddy”. How your job impacts your estrogen and testosterone levels and other rabbinic ruminations and ramblings.Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
5/12/2017 • 1 hour, 21 minutes, 54 seconds
Believing Men & Women Identical Might Be Bad For Your Heart
Your 50 year-old male doctor has had, on average, nearly double the clinical experience than a female doctor of the same age. Most work 3 day weeks to men’s 5 or 6 day work weeks. Same goes for dentists and lawyers. Given that most professional competence is won not at school, but at work, explain why having a female cardiologist is a good idea? Just askin’.Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
5/12/2017 • 6 minutes, 39 seconds
Help Nature-Worshipping Fanatics by Purchasing Your Infidelity Offsets Here—
Carbon Offsets is a silly scam that allows environmental sinners like Al Gore & and hypocrites like Leonardo DiCaprio to feel virtuous by paying others to do good. It’s a modern example of the Church selling indulgences back in the Middle Ages. So in that spirit, we now invite sinners who corrupt the land with concupiscence, adulterous affairs and marital betrayal to purchase infidelity offsets. I will arrange for part of your payment to go to support the good behavior of chaste and celibate people and to couples maintaining monogamous marriages. I explain the details along with the hows and whys of the extremist religion of environmentalism and climate change. How Earth Day really does celebrate Communism.Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
5/4/2017 • 1 hour, 39 minutes, 18 seconds
International Celebration of Communism:---Earth Day!
Why did Senator Gaylord Nelson and his comrades pick April 22nd 1970, the 100th birthday of Vladimir Ilyich Lenin? Why were many speakers and supporters of the first Earth Day known communists? Why do so many positions of environmentalists and climate change fanatics hurt the economic and military interests of the United States? It’s all quite simple. Allow me to explain.Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
5/4/2017 • 4 minutes, 58 seconds
Core Curriculum For California College Cretins--Bullying
This past Tuesday night I was brought to a campus near San Francisco to deliver a lecture entitled “Making Money is Moral”. The program was put on by the outstanding Young America’s Foundation who own and run President Reagan’s ranch near Santa Barbara where they put on fantastic programs for school and college young people. I got about a third through the speech before the protestors got themselves sufficiently organized to begin their disruption. You know how it can be a little scary when you sense you are in the presence of huge forces over which you have no control? It’s how you feel when you find yourself in a massive crowd that is turning ugly. It’s how decent Germans felt in the five years from 1933-1938 as they watched the pillars of their culture collapse. Well, this podcast is about the speech and what Susan Lapin and I experienced this past Tuesday night on a university campus in California.Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
4/28/2017 • 1 hour, 19 minutes, 20 seconds
Our 3 most powerful appetites: food, sex, and money
If we were souls without bodies, we’d have no appetites. If we were bodies without souls we’d have no worries. But we have both so we may as well understand how these three appetites really work. Just think, if everybody could control them, no obesity, no illegitimacy, less crime, and a thriving economy.Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
4/28/2017 • 5 minutes, 26 seconds
Money, Money, Money, Must Be Funny
“…In the rich man’s world.” So sang ABBA and so another generation of young music lovers was corrupted. Obviously that rich man took it from all those who are now poor as a result. By misleading an entire generation into believing that the world is all physical/material, money is transformed into something evil with which only government can be trusted. Instead of a vehicle for individual independence, money (Just like guns) is bad for ordinary private citizens to own. Presenting a prescription of hope for the future.Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
4/22/2017 • 56 minutes, 54 seconds
Always Sunny In The Rich Man’s World
Like pirates buying their way back into polite society by building a church, today anyone who has made a few dollars is expected to purchase penitence by ‘giving back to society’ regardless of what this says the donor was doing to society while making his money in the first place.Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
4/22/2017 • 5 minutes, 35 seconds
Never Let That Niagara-Like Torrent of Feelings Overwhelm Your Good Sense
I just saw Niagara Falls for the first time! I felt like remaining there for hours absorbing the overwhelming might of the sight. But not yielding to what I felt like but doing what I needed to do (record this show) was the right thing to do. We all make the mistake of believing that our feelings are all important and also all powerful. Marriages end because “I no longer feel anything for her”. Affairs begin because “I feel so wonderful when I’m with her”. Businesses fail when one person explodes in anger against his partner. Anger is another feeling. How about worry and stress? More feelings you need to learn to control. Fortunately in this show I make accessible ancient Jewish wisdom’s timeless and true technique for controlling feelings rather than having them control us.Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
4/14/2017 • 1 hour, 2 minutes, 47 seconds
Not In The Mood? Who Cares? Certainly Not Your Rabbi.
Isn’t success in life more likely when we do exactly what we should do when we should do it? What interferes with this winning formula? Simple—our feelings and moods. Why didn’t you make that sales call/exercise/call your mother/deliver that order??? Answer: Because you didn’t feel like it. What if ancient Jewish wisdom can make you less susceptible to your feelings? Well, it can!Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
4/14/2017 • 5 minutes, 32 seconds
We Didn’t Save the Russians, the Chinese, or the Tutsis But We Are Obliged to Save the Syrians?
How to circumnavigate the Eastern United States-as if you cared! But wait! This small boat journey would use one of America’s greatest achievements—The Erie Canal. The similarity between the Jewish Star, the “Magen David”-the shield of David and the swastika. The spiritual significance of David’s six pointed Star. Why the New York State Thruway and Amtrak from Eastern New York to Buffalo follows the path of the Erie Canal. This 363 mile canal built in only 8 years (1817-1825) included 83 locks. What is a lock? Today, could you get an environmental impact study done in only 8 years? It was built by men! That’s right, there didn’t appear to be any women uprooting huge tree stumps, dragging dirt out of the ditch or laying colossal stone blocks to build locks. Why is it America’s business that Assad is killing Syrians. As a human, I am sad about it, but why is it our government’s responsibility to fix. Why didn’t Truman impose a ‘Red Line’ on Stalin’s brutal murders of millions of Russians. Why didn’t Eisenhower stop Mao TseTung from massacring 45 million Chinese? Why didn’t Clinton stop the murder of more than a million Tutsi tribesmen? Why does America feel so compassionate today? The amazing and inspiring story of American commerce, the Erie Canal, and the Empire State. It was a bigger engineering challenge than Panama 100 years later.Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
4/7/2017 • 1 hour, 45 minutes, 5 seconds
Why Does Our Government Feel More Compassion for Syrians Than It Does For Americans?
Like Germany’s Mrs. Merkel, who felt more compassion for a million Muslim men than for 80 million Germans, our government seems to feel more concern about Syrians than about Americans. Why do so many believe that American blood and money must be expended on a futile quest?Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
4/7/2017 • 5 minutes, 16 seconds
The Evil Pathology Uniting People Who Respect Race With Those Who Mock Marriage
The one big money question to ask your kids. So, because I’m not female, I am not allowed to talk about the deepest desires of women? I am not, thank God, poor so I am prohibited from addressing problems of poverty? And my skin color censors what I might say about race in America? Really? The Left combats ideas by disqualifying the messenger. A dangerously high proportion of our population has been infected by the virus of materialism which makes its victims see things weirdly. This contagious disease of materialism mocks marriage, exalts skin color and reveres gender. But America wasn’t like this in 1956. I describe one of the biggest movies in history. Why Materialists love race-based college admissions and hate financial education.Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
3/31/2017 • 1 hour, 24 minutes, 25 seconds
What Seawater Does to Your Cellphone, Secular Socialism Does to Your Soul
What madness infects the brains of those who think that skin color tells you more about people than their beliefs and values? What bizarre disorder makes it easy for men to become women but impossible for hom*osexuals to become normal? What mysterious malady contaminates the minds of those who oppose the death penalty for sad*stic serial murderers but are sanguine about snuffing out the life of a near-term baby? It’s Secular Socialism-some call it progressivism.Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
3/31/2017 • 5 minutes, 20 seconds
Women Praise Gentle Sensitive Men But Can’t Admit They Desire Masculinity
Food tastes better to men when served by a woman they desire. Women suffer depression at twice the rate of men. Really? Perhaps men just don’t share their pain. Is male depression underreported? Besides, I’ll tell you how men deal with it. Which story is more realistic, “Cinderella” or its opposite, “The Princess and the Peasant”? Many women freeze their eggs. Would men if they could? Men who fail to confront their masculinity become thugs or wimps. Masculine good men make women very happy just as feminine women make men very happy. The difference is that women don’t admit it. Women have been indoctrinated to denigrate masculinity and become miserable.Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
3/24/2017 • 1 hour, 16 minutes, 58 seconds
Yin and Yang Where Have All The Good Men Gone?
A woman needs a man like a fish needs a bicycle, said Irina and Gloria. Funny words but fatally flawed. Turns out women do need men, just as men need women. What sort of men do women need? Strong masculine men. What sort of women do men need? Strong feminine women. Why do they need each other? In order to be happy.Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
3/24/2017 • 5 minutes, 41 seconds
Who’s Running Things? Bilderbergers? The U.N? Jews? Secret Socialists?
If our worst enemies had established a conspiracy in 1962 to harm America’s power and influence by 2016 could they have come up with a better plan than what has played out? Once the world’s finest K-12 educational system now a ridiculous caricature of education that is more of a teachers retirement and benefits program. Happy 4th of July Parades now replaced by hom*osexual pride displays of public behavior that animals wouldn’t engage in. Vast, unaccountable bureaucracies reducing once free Americans into serfs. Once great universities reduced to kindergartens for oversized babies. A powerful economy turned into a basket case. How could there not have been a conspiratorial plan? The only part they didn’t plan on was Trump winning in 2016. Let’s take a good look at the Protocols of the Elders of Zion.Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
3/17/2017 • 1 hour, 27 minutes, 16 seconds
Would An American From 1957 Recognize His Country 60 Years Later?
Rabbi Lapin talks about the speed that America has descended into socialism; it's like breaking a dam. "Can you believe that Hollywood , once upon a time, was profoundly patriotic? And you think back in, I'm saying 1957, Hollywood was still patriotic in the aftermath of World War 2, but what happened? What happened in the last 60 years?" He's asking what happened to this country.Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
3/17/2017 • 4 minutes, 8 seconds
Why Any Country With Too Many Low Class People Is Doomed
There are poor upper class people and rich low class people. Contrary to Marx, “Class” has nothing to do with money or skin color. It’s a mindset and a way of life. People headed for the upper class do not go on welfare. If human life is only material and not spiritual, then welfare would make sense. Since we are spiritual beings, instead of raising people to upper class, welfare imprisons them in lower class. Lower class people live in and only for the present. With no vision of past or future, lower class lives for entertainment, sex, violence and debt. Low class politicians worry about climate and sugary drinks rather than water supply and crime. Upper class people are more inspired by past and future than by present. They relate to reality. They can postpone gratification and build up lives, families and wealth. A country needs majority of its population to be upper class for survival.Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
3/10/2017 • 1 hour, 17 minutes, 37 seconds
Are Past & Future Vague Shadows Compared To Your Bright Today?
Rabbi Daniel Lapin talks about time and its role. Everyone, even animals, live in the present. "The more present focused you are, the more tolerant you are of debt, because the bill only comes due sometime in the future. And as you become more somebody capable only of relating to the present, not the future. You literally don't feel the imperative of what's coming down the road in the future."Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
3/10/2017 • 4 minutes, 53 seconds
Short Clip: The Stronger Independent Woman
The Rabbi talks about how the culture is creating stronger and more independent women. He goes on to explain on how we are seeing a rise in financially independent women is great, but they are also looking for a successful marriage as well, plus the types of men that they are looking for.Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
3/4/2017 • 4 minutes, 57 seconds
How The Bible Links The Indiscretions of a Politician’s Son To Secret Sadnesses of 9-11- 03/04/2017
This show is all about these five big questions: Am I making excuses for this famous politician’s son who left his wife and took up with his older brother’s widow? Aren’t strong and independent women the ideal we all aim for? How could women whose firemen husbands survived 9-11 also have become victims of that terrible Tuesday? Does the Bible really say sleeping with one’s sister is disgraceful? What if any lessons does all this teach us about our own marriages today?Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
3/4/2017 • 1 hour, 18 minutes, 33 seconds
Why Does Secular Fundamentalism Favor Doctrine and Dogma Over Reality? Because It’s a Religion!
Not all fights are fair. Why liberalism/leftism otherwise known as the religion of secular fundamentalism has the advantage. Does this mean that Judeo-Christian Biblical-based civilization will ultimately lose? One side says, “Vote for us and we’ll give you lots of stuff. And we’ll remove all the rules, restrictions, rituals and restraints that maintain society’s repressive institutions.” The other side can only say, “Vote for us, we’ll get out of your way and you can make of your life what you will.” Why companies making electric cars are reckless investments. Why you should trust yourself rather than experts and studies. How Secular Fundamentalism came to dominate America and why it rejects reality.Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
2/25/2017 • 1 second
Short Clip: The island of Political Correctness
Rabbi Lapin shows how political correctness is like landing on an island without civilization and the local people take you cautiously into the tribe. They find you odd when you do things that are normal but are not normal to them and arguing with the local witch doctor about the customs.Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
2/25/2017 • 1 second
Make God Smile By Looking After Your Stuff Whether It Is a House, a Car, or Yes, Even a Dam! 2/17/17
Oroville Dam will not burst, but its spillway might collapse. Why wasn’t it built right in the first place? Why hasn’t it been maintained? Can governments really suffer from moral failings? Using water to cut metal gives us an idea of its power. Is maintaining your possessions a religious duty incumbent upon all Jews and Christians? Is it ‘wrong’ to acquire ‘stuff’?Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
2/17/2017 • 1 second
Short Clip: Why you should never use the weather for politics. 2/17/17
The rabbi talks about why you should never use the weather for political gain and what is happening at the Oroville Dam in California and how the "experts" were wrong when they said it will never reach the emergency spill zone. He also talks about how dams work and their functions.Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
2/17/2017 • 1 second
What He Does Not Want From You For Valentine’s Day—And What He Really Does! 2/11/2017
Everyone wants a Marvelous, Mysterious, Magical and Magnificent marriage! We don’t want a kind and considerate roommate. We don’t want a hygienic socio-economic partner. We don’t even want a cook, housecleaner-take-out-the-garbage-fixer-upper-fight-off-the-burglars-and-walk-the-dog, live-in tenant. No, we want the sexiest words in the English language, a husband or a wife. But that arrangement is only possible between a man who is masculine and a woman who is feminine. The problem is that for years we’ve all been bombarded by an incessant barrage of propaganda teaching women to be more like men, and directing men to be less like men. Is there a solution? Can a 4M marriage really be created? Yes! that is why you have a rabbi with the Manufacturer’s Instruction Manual!Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
2/10/2017 • 1 second
Rabbi Short Clip: Today's cultural expectations between man and wife
The Rabbi talks about how relationships between man and wife, using a new car manual to explain today's cultural expectations of a marriageLearn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
2/10/2017 • 1 second
My Motorcycle Ride: How Missionaries + Waterfalls = Civilization - 2/4/17
How Christian missionaries brought democracy to Africa. Dr. Livingstone I presume. How religion’s Biblical values can build nations as well as people. Why I rode a motorcycle through Africa in 1969 and how I watched Neil Armstrong walk on the moon. Impulse control is really useful to build a successful life. Parents must model and teach it early. No impulse control? No problem; you now have a mental disability. Take two tablets and shoot me in the morning. The disastrous Boston Big Dig took 25 years and cost ten times more than planned. California’s Big Creek hydro project continues still today to supply 1000 megawatts of electricity to Los Angeles. It was built under budget and under schedule—back in 1910. One reason America may never build big projects again.Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
2/4/2017 • 1 second
Rabbi Short Clip: The Spiritual Window Into Reality
If you need a rabbi to get you through these tough political times, I am who you need. You should trust someone that knows how things work and can guide you.Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
2/4/2017 • 1 second
Rabbi Short Clip: Raiders of the Lost Ark
The 1981 film, "Raiders of the Lost Ark" involves Nazi Germany sending a team of archaeologists to the Holy Land to uncover the holiest relic of the Jewish faith, the Ark of the Covenant. This film is more than just the work of Hollywood's creative minds, however, as Hitler really did have great interest in the holy relics of ancient times. Also, is the Holy Spear currently housed in Vienna real? And are there subliminal religious messages in another Steven Spielberg masterpiece, E.T. the Extra Terrestrial?Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
1/27/2017 • 1 second
Why Do Jews Show Up Everywhere? Why Not Srilankans? Or Gypsies? Or Quagadouguans? - 1/28/17
How in heaven’s name did a 19th century Polish rabbi predict, in detail, Marconi’s invention of wireless? Spielberg’s movie ET was really a Christian movie? C’mon, really? Next you’ll tell me that Raiders of the Lost Ark was a documentary. Well, er…yes! Hitler’s obsession with the occult and why Israel bans the music of Richard Wagner. Yes, beautiful music can carry a hideous message. C. S. Lewis, his real religion, his Jewish wife, and best books. An ordinary rabbi meets the world’s greatest musicologist---who didn’t know he was Jewish. The Hobbit and Lord of the Rings? Jewish? What! You didn’t know?Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
1/27/2017 • 1 second
53rd Inaugural Speech—Extreme Sports, Sex, Food & Entertainment - 1/21/17
The inaugural speech was vintage Trump. It was familiar and reassuring. But we must understand why such intense personal hostility towards Trump. Why do people (mostly men, because women find transcendence in other more obvious activities) engage in far more intense and extreme activities than they did a hundred years ago? Why is life somehow more satisfying for people taking care of a spouse and children even with the inevitable frustrations and limitations? Climate change doesn’t exist.www.RabbiDanielLapin.comAncient Jewish Wisdom TV Show http://www.tct.tv/watch-tct/on-demand-ajw Podcast: https://soundcloud.com/rabbi-daniel-lapin-showLearn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
1/21/2017 • 1 second
Medieval Rabbis Only Reveal The Future But Sexy Women Actually Build It 1/14/17
Popular feminist culture castigated Glamor Magazine for suggesting that men are attracted to women who are loving, generous, and sexy. And magazine apologized! Why American media conceal the Moslem identity of Fort Lauderdale airport shooter. Interfaith marriages and their challenges. Perhaps best solution with Good Housekeeping’s seal of approval is women should marry—themselves! How prophecy really works and two examples of the best.Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
1/13/2017 • 1 second
Rabbi Short Clip: Male-Female Relationships Never Change
The recipe for a successful marriage between a man and a woman will never change. Want to know the secret? Give it a play! rabbidaniellapin.comLearn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
1/13/2017 • 1 second
Reverse America’s Decline But Not Till We Recognize How Far We Fell - 1/7/17
“Make America Great Again” resonates with good reason. Most of us can see how far we’ve fallen economically, militarily, culturally, criminally, and martially. So our best response to an act of savage and appalling cruelty is crying out, “Hate crime!”? That really the best we can do? Is granting even greater power to government the best answer? Goodbye Craftsman tools-R.I.P. The chimpanzee who composed a symphony after designing a factory--the one unanswerable challenge to the theory of evolution. I know why the plane hit the ground; do you? America can beat history’s odds like Israel is doing; I’ll tell you how.Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
1/7/2017 • 1 second
Culture Counts! Dysfunction & Poverty Or Stability & Affluence—Which Will You Choose? 12/31/16
The true life Nazi action in 1943 that inspired Raiders of the Lost Ark in 1981. Yes, it’s true; Eskimo dialects do have 53 words for snow and Hebrew has many words for money. Just as money is fungible, blood is also interchangeable. Did Hassidic Jews riot in shopping centers? Are Jews disproportionately successful with money because they are circumcised? The palpable pain of being a cultural orphan afflicts huge numbers of Americans who often don’t know why they’re hurting. Three little-known facts about money that make it easier to obtain.Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
12/30/2016 • 1 second
Rabbi Short Clip: Going Deeper Into Money
rabbidaniellapin.comLearn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
12/30/2016 • 1 second
How Christmas & Chanukah Can Boost Your Optimism and Enhance Your Life 12/24/16
As surely as Judaism and Christianity nurture optimism, secularism promotes pessimism dishonestly depicting it as realism. Secularism has sacred sacraments just as Judaism and Christianity do. Secularism’s sacred sacraments? Sure: climate change; the evil of coal and oil; the good of government; the virtue, courage, and bravery of hom*osexuals and transgenders; and many more. Win friends and influence people by projecting optimism and getting rid of pessimism.Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
12/23/2016 • 1 second
Rabbi Short Clip: George Michael is Right, You Gotta Have Faith!
rabbidaniellapin.comLearn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
12/23/2016 • 1 second
Women! Marry For Money Before You Marry For Love! Yes, I Really Said That! 12/17/16
Women! Marrying for love is far more risky than marrying for money. Before accepting a man’s proposal, make sure you talk to his male friends and associates. Make sure you seek both heart and spine-a real man needs both. Why did Biblical Rebecca accept a proposal from a man she’d never met? And she married him! Who said, “the man who damns money has obtained it dishonorably; the man who respects it has earned it”? Who said, “Money is coined liberty”? How can you tell when institutionalized looters are trying to get their hands on your money? No, love is not all you need in spite of the Beatles.Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
12/17/2016 • 1 second
Rabbi Short Clip: Marrying for Money is Better than Marrying for Love
rabbidaniellapin.comLearn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
12/17/2016 • 1 second
Rabbi Short Clip: Chicago Takes Rabbi Lapin's Advice
Rabbi Lapin tells about the City of Chicago taking his advice. He talks about why muderous assaults don't always lead to murder charges."Today, somebody brought in with gunshot wounds stands a far better chance of survival than he did even just a few years ago." - Rabbi LapinLearn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
12/9/2016 • 1 second
Shattering The Guy Code: How to Marry a Girl Engaged to Another Man 12/10/16
This show is your home for the most relevant information impacting your life. Think of your rabbi as the prophet of podcasting! Last week I told you how to distinguish between murder rate and shooting rate. Today I disclose how Chicago just took my advice. Why did I tell a wonderful wife that she was not welcome in my weekly Bible class without her husband? What men (should) seek in a wife and what women (should) seek in a husband. Life-changing advice for girlfriends who have been dating non-committal boyfriends for far too long.Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
12/9/2016 • 1 second
Skilled Doctors Help Many More Murderers Walk Free Than Lawyers Do 12/3/16
You should not believe reports of lower crime based on low murder rates. Violent assaults are increasing but so is medical skill. Why William Shakespeare’s King Lear can teach you more than, well….maybe not more than Harlequin Romances…huh? Here’s why you find art galleries and museums exhausting. This show can save you 4 hours of your life. Where the handshake came from and how the mental health industry perpetuates your problems rather than solving them.Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
12/3/2016 • 1 second
Rabbi Short Clip: Why You Should Read a Harlequin Romance
Why reading a Harlequin Romance novel like the Shakespearean tragedy "King Lear" gives you a better understanding on how the world really works. Rabbi Lapin analyzes one part of the play and shares his take on how it reflects a reality we all should understand."Marriage is important. Having children is important and the guy having a few dollars is important ... money IS important in romance." - Rabbi LapinLearn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
12/3/2016 • 1 second
How “Make Love Not War” Nearly Took Down America and Who Came Up With The Plan? 11/26/16
Discover what socialists, Occupy Wall Street, Isis, universities, rioters, progressives, and pirates all have in common. The early 20th century communist dream of workers all uniting and overthrowing capitalism didn’t quite work in the U.S. So 65 years ago, the barbarian chiefs planned to enlist who? That’s right! And in 2008 those “special agents” elected BHO and in 2016 they very nearly elected Hillary. Why would anyone actually want to overthrow capitalism and destroy all that civilization has accomplished? Can you really find soldiers for your nefarious plans just by giving them sex and money?rabbidaniellapin.comLearn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
11/23/2016 • 1 second
Rabbi Short Clip: How the World Really Works
The world works a little differently than many know. Some even wish to undermine civilization. Find out why and how.rabbidaniellapin.comLearn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
11/23/2016 • 1 second
Trump’s Magnanimity in Victory And The One Thing That Could Sink Him 11/19/16
The biggest threat confronting the Trump administration. How would your life be impacted by the shutting down of all American universities? I’m joking of course but I am also making a point. This will tear the wings off a flying airliner and it will also imperil a promising political revolution. Did you know political correctness was designed 90 years ago as a tool of Marxism? The Jews of the Frankfurt School and the war on the west. Who would want barbarism to beat the west? Many, as it turns out.Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
11/19/2016 • 1 second
Rabbi Short Clip: Reshaping America's Universities
Cities in areas near college campuses are predominately progressive. Might President Trump reshape our universities so student aren't handed loans and other handouts to party and get them to learn and work?rabbidaniellapin.comLearn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
11/19/2016 • 1 second
Revenge of the Redneck Rabbi—A Novel Explanation 11/12/16
A country music radio station on which I used to do a weekly ‘word-of-wisdom’ once dubbed me “The Redneck Rabbi”, an appellation which I still carry with pride. If Redneck means I think God is more important than government, count me in. If Redneck means wanting the independence that earning good money gives you, count me in. If Redneck means that when push comes to shove I want to defend myself with my weapons rather than dial 911, count me in. If Redneck means believing that it is wonderful that God created men and women, count me in. And if Redneck means that I want to speak my mind regardless of who it offends, count me in. Apparently there were quite a few other Rednecks in America last Tuesday. That’s the good news. The bad news is that 50% of voters supported Team Clinton. To paraphrase Winston Churchill, Tuesday was not the end. It wasn’t even the beginning of the end. But it might have been the end of the beginning.Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
11/12/2016 • 1 second
Rabbi Short Clip: The End of the Beginning
rabbidaniellapin.comLearn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
11/12/2016 • 1 second
Living Together in Marriage Must Have a Common System of Ethics & Morality 11/5/16
You’ve heard people sanctimoniously speak of their ethics. What does this actually mean? Just because you’ve decided that something is unethical, why should that bind me? Would you buy a car pre-programmed to kill others? Is it more moral to program your car to sacrifice your life in an emergency? Here’s something to baffle your friends: The runaway train ethical dilemma-is it ethical for us to save five lives at the cost of sacrificing one? The first thing we notice and the last thing we forget: a person’s sex. Shocking news: the World Health Organization is utterly politicized.Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
11/4/2016 • 1 second
Rabbi Short Clip: The Ethics Behind Autonomous Cars
rabbidaniellapin.comLearn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
11/4/2016 • 1 second
The Obituary for America’s Way of Life: Propaganda Blitzkrieg Against Christianity 10/29/16
Germany is paying up to $400,000/year to some Muslim immigrants. (Those with 4 wives and 23 children) Could it happen in America? Could mass incarceration and persecution against a minority (Guess who? Clue: Not Jews) happen in America? Are we too docile and obedient to “Authority”? Why I am comfortable flying Lufthansa and visiting Cologne, Koblenz, and Mainz. Books are published and jokes are made against Christianity that would never be allowed if they were equally hostile to Islam. A rabbi’s serious warning to American Christians. Ignore it and we all face a dark and dangerous abyss.Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
10/28/2016 • 1 second
Rabbi Short Clip: Forgiving Germany
rabbidaniellapin.comLearn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
10/28/2016 • 1 second
Only The Preacher From Pale Rider Can Punish Postal Workers Who Dump The Mail 10/22/16
How money is brought into existence and the scarcity of time. My speeches are more useful than HRC’s but you’d be crazy to pay me $250,000. The growth of the government gang and how it uses “bread & circuses” to distract the populace (that’s you and me!) Materialistic obsession and entertainment make every new government seizure of power and money more palatable to the populace. (That’s us!) The life story of James Comey and how he has been a long-time faithful servant of the Clinton Gang and of all those who rule over the ruled…(That’s you and me!) Look at loss of freedom and the decline of Americanism only through a video camera never through a snapshot camera. That way you’ll see what is REALLY happening. The moral message of the classic American western movie and how the Stranger from High Plains Drifter just might save our town.Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
10/21/2016 • 1 second
Rabbi Short Clip: Speech from Jerusalem on Sukkot
Rabbi Daniel Lapin's speech from Jerusalem on Sukkot.Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
10/21/2016 • 1 second
From a Dallas Suburb to a Mountain Top in Judea-God’s Uncertain World & How to Thrive In It 10/15/16
In order to combat the destructive progressivism that imperils us all, America needs politicians who are pit bulls not poodles. Increasingly hyper-left wing prosecutors use the almost unlimited power of their offices to destroy conservative leaders, candidates, and organizations. What they did to Gov. Scott Walker, they are doing to Trump and others. I speak with four young American couples living the consumer dream of luxury and security who picked up their young families and left their homes and careers behind in San Francisco, Seattle, Dallas, and Chicago to immigrate to a mountain-top settlement situated dangerously and controversially on the west bank of the Jordan River-beyond the “Green Line.” They inspired Mrs. Lapin and me. What makes so many Americans behave altruistically and idealistically rather than expediently and rationally? In other words, what produces human greatness? How knowing that we live in an uncertain world makes us better and more successful people.Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
10/14/2016 • 1 second
Rabbi Short Clip: Fulfilling The Prophecy with Greg
rabbidaniellapin.comLearn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
10/14/2016 • 1 second
Dueling VPs Reveal More Than Enough For The Wise 10/8/16
When is the truth not the truth? “Abortion is a moral decision!” Huh? Really? “Defending hom*osexual marriage is part of my faith!” Come again? Learn to interpret the ‘tells’ in political pronouncements. What ‘Tikun Olam’ means to the George Soros’ of the world. A hom*osexual synagogue for hom*osexual Jews? How about a pork-eating synagogue for pork-eating Jews? The difference between an action and an identity. You can survive times of turbulence if your family is unified and your finances are sound. You can’t be an economic conservative and a social liberal. Why I respect thoughtful atheists and honest hom*osexuals far more than mendacious rabbis and posturing priests.Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
10/7/2016 • 1 second
Rabbi Short Clip: Is hom*osexuality a Sin?
rabbidaniellapin.comLearn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
10/7/2016 • 1 second
Some People Never Laugh - Why Won’t They Laugh? + Report from Jerusalem & Peres Funeral 10/1/16
The president of Ceylon, Dingiri Banda Wijetunga, died eight years ago in 2008. How many world leaders came to his funeral? Let’s see…..well, about zero. The president of Bangladesh, Ahsanuddin Chowdhury, died fifteen years ago in 2001. How many world leaders came to his funeral? Well, it is hard to be exact but approximately zero. Both countries have populations many times larger than Israel. Yet this past Friday, why was a former president of Israel, Shimon Peres, laid to rest in the presence of one of the biggest and most illustrious gatherings of world leaders ever seen this century? Let’s explore that. Furthermore, this Sunday night starts the Hebrew new year of 5777. What is Jewish New Year and how is it different from Jewish Head of the Year? And finally, the true reason that secular liberalism destroys humor.Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
9/30/2016 • 1 second
Rabbi Short Clip: Reporting From Jerusalem
rabbidaniellapin.comLearn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
9/30/2016 • 1 second
Wonderful Women Married to Mediocre Men 9/24/16
Most women want to give themselves to men they consider worthy of their surrender. What if the man of your dreams turns out to lack ambition, masculine mastery, and money-sense? Most women would like to be married to a man taller, smarter, and richer than they are? Settle for 2 out of 3? How a prosecutor found happiness as a nursery school teacher. Physical affection increases masculinity. The perils of 19 year-old bikini babes. Any divorced couples in the Bible?Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
9/22/2016 • 1 second
Rabbi Short Clip: How Women REALLY Work
rabbidaniellapin.comLearn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
9/22/2016 • 1 second
Liberalism’s Biggest Lie: Nobody Is Ever Complicit in His Own Misfortune 9/16/16
Free Internet kiosks on the streets of New York! Really? How many mistakes can anyone who knows how the world REALLY works, find here? How liberalism is at its heart, really rejection of God and the Bible—even if most liberals are clueless. Which cities neglect upkeep and maintenance and why? Homeless is a bad word. Ever seen run-down houses with expensive cars parked outside? Why such bad ‘poster-boys’ for Black Lives Matter? Why liberalism believes that all lifestyles are equally good.Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
9/16/2016 • 1 second
Rabbi Short Clip: Religious Conservatism v. Liberalism
rabbidaniellapin.comLearn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
9/16/2016 • 1 second
Finding Balance: Other People Bring Us Benefits But They Also Impose Burdens 9/10/16
Is it any of your business if I buy the house next to you, never occupy it and leave it empty? Why did my father torment me with mechanical clocks? What does Vancouver, British Columbia have to do with Jerusalem, Israel? Is China right? Territorial waters are defended by power not paper; by cannons not treaties. Nations should pursue their interests not those of the United Nations or any other bogus institutions that have never prevented a war let alone stopped one. You have fewer property rights in the city than in suburbia; why?Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
9/9/2016 • 1 second
Rabbi Short Clip: Western Civilization is the Superior Civlization
Rabbi Lapin explains why western civilization is the superior civilizationLearn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
9/9/2016 • 1 second
Love of Family and Community Leads to Love of Country and Humanity, But Never the Reverse 8/27/16
Run for your life from people who want to improve the world. Trust those who want to improve the lot of their families. Was it harder to return home from Iwo Jima, Korea, or Normandy than from Iraq and Afghanistan? More about the customs and habits of American Jews than most Americans of Jewish ancestry even know themselves. Why we flock away from liberal and less demanding religious denominations and embrace those demanding commitment and discipline.Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
8/26/2016 • 1 second
Rabbi Short Clip: What Attracts People Back to Islam?
Rabbi Lapin examines some of the reasons people gravitate back toward Islam.Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
8/26/2016 • 1 second
Perplexing Popes and Radical Rabbis Feminize Men and Masculinize Women 8/20/16
With respect, a short story of three popes: The heroic and courageous John Paul II, the brilliant and wise Pope Benedict XVI, and Francis. Not to let rabbis off the hook, here’s a really bad one. He’s either an ignoramus, a scoundrel, or both when he tells the New York Times that the Bible supports transgenderism. The political, cultural, and academic forces advancing the transgender agenda are motivated by little more than a deep desire to extirpate Gen 1:27-…male and female He Created them. The fateful equation believed in by so many Jewish Americans: Judaism = Liberalism. Thus if, like me, you hate secular fundamentalism as the dangerously destructive pathology that it is, why, you must be an anti-Semite. A storm gathers on the horizon; let’s learn to protect ourselves and our families.Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
8/19/2016 • 1 second
Rabbi Short Clip: My Concerns with Pope Francis
Rabbi Lapin voices his concerns/questions that he has with the leader of the Catholic Church, Pope Francis.Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
8/19/2016 • 1 second
Soar Up To the Heights of Marriage and To the Tops of Tall Buildings 8/13/16
Perplexing political problems, polygamy and death in Utah. Power is sexy and why minding other people’s business is such fun. Why business is a far more moral occupation than politics. What % of Americans aged 35 or below are children of divorce? Lies, chicanery, and dishonesty about divorce. Getting married soon? Here are 3 tips to boost your chances of success. The newest astounding development in skyscraper elevators—Remember you heard it here first! Is a bad marriage better than no marriage? Is being married to three women simultaneously, really worse than marrying and divorcing three women three times?Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
8/13/2016 • 1 second
Rabbi Short Clip: Let's Talk About Divorce
Rabbi Lapin discusses the unfortunate end to unprepared marriages, divorce. How to avoid having one? Tune in to find out.Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
8/13/2016 • 1 second
Sliding Down the Slippery Slope of Secularism & Its Antidote: Part II of The Speech 8/6/16
In this show I start off with the Biblical template for socialism. Socialism wasn’t invented by Marx, Lenin, or Engels any more than Goebbels invented the technique of powerful politicians projecting propaganda at the electorate and gradually persuading them that the big lie was in fact the truth. Greed and lust for power have always existed in the hearts of men and socialism is the dark and nefarious playbook for exploiting that. Desire for sex has always existed in the hearts of men. Purveyors of p*rnography have used that desire to benefit themselves even at the cost of bringing misery to many. This closely resembles politicians who offer something for nothing (college tuition, anyone?) catering to the human desire for more goodies with less work. The Biblical template casts a brilliant laser beam of clarity onto the political scene today. Then I present the conclusion of the speech we started last week with the meaning of the four rivers of Eden and their connection to our lives. Enjoy!Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
8/6/2016 • 1 second
Rabbi Short Clip - The Truth About Socialism in Modern Society
Rabbi Daniel Lapin discuses the real effects of socialism in modern society.Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
8/6/2016 • 1 second
Let’s Have a Baby! No, Let’s Start a Business! 7/30/16
What is the absolutely most creative thing that any human being can do? What business lessons are there to be learned from the pleasure, the passion, and the pain? Poets, philosophers and painters can thrive professionally while being horrid, contemptible people. Not true for business professionals. The qualities that help you thrive in business are precisely the qualities that we like to see in the people with whom we choose to associate. Cheerfulness, honesty, optimism, confidence, determination, and authenticity are a few of those qualities. And don’t forget, unless you are retired, a tenured professor, or a justice of the Supreme Court—you ARE in business, whether you know it or not. This show is the first half of a three hour training seminar I recently delivered in Minneapolis for a group of entrepreneurial executives from around the country.Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
7/29/2016 • 1 second
Rabbi Short Clip: Your Connection with God is Through the EYES
Rabbi Daniel Lapin reveals how the world REALLY works and reminds us that the more things change, the more we need to depend upon those things that never change.For more live and on-demands shows visit theblaze.com/radio //Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
7/29/2016 • 1 second
Struggling & Striving is Superior to Safety & Security 7/23/16
Behavior of Ted Cruz at RNC was that of someone eating another man’s food then vomiting on his table. Your conscience won’t allow you to vote for Trump? Really? Such a clean conscience? Never betrayed your spouse in word, deed, or thought? Never acted dishonestly? Never hurt another person? Wow! I envy you & your pristine conscience. Now I understand why voting for Trump would be the very worst thing you’ve ever done, you saint, you! Wish I could say the same about me. Spiritual imagery of a caterpillar becoming a butterfly. Is it normal to experience challenge, struggle, pain, and even suffering in our lives? Yet we all do! Everything you need to know about diminishing it then overcoming it and ultimately gaining from it. Cesarean section babies and struggle of birth.Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
7/23/2016 • 1 second
Rabbi Short Clip: A Lesson from the Silkworms
Theblaze.com/radiowww.rabbidaniellapin.comLearn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
7/22/2016 • 1 second
Marriage & Money - Making a Million by the Midpoint 7/16/16
Most honest people admit they care more about their money and their marriage than they do about terror victims in a faraway land. Why I never devote a show to Nice, Bangladesh, Orlando, Paris, San Bernardino or Fort Hood. I deal in policies not sentiments and will leave trite and vapid statements to flaccid politicians. Now, let’s get back to marriage and money. My five simple strategies for today’s school leaver to achieve a million-dollar net worth by age 35. Number 4 is save 20% of your after tax pay. But number 5 is get, and remain, married. How and why does that work? What sex has to do with earning power and what women can do to transform their men’s economic destiny. Boating and bicycling…huh? Enjoy!Theblaze.com/radiowww.rabbidaniellapin.comLearn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
7/15/2016 • 1 second
Rabbi Daniel Lapin Short Clip - More on How to Become a Millionaire
Theblaze.com/radiowww.rabbidaniellapin.comLearn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
7/15/2016 • 1 second
Lingerie and Livelihood — Families and Finance 7/9/16
Contrary to government statistics, disparity between America’s high-net-worth people and her low-net-worth people has nothing to do with racism or bigotry. It’s something else entirely and what it is will shock you. Are the folks robbing & raping on Saturday night, mugging and murdering on Sunday night, eager to get to work bright and early on Monday morning as pilots, plumbers, & pathologists, if they only had job training? So what is holding them back? The real cause of poverty. 3 Questions to ask men dating your daughter and job applicants to your enterprise. Victoria’s Secret sells underwear to women for men or to men for women?Theblaze.com/radiowww.rabbidaniellapin.comLearn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
7/6/2016 • 1 second
Rabbi Lapin Short Clip - Economic Science Is Unpredictable
Theblaze.com/radiowww.rabbidaniellapin.comLearn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
7/6/2016 • 1 second
Life, Liberty, & Property—Do You Really Have the Right To a Job? 7/1/16
The only 4 things you really have to teach your children. Why I speak of “Holy Money”. What the First Lady of Maine knows that a British university professor does not. Did God intend human economic interaction? Did He intend for money to exist? Who really does more for “poor” people; politicians or business professionals? Howard Hughes in The Aviator; who else despises money and has contempt for making money? Why so many misunderstand money? Are all school teachers saints? How about politicians? All saints? Well…….Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
6/30/2016 • 1 second
Rabbi Short Clip: Financial Problems Today are a Result of Bad Decisions Yesterday
www.rabbidaniellapin.comLearn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
6/30/2016 • 1 second
Revolution! Peasants & Producers - Let’s Defeat the Aristocrats/Rulers/Bureaucrats 6/25/16
Want to understand Brexit? (Which I predicted last week) Want to understand the rise of Trump? (Which I predicted last year) Want to understand the fall of Merkel? (Oh yes, that hasn’t happened yet—but I predict it) Forget Labor vs. Conservative. Forget Republicans vs. Democrats. It’s all about the struggle between those who benefit from government power and money and those who actually do something valued by their fellow citizens. It’s between those who value marriage and family, and those who don’t. It’s between those who want to rule others and those who just want to be left alone.Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
6/24/2016 • 1 second
Rabbi Short Clip: Brexit - Bureaucrats v. Peasant Producers
Rabbi Lapin describes the great divide among bureaucrats and the "peasant producers" that led to Brexit from the European Union. Will the U.S. be the next to revolt from the aristocracy?Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
6/24/2016 • 1 second
“For Spanish, Oprima Numero Dos?” — I Think Not! - 6/18/16
The ultimate human thrill is creativity. Whether it is creating a baby, a business, a work of art or a bridge. Nothing real can be created by only one person. Creativity requires collaboration. Collaboration needs connection. Connection needs communication, and English is the 2nd best language in the world for this purpose. Is winning the lottery equal to earning a fortune? I like Spanish but I also like these United States. This needs one language and that language is English. Is this why England should exit the European Union? Fathers’ Day? I think not!Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
6/18/2016 • 1 second
Rabbi Lapin Short Clip - Language and Communication
Rabbi Lapin describes how the world works and how it began back in the history of WW2 times. He discusses language and communication, comparing a speech from Winston Churchill and Hitler on his reasoning to invade Poland. He discusses how the languages differ, and should England exit the European Union?Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
6/18/2016 • 1 second
The One Most Important Thing Is That There Never Is Just One Important Thing 6/11/16
What is the one most important thing for a successful marriage? What is the one most important thing for an entrepreneur to know? Want to know the one reason Trump will win? Sex explains everything said Sigmund Freud. Uncle Sigmund was a fraud (and a bit of a dirty old man!). The class struggle explains history said Marx. 70 years of murder and mayhem, suppression and suffering made a mockery of Marx. Why we love lists like ‘The 10 worst proposals’ or ‘8 things never to say to your boss’. Why sex feels good and why the Ten Commandments are not.Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
6/11/2016 • 1 second
Rabbi Short Clip: The Five Principles of Connection
www.rabbidaniellapin.comLearn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
6/11/2016 • 1 second
Now You Are Vulnerable to Violence - What’s Your 911 Device? 6/4/16
Two guys each get a frantic call from their wives being attacked by a rapist. One guy arrives to find his naked wife terrified by the intruder and he dials 911. The second guy takes a steel tire iron to the depraved predator and makes sure he’ll never hurt any woman ever again. Which guy listens to the Rabbi Daniel Lapin Show? What brand name is engraved on your 911 device: Apple or Smith & Wesson? Who did the police arrest and charge with assault? A 3 star army general denied a job as head of university’s Global Institute because…he’s a pro-American patriot! Why there was no bride and no groom at this wedding. He loves her but she doesn’t love him; what her parents did. Blood on the door? What is happening inside?Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
6/3/2016 • 1 second
Rabbi Short Clip: Should Parents Control Their Children's Love Life?
www.rabbidaniellapin.comLearn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
6/3/2016 • 1 second
Jerusalem vs. Athens--Blueprint for Battle; Voting for Trump IS Moral 5/27/16
Have you noticed how America's State Religion of Secular Fundamentalism lives only in the present? Its political arm, liberalism, is oblivious to the past and it ignores the future. The fetus that would, tomorrow, become a baby? Tomorrow is irrelevant; today the fetus is inconvenient. Minimum wage laws might cost jobs tomorrow? Who cares. Today it makes me sound caring. The constitution? A tired and ancient document from yesterday that should not constrain my policies today. Force the Israelis to give up defensive land sounds good today but ignores centuries of yesterdays including the Armenian massacre and ignores the possibility of genocide tomorrow. How and why I disagreed with Glenn about Trump; all the details.Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
5/26/2016 • 1 second
Rabbi Short Clip: My Conversation with Glenn Beck
www.rabbidaniellapin.comLearn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
5/26/2016 • 1 second
Why Europe Surrenders To Islamic Invasion. Could It Happen Here? 5/23/16
Why Does Europe Surrender to Islamic Invasion for 1st Time in 1,200 Years? Europe pushed Mohammedanism back in 732, 1453, 1571 etc. Why surrender now? It may not look like a classical military invasion but to the extent that an invasion's purpose is to redirect a conquered nation's culture and productivity to the benefit of the conquerors, Europe has been invaded. Worldwide clash between culture of the Koran and the twin civilizations of the Bible. Could it happen in America? Are civilians and combatants really different population groups? What shapes "middle-class" neighborhoods? Color or culture? What does a dysfunctional slum look like 5 years after you move in 500 families with Judeo-Christian values like work, refinement, marriage, chastity & education? What happens if you don't import the people, just the values? Why doesn't the US Dept of Housing & Urban Development fix slums this way?Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
5/23/2016 • 1 second
Rabbi Short Clip: Be Careful With Your Speech
www.rabbidaniellapin.comLearn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
5/23/2016 • 1 second
The Manufacturer’s Shop Manual for the Rebuilding, Restoring, and Maintenance of America 5/14/16
Crime, violence, ugly public behavior and vulgar speech increasingly disrupt tranquil living but are restrained by the invisible web of 20 centuries of Judeo-Christian law and morality which still protects the nicer parts of our country. Regardless of where you stand on the Bible spectrum from fervently devout all the way to atheistic, you want to understand the role the Bible played in sculpting the America you know. That ‘special relationship” that binds England and America…could there be a mysterious reason for it? You bet! Could world hatred for America be linked to world hatred for Israel? Surprise! Visit www.RabbiDanielLapin.com and learn to extend your concentration.Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
5/13/2016 • 1 second
Rabbi Short Clip: Why it’s Necessary to Revitalize Christian Bible studies in America
www.rabbidaniellapin.comLearn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
5/13/2016 • 1 second
Can You Define “Conservative” In 30 Seconds While Sounding Kind? 5/7/16
Cities tend to vote far more liberal than rural areas. Do cities make people liberal or do liberal people move to cities? Problem: Cities are growing. Proportion of population believing in government growing. The problem with the word “conservative” and why ‘nice’ people see it as an ugly word. How ‘climate change’ and ‘environmentalism’ fulfill a religious function for secular fundamentalists. The severed flower and learn to swim like a salmon…with me.Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
5/7/2016 • 1 second
Rabbi Short Clip: Understanding Political Demographics
www.rabbidaniellapin.comLearn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
5/7/2016 • 1 second
Rabbi Short Clip: Team Clinton is Ruthless!
www.rabbidaniellapin.comLearn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
4/29/2016 • 1 second
Trump and TWA Flight 800: When Ruthlessness and Ambition Collide 4/30/16
Adultery causes more pain than job loss but business boss who fires employees is demonized. Yet same man who betrays his wedding vows is good ‘ole boy. What do Vince Foster, Ron Brown, and TWA Flight 800 have to do with Election 2016? Who will rid me of this troublesome priest? How King Henry II sheds light on how Team Clinton worked in the 90s and how they’ll operate again in November. Visit my website www.YouNeedaRabbi.com and pray for AmericaLearn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
4/29/2016 • 1 second
Losing Weight With Ancient Jewish Wisdom & a Bit of Passover 4/23/16
The spiritual secret of losing physical weight. You’ve tried everything else. Now try the only effective way of losing belly-bulge and keeping it off. This has something to do with Passover? Yes, and it’s key to understanding Anorexia, Bulimia and other tragic eating disorders. Do you know that the second time God spoke to humanity He commanded us to eat. Twice! Do you know what His first commandment was? The mouth is a rare multi-use appliance. And while we’re at it, subscribe now to my free email Thought Tools here: http://www.rabbidaniellapin.com/thoughttools.php Using profanity and obscenity helps gain weight. C’mon, are you serious? Yes!Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
4/22/2016 • 1 second
Rabbi Short Clip: A Lesson in Jewish History - Sigmund Freud
www.rabbidaniellapin.comLearn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
4/22/2016 • 1 second
The Collapse of our Culture: Wallis Simpson and The Suicide of The West 4/16/16
The Iroquois Indians would consume the infants of a captured enemy tribe before the eyes of the agonized parents. 100% barbaric, right? An organization with the word parenthood in its name sells parts of aborted babies. Also barbaric, but not quite the same, right? Maybe 75% barbaric? High school boys in St Paul assault a teacher, leaving him lying on the ground with concussion. Also barbaric, no? Would you say 45% barbaric? American university students silence dissent by force. Still barbaric, right? Just to a lower degree. Would you say perhaps 15% barbaric? Stanford University students vote 6 to 1 against Western Civilization. Also barbaric; maybe 7%. King Edward VIII made an immoral woman his mistress—2% barbaric? Will our epitaph read, “Our Civilization Was Eventually Annihilated By A Thousand Pinpricks of Barbarism”?Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
4/15/2016 • 1 second
Rabbi Short Clip: Ancient Jewish Observance On Eating
theblaze.com/radioLearn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
4/15/2016 • 1 second
Slavery Survives—Overcoming Life’s Challenges 4/9/16
A wicked tyrant intent on impoverishing his country and enslaving his people would come up with this diabolical plan: He’d give money to all women who give birth to a child as long as she never marries the child’s father. This ensures that the mother will be mired in drudgery and will always depend on the tyrant’s largesse. It ensures that the children will never acquire values or education thus they will always be his dependents and grow up to become his slaves. And the men who fathered those kids will feel impotent; and impotent men desperate to recover their masculinity turn to indiscriminate sex and violence. But never fear, no tyrant could ever be quite that wicked.Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
4/8/2016 • 1 second
Rabbi Short Clip: Escaping Personal Enslavement
theblaze.com/radioLearn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
4/8/2016 • 1 second
Trump Reconsiderations, and Enter Ye Faithful — Enter the Church of Climatology 4/2/16
Why I regret calling Donald a “thug” and why we can all be forgiven for failing to learn from others’ mistakes. But Mr. Trump’s failure to learn from his own mistakes concerns me. Who would you prefer leading your son into The Battle of the Bulge in December 1944, General George S. Patton or Pope Francis? America is in an advanced state of decadence and depravity and we are under attack. Yes, the Muslims and the Chinese but it’s also our own internal corrosion of morality and will. I explain how an American president could claim that climate change is our biggest threat. Is he an ignorant fool? No! It’s something far more serious.Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
4/2/2016 • 1 second
Rabbi Short Clip: You Can Take People Out Of Socialism But You Can't Take Socialism Out Of People
Rabbi Short Clip: You Can Take People Out Of Socialism But You Can't Take Socialism Out Of People by TheBlaze Radio NetworkLearn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
4/2/2016 • 1 second
Why They Hate The Jews…Enough to Hurt Themselves 3/26/16
Adolf Hitler could have been Europe’s greatest statesman leading a Germany, dominant in a peaceful world. But no, he had to launch WWII. Why? His irrational obsession with Jews. The Czar could have headed off the Bolshevik Revolution and led a free and modernized Russia into the 20th century. But no, he had to obsess about Jews & distract himself with the Elders of Zion. Arabs could launch an era of unparalleled prosperity and freedom in the Middle East; from which they’d be the biggest beneficiaries. But no! They have to obsess about Jews and focus on fanaticism irrationally fomenting terror. Whose lives did 9-11 improve? The eternal spiritual secret that explains why they hate the Jews.Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
3/26/2016 • 1 second
Rabbi Lapin Short Clip: A Brief History Lesson on the Expansion of Jews in Europe
Rabbi Lapin Short Clip: A Brief History Lesson on the Expansion of Jews in Europe by TheBlaze Radio NetworkLearn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
3/26/2016 • 1 second
Would You Like a Waterfront Home In Florida? Vote For... 3/19/16
Who I’m voting for in primaries and why. Would you agree to slightly higher taxes to stop people taking their lives by jumping off a bridge in your city? Here’s why the moral answer is “No!”. You’ve heard of banks for money and banks for blood, right? Here’s why money IS your lifeblood. These are the people I’d have severely lashed. And these are the people I’d let out of prison tomorrow. Then I’d move to Florida.Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
3/19/2016 • 1 second
Rabbi Lapin Short Clip: Biblically Based Criminal Justice System
Rabbi Lapin Short Clip: Biblically Based Criminal Justice System by TheBlaze Radio NetworkLearn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
3/19/2016 • 1 second
The Reliable Road to Success & Why So Many Fail To Follow It 3/12/16
Pork is forbidden to Jews yet it is just as healthy as beef. So why are pigs, and other delicious dishes like crabs, lobsters, rabbits and snails prohibited to the people of Israel? What does this have to do with self-destructive sexual promiscuity? How does not eating pork help you make better financial decisions? Can people of every religious background and no religious background also benefit from these timeless truths?Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
3/12/2016 • 1 second
Rabbi Lapin Short Clip: Want to Know the Secrets to Success? I'll Tell You
The Rabbi breaks down the secrets to achieving great success.Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
3/12/2016 • 1 second
As The Sun Sets…Female Celebrities Dance With Their Bodyguards 3/5/16
Would you like to know exactly what the Sabbath (Shabbat) is like in Chez Lapin? For the first time, I grant you, oh privileged listener, a glimpse into how the turbulent maelstrom that we call “normal” in the Lapin household, transitions into tranquility as the sun sets on Friday. But wait! There’s more: Is women’s marital satisfaction really linked to their man’s muscle and his money? Do men secretly dream of rescuing damsels in distress? Well, we do definitely dream of being needed; really, really needed—and admired. And this is all linked to Britain leaving the European Union, how? Let’s just dive right into it now, okay? Press play!Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
3/4/2016 • 1 second
Rabbi Lapin Short Clip - Don't Listen To What Humans Say Watch What They Do
Rabbi Lapin Short Clip - Don't Listen To What Humans Say Watch What They Do by TheBlaze Radio NetworkLearn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
3/4/2016 • 1 second
The End Is Near! Is It? Really? 02/27/16
Learn to prophecy and see the future. It seems as if it’s all over, but is it really? Money is losing its value. Law enforcement sometimes appears to be committing more violence than it is preventing. Vulgarity rules entertainment. Polls show nobody trusts our government. Is it time to stock up on food and ammunition? Master the principles for recognizing impending socialistic tyranny and defending your family from its consequences.Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
2/27/2016 • 1 hour, 39 minutes, 35 seconds
Rabbi Lapin Short Clip - Socialism Asks To Be Judged On It's Intentions & Rhetoric
Rabbi Lapin Short Clip - Socialism Asks To Be Judged On It's Intentions & Rhetoric by TheBlaze Radio NetworkLearn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
2/26/2016 • 16 minutes, 23 seconds
You Got Some Money? Don’t Dare Admit It! 02/20/16
It’s early 2016. A socialist and a billionaire are polarizing America. One, driving in a beat-up car and dressed in what appear to be Goodwill Industries cast-offs, loathes banks and business with authentic earnestness. The other travels by private jet or helicopter and seldom misses an opportunity to express how good he feels about having made much money. Regardless of whether you find them charming or repulsive, they are opposites. Regardless of who ends up a nominee, each of us must decide whether making money is a cause for feelings of guilt or pride. And how we decide has consequences in our own lives. In this speech, I provide some guidance.Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
2/20/2016 • 1 hour, 19 minutes, 9 seconds
Rabbi Lapin Short Clip: Forrest Gump Was A Movie
Rabbi Lapin Short Clip: Forrest Gump Was A Movie by TheBlaze Radio NetworkLearn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
2/20/2016 • 16 minutes, 21 seconds
Valentine’s Day? – Bah, Humbug! 02/13/16
In the Lapin household, every day is Valentine’s Day and that is how it ought to be. Setting aside only one day out of 365 to recognize and appreciate the most important person in your life ends up harming the relationship. And why do stores sell cushions and balloons shaped like hearts? Why not make the bodily organ symbolizing love the kidneys, the brain, the elbow or even the genitals? How did everyone decide on the heart?Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
2/13/2016 • 1 hour, 41 minutes, 31 seconds
There Are No Poor People in America! 02/06/16
What! How dare you? No poor people in America? Are you stark, staring bonkers? Not only do you lack all compassion, but you are you a strange excuse for a rabbi. Doesn’t your faith command you to care for the poor? How dare you deny their existence! You’re such an ignoramus, you don’t you even know that over 30 million Americans live below the poverty line. I suppose you think it’s their fault. That’s called blaming the victim you heartless human being. You probably don’t even know that inequality is America’s biggest problem after climate change. Are you trying to say that poverty is not a problem for American blacks? That’s it! I’m turning off and never listening to you again. (I thought I’d save you the trouble of writing all the above to me-there! It’s all written already. Just copy and paste)Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
2/6/2016 • 1 hour, 35 minutes, 19 seconds
Human Reproduction!-Biology or Bible? Sexual Sensation or Spiritual Rapture? 1/30/16
When do you start actively raising a child? 1 year-old? Birth? Conception? You’re getting close! Sex is not for making babies, it’s for making connection. A baby is an occasional happy outcome of its parents’ Godly-ordained passion for one another. Marriage’s purpose is not reproduction, it’s really the other way around. Should mom’s priority be baby or hubby? How about hubby’s priority? You’ll never guess. Why does reproduction require such a lengthy and somewhat messy process?Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
1/30/2016 • 1 hour, 36 minutes, 16 seconds
Does God Want You To Be Rich? You’d Never Guess - 1/23/16
About 400 attendees in Chicago this past week, each invested $69 to attend a speech about whether making money is a moral and dignified activity for good and decent people to pursue. A key theme in my presentation is the explanation of why growing numbers of Americans believe the answer is a resounding “No!” Even more significant is the antidote. It was a high-energy, fun and uplifting evening and I felt this to be an important enough topic to share with you even though the audio quality is not quite as high as we here at The Blaze like it to be. I hope you agree.Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
1/22/2016 • 2 hours, 14 minutes, 26 seconds
Boost Your Income by Understanding How The World REALLY Works 01/16/16
The spiritual significance of professional wrestling and Steven Spielberg’s 1982 movie, E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial. What conspicuous zippers on women’s clothing is really saying—to men! Women are interchangeable with men on nuclear submarines and in desert combat. So, why not on the golf course and tennis court? Could it be because America take sports more seriously than the military? What true thing did Hitler, Churchill and Mark Twain say about Jews?Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
1/16/2016 • 1 hour, 42 minutes, 15 seconds
Drugs, Nudism, Debt & p*rn—The Ghastly Peril of Short Termism 01/09/16
It’s not a coincidence that the freeway overpass collapsed, a broken gas main ignited and a ruptured water main became a geyser. It was the earthquake you slept through. Similarly, we all slept through a gigantic cultural earthquake back 1955—1965. What this colossal cultural upheaval was and how it indoctrinated America to short term thinking. Today’s pleasure is much more compelling than tomorrow’s inevitable pain. Once we recognize the enemy that brought a once-great nation to its knees, we can defeat it and rise again.Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
1/9/2016 • 1 hour, 35 minutes, 55 seconds
Warning! Postpone Treating The Disease At Your Own Risk (Part I) 1/02/16
America is suffering from a serious disease. It’s true; in every generation people grumble about how the whole country has ‘Gone to hell in a hand-basket’ and about ‘How much better everything was twenty years ago.’ And they were often right. But now is different. Now by every important measurable indicator that I describe things are worse than ever before. But this is good news; for 2 reasons: (i) When you know the problem, you’re half way to its solution. (ii) It’s not five different causes inflicting all the pain; It’s one single underlying cause and all the different problems are just different symptoms of the same disease.Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
12/31/2015 • 1 hour, 36 minutes, 38 seconds
Restoring the Republic-We Can Bring Back America’s Power, Prosperity, and Prestige 12/26/15
Can America come back from the precipice? Has any nation as far in decline as ours ever come back? Ancient Israel and its similarities to modern America. Marriage makes the woman; a child makes the man. Fixing foreign policy. Improving the economy. Eliminate paralyzing rules of engagement, increase funding and make the military strong again. Terminate Dept. of Education, teachers’ unions and all entitlement programs. Close the borders to all immigrants for at least 10 years. Replace bad slogans like “Income Inequality” with good ones like “No man is entitled to any other man’s money.” None of the above is as revolutionary as was Obamacare. It’s all doable.Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
12/24/2015 • 1 hour, 34 minutes, 54 seconds
THE SCORE: Barbarians/Socialists/Jihadis 5 Civilization/American Future/Christianity 1 12/19/15
Why the president and his lackeys say ISIL while everyone else says ISIS. How this administration sends secret messages to the Arab street. How and why our international airports, once symbols of America’s economic prestige and technical prowess, have become 3rd world bus stations. What twisted morality decrees that doctors must treat the terrorist before they treat his victims? Remember equal pay for equal work? Well now it is equal pay for unequal work. I love women but I can’t afford to hire someone whose priority is her kids and pay her the same as I pay the guy whose priority is his job. What’s happening on American college campuses is coming soon to your neighborhood.Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
12/19/2015 • 1 hour, 37 minutes, 27 seconds
Your Life Comes First! Why It Must & How To Make It.
Heaven knows there’s much to worry about. China. Isis. Russia. The Supreme Court. The National Debt-$20 Trillion and growing. Being governed, regulated, and tormented by unelected bureaucratic agencies. One third of all Americans not working-How they eating? By the sweat of your brow. The Veterans Administration. The TSA. The IRS. Growing governmental arrogance. The elections. Women on submarines and in combat. Trump might win. Trump might not win. Like I said, much to worry about. So discover how to focus on and improve your life first. All else can easily distract.Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
12/12/2015 • 1 hour, 33 minutes, 25 seconds
This is the 3M's Show: Men, Money & Marriage 12/05/15
Why both new marriages and new businesses fail at approximately the same rate. What does water skiing have to do with marriage? Your radio rabbi’s radio-building youth—remember Crystol Sets? Why the rabbi and his wife, Susan, are so utterly different from one another. Why do you think our uniqueness as individual humans is imprinted upon our fingertips? Could it have anything to do with fingers being a symbol of human creativity? The most persuasive reason for why same-sex marriage is not as beneficial as normal marriage.Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
12/5/2015 • 1 hour, 34 minutes, 14 seconds
Honey, I’m Sorry I’ve Got a Headache & Other Marriage Secrets 11/28/15
Why in these days of easy hook-ups does prostitution still flourish? Learn to draw reliable, evidence-based conclusions rather than having your emotional advocacy overwhelm your analysis. Why did actor Hugh Grant lose model Elizabeth Hurley in favor of a $50 prostitute in 1995. Why did N.Y. Governor Elliot Spitzer lose his marriage and career in 2008 by becoming client #9 for Madam Ashley in room 851 of Washington DC’s Mayflower Hotel? Why so many surviving firemen of the NYFD divorced their wives after 9-11. What is your priority; kids or husband? Platonic friendships? Yeah, right! What we all need to know about getting married, staying married, and really being one flesh.Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
11/28/2015 • 1 hour, 44 minutes, 31 seconds
Why We Fail To Defeat Fierce Fanatics and Frenzied Fiends
Why can’t America defeat the 12th Century culture of our Muslims tormentors? On the night before the Normandy Invasion in June 1944, General George Patton spoke to his troops. “Americans play to win all the time. That’s why Americans have never lost and will never lose a war.” Up until that date he was right. At his Inaugural Address in January 1961, President Kennedy promised, “we shall pay any price, bear any burden…to assure the survival and the success of liberty.” Really? Like when we fled Vietnam? Like when we left Iraq a bigger mess than it was when we first went there? Bottom line: America never suffered a military defeat in more than 25 wars since our founding—UNTIL about 1960. Since then we’ve barely won even one. Could the cultural corrosion of that period also have castrated our capacity to win wars? Are we doomed to defeat by Muslims?Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
11/21/2015 • 1 hour, 37 minutes, 24 seconds
The Only 3 Things You Need To Know To Live Successfully 11/14/15
It sounds like a grandiose promise but it’s quite true. If you know just these 3 things you’ll know how to build a successful career and create real wealth, you’ll know how to choose friends, associates and employees. You’ll even know what to major in at college. You’ll know how to choose a spouse and keep a spouse. You’ll also know how to attain happiness and raise happy children. You’ll know how to run organizations like families, churches, or corporations and you’ll know how to be kind and do good-correctly, with your head and not your heart. These are the 3 things worth spending time on mastering.Follow Rabbi Daniel Lapin on Twitter @DanielLapinMore information on The American Alliance of Jews & Christians is available here: www.rabbidaniellapin.com/Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
11/14/2015 • 1 hour, 37 minutes, 26 seconds
It’s Easy To Start a Business & Pay Your Taxes Because All You Need Is Love! 11/07/15
The very best business idea you’ve never heard. How you could launch it today. Getting a new car for free. Why barter clubs always fail. The fatal moral blemish that brings on inflation and erodes your savings. Four “Truths”That Just Ain’t So: (i) Richard Milhous Nixon was a bad president. (ii) The French revolution was an effective response to inequality. (iii) All you need is love. (iv) People of different political outlooks can be friends or even lovers. Follow Rabbi Daniel Lapin on Twitter @DanielLapinMore information on The American Alliance of Jews & Christians is available here: www.rabbidaniellapin.com/Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
11/7/2015 • 1 hour, 34 minutes, 7 seconds
The Perils of Pessimism: How To Banish It & Better Your Life 10/31/15
Optimism is the fuel that propels you to achievement in family, friendships, and yes, in finance. Yet many suffer the pain of pessimism and have no idea of how to defeat it. People are imprisoned by pessimism and prevented from finding their destiny. Learn to develop your optimism and acquire one of the most powerful tools of success. Pessimism inflicts even more damage upon societies and nations. No kids? No water? No electricity? Yes, that is all caused by national pessimism. So stop being part of the problem and be part of the solution. And become happy and successful while you’re at it!Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
10/31/2015 • 1 hour, 27 minutes, 47 seconds
Why The World Hates Israel; Really! 10/24/15
The cultural heirs of Bach and Beethoven are banging bongo drums in Boston recreating the sounds of the jungle in the shadow of the ivory towers of civilization. Banging bongos takes little talent other than a basic grasp of the primal rhythm of sex. Playing the piano, whether Beethoven or Boogie Woogie takes talent and discipline. Israel is a symbol of civilization-the cultural elites of North America and Europe prefer barbarism. But not in their own lives. Flirting with barbarism gives their safe and predictable existences a touch of glamour, a hint of danger, and a rewarding sense of the avant-garde. The sexual appeal of barbarism. Batty ideas from the Washington Post and Georgetown Law School. 4 Strategies of Success. Not 3 and not 5.Follow Rabbi Daniel Lapin on Twitter @DanielLapinMore information on The American Alliance of Jews & Christians here: www.rabbidaniellapin.comLearn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
10/24/2015 • 1 hour, 45 minutes, 24 seconds
A Bounty of Intellectual Ammunition Shining a Laser Beam of Clarity at Today’s Headlines 10/17/15
Many more people die in natural disasters like floods and earthquakes in Haiti, Asia, and Africa than in western countries. Does this mean God sends more calamities to non-Christian countries? Yes, Volkswagen should pay a fine, but to government regulatory agencies or to the car owners who may have been affected? Which VW car to buy now. Climate change has become a religion. Heretics, blasphemers and those who challenge the ‘church’ of climatology must be punished. The administration lied: today Russia owns the Middle East. Just why is Europe committing suicide-the ghosts of WWII.Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
10/17/2015 • 1 hour, 36 minutes, 39 seconds
The Unspoken R Word That Could Stop Terrorism Tomorrow 10/10/15
In first half of show I explain from Jerusalem what Israel will do about Iran’s nuke progress and how it could do it. Also what Israel could do about its mounting civilian casualties at the hands of Muslim terrorists but won’t do. Susan and I visit the home where elderly parents were mourning the recent murder of their son and daughter-in-law. In the next room sat their four orphaned grandsons ages 9, 7, 4, and 4 months. In the second half I mourn how people today are judged on credentials and contacts not on character and culture. We show that the emperor is naked in the wonderful world of modern art where degenerate drivel and maudlin outpourings of diseased egos masquerades as art. How the abolition of standards and the assassination of objectivity imperils your livelihood, jeopardizes your family and threatens our nation.Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
10/10/2015 • 1 hour, 41 minutes, 4 seconds
Why Secular Liberal Elites Love Violent Menacing Islam And Loathe Gentle Kind Christianity 10/3/15
Ever wondered why liberal elites like academics, politicians, and actors respect and revere Islam even though they would be executed under Sharia? Ever wondered why male humans have nipples but male mice and male horses do not? Ever wondered why men must perform actively (in every way) but women less so? Ever wondered why for every four men trying to become women, only one woman wants to become a male? Ever wonder how and why Stockholm syndrome works? And why so many Stockholm women are blond? I thought not; but your rabbi ties all this together and answers all questions as he reveals how the world REALLY works.Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
10/3/2015 • 2 hours, 1 minute, 50 seconds
Ruth Thought She Was An Entrepreneur And Became One Richard Thought He Was a Girl So He Became One
A glimpse into Lapin family life and how a little girl who could only do arithmetic if there was a dollar $ign in front of the numbers became a successful Israeli entrepreneur. Boys and girls are so different that we need separate sports teams and leagues for male and female players of tennis, soccer, wrestling and pretty much all else. Yet boys and girls are so similar that they can go to war together as comrades in combat units of the United States military. Well, are they the same or not? So why the insanity around gender issues? Why are those who break gender boundaries the heroes? Why must little girls tolerate big boys in their restrooms but so-called transgenders should have to tolerate nothing. Your rabbi reveals how the world REALLY works.Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
9/26/2015 • 2 hours, 1 minute, 16 seconds
Are Moslems Hurling Excrement at Hungarian Citizens Really The Bible’s “stranger among you?” 9/19/15
Invasion by immigration! Mexicans go to America not Venezuela. Libyans go to Italy not Somalia. Syrians go to Germany not Qatar. You know why? Generous welfare benefits is why. So the solution is…? But wait! Surely Bible instructs to treat the ‘stranger among you’ as one of you? (Leviticus 19; Deuteronomy 10) Rabbi Daniel Lapin explains the Hebrew meaning of those words. Like Country singer Kip Moore, your rabbi tells you, “Somethin' 'Bout A Truck” and finally the only solution to America’s incarceration crisis-making prisons redundant.Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
9/19/2015 • 2 hours, 1 minute, 53 seconds
What We Can Learn From The West & The Rest: Why Some Countries Flourish & Others Fail 9/12/15
Who’s drowning in the Mediterranean? Europeans desperate to reach the Middle East & Africa or MENA residents trying to reach Europe? Why is western civilization everyone’s goal? Yes I know Western countries are richer and freer, but why? How come 97% of discoveries in science, technology & medicine of past 1,000 years occurred in Western Civilization? Yes, Fred, I know gunpowder was invented in China—I explain that. Only countries with monogamous marriage developed civilization. No exceptions. When sex is surrounded by rules, rituals, & restraint, intelligence increases in that culture. The reverse is also frighteningly true. Why some countries flourish while others fail. A clue: some countries encourage property ownership—others don’t. What you should tell your children and what you should omit. The impending extinction of the European Union.Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
9/12/2015 • 2 hours, 1 minute, 43 seconds
Dial M For Murderers, Muggers, Migrants, Mercenaries, and Magnates—And Yes, Also Morality! 9/5/15
Do any of the 435 national legislators on Capitol Hill know of any moral framework defending national integrity? Does any State Dept. bureaucrat know of any moral framework validating border control? It sure doesn’t look like it, does it? And if you don’t believe in the morality of it, how can you accomplish it? No decent person can succeed at any enterprise that deep in his heart he considers morally reprehensible. Deep down they and their European counterparts believe that any South American has the right to live in Texas or Arizona and they believe that any MENA (Middle East North Africa) resident has the right to reside in France, Italy, Germany or anywhere else in Europe. Yet, there is one moral response to uninvited immigrants; one blindingly clear and compelling approach to the problem that is entirely moral and which your rabbi imparts in this episode detailing what happened when they poured into his house.Follow Rabbi Daniel Lapin on Twitter @DanielLapinMore information on The American Alliance of Jews & Christians is available here: www.rabbidaniellapin.com/Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
9/5/2015 • 2 hours, 3 minutes, 56 seconds
How Certain Sick Ideas Become Widely Accepted in Popular Culture 8/29/15
“Income inequality” really America’s most serious challenge? C’mon, who believes this bilge-water? Stupid Seattle merchant believed it. The one thing that U.S. business schools NOT teaching? How to start a business! A tale of 2 cars: Lexus vs. Infiniti. Australia taking on Communist China? Underwater? With WWII military technology! Do you know why there were never coal-powered airplanes? Do you care? You should. Hey guys, start crying and reduce your testosterone. If you really want to. Liberalism’s war on the west and hysterical hatred of nuclear power. The dignity and morality of business.Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
8/29/2015 • 2 hours, 14 minutes, 21 seconds
Men and Their Moms; Losers and Their Lovers; Humble Hombres Who Have Their Feet on the Ground
How a young female nurse in a large city hospital handles immigrants (and some citizens) who think they’re entitled to five star hotel treatment for free and why they get it. She also proves that Obamacare is on critical life-support. Rabbi Daniel Lapin’s 3 vital questions every woman must ask any man wanting to date her and one sure giveaway that he’s a loser. Hint: It has to do with his mom. Does he love her? Too much? If civilization was left up to women, we’d still be living in grass huts. Seriously! Who said that? But it’s true. It’s also true that there are more female fetuses aborted than male. By their feminists moms! Why so many LUGS (lesbians until graduation) but not so many HUGS. Best sign of impending national extinction—Participation Prizes: Learn from Steelers linebacker James Harrison.Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
8/22/2015 • 1 hour, 51 minutes, 59 seconds
Your Rabbi Resolves Perplexing Puzzles and Paradoxes 8/15/15
Ever wondered why liberal talk radio always flops? Only government-seized and redistributed money sustains liberal views on radio. Now television is another story. But why not on radio? The explanation flows from differences between men's and women's bodies. Why there will be no limits on money in politics when Rabbi Daniel Lapin is in charge! Why it's perfectly okay to auction organs taken involuntarily from tiny humans but illegal for a free and thoughtful adult to willingly sell his kidney to the highest bidder. Could doctors vote cancer out of the list of dangerous diseases? Why not?Psychiatrists do it all the time, just ask the APA. Be wary of unanimity. Be very wary when any group of people agrees 100% on anything.Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
8/15/2015 • 2 hours, 3 minutes, 17 seconds
Breathtaking Beauty of Nature vs The Culture and Creativity of Cities Which is best? 8/8/15
Stimulated by boating in British Columbia, Rabbi Daniel Lapin inquires, did God bring California's drought? Why have they built no new dams in 35 years? It's not the big G but the big E! Why exactly did the 1960s end big construction in America? Bridges, dams, highways? -Nothing. Now Africa and Asia pour concrete while we preen ourselves with moral virtue. How to understand that? Remote islands are beautiful while our cities boast crime, drugs, and human misery. But they also offer culture, connection, and creativity--what's the secret and which to choose? The answer may surprise you. Was Cecil the Lion hysteria meant to camouflage the dismemberment of tiny human beings by PP? Your rabbi again reveals how the world REALLY works.Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
8/8/2015 • 2 hours, 4 minutes, 26 seconds
Do You Believe In Magic? Do You Know Why Things Fell Apart in the 60s? 8/1/15
We’re all constantly doing sales presentations whether we’re talking to our spouses, children, or work associates. Let your rabbi teach you one of the biggest secrets of successful sales presentations and increase your persuasiveness in every situation. Talking of persuasive, how effectively did the counterculture of the 1960's change America. We use ancient Jewish wisdom to explore why it happened just then and to peer ahead into what is likely to happen in the next few years.Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
8/1/2015 • 1 hour, 59 minutes, 10 seconds
Sex & Money, Islam & Revolution: How Really Bad Ideas Cause Really Horrible Results 7/25/15
Whatever two adults do sexually is not government's business but when two adults engage in a free, consensual, economic or business transaction, government regulates it, controls it, taxes it, maligns or prohibits it. The Left gives a free pass to adulterers who ruin lives while they focus their fury on business professionals who improve lives. Why is our appetite for sex so understandable while our appetite for money so demonized? Everyone claims to know the motives of those who hurt blacks or hom*osexuals. How come nobody seems to know the motives of those who kill in the name of Allah? Let's understand the four revolutions that shaped modern times.Follow Rabbi Daniel Lapin on Twitter @DanielLapin More information on The American Alliance of Jews & Christians is available here: http://www.rabbidaniellapin.com/Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
7/24/2015 • 2 hours, 4 minutes, 23 seconds
Distinguishing the Spiritual From the Physical - 7/18/15
In Episode 2 of his podcast, Rabbi Daniel Lapin laughs at some jokes, chats about his pet chimpanzee and recounts the passing of his parents. All this in order to disclose how much of our lives depend on distinguishing the spiritual from the physical. Whether in romantic relationships, professional partnerships, or social affiliations we need to learn how to nail down the spiritual before the physical. That is why babies are conceived (of) before they are actually born. But wait, there's more like the time he tried to become a swimsuit model. Enjoy!Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
7/18/2015 • 2 hours, 4 minutes, 45 seconds
Microbes and Martians: How Socialism Spreads Its Sordid Stain - 7/11/15
In his 2 hour debut, Rabbi Daniel Lapin explains how politics is nothing more than the practical application of people’s deepest beliefs. How Sex Ed and the Death Tax share a common parent and why placebos work. What Alcoholics Anonymous has to do with Freddy Mercury and the band Queen and much more.Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
7/11/2015 • 2 hours, 5 minutes, 15 seconds