1. 3rd reich mothers, in the name of the master race (Malgré elles )
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France 1943. Two pretty and different girls, Alice and Lisette, 17, are torn from their families by the Nazis and, along with many other Alsacians, sent to labor in Germany.
2. 3rd Reich Mothers, in the Name of the Master Race (2012)
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Two beautiful and different girls, Alice and Lisette are 17 years old, when forcibly removed from their Alsatian family to cooperate in the war effort in Germany. After spending six months in a indoctrination camp, they are both sent to a munitions factory where they are tasked to perform inhuman works. An explosion erupts, they are suspected of sabotage and threatened with being sent to a boot camp. Alice and Lisette believe they saved when transferred to a maternity where they continue living the hell of war.
3. Joseph Goebbels - Wikiquote
A child laughs when it feels joy and cries when it feels pain. Both things, laughing and crying it does with its whole heart. We all became so tall and so ...
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4. Wochenspruch der NSDAP: 1937-1941 - Calvin University
The texts of weekly Nazi posters with inspiring quotations (1937-1941).
See AlsoRule 34 Mandy Rice-Davies
5. German League of Girls (Bund Deutscher Mädel)
"There is no greater honour for a German woman than to bear children for the Führer and for the Fatherland! The Führer has ruled that no family will be complete ...
A detailed history of the German League of Girls (Bund Deutscher Mädel) that includes images, quotations and the main events of the organization. BdM. GCSE Modern World History - Nazi Germany. A-level - Life in Nazi Germany, 1933–1945
6. Hitler's 'master race' children haunted by their past
3 nov 2008 · 'We were created to be a super race and we ended up merely asking, “Who am I? How did I get here?”' she said. Helga Kahrau says, 'Being a ...
Hitlers Lebensborn program to produce a master race of Aryan babies was a complete failure, resulting in much shame and persecution for the unfortunate offspring produced.
7. Female Hitler Youth | The National Holocaust Centre and Museum
22 feb 2016 · The BDM focused on developing girls into women who were dedicated to Nazism, dutiful housewives, and whose role within in society was to become a mother.
The League of German Girls (Bund Deutscher Mädel [BDM]) was the female section of the Hitler Youth, its role was to indoctrinate girls into the beliefs and ideals of the Nazi regime. The BDM focused on developing girls into women who were dedicated to Nazism, dutiful housewives, and whose role within in society was to become a mother. Girls were to grow-up with an unquestioning understanding of the intended role of women in the Third Reich. BDM members were required to have German parents, be in good health, and conform to Nazi racial ideals. Origins The BDM began in 1930, prior to Adolf Hitler’s rise to power as Chancellor, in 1933. Its roots follow the unsuccessful establishment of other girl’s groups in the early years of the National Socialist movement. The first of these localised groups were created by Gustav Adolf Lenk in the early 1920s, but maintained poor membership levels. The early groups focused on celebration of folklore, language, and history, teaching an anti-Semitic interpretation of these areas. With the establishment of the Hitler Youth by Kurt Gruber in 1926, a department was set up for women, led by Helene Kunold and Anna Bauer. Recruitment drives ran in an attempt to get more women into the regional groups. However, the groups were not especially successful and again had limited membership "Hille had to join the Hitler Youth and wear the brown uniform with the Swastika on the armband. We both felt uncomfortable and embar...
8. Hitler and hot jazz | A Blast From The Past - by Mike Dash
17 mei 2012 · ... Third Reich. Karl “Charlie” Schwedler, an employee of the German ... Maybe so, but master race? I think not. Reply. muckster. 19 May 2012 ...
Amid the collection of thugs, sycophants, stone-eyed killers and over-promoted incompetents who comprised the wartime leadership of Nazi Germany, Joseph Goebbels stood out. For one thing, he was ge…