Best Nail Fungus Infection Treatment in Dubai - Dr. Fazeela (2025)

Fungal nail infection is the most common disease of the nails that can affect any of us. Infections can go from mild to severe and affect one or more nails on hands and feet. This infection is commonly found in people aged over 60 and those who share communal showers, such as athletes or swimmers. It is important to understand this problem and know about the treatments that can help. We talk about nail fungus infection, its causes and the best ways to treat it. We focus on the advanced treatments you can easily get in Dubai.

What is a Nail Fungus Infection?

A fungal nail infection, medically termed onychomycosis, is a common problem where fungi infect one or more of your nails. It affects your nail shape, colour, thickness and overall appearance. Your nails start to crack and break. This infection impacts both fingernails and toenails, although toenail infections are more common due to the damp, moist and warm environment inside shoes which help fungi grow rapidly. Dr. Fazeela Abbasi will inspect your nails and collect nail clippings from beneath your nail to determine the cause of your symptoms.

Nail Fungal Infection Causes

There are different causes of nail fungal infections and often interconnected. Fungi grow in warm, moist environments, making your feet particularly at risk. If you walk barefoot in areas like gyms, swimming pools, locker rooms or other such places, you will easily get invaded by fungi. Nail damage can also become an ideal entry point for fungi. People who suffer from diabetes are at high risk, as their immune system is not strong enough to fight these infections. It is essential to discuss these root causes with Dr. Fazeela before going for nail fungus infection treatment to prevent recurrence and get proper healing.

Nail Fungal Infection Symptoms

The symptoms of a nail fungal infection are usually easy to identify because they may turn yellow, brown, or white or become thick, brittle, or frail. They may have an unpleasant smell due to infection. Sometimes the nail can even separate from the nail bed, a condition called onycholysis. If you notice such symptoms, you may consult Dr. Fazeela at the earliest to avoid severe problems and get effective treatment of nail fungal infection. It can prevent the infection from spreading further and causing more complications.

Who’s at Risk for Fungal Nail Infections?

Some people may get fungal nail infections more than others due to their lifestyle. Athlete’s feet are infected easily because of excessive sweat. Other noticeable reasons for nail fungus infection are common in people who have:

  • Diabetes
  • A disease that causes poor circulation.
  • Age 65 or above.
  • Wear artificial nails.
  • Use a public swimming pool.
  • A nail or skin injury around the nail.
  • Moist fingers or toes most of the time.
  • A weakened immune system.
  • Wear closed-toe shoes or boots.

Side Effects of Nail Fungus Infection

Nail fungus infections can cause several serious side effects if not treated. Other than looking bad and creating discomfort, severe infections can damage your nails forever and spread to other parts of your body. People with weak immune systems can suffer from cellulitis which is a serious skin infection. Therefore, it is important to get the best treatment for nail fungus as soon as possible to avoid any health issues.

Nail Fungus Infection Prevention

“Prevention is better than cure”. You can take many simple steps to prevent nail fungus infection such as:

  • Keep your hands and feet clean and tidy.
  • Trim your nails regularly and never share nail clippers, shoes, skates, towels, and other personal items.
  • Disinfect nail clippers after each use.
  • Avoid walking barefoot in public places.
  • Wear breathable shoes and socks to keep your feet dry.
  • Use antifungal sprays or powders in your shoes.
  • If you have taken fungal nail infection treatment, throw away shoes, boots, skates, and other footwear that you wore before you started treatment.

You can reduce the chances of getting a nail fungus infection by following these habits.

Types of Nail Infections

Nail infections have different types, such as fungal, bacterial, and yeast infections. Bacterial infections, normally caused by Staphylococcus bacteria, can be the reason for redness, swelling, and pus. Yeast infections, usually caused by Candida, can have the same symptoms that affect people who have wet or moist hands and feet. Each type has its own symptoms. Fortunately, you can get the best treatment for nail fungus of these types easily in Dubai.

Fungal Nail Infection Treatment

There are different ways easily available to treat fungal nail infections. For minor infections, antifungal creams are usually enough. But for severe cases, pills are given to treat the infection throughout the body. Another popular and more demanded option is laser treatment, which is available in Dubai. Laser treatment is a non-surgical treatment, targeting the fungus directly and helping the nails grow back healthy. Fungal nail infection treatment in Dubai is considered more effective than creams, ointments and pills.

Why Choose Dr. Fazeela Abbasi for Fungal Nail Infection Treatment in Dubai?

Dr. Fazeela Abbasi is an eminent dermatologist equally trusted for her successful treatments in Pakistan and Dubai. She offers specialized and effective treatments for fungal nail infections, guaranteeing personalized care and the best results. Dr. Fazeela uses the latest technologies and treatment methods, including laser treatment for nail fungus, to provide her patient’s relief from nail infections and help them regain healthy and beautiful nails.

Want to Get a Consultation?

If you are facing a nail fungus infection, seek professional help today. The solution to your problems begins with a single step—take that step today. Contact Dr. Fazeela Abbasi to schedule a consultation and find the most effective treatment options available for you.


Though nail fungus infection is not painful in the early stages, it can cause discomfort and pain if the infection is left untreated.

Yes, nail fungus, especially toenail infections is contagious. You can easily get infected if you don’t follow hygienic rules in gyms, floors in communal showers, swimming pools or other public places.

Although a nail fungus infection itself is not life-threatening, it can cause serious complications in people with weakened immune systems or severe health conditions. Therefore, it is always advised to get timely treatment.

A nail fungus infection can spread to other parts of the body, including the skin, if not treated in time. It leads to conditions such as athlete’s foot or fungal infections in other areas. This is why it is important to get effective treatment.

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Best Nail Fungus Infection Treatment in Dubai - Dr. Fazeela (2025)
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